How to make a baby carrier: 4 Easy Tutorials for DIY Babywearing

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4 Easy Tutorials for DIY Babywearing

Do you like the idea of babywearing, but the cost of a carrier has you crying?

We understand that even the most basic carriers can be expensive. And the price can reach up to several hundred dollars per piece if you choose a designer option.

In this article, we will discuss how to make your own baby carrier. We have instructions for making slings, wraps, and mei tais, and we’ll even share a couple of no-sew options so mamas of any skill level can make a comfortable baby carrier for their baby.

Table of Contents

  • Why Baby Carriers Are Useful
  • Benefits of Making Your Own Carrier
  • Choosing a Carrier For You
  • How Do You Make Baby Carriers?
  • In Conclusion

Why Baby Carriers Are Useful

A baby carrier allows you to hold your baby, keeping them happy while keeping your hands free to tend to your other duties. With a baby carrier, you can multitask, run after your older child, wear your little one during errands, and even get your baby to sleep — all while keeping your baby in your arms.

A baby carrier also allows you to have more room in your vehicle when out and about because it can take the place of a bulky stroller for running your errands.

Benefits of Making Your Own Carrier

There are several reasons to make your own baby carrier. One reason is the cost. Carriers can get expensive, but the materials required to make one can be as cheap or expensive as you choose.

Making your own carrier is also a great idea for moms who want a carrier that is custom fit to their body.

You can adjust any of these tutorials to create a carrier that fits your needs. These carriers can also be made as gifts for friends or in a mini size for your children to use with their dolls.

Choosing a Carrier For You

With so many different types of carriers available, it can be hard to know which one to choose.

Here is a breakdown of four of the most popular models.

1. Soft-Structured Carrier

A soft-structured carrier is the most common style of baby carrier. It has a soft fabric body with padded straps that wrap around the parent’s shoulders and waist. The straps usually buckle closed to keep your baby safely in place.

2. Wrap

A baby wrap is a single piece of long fabric that you wrap around your body to carry your baby. Wraps are versatile, and you can fold and tie them in various ways to hold your baby on your chest, back, or even your hip.

3. Sling

A ring sling is a baby carrier used to carry your baby or toddler on either your chest, hip, or side. It goes over one shoulder and wraps diagonally around your waist. It is often held together with metal rings that allow you to tighten the sling and keep it secure.

4. Mei Tai

A mei tai carrier is a cross between a soft-structured carrier and a wrap. The body of the carrier is a structured fabric piece with four long ties that wrap around you and your child and tie to secure the carrier in place. With a mei tai, you can hold your baby facing your chest, facing outward to the world, on your hip, or on your back.

How Do You Make Baby Carriers?

The idea of making a sling might seem complicated and even intimidating. Don’t be scared, though — even a complete beginner can make their sling with a no-sew tutorial. We have projects for every skill level.

1. Sling

  1. Gather your supplies. You will need two sling rings, 2.25 yards of fabric, a sewing machine, pins, thread, a measuring tape, and an iron.
  2. Your fabric will be wider than you need, so cut the fabric to be 28 inches wide and still 2.25 yards long.
  3. Lay the fabric with the patterned side facing down, and fold the longer side one-quarter inch inward. Iron the fold so it creases, then fold another half inch and iron again. Pin these folds to prepare them for sewing.
  4. When the longer sides are pinned in place, you will repeat step three with the shorter sides. These side hems will fold slightly over the hem of the longer sides.
  5. Starting with one of the longer sides, sew a straight stitch up that side, across the shorter side, and back up the other long side. You will leave one short side unhemmed. It is a good idea to backstitch a bit at the beginning of your stitching and at the end to prevent the stitches from coming out.
  6. On the unstitched side, measure 15 inches down and mark that spot with a pin.
  7. Take the two rings and run the fabric through them, starting with the unstitched hem. Pull the hem down to the 15-inch mark, and fan the fabric out on both sides so you can pin the fold together. Make sure the fabric is not twisted at all.
  8. Sew straight across the unstitched hem to hold the rings in place. Sew another line a half-inch up from the original 15-inch mark, then another inch above the 15-inch mark. That will give you three hemlines to reinforce the sling so it can hold the weight of your baby.

2. No-Sew Sling

  1. Collect a piece of woven fabric just over 2.5 yards long. This can be any sturdy piece of fabric such as a tablecloth or sheet.
  2. Spread the fabric flat across your back diagonally so one end is over one shoulder and the other is around the opposite waist.
  3. Pinch the fabric that is over your shoulder to gather it evenly, then do the same to the tail end that is around your waist.
  4. Check to make sure the fabric around your back is not twisted.
  5. Tie a slip knot with the two end pieces of the fabric. To do this, take the tail up and behind through the top end. Let it drop straight down, then take it underneath and over the shoulder tail again. Pull the fabric through the loop you made to complete the knot.
  6. Check to make sure the knot slides up and down easily.
  7. You can now loosen the fabric to create the seat section of the sling to place your baby into.

3. Wrap

  1. First, gather your supplies. You will need a piece of fabric measuring five yards, scissors, a serger, and thread.
  2. Cut the fabric so that it is 5 yards long, but only 20-23 inches wide.
  3. Fold the fabric in half so the two shorter ends meet evenly.
  4. Starting from about eight inches in, snip off the corner by cutting through both layers of fabric until you reach the side.
  5. Fold the fabric lengthwise so that the cut sides are on top of the uncut side, and cut the other corner of the fabric through both layers. This makes the ends smaller and easier to tie.
  6. If you want to, serge the sides of your fabric to keep them from fraying. This is not necessary if you have chosen a stretchy fabric, such as a jersey knit.

4. No-Sew K’Tan

  1. First, gather your supplies. You will need two T-shirts that do not have side seams, a pair of scissors, and a third T-shirt, scarf, or belly band.
  2. First cut off the two T-shirts at the armpits. Do the same if you are using a third shirt.
  3. Place one T-shirt over your shoulder, going across your chest diagonally.
  4. Do the same with the second T-shirt on the opposite shoulder.
  5. To wear your baby in this carrier, place them into the inner T-shirt piece with one leg on either side of the fabric, then straddle your baby’s legs over the outer T-shirt loop. Each leg should be tucked under one of the loops, securing them in the carrier.
  6. Ensure your baby is high on your chest, the T-shirt pieces cross at the back of the neck, and your baby’s airway is not obstructed.
  7. Now take the third T-shirt loop or the belly band and step into it, pulling it up to your midsection and spreading it over your baby’s back from their neck to under their bottom. If you’re using a scarf, tie it securely around your midsection from your baby’s neck to their bottom to create more stability for the carrier.

