Addison girls name: Addison — Girl’s name meaning, origin, and popularity

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Baby Name Meaning, Origin and Popularity




Meaning:son of Adam

Addison is a gender-neutral baby name of British origin. A variation of the name Addyson and Adamson, the name Addison ironically means “son of Adam.” If you or baby have British roots, you may appreciate that Addison is associated with the Old Scottish and Northern Middle English pet name Addie. Besides this endearing nickname, Addison is also the name of a fun, urban town in the heart of Dallas, Texas. With a name as fruitful as Addison, baby can always be reminded of their family tree.

On This Page

  • Famous People Named Addison
  • Parents Who Like the Name Addison Also Like
  • Popularity Trend Chart
  • Related Baby Names Lists
  • Similar Names
  • Sibling Name Ideas

Famous People Named Addison

Wondering who else shares this name? Check out these well known people who made this baby name famous.

  • Addison Grace Lillard

    Son of Matthew Lillard

  • Addison Holley

    TV Actress

  • Addison Moffett


Similar Names

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  • Alyson
  • Allison
  • Alisson
  • Alison
  • Edison
  • Madisyn
  • Anderson
  • Harrison
  • Jamison
  • Anson
  • Dawson
  • Ellison
  • Adelynn
  • Langston
  • Madilyn

Parents Who Like the Name Addison Also Like:

  • Harper
  • Avery
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  • Olivia
  • Ava
  • Quinn
  • Madison
  • Hudson
  • Emerson
  • Everly
  • Asher
  • Riley
  • Grayson
  • Adalyn
  • Noah
  • Emma
  • Audrey
  • Aria
  • Hazel
  • Oliver
  • Aiden
  • Sawyer
  • Scarlett
  • Abigail
  • Liam
  • Ella
  • Sophia

Related Baby Names Lists

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Sibling Name Ideas

Are you looking for a sibling name for Addison? Here are some great options:

  • Alsdon
  • Abot
  • Ireleen
  • Aprelle
  • Van
  • Ayken
  • Aspen
  • Yudale
  • Mertie
  • Thad
  • Tate
  • Ayllmer
  • Mae
  • Loran
  • Greyson
  • Jax
  • Sharman
  • Avery
  • Brooke
  • Landon
  • Clinton
  • Emery

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Baby Name Uniqueness Analyzer

About the Baby Name Uniqueness Analyzer

The Baby Name Uniqueness Analyzer can determine how likely a person with a given name is to encounter another individual with the same name.

With the latest trend of selecting unique and unusual names, popular names are not as popular as they once were. The probability that parents in 2021 name their child Liam or Olivia, the top boys’ and girls’ names, is only 1.04%. Twenty-five years ago the top boys’ and girls’ names were Michael or Emily. Back then, a baby had a 1.75% probability of being given either name. In other words, a child born twenty-five years ago is over twice as likely to be given the current year’s top name than a child born today. While this trend away from the most popular names may be associated with the current generation of parents, it’s been occurring for far longer. Only 4.2% of children born last year were given a name in the top ten. In comparison, twenty-five years ago 7.5% of children would be given a name in the top ten, and 50 years ago that number was 12%. A person born into our parents’ generation is nearly three times as likely to be given a top ten name than a person born into our kids’ generation. As someone who had two other ‘Sara’s (spelled differently) in her kindergarten class, I am fascinated that the probability of a kindergarten class of 35 in 2022 having any two children with the same name is only 42.5%. The probability of a kindergarten class having three children with the same name? Just 1.4%. That doesn’t mean it never happens. With so many kindergarteners in the US, we estimate approximately 2,355 kindergarten classes across the country will have three kids with the same name.

How unique is a given name? You might be surprised

Where does your data come from?
The Social Security Administration (SSA) for baby name popularity and population size. The SSA publishes background information on how the data is collected and distributed for the interested. Average elementary school size comes from the National Center for Educational Statistics. Similar names are computed using a combination of string and phonetic edit distances.

Were there really ten boys named Sarah in 2015?
Looks like! Our data comes direct from the US Census Data, and that’s what the Social Security Administration (SSA) reports. With a 3,961,981 babies born in 2015, there’s bound to be at least a few reporting errors. There’s also going to be a few really far out their names. There may have been 10 boys named Sarah, but there were also 16 girls named ‘Abcde’.

Hey, my daughter’s/brother’s/neighbor’s name isn’t on the list! What gives?
Congratulations on a super rare name! Your daughter/brother/neighbor is one of a kind! Or, more precisely, one of no more than 4. The Social Security Administration (SSA) does not include baby names when fewer than five babies were given the name.

Love Baby Names? Try our other Baby Name Apps. The Baby Name Explorer lets you explore names based on gender ratio, substring, popularity, or the number of syllables. If you like more unusual names, you may enjoy the Unique Name Generator, Name Blender which merges two names into one or Alternate Spelling Suggester. Finally, the Nickname Finder can help you find that perfect nick name.