5. Mei Tai

These are the supplies you will need to make a Mei Tai:

  • A large piece of paper or butcher paper.
  • 3.5 yards of fabric for your straps.
  • Fusible interfacing fabric pieces for the body.
  • A marker.
  • Scissors.
  • Two 2/3 yard pieces of fabric for the body pieces (use two different kinds to make your mei tai reversible).
  • A measuring tape.
  • An iron.
  • Pins.
  • A sewing machine.
  1. Create your pattern for the body piece of your wrap. You will want it to be 19 inches at the tallest point, 16.5 inches at the bottom width, 13.75 inches at the skinniest portion in the middle, and the top angled corners at 5 inches each. That will make the top 9.5 inches in width.
  2. Using your pattern, cut four pieces of fabric in the shape of the body piece — one from each pattern you picked for the body and two from the interfacing fabric.
  3. Cut two pieces of fabric 22 inches wide by 80 inches long for the straps. Then cut two pieces 11 inches by 32 inches from the remaining fabric.
  4. Take the textured side of the fusible interfacing and lay it face down on the wrong side of your body pieces. Iron to fuse them into place.
  5. Do the same with the other body piece.
  6. Create the straps by folding the long sides together with the right sides of the fabric facing in, and pin the fold into place.
  7. Sew one short side and the entire long side so the strap is one piece with one short side open.
  8. Turn the strap right side out, iron it flat, and topstitch around all four sides.
  9. Repeat steps seven to eight to create the other three straps.
  10. Take one of the shorter straps and pleat it on the end that is not all the way finished. Lay it on the right side of one body piece, leaving a half-inch seam allowance.
  11. Repeat step 10 on the other side of the body with the second short strap.
  12. Do the same with the longer straps on the shoulder section. Again, make sure to leave a half-inch seam allowance on the body piece.
  13. Fold the end of the straps to lay them in the center of the body piece.
  14. Lay the second body piece on top of the first with the right sides of the fabric facing each other. You will notice the ends of the straps are sticking out. This ensures they are secure to hold the weight of your baby.
  15. Pin the two body pieces together, then sew around the edge. Make sure to leave a five-inch to six-inch space at the top to allow you to turn everything through to the right side.
  16. Snip the seam allowances on the two curved areas carefully.
  17. Reach in through the top and turn your carrier right side out.
  18. Iron the carrier flat, then topstitch around the entire body piece twice.

In Conclusion

Babywearing can be beneficial, but it can also get expensive. Making your own baby carrier can be a fun craft and an inexpensive way to wear your baby. Your little one will get the benefits of being held while you get to keep your hands free and your budget intact.

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Katelyn Holt RN, BSN, BC

Katelyn Holt RN, BSN, BC is a cardiology nurse and freelance medical writer. Katelyn has 8 years of nursing experience inpatient and outpatient, primarily medical-surgical and cardiac. After having two children she has a passion for Women’s Health and Lactation teaching and support.

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How to Make a Baby Carrier out of a Sheet

If you’re a new parent or a parent-to-be, you’ve probably already noticed that there are lots of items to buy for your baby! Though they may be little, babies do require a lot of things to ensure their proper care and comfort.


  • DIY your own custom baby carrier
  • Find the right fabric
  • Use your fabric to make the carrier
  • How to tie a slip knot
  • Customize to the size of your baby
  • Try it out




5 minutes

What You Need

If your registry and shopping list are starting to seem very long, you’ll be happy to know a baby carrier is an item you can make yourself with a sheet or other fabric that you may already have sitting around at home. You’ll be amazed to learn how easy it is to make a sling out of a blanket.

DIY your own custom baby carrier

If you follow these easy steps, you can make your own customized baby carrier using any blanket, fabric, or cloth of your choosing.

Find the right fabric

You can totally customize the look and feel of your baby carrier when you choose your fabric. There are some guidelines you’ll want to follow to ensure you have the right size and material to work best.

Step 1: Get a piece of cloth that is roughly 2.25 yards or about 80 inches long. Standard-size blankets are 90 inches long, so a regular blanket should work well.

Step 2: Make sure it’s a sturdy material that feels comfortable against your skin and that won’t irritate baby’s sensitive skin. The best fabrics for baby carriers are cotton or cotton blends. We recommend using a woven fabric that’s breathable and easy to wash.

Step 3: Choose a pattern that you like and that matches with a variety of colors and designs, so it looks good no matter what you or your partner wears.

Step 4: Blankets are the most common go-to items to turn into baby carriers. However, you can also use a tablecloth or a large scarf. Just make sure it is enough fabric based on the necessary length of 80 inches.

Use your fabric to make the carrier

Now that you’ve chosen your fabric, it’s time to make your baby carrier.

Step 1: Spread the fabric across your back.

Take both ends of the fabric and spread it diagonally across your back. Make sure it is flat. You don’t want any twisting or unevenness back there.

Step 2: Pick a side.

Choose the shoulder that feels more comfortable and natural for carrying the baby. This method works on both sides, so it doesn’t matter if you are a righty or a lefty.

Step 3: Pinch away.

Take the fabric that sits on your shoulder and pinch the fabric to gather both sides. Try to make your pinching as even as possible. This will help you spread the fabric once the baby is being carried, so you can fit them nicely and snugly against your chest.

Step 4: Repeat on the other side.

Now take the fabric that is still hanging and pinch as you did with the other end. Again, try to make this pinching even. By the end of this step, you should have gathered both ends of your fabric and are now ready to tie the knot.

Step 5: Make sure the fabric across your back is still flat. It won’t be as wide as it was before, but there still shouldn’t be any twisting or unevenness.

How to tie a slip knot

If you don’t know how to tie a slip knot, don’t sweat it! Here’s how to do it in a few simple steps:

Step 1: Take the bottom end of the fabric across your chest. This is now your horizontal end.

Step 2: Place the horizontal end across the vertical end of the fabric.

Step 3: Cross the horizontal piece behind and up through the top.

Step 4: Drop the horizontal end of the fabric down.

Step 5: Take it underneath and over the vertical end.

Step 6: Pull the fabric through the loop to make the knot.

Step 7: Adjust to your preferred height.

The beauty of the slip knot is that you can easily adjust it to your own preference and height. It slides easily up and down without untying. This is convenient, because once you’ve made the knot; you shouldn’t have to redo it very often. You can just slip it off and readjust it to the height of the person who is wearing it.

Customize to the size of your baby

Adjust the fabric to fit your baby’s size. The sling should create a little nook for them to be cozy inside, without being too tight or too loose. You can readjust once you have the baby positioned in the sling.

Try it out

The only thing left to do now is to try out your new baby carrier!

Step 1: To put the baby in the sling, hold them up high on your shoulder and slide their feet and body through the sling.

Step 2: Tuck the bottom of the fabric underneath to position it between you and the baby.

Step 3: Open the baby’s legs so they are hooked onto your upper body. Make sure the fabric goes from one of the baby’s knees to the other. Double-check that the baby’s neck is supported.

Step 4: Make sure the baby is positioned properly and centered within the pouch. If one part of your arm or shoulder seems to be taking the brunt of the baby’s weight, you can spread the material on your shoulder out. This will even out the distribution across your whole shoulder.

Step 5: Make all the adjustments you need to fit the baby snugly, so it feels safe for you and your little one.

There are many benefits to making your own baby carrier out of fabric. There is no sewing required with this DIY project, which is also easy and affordable. It allows you to choose the fabric of your preference and you can make as many as you like to match with your outfits and the baby’s wardrobe.

You can also adjust the sling for you to share with your partner. It works on both sides of the body and you can reuse it as often as you like until the fabric starts to wear. Plus, you’ll love using a homemade item that has a special story and creates a greater bond between you and your baby.

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How to Make an Easy No-Sew Baby Carrier Wrap

Updated on

I love this easy technique how to make a baby wrap for babywearing that doesn’t require any sewing skills.   Baby slings and baby carrier wraps are such an important part of bonding with baby and allowing the baby wearer free hands.  Making your own baby wrap allows you to customize the size and style at minimal cost.

Let’s make a babywrap for babywearing!

DIY Baby Wrap Sling – No Sewing Required!

Today we are sharing our favorite easy diy baby wrap carriers that are essential for anyone with a baby in the house.  

Baby carriers can be costly to purchase at the store, we couldn’t wait to share our diy version. You will only need scissors and the ability to cut fabric in a straight line to make your own baby sling wrap. It’s really that simple and you will soon be baby wearing!

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Best Fabric for Baby Carrier Wrap

The secret to a comfy baby wrap is the fabric.

You’ll want to look for fabric that is “interlock” this basically means that it is a stretchy, knitted fabric that is made in such a way that the edges do not fray. As the edges of the fabric don’t fray, this wrap does not require any sewing skills in order to create it.

How to Make a Baby Wrap Sling

Supplies Needed to Make 2-3 Baby Wraps

  • You’ll want to get 5-6 yards of interlock fabric – Each batch of fabric can create 2-3 wraps
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape

Directions to Make a Baby Wrap

Step 1

You will want to cut your fabric into long strips.

The width of each strip needs to be a minimum of 16 inches wide (I have some as wide as 25 inches – but they are more bulky).   I laid my fabric out on our couch to help contain the yardage as I cut them.

Steps to make a DIY baby sling

Step 2

I folded the fabric like a hotdog.


You now have 2-3 baby wraps!  Baby wearing  can help you get chores done around the house or to help you calm a fussy baby.  

How to Tie a Baby Wrap for Baby Wearing

The first time you tie a baby wrap, it feels complicated! But I promise that once you have done it a few times, it becomes second nature. I thought this video simplified the process for the first time.

I like the front wrap cross carry when the kids are young.

Baby Wrap Instruction Video

Baby Sling Safety

Let’s tie on the baby!

Keep your baby close and keep your baby safe.

When you’re wearing a sling or carrier, don’t forget the T.I.C.K.S.:


In view at all times

Close enough to kiss

Keep chin off the chest

Support back

–TICKS rules for safe babywearing

Baby can go almost anywhere in a good baby wrap!

Baby Wrap Products We Love

I totally get if you aren’t ready to DIY this important item! Here are a few of our favorite baby wraps and baby slings that are already made for you:

  • Moby Wrap Baby Carrier for Newborn & Infants and adjustable for all body types to keep baby safe and secure
  • Konny Baby Carrier for ultr-light hassle-free baby wrap sling holding newborns, babies and toddlers up to 44 lbs
  • Boba Baby Wrap Carrier – Original Child and Newborn Sling
  • Baby Carrier Wrap Ring Sling for Front and Chest Carry

Active Time
5 minutes

Total Time
5 minutes


Estimated Cost


  • You’ll want to get 5-6 yards of interlock fabric – Each batch of fabric can create 2-3 wraps


  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape


  1. Cut fabric into long strips a minimum of 16 inches wide and 5-6 feet long.
  2. Fold long ways into itself in thirds.
  3. Tie your baby wrap.


  • Print off our baby doll coloring page for kids of all ages!
  • Or how about a baby chick coloring page?  Oh the cuteness!
  • One thing we really love making is DIY baby toys…easy and affordable :).
  • What to do if baby hates tummy time.  <–I had that issue!
  • Baby won’t sleep through the night…what to do!
  • I feel like we all need to sing the baby yoda song together…
  • …or the baby shark song!  {giggle}

How did your no-sew baby wrap turn out? Did you make more than one?


Rachel is the founder of the blog, One Crazy House.  She is the co-author of 101 Kids Activities that are the Bestest, Funnest Ever! and The 101 Coolest Simple Science Experiments.  She lives in Fort Worth, Texas with her husband and six children.

12 comfortable DIY baby sling ideas

Published: · Modified: by Allison · This post may contain affiliate links · This blog generates income via ads

Every mother wants to be close to their child, and this can be hard during busy days. Most mothers end up hiring nannies to look after their kids when they have other things to do.

The good news is that there are ways you can spend more time with your kid, and one way is by using a baby sling. Baby slings are one of the common ways to carry your baby. The advantage of using the slings is that your baby is more comfortable.

In some way, using the baby slings makes you close, increasing your bond with your kid.

Here are 12 ways you can improvise and make your sling.

1. Stretchy And Woven DIY Baby Sling

This baby wrap is comfortable while carrying your baby around. It is also easy to make as you need a jersey interlock fabric, rubber bands, and scissors.

It is a straightforward process; cut the fabric into two halves. Wash the material, and don’t let it dry. Place it on a garbage bag, cut the sides, and then open it up to make it long. Pull your fabric, then wrap a rubber band around it.

Wrap the rubber bands on both sides. Make decorations, such as using child-friendly dies to make patterns, and remove the bands after.

Next, make zigzag stitches round to complete your sling.

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2. Moby Style DIY Baby Sling

These baby slings are affordable, and you can make multiple of them in different designs. Use a Muslim fabric, a patch from an additional material, thread, and sewing machine to make yourself extra support to hold your baby when multitasking.

To make this Moby wrap sling, cut the Muslim fabric into two pieces, 20″ wide and length to be 5 yards.

Iron the fabric, pin and then hem its edges. Next is to position the additional patch in the middle. This is to help you identify it by feeling it.

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3. Un-Padded Tube-Style DIY Baby Sling

One pro tip when making this sling is to ensure that the upper part is shorter. To make it, you need a fabric, thread, and sewing machine. This is an easy process, and it takes less than an hour to finish.

The advantage of making your sling is you can improvise and add leg holes for extra comfort. For expectant mothers, learn how to readjust the sling to prevent exerting any pressure on your pregnancy.

Click for more details.

4. Ring DIY Baby Sling

The upside of using this type of baby sling is you can easily adjust your child’s position at any time. Mothers who want to come up with their own need a sling, rings, thread, wonder tape, scissors, iron, and a pen.

First, cut your fabric into two. Fold the longer side, then iron, and then fold it again. Don’t forget to pin it.

Repeat the same procedure for another piece. Make stitches over the three sides and leave one end untouched.

Draw both rings on this end and pin the fabric to keep it in position.  The last step is to wash the material and it is ready for use.

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5. T-Shirt DIY Baby Sling

If you have an extra t-shirt lying around, let’s improvise by cutting and tieing and turn it into a baby sling. You will need a t-shirt in good condition and scissors.

Pick a t-shirt that can support your baby’s weight. Use the scissors to cut it from one armpit to the other. Use the bottom part as the sling.

Make a knot in the middle of the sling and stretch it out to make it tight. Place the sling over the shoulders, and the baby can now hop on.

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6. Sheet DIY Baby Sling

This is a creative way to carry your baby around by using sheets. For the procedure, but the sheet on your waist and stretch it out. Make a pouch by adjusting the sides and make a knot around the chest area.

There are different ways to place the baby in the sling, depending on the age. For newborns, use the cradle hold position because they have no good neck control.

For those between 3 to 6 months, Buddha carry is the best, and hip carry is for those between 6 months and two years.

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7. No Hands DIY Baby Sling

First of all, collect all the supplies that include a sewing machine, thread, scissors, pins, and iron. Now that you have the materials ready, determine the perfect size of your sling. This mainly depends on your height.