Adyson Name Meaning — Adyson Name Meaning in russian

Adyson is a Christian Girl name and it is English originated name with multiple meanings. Adyson name meaning in Russian is Form Addison. Adyson name meaning in Russian, popularity and rank stands at and lucky number for Adyson is 6.

Adyson Russian Meaning

Name Adyson
Gender Girl

A form of addison
Origin English
Lucky# 6


name Adyson
floor girl
meaning Addison Form
origin English
lucky number 6

Adyson Name Meaning









Christian Girl Names Starting with A

Other Languages ​​













Adyson Name meaning in Italian — Meaning of name Form Addison. This is the girl’s name. The roots and origin of the name are connected with the Arabic language. The meaning of the name is good and a parent can give the name Adyson to their newborn girl. Even you can suggest this name for those who are going to become parents in the near future. HamariWeb provides names and their meanings for parents who find a unique name and its meaning for their newborn. christian boys and girls dictionary names and their meanings in italian with lucky number including what is meaning adyson. nine0003

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Addison’s disease 🎀 | Prices | Doctors

Rating: 5/5


I always wanted my breasts to be a little bigger than nature gives. But implants are not for me. When I learned about lipofilling, I immediately realized that this is what I need. In the Elen clinic, with one procedure, we immediately “killed 2 birds with one stone” — both the hips became smaller and the breasts were larger. I am very pleased!

Rating: 5/5


At Elen’s clinic, I was won over by competent doctors, polite staff and stylish interior. Believe me, comfort for a woman who signed up for a vaginal laser rejuvenation procedure, as well as for any other procedure related to the intimate sphere, is very important. And if, in addition to maximum convenience, you also get an excellent result for reasonable money, then what more could you want? Thank you and low bow from me!

Rating: 5/5


Today I was examined by a gynecologist Medea Vladimirovna. Contacted email. en. after a bad experience in the city hospital at the place of residence. Here, immediately after the consultation, they took tests from me, they promised that everything would be ready in a couple of days. So far I like everything, I’m waiting for the results of the tests and the next consultation. I hope that everything will not be worse in the future.

Rating: 5/5


All tried methods of fighting cellulite with their inefficiency discouraged me from dealing with this problem. But after listening to the rave reviews of a friend, I decided to seriously take up the elimination of the «orange peel». In El. En. I was offered a whole course of procedures on a special apparatus. I can’t say that the bumps and bumps on the skin have completely disappeared, but they have become almost invisible. I am happy with this result. I will try to take better care of my body. If the crust does not disappear completely, then I will definitely come back for a second course. nine0003

Rating: 5/5


I express my gratitude to the doctors of the clinic «El. En.» and in particular Kalashnikov Alexander! Very happy with the treatment! The varicocele was removed microsurgically without complications. Thank you very much for the diagnosis, recommendations and human approach!

Rating: 5/5


Several times I did teeth cleaning in the ElEn clinic, I was always satisfied with the result. This time I decided to try whitening using a special gel and a green laser. The procedure, although expensive, is quite effective, the enamel has become much lighter. The dentist said that this result will last for several years. Basically, I don’t regret my decision. nine0003

Rating: 5/5


I had sclerotherapy 8 years ago, I was sure that there would be no more problems with the veins. But recently the mesh on the leg has reappeared. I had to repeat the operation again. I hope that your treatment will be more effective.

Rating: 5/5


At the ElEn clinic, she had her legs epilated. The whole course consisted of 5 procedures, which were done with a break of a month. Laser hair removal was carried out by cosmetologist Irina Viktorovna, thanks to whom now I have perfectly smooth skin, there is not a single hair on it !!! Many thanks and prosperity to your clinic! nine0003

Rating: 5/5


I also removed ugly nasolabial folds, and also with Alina Vyacheslavovna. I want to say that yes, the procedure is unpleasant, but there is an effect! They smoothed out from the first procedure, and from the second they became completely invisible. Thanks a lot for your work!!

Rating: 5/5


Did a facelift in this clinic. In many ways, she probably acted thoughtlessly, at the age of 42 resorting to such a drastic measure. And the doctor also dissuaded, suggested alternatives. But at that moment I was determined, because the signs of old age were very frightening. When the rehabilitation period came, I was very worried because I had to stay at home for two months. I could not get used to the idea that I would have to go out in front of people with such a swollen face and undyed hair. In the fourth month, the result was visible. I look great, you can’t give me more than 30. The method really works, but for me it is still an extreme measure. nine0003

Rating: 5/5


I tried different anti-aging techniques and was, to put it mildly, disappointed in many, so I considered RF-lifting as another experiment. In the clinic El En did 5 procedures on the face. The result, to be 100% honest, is not brilliant, but noticeable. The face tightened and rejuvenated, the skin became more elastic, and wrinkles and irregularities became less noticeable. In general, the effect is satisfied. For relatively little money, I received a decent result and qualified advice on facial care. Thank you! nine0003

Rating: 5/5


Went for a procedure to get rid of freckles. The doctor Beburova Elizaveta did it for me. I won’t say that it’s painless — a burning sensation is felt, but — the freckles were removed after two sessions! For this, you can endure. In general, I won’t say that I noticed a bright rejuvenating effect, but so far I’ve only gone for two sessions, maybe in the future the wrinkles will smooth out. For now, I decided to continue.