Flip the fabric and iron it. Fold the fabric, cut the curves, make a French seam then sew the hem. Your sling is ready for use, and ensure you place the baby in the right position.

Click for more details.

8. The Fox Hole DIY Baby Sling

You can position this sling-type can in 3 different positions; front carry, back carry, and hip carry. Gather the following; cotton fabric, a zipper, and a thread.

Basically, you are to measure yourself from shoulder to hip, then cut the fabric according to your measurements. The next step is to sew the bottom rail and the curved seam.

After that, sew the top rail and zipper, then sew the hood. Don’t forget to sew the hood zipper and add other embellishments. This sling is the best during cold weather as it keeps the baby warm and comfortable.

Click for more details.

9. Muslin Blanket DIY Baby Sling

You do not need complex materials; you only need a muslin blanket.

To make this baby carrier, fold the blanket in half to form a triangle. Then wrap it around your body. Put one side over your arm and the other side under the other arm. Make sure the tip of the triangle is on the side.

Make a knot that is easily adjustable up and down. Fold the tip of the triangle inside to create a pouch. Put your baby in the best position, depending on the age.

Adjust the size by pulling and tightening the knot. To remove the carrier, pull the other side of the triangle all the way down.

10. Hug Position DIY Baby Sling

For this instant baby wrap tutorial, you only need two pieces of fabric.

Sew the fabric on both ends to make a circular structure. Fold it into two and place it on your neck. Next, stretch them out and pass both arms in the adjacent spaces to create an X-shape around the chest.

Stretch one side out and place it around the hip. Open up the upper part and position your baby. Use the lower fabric to cover the baby.

Run the other piece of fabric across the baby, then between the legs, and make a knot. Tie the remaining part to your back for extra support.

11. Easy To Make DIY Baby Wrap.

Making this baby wrap takes less than five minutes, and all you need is a light fabric, scissors, a sewing machine, and another fabric piece. As you pick the two fabric, ensure their colors match to create a harmonious sling.

First, prepare the fabric and iron it. Along the folded end, you are to run through your scissors to cut it into two. Please match up the ends and gradually curve them down to remove the corners. Fold the fabric over and do the same thing to the other side.   Use a sewing machine and go round the edge of the wrap to give it an excellent finish.

12. No-Sew DIY Baby Sling

The last tutorial today is the no-sew DIY baby sling. For this process, you’ll need 2 meters of woven fabric.

First, spread the fabric over your back with one side on top of one arm and the other below the other arm. Then pinch and gather one end at your shoulder. Do the same for the other tail.

Make a slip knot around your chest area. Make sure the knot slides up and down. Create room for the baby by loosening the fabric. Position the baby in a manner that he or she is in a sitting position.

Pull the top rail up to the baby’s neck region and adjust the knot.


It matters in what way you are positioning your baby when you use the baby slings. These slings are easy to make, but they may not be effective when used in the wrong manner. Here are some tips to help you position your kid well.

  1. Your baby should be close enough in a manner that it is easy to kiss.
  2. The baby’s chin should never rest on the chest.
  3. The knees should higher than the baby’s butt.
  4. You should never cover the baby’s face.
  5. Always support your baby’s head.

If you follow the above tips, then you are qualified to make your baby sling and use it effectively.

Reader Interactions

15 Simple DIY Baby Sling Ideas

You can be so productive in routine tasks when carrying the baby all around. It will make you less focused on everything when you are doing and can make life tough also. So, solve this issue by learning how to make a baby sling with these 15 easy DIY baby sling ideas that are the safer and comfortable DIY baby carriers letting you do the routine tasks easily and quickly while carrying your baby. These diy baby carrier designs will make both your hands-free and take the responsibility to hold the baby safe, and hence you can do whatever you want with the same speed and productivity.

However, these diy baby carriers can be made in various ways using a variety of fabrics and hardware. See them all by exploring this collection of 15 simple diy baby slings that are carrying some world’s best baby carrier samples. From wrap baby carriers to pouch style baby carriers to mei tai baby carriers, you will learn to make all types of baby slings here. The baby ring slings are highly popular worldwide, and you will have all the info here to whip them up like a pro.

The first thing you need is the fabric. It should be long and durable enough to wrap your body, making a pouch or wrap on the front side. For no-sew models, you only need to wrap the fabric around the body creatively, and for the ring models, it involves a little sewing and doing the attachments. All the models will work great and will be safe for babywearing. These diy baby carrier patterns will explain all the DIY baby slings to you and the easy methods to make them. They will make better handmade gifts for the newly became mothers and make fun at home.

1. DIY Linen Ring Sling Baby Carrier

Make your newborn feel again in the womb with this linen ring sling baby carrier, will help give the warm touch of mother to the baby again. It will also make it easier to handle a 3 month or 4 month baby. So, lend yourself a big helping hand as a mother with this baby carrier that you can make your own using a few supplies. You need 2 meters of linen, two large sling rings, and other sewing supplies to make it. aboderie

2. DIY Baby Scarf Carrier

Help yourself be more caring as a mother with this crochet baby wrap or baby carrier, will help keep the baby with you and close to you easily and effortlessly. You can use any fabric to make this baby wrap, and it will help build stronger bonds between you and your baby. You can use the serger machine to sew the seams durable. The best DIY Baby Wrap to make for a 4-5 month baby. sewmuchado

3. DIY Baby Sling Carrier

It will not take much time to hook up this baby wrap that helps holds the baby so close to the womb again. It makes the baby again feel the body of you, promoting the love bonds between you and your mother. This baby wrap is to make with any leftover fabric and is a no-sew project that every beginner can do. One of the best baby slings to make in no time. hartsfabric

DIY Projects To Do for Baby:

Crib Sheet Pattern: Learn how to make a crib sheet so you can customize your bedding like never before! DIY crib sheets let you choose the perfect fabric for your style.

Baby sewing pattern: We’ve collected the best baby clothes patterns on the internet, just for you to give your cute baby a new look with handmade stuff.

Doll Sewing Patterns: Find our doll sewing pattern selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our sewing projects.

Baby closet dividers: DIY baby closet dividers is a cheap and easy solution to keep your baby clothes in a closet organized. They work especially well for baby closets.

Free baby shoes pattern: Make your very special set of DIY baby shoes with a free pattern from DIYCraftsy!

Baby Pants Pattern: Find Free Baby Pants Sewing patterns tested out, with pictures and fit notes alongside fun fabric choices.

4. How To Make A Baby Wrap Carrier

Pick your favorite fabric to make this quick wrapping baby carrier. Get here the video tutorial for each step to easily make this baby wrap carrier, will safely and easily hold your baby, giving that warm touch of mother’s love again. This carrier will rock in the easy management and handling of your 3-4 month baby. It will cost you next to nothing, and the only thing required is the fabric that you can even recycle from home. seekatesew

5. Naturally Dyed Ring Sling Baby Carrier

Are you a beginner and wishing to do some great beginner sewing projects? Work up this baby sling wrap that is to make with a ring and durable fabric. Pick the fabric in your favorite colors and with your favorite design prints, and wear it around the shoulder for your baby’s easy and safe carriage. It will only take 3 yards of linen and 3″ sling rings to work up this sling baby carrier. abeautifulmess

6. DIY Childs Ring Sling

 Play creatively with rings and fabric and work up this very beautiful sling ring baby carrier. This project is to do with the 100% cotton in favorite print, and you will require 2-2.5 yards for this project. Here the fabric is dyed naturally before getting into this project. You need lightweight cotton fabric and a pair of large aluminum or metal rings to whip up this very cute and beautiful baby carrier. Along with the sewing supplies, you also need the dyeing supplies for this project. thispilgrimlife

7. Making Your Own Woven DIY Baby Wrap

Follow here the quick sewing guides and instructions to work up the woven baby carrier. All moms will love this woven wrap, and you can simply make so many different sizes of it with the help of provided tutorials and instructions. The project is beginner-friendly and budget-friendly. You need 5 yards of Osnaburg cotton fabric cut to 30″ wide, fabric die, a small piece of lace or ribbon, sewing machine, etc to do this project. farmhouseon

8. How To Make A Baby Sling

Bring tons of ease to your motherhood session with this DIY ring sling that an easy and quick sewing project. The best and cute baby carrier that will hold the baby much cutely and safely. The best way to feel the touch of your baby and you need heavy-duty rings and heavy-duty fabrics to hook up this carrier. You can make this pattern with fabric like linen, cotton, silk, lightweight twill, or denim. You need 2.5 yards of fabric and 2 medium or large aluminum rings to make it. thedoingthings

9. DIY Baby Sling

Follow here professional guides to make a durable yet stylish crochet baby ring sling. What is unique in the design is the pleated should, and it will surely make a better handmade baby shower gift. This is here a ring sling, but you can make it a pouch, wrap, and meh dai also. Complete this project using 2 meters of fabric, regular thread, heavy-duty polyester, and a pair of ring slings. The finished product will cost you about $36. 20 CAD. babyboomba

10. Homemade Doll Ring Sling Carrier

Whatever the moms do with their babies and toddlers, the doll-loving girls do with their dolls and other stuffed toys. So, why not crochet a baby ring sling for the little girl, will help her easily hold her dolls and other stuffed toys. Here again, you need a few yards of fabric and ring slings to make this baby carrier. The best babywearing to crochet for the little girl’s doll. Here you need 1/2 yard of 44″ wide fabric, 2″-3″ rings, and sewing supplies to make it. makeit loveit

11. Quick and Easy Doll Sling

Maybe if you are not handy at sewing the best and durable doll ring slings. So, you can master the art by first making the doll slings. Start with this quick and easy doll sling project. The complete project will surprise all the doll-loving little girls. You need to use the 12″ piece of muslin with 45″ width to sew this quick doll sling. The project is all about precise and smart cutting and sewing. simpleasthat

12. DIY Mei Tai Baby Carrier

There a certain different type of baby sling rings like a wrap, pouch, and Mei Tai, and you can make them all at home. This project will guide you through sewing a mei tai baby carrier, will be the best motherhood gift to sew in no time. It will make the ladies like the baby is in the womb again. You need 3 yards of unbleached osnaburg fabric, fabric dies, thread, and sewing machine to sew this lovely and durably baby sling ring. farmhouseon

13. DIY Mesh Water Baby Carriers

This baby sling ring is made with the athletic mesh fabric, and it enchants with the breezy fabric. Pick this fabric with a 60″ width to make a larger sling ring, and every beginner will love sewing it. It will take 5-5.5 yards or athletic mesh with 60″ width, 3-4″ of ribbon and thread to sew this meshwater baby sling carrier. The project completes fast and at a cost next to nothing. laceyparr

14. Stretchy Wrap for Newborn Babywearing

Grab the complete and comprehensive written and visual instructions here to sew a DIY stretch wrap for the newborn. It will rock for the safe and comfortable babywearing and is easy and quick to whip up. This no-sew wrap should be 60-70cm wide and will safely hold your baby for sure. Follow the provided guides to easily hook up this entire wrap. The inexpensive yet cute and practical gift for a newly became mother. instructables

15. Easy DIY Baby Ring Sling

Finally, the ultimate video guides are here to make a durable and beautiful baby ring sling. Pick the aluminum ring from the hardware store in any color or shade like silver, copper, or gold, and then grab the 2.25 yards of fabric to make this baby ring sling. The pattern may come plain with your favorite design print on it. It will be rocking both ways. One of the best crochet baby slings rings ever made. youtube


The DIY baby slings are the new safe and stylish trend of babywearing. They are to make with only fabric and with a little hardware involved and are a big game-changer for parenthood and motherhood. Just like the womb, these DIY baby carrier ideas will be the snuggle sacks to spot your baby again on the belly and in front of your eyes. The continues hug and touching will make the baby feel like in the womb, and it will be a great pleasure for the moms. So, they are a big need to develop stronger baby-mother bonds for sure. So, this episode of DIY Projects will share all the trade tricks to make a professional style DIY baby sling with only fabric or with fabric and rings. They will make brilliant homemade gifts to all moms having the newborn and small babies.

How to Make a Baby Carrier out of a Sheet

Breanna | Updated February 10, 2022 | Babywearing

Before there were baby carriers with all the bells and whistles that you could pick up from Target or order from Amazon, women used linen or cotton. Sometimes these pieces of fabric were specially made to be used as baby wraps. Other times, they were made from sheets or whatever scraps they could find. 

Baby wearing is truly a timeless practice. And it gives us a window into other cultures and times, letting us see their innovative practices and parenting styles. For more information, instructions, and demos of how anyone can use a sheet as a baby carrier, keep reading below! 

Can you use any type of sheet?

As long as the length is about 80 inches, you should be able to use any piece of fabric as a baby carrier. Just be sure there isn’t too much “give” or stretch to the fabric, as you’ll want a sturdy wrap that won’t let your baby wiggle or slide down your body. Standard sheets and blankets are 90 inches long, so you should be all set if you use something similar. 

Other things you’ll need


This is entirely optional. But if you are decent at sewing, you can also purchase metal rings to make your own ring sling. Many prefer slings because the hip position is a natural hold for moms and is perfect for older babies as well. 

Other Fabric 

If you don’t have a bed sheet handy, you can also consider using a heavy scarf or tablecloth. Just make sure the length is there. 

What carry positions are possible with a sheet carrier?

Like a woven wrap you might purchase from the store, you can wear your baby front facing in, front facing out, hip carry, and back carry. You may also wear them front facing out, but it’s important to make sure they have a supportive seat so they’re legs are in the “M” position. Check out this tutorial of how to turn a bedsheet into a wrap in a pinch from Miriam Pearson

What age is a sheet carrier suitable for?

This depends on the carry position. You can use a sheet carrier from newborn to toddler. However, newborns should only be worn front facing in, and in the kangaroo carry (legs pulled into the chest). For older babies and toddlers, a back carry is probably most comfortable for the parent. 


Step by Step Instructions

Cover your back 

Take both ends of the fabric in your hands and drape it diagonally across your back. Keep the material as flat as you can. Wrinkles can be uncomfortable for you and the baby. Pick your dominant shoulder or whichever one feels most natural for carrying your baby. 


Gather the material resting on your shoulder, making it as skinny as possible. Later on, you can spread the fabric over your baby to ensure a snug, comfortable fit. 

Double that 

Repeat that pinch, but on the fabric still hanging on the other side. Do your best to keep the material on your back flat as you do so. 


Next is the slip knot. For a detailed explanation of how to tie a slip knot with both ends of your wrap, follow this detailed explanation from New Folks.  