Rating: 5/5


After the treatment of cervical erosion, she regularly went to the local hospital for examinations. Then I began to go to you in “El. En.» (the staff is friendlier, and there are no queues). The last time, in addition to the usual procedures, I went for an ultrasound scan (there was a suspicion of stones in the bladder), during which the uterus and ovaries were also checked. And «successfully»! It turned out that I had a recurrence of erosion, probably due to a past pregnancy. It’s good that at least there were no stones. Now I am waiting for the operation on the uterus. I hope this time there will be no relapses. nine0003

Rating: 5/5


My son (18 years old) was diagnosed with hydrocele. I drove to a variety of clinics, in a panic. Somewhere they say it is necessary to operate urgently, somewhere — to wait, it will resolve itself. As a result, they came to your clinic, where they said that an operation was needed. I was insanely afraid, but everything worked out. Thank you very much Alexander Nikolaevich!

Rating: 5/5


I did lip augmentation with gel a week ago. The procedure itself is quite painful, I even shed a tear))) But it is quite tolerable. At the moment, swelling and puffiness have already passed, the lips have acquired a beautiful, neat shape with a clear contour. So I’m very happy with the result. Thanks to the specialists of the ElEn clinic for their attentive attitude to clients and high professionalism. I will definitely go here in the future! You still have so many procedures that I did not have time to try!))

Rating: 5/5


Elen recently had a gynecological examination due to erosion. I really liked the clinic itself and the staff. Here I quickly did all the necessary tests, so I didn’t have to run to different hospitals. Inna Vladimirovna, based on the results of the research, held a consultation, talked about my problem and how we can deal with it. Everything is very calm, understandable and friendly. Thank you, Irina Vladimirovna! nine0003

Rating: 5/5


I have very sensitive, fair skin, freckles on my face were from childhood. But after a trip to the sea, terrible age spots appeared instead of them, and this despite the fact that I wore a hat and smeared with creams. Looking at myself in the mirror, I wanted to cry. I began to look for different ways to remove this nightmare, but even the most expensive creams did not bring results. Then I signed up for laser removal of age spots. The cosmetologist said that the spots are superficial and will go away within a week. The procedure was painless, except for a little tingling. Immediately after the session, there was reddening of the skin (disappeared within an hour). But the spots darkened very much, I was afraid that it would remain so. For several days the situation did not change, but by the end of the 4th day, I began to notice peeling. There was a huge temptation to tear off the crusts, but, remembering the doctor’s warnings, I endured. After a couple of days, they completely disappeared, and most of the stains went with them. But some, especially persistent, remained, becoming almost invisible. Of course, the skin is not perfect, but I’m still happy with the changes! nine0003

Rating: 5/5


Stretch marks left on my stomach after pregnancy. I suffered for a long time in search of funds, I started from the gym — to no avail. Found information about laser removal of stretch marks. I came to the clinic, everything went just fine — it didn’t hurt at all and it was safe (without complications). The doctors explained everything to me clearly. I underwent 4 procedures with an interval of 1 month, the recovery period after the procedure is small — 2-3 days. So I removed the stretch marks. I advise — it is checked up on itself. nine0003

Rating: 5/5


I would like to thank the employees of the laboratory service of the El.En laser technology clinic for their professionalism and attentive attitude towards patients. From now on, I will only check with you.

Rating: 5/5


All attempts to have sex with our young man ended in failure. The reason for everything was severe pain, which I simply could not endure. I had to go to the clinic for a consultation. It turns out that my hymen was so dense that it took the help of a surgeon to destroy it. The surgical defloration procedure was performed under local anesthesia, and within an hour I was at home. Now I don’t have any problems, thank you very much for your help! nine0003

Rating: 5/5


Even in my school years, I developed a complex about the unattractive appearance of intimate places. My labia were more like pillows, and I was terribly shy about it, even on the beach I constantly went to pareo. My first sexual experience also brought disappointment and shame. Maybe it only seemed so to me, but I’m the one who should feel comfortable. The solution to the problem was the plastic of the labia in «El.En. clinics.» Now I feel confident knowing that my man is delighted too. nine0003

Rating: 5/5


For a long time I was looking for someone to remove my lipoma in the most visible and tender place — between the bridge of the nose and the eye. All the clinics that I went around offered some unrealistic prices for the operation (paying 30 grand for 15 minutes of the operation seemed wild). At the same time, I already had all the tests (biopsy) on hand. Luckily, the search engine brought me the L.N clinic! On the day of the consultation, it turned out that you can finally remove this annoying lipoma right now, and I agreed without hesitation 🙂 Thank you very much to the surgeon Svetlana Khalatyan! She put me at ease and removed everything very professionally, quickly and painlessly.

By alexxlab

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