“Take the bottom end (by your hip) of the fabric across your chest. This is now your horizontal end.

Place the horizontal end across the vertical end of the fabric (make a + shape). 

Cross the horizontal piece behind and up through the top.

Drop the horizontal end of the fabric down, taking it underneath and over the vertical end.

Pull the fabric through the loop to complete the knot.” For a visual representation of the slip knot, check out this tutorial from Wrapyouinlove

Size it up 

This next part is really about customizing the fit of your carrier to you and your baby. Slide the knot up and down to adjust the height. Then, make sure you spread the fabric to make a comfy seat for your baby’s bottom. Place them inside and start adjusting the fabric by pulling it up and over their back. Double check their legs for proper hip placement. Remember, dangling legs are not good and puts strain on their joints.  


This is the single most important step. Baby wearing (especially wrapping) takes practice. Over time, the motions become second natural and easy to do, even with screaming infants and a house full of chaos. Try wearing your baby for a little bit every day and you’ll be a pro in no time. 

For more carrying positions and tips, take a look at this channel, WrappingRachel, on Youtube:

Breanna is a former therapist turned writer. She earned a master’s in psychology in 2015 but ultimately decided she would like to be more present for her family. Currently flexing her writing skills as a stay-at-home mother of two toddlers (with another baby on the way), she enjoys writing in the parenting and home/DIY niches. She also writes fiction and has been published in a handful of literary magazines and a fiction anthology. In her spare time, Breanna enjoys blogging, painting, running, and drinking an absurd amount of coffee.


When can you Face a Baby Forwards in a Carrier?

How to Make a Baby Carrier out of a Scarf or Shawl


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Do-it-yourself baby carrier :: SYL.


The modern dowry list for a future baby has become longer and more varied. In addition to a crib, stroller, bedding, a baby carrier bag will be useful. It can be used from the first days of a child’s life.

Accessories for baby strollers and more

Now these carriers are included in the set of transforming strollers. A container with two or three handles and a hood — this is what a baby carrier bag looks like. For

newborns and parents is another way to transport the baby. You can meet a baby from the maternity hospital, it is convenient to take the child for a walk from the top floor, if there is no elevator, you can get to the right office in the clinic.

There are two types of these bags. The first have a frame and a hard bottom. The second is cradles. They are more closed, and therefore warm, so they are more suitable for very young children. There are usually two short handles to carry the bag at arm’s length. One or two long handles are used when carrying on the shoulder. The baby carrier will not slide off the shoulder if the handles have a special fastening with Velcro.

Varieties of bags

There are many variations of these carriers. The differences are mainly in size and functionality. The hood is useful in the rain and as protection from the sun. Some models are equipped with a removable hood or do not have it at all. Winter options should be more spacious, with high sides, as the child will be warmly dressed or wrapped in a blanket. In any case, the outer part should be made of waterproof material, and the inner part should be made of natural types of fabric, soft and pleasant to the touch. Ideally, if the inner cover is removed, which makes it possible to wash it at any time. The life of the bags is very short.

A used baby carrier will also work. A photo of a variant of a thing needs to be carefully studied even before purchase. If the proposed model is to be placed in a stroller, the inside of the bed should be measured last. It’s good if the stroller and carrier are of the same model and brand.

Choosing the best option

First of all, you need to decide how often the baby carrier will be used. If it is required only for a stroller, then its weight does not play a big role. If long hikes or, for example, air travel are coming, then the parameters of the bag play a decisive role. It is desirable that its weight does not exceed 2 kg. Basically, bags are designed for children weighing up to 8 kg. It will be convenient for mom to put the baby if the top part is completely unfastened. It is important to check the quality and functionality of the zipper, the strength of the fabric and the bottom, and the reliability of the fastening of the handles. A mosquito net may be included. It is better that it is attached and does not have to be held in gusts of wind. In addition, a mattress and pillow can be offered. Usually, the rigid insert of the bottom is pasted over with foam rubber on top, and the pillow is not recommended for a newborn. Therefore, such additions only increase the already considerable cost of carrying. If necessary and desired, for the comfort and coziness of the baby, such a kit can be made by the mother.

We sew a bag on our own

With some skills and basic knowledge in cutting and sewing, a carrying bag for newborns with your own hands may well turn out. The difference between the summer and winter versions lies in the density of the materials used and in the size of the cradle itself. The fabric for summer is lighter. In the winter version, a child should fit in a blanket or other warm clothes.

Fabric for the inside and outside is better to take different both in color and texture. For the winter version, a synthetic winterizer is needed as a layer. For summer, interlining is enough. The box consists of two side parts, a bottom and an upper part. For the bottom, you can purchase a piece of fabric quilted together with a padding polyester. The lower part of the bottom can be made of dense, non-marking fabric. A pocket is needed between them to insert a piece of fiberboard for shaping and rigidity. The top cover is fastened with a detachable zipper. As handles, you can use a strong corsage tape. The side parts, where the child’s head will be, need to be glued with dense interlining. The upper part is gathered with an elastic band (as on a children’s hood). All seams must be made with high quality, durable threads.

Trying other ways

But a baby carrier isn’t the only way to transport your baby. There are kangaroo backpacks that offer several different options for carrying a child. But they are not suitable for small children and are not very comfortable for a sleeping toddler. Although some of them suggest the horizontal position of the newborn during sleep.

Slings are the most popular. In them, the weight of the baby is distributed evenly, protecting the back of the mother. You can feed your baby without being embarrassed by prying eyes. Such a knitted scarf, due to the stretching material, firmly and safely presses the child to the mother. It is especially practical for walking. The disadvantage is that it is not very convenient to use it in winter.

Another new design is the hipseat. This is a wide and dense velcro belt for mom, a special seat for the baby. Some models have a back with a wide safety strap and a carabiner clasp. But you can transfer those children who sit confidently.

Pros and cons of baby accessories

Of course, the carrying is very convenient. Especially in winter, when there is a lot of snow on the street, ice and the stroller moves with difficulty. A baby carrier is not allowed in the car.

Reviews about her are not only positive. Despite all the advantages, each type of bag has its negative sides. There is a danger, carrying the cradle at arm’s length, to hit it against a curb or corner. Taking awkwardly with only one handle, you can drop the baby. If the bag with the baby hangs on the shoulder, for control it is necessary to hang the short handles on the bent arm.

An infant carrier is used when traveling by car. It is securely attached to the seat, and the baby — to it.

The birth of a baby is happiness, which, one way or another, is associated with material costs. Spare no expense to ensure your child has a safe life.

How to sew a sling with your own hands?

Author Tatyana Donskova Reading 6 min Views 500

Hello friends!

Spring has already come to us. Down with winter warm clothes! Run into the sun and walk, walk … And again go on trips: along the streets of your native city, to the country, to your grandmother in the village or to distant cities and countries.

I already wrote about how they help young mothers on trips and just walks all sorts baby mobility aids .

Of particular interest was the article on slings . And this is not surprising. In the summer and autumn of last year, on the streets of my city, I quite often met mothers with children in slings. What I didn’t notice before.

And this is a sure sign that this simple device is gaining more and more fans. And many want not just to buy a sling, but to make it with their own hands.

On forums and in various social networks, mothers often ask the question: «How to sew a sling with your own hands?»

This topic also interested me. Moreover (I will tell you a “terrible” secret) I really like to do needlework in my free time. The most favorite pastime is knitting new clothes for yourself, children, relatives. I also embroider and sew a little.

I have noticed for a long time: doing what you love, especially when you do something with your own hands, is not only interesting, but also good for your health. For what you love, you forget about big and small problems that have piled up from all sides at once. In addition, doctors say that manual work calms the nervous system very well, reduces pressure and improves mood.

Check it out for yourself!

But back to our topic.

In fact, sewing a sling yourself is not that difficult. In today’s article I will tell you how to sew the simplest models of slings: sling scarf and sling with rings.


  1. Sling with rings
  2. How to sew a sling with rings?
  3. Ring sling with cushion and borders
  4. Interesting
  5. Sling scarf
  6. How to sew a sling scarf?
  7. I foresee the question: why sew yourself when you can easily buy a sling?

Ring sling

Ring sling is a popular model. It is easy to put on and take off, with the help of rings the position of the child is adjusted and changed. In such a sling, you can carry children from birth. The disadvantage is the load on one shoulder, so it is better to use it for carrying children up to a year.

For sewing a sling, it is best to use natural fabrics: cotton, linen, chintz, viscose — for summer time, for a cool period — fleece or wool.

Soft loose fabric with a diagonal weave, jacquard fabrics are well suited. This fabric drapes perfectly, gently fits the body of mother and child and does not cut into the shoulders. It is not recommended to use strongly stretching and sliding fabrics (silk, satin).

The main requirement is that the fabric should «breathe» and be durable, soft and elastic. This is especially important in hot weather to prevent the child from overheating, and in cold weather to keep warm. From an aesthetic point of view, it is better to use double-sided fabric.

It is better to use metal rings. They are stronger and more reliable than wood.

How to sew a sling with rings?

  • We take a piece of rectangular fabric: width — 80 cm, length — 220 cm;
  • We process the edges on three sides;
  • We pass one end of the fabric into two rings (diameter 60-70 mm) and fasten it, fixing it with several lines;
  • Sling to throw over the shoulder;
  • Insert the other end of the fabric into the rings;
  • Use the rings to adjust the sling to a comfortable position and secure.

Ring sling with cushion and sides

The traditional ring sling model can be supplemented with some details, for example, sides and pillow made of synthetic winterizer, special pockets. This will require additional fabric and a thin synthetic winterizer.

It’s interesting

By the way, I’m sure few people know that is the first modern ring sling was conceived, designed and sewn by ordinary parents for their little daughter.

This is the family of Dr. Rainer Garner, who lived in Hawaii in the second half of the 20th century, who used the thoughts of the American psychotherapist J. Ledloff in raising their child, set out in the famous book “How to Raise a Happy Child. The principle of succession.

Briefly, the essence of the new theory of raising children is as follows: so that a child from birth does not feel lonely, but, on the contrary, loved and long-awaited, develops harmoniously and comprehensively, parents should hug, kiss the baby, hold in their arms as often as possible. That is, to ensure very close contact with the parents, especially with the mother.

In my opinion, the theory of upbringing by J. Ledloff is very relevant today. Too bad I never heard of this book before.

So, the parents of little Fonda, in order to carry her as often as possible in their arms, decided to use the ancient method of moving with children, which is used by some nations from time immemorial to the present day. This is a cloth band.

Having slightly modernized the fabric sling, adding rings to the design, Rainer Garner created the prototype of a modern comfortable and mobile sling with rings.

Sling scarf

For the sling scarf, you can also use natural fabrics that do not stretch (or slightly stretch), but are elastic. Its advantage is that the fabric is located on both shoulders and back, which distributes the load evenly.

How to sew a sling scarf?

  • We take a strip of fabric 3-6 meters long and 45-70 cm wide;
  • The size of the rectangle depends on the positions in which the child will be carried:
    • 2. 5-3 meters: «cradle» position — from birth and «on the hip» — from 6 months;
    • 3.5-4 meters: in the same positions, but with the distribution of the sling fabric over two shoulders;
    • 4.5-5.5 meters: maximum carrying capacity for children from birth to 3 years.
  • Finishing the edges

All. Your sling is ready. And the “cradle” for the baby or the “seat” for the little one is ready.

If you are not sewing a sling scarf from a single piece of fabric, double stitch the seams carefully. Place the seams on the fabric along the edges of the rectangle so that the seam does not cut into the skin of the child. Periodically check the strength of the seams.

Really simple. If you have a sewing machine and basic sewing skills, I’m sure you can sew a do-it-yourself sling .

I foresee the question: why sew yourself when you can easily buy a sling?

Yes, it is. Now it’s not like it was just some 10 years ago, when in Russia almost a few knew what a sling was, and even less dared to use it, fearing the reproachful glances of oncoming passers-by, neighbors and relatives.

Today you can buy any model you like. And not only foreign, but also domestic producers.

But if you still decide to sew this miracle product for yourself and your baby yourself, on the World Wide Web you can find many master classes and detailed instructions with patterns for self-production of various types of slings .

Good luck and good results!

Bye, bye…

Do-it-yourself carrying cradle, for a child, for a doll. Cradle for newborns with their own hands. How to make a bassinet

The desire to achieve maximum comfort by a person can be traced in all spheres of life. This is especially valuable when it comes to the comfort of the child and his parents. There are many devices that can make it easier to care for a baby. The carrycot is one of them. It is a symbiosis of a children’s bed and carrying. Such a device is compact, convenient and highly mobile. Such a cradle can be made even on your own. It will be no worse than the store, on the contrary, thanks to the unique design, the design will be exclusive. 9Ol000 hands

  • Do-it-yourself carry cradle for newborns: master class
  • Do-it-yourself carry cradle for baby boom, photo
    • cradle — carrying from the old plaid
    • cradle — carrying without a visor
    • cradle — carrying from woven basket
    • Knitted model
    • Model from a plastic basket
  • cradle — carrying for a dormand

    Cradle — hand-carrying, photo

    Do-it-yourself carry cradle can be done in several ways. They depend on the type of structure itself. The choice should be made based on the level of skill, improvised materials and tools.

    Fabric models are usually much easier to make than woven ones, for example. You should also pay special attention to the decor: it should be combined with each other, look appropriate and hold tight, because the cradle can be used even in bad weather.

    Let’s consider 5 main types of cradles — carrying with a photo.

    braided model

    This variant ranks first in terms of visual appeal. The model takes you back several centuries, when such cradles were very popular due to lack of other materials at hand.

    Modern wicker carrycots have an attractive appearance, but are more suitable for the warm season or indoor use.

    Models are usually made from vines, rattan stems or raffia leaves. Advantages of this design:

    • environmental friendliness;
    • practicality;
    • high strength.

    These carrycots have a fabric lining inside and can also be sewn on with a hood.

    textile pattern

    This variant has a solid bottom and soft sides. This allows the baby to sit comfortably and positively affects the musculoskeletal system of the baby.

    Such a cradle — carrying can have both two short handles and a long one. It is much more convenient to carry a child, especially if it weighs a lot.

    Advantages of this model:

    • no wind;
    • durability;
    • availability of materials.

    frame cradle — carrying

    This model has a rigid frame that keeps its shape well. The peculiarity of creating such a design with your own hands is that you will have to make a lot of effort to make and install the frame. It is best to choose a metal version. If the child is small and the cradle — the carrier will be used only for the first month of life, then you can take the wire as the basis.


    In cold weather, it is best to make warm cradles — carrying from a material that can retain heat. The model will come out more expensive, because thermo-materials are not cheap, but the baby will be warm and comfortable.

    You will also have to make an effort during sewing: the material is voluminous, and not every sewing machine will be able to process it.

    The disadvantage of thermo-carrying is that it cannot be used in the warm season. At the same time, the thermo — “filling” will be expensive.

    universal carrycot

    This is the best option for those countries where the weather changes dramatically throughout the year. The design feature is that two covers are sewn onto the frame: one is made of light fabric, and the other is warm for carrying in winter. From above, it is best to use a waterproof fabric, then the weather will be nothing to the little passenger.

    With the help of lightning, you can quickly transform one option into another. The advantage of such a model is that it can be used for future generations, because it is suitable for any time period.

    Materials in this case will take more. You will have to spend more and time on tailoring.

    Cradle pattern — do-it-yourself baby carriers

    Before you start sewing, you should decide on the format of the product. Here a pattern of a cradle is useful — carrying for newborns. It can be taken from children’s magazines, on the Internet. But the best option would be if you do it yourself. Then the carrier will definitely fit the baby.

    The child’s height should be measured first. If the baby is large, then the cradle should be more spacious. It should also be borne in mind that in the cold season a lot of space will fall on a voluminous overalls.

    The most suitable parameters are 70 — 75 cm long and 30 — 35 wide. If a home-made cradle — carrying will be installed in a stroller, then you must also measure the latter.

    After the measurements are made, you need to start drawing the individual elements of the pattern. It will be necessary to prepare the bottom, side, straps (can be of different formats), top, hood.

    Each element must then be cut.

    Also on the pattern you need to mark where the fold line will pass, and where the Velcro will be located.

    Cradle — do-it-yourself carrying for newborns: master class

    Making a cradle — carrying for newborns with your own hands — is a feasible task. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules, to perform the manufacturing steps in turn. In this case, a visual master class is very useful. Thanks to a detailed description, even complex models of carrying can be reproduced.

    All materials must be prepared first:

    • Fiberboard 50 * 60 mm;
    • foam;
    • foam rubber 30 * 120 mm;
    • batting.
    • band-aid.

    For decor and decoration you will need fabric: inside it is best to use natural materials, because they will be in direct contact with the baby’s skin, and on top you can limit yourself to beautiful, but less natural fabrics.

    You will also need nylon thread and glue.

    Required tools:

    • large scissors:
    • hacksaw;
    • furniture stapler;
    • awl;
    • cutting pliers;
    • thinning knife.

    The process of making a carrycot should begin with sawing a sheet of fiberboard and cutting out the foam. Cut the sheet into three parts: the bottom and two side parts. Fasten them with adhesive tape or a fabric strip moistened with glue.

    Then you should take a batting and a stapler, beat down the walls of the cradle. This is done to keep them soft. At this stage, it is especially important to ensure that the brace is well bent, otherwise the sharp edges may injure the baby.

    The other two smaller side panels, which will be placed at the child’s head and feet, respectively, should be made of foam. Also attach the batting (it is ideally attached to the foam with glue).

    Now it’s time to sew the handles:

    1. First you need to take a strong cord, measure the desired length and cut it off.
    2. Sew a fabric cover with a diameter so that the cord can fit through.
    3. Insert the cord into the case.

    After that, sew the walls of the carrycot with fabric using a large needle. Care must be taken to pierce the foam, because it becomes brittle and may crumble over time.

    To keep the design strong, you need to make several holes with an awl on the side elements and the back, and then sew them with a nylon thread.

    Now sew on the handles. In order for them to withstand the load, you can hold them under the bottom. But in this case, you should think about the length in advance, because. then they should be longer.

    The final stage is the decoration of the carrier. Here you can give free rein to fantasy.

    Cradle — carrying for a newborn baby can also be knitted from knitted yarn. It will be not only practical, but also very beautiful, unusual.

    Do-it-yourself carry cradle for a baby boom, photo

    Every girl dreams of receiving as a gift a cradle — a carrier for her doll — an analogue of a real baby «Baby born». Such doll accessories cost a lot, therefore it is rational to make a model with your own hands.

    cradle — carrying from an old blanket

    The advantage of making a doll cradle — carrying is that it does not have to withstand such a load as a real model. Therefore, its body can be made more fragile: from wire or cardboard. Even an old box from under the equipment will do. She needs to be given the desired shape, covered with a fabric cover and sewn on handles — the baby carrier is ready.

    This cover can be made from an old rug. It is best that the fabric is dense, then the cradle will keep its shape better.

    cradle — carrying without canopy

    This is a more simplified version. The absence of a visor greatly simplifies the work and reduces the consumption of materials.

    cradle — carrying from a wicker basket

    Another simple way to make a doll accessory. It is enough to take a wicker purse and sew a fabric cape on it. Fix it and sew on the handles.

    knitted pattern

    One of the most beautiful, but labor-intensive models. This option is only possible for those who can knit well. Due to the fact that the threads necessary for knitting have a considerable diameter and the weight of the fabric is decent, the hands get tired quickly. But such cradles come out very beautiful.

    plastic basket model

    In continuation of the theme of making a cradle — carrying for a doll from improvised means, we can recall the option from a plastic basket. The only condition is to look for lighter materials so that the child can easily lift the carrier.

    On top of the plastic should be sheathed with fabric and sewn on handles.

    Cradle — carrying for a doll with your own hands, step by step with photo

    Cradle — a do-it-yourself doll carrier is made in the same way as a model for a baby. First you need to prepare the material. In this case, you no longer need to look for natural fabrics.

    Then you should make a pattern. You can prepare it yourself or «steal» it from the Internet.

    Then cut out the main elements, for example from cardboard, and glue them together with adhesive tape.

    Sew a fabric cover. Attach it with a stapler to the frame.

    You can make a wire frame for the visor and also stretch the fabric over it.

    Cut out handles and sew to carrycot.

    The algorithm of actions for creating a knitted carrycot will be slightly different. First you need to tie the bottom of the basket.

    Then proceed to the side element. Sew the bottom and sides, decorate with knitted lace. A more detailed process is described below.

    Video material will help you decide which technique is more suitable.

    Carry cots, whoever they are made for, are very comfortable and attractive. Their only drawback is that the child grows quickly, because their service life is minimal.

    Types of baby carriers

    The neonatal period is short, only 28 days after birth. But it is no coincidence that it is singled out separately: at this time, the child is most dependent on his mother, the most fragile.

    Having been born, the baby gradually adapts to the new world — sight, hearing, touch are switched on. Everything that happens to the child in the first days after birth is of great importance, since the correct “launch” of powerful adaptive mechanisms affects the rest of his life. Of course, the child’s body and psyche are very flexible and able to recover very quickly, but the key to the health of the child, his normal development is the careful care of the mother.

    The World Health Organization considers skin-to-skin hand-carrying to be one of the most effective measures for the non-drug recovery of newborns. But this method is not only suitable for premature or weakened children. Healthy children also need to be carried on their hands — this helps them quickly master their body, feel calmer, establish a regular daily rhythm, etc.

    Carriers suitable for newborns

    Sling scarf

    In order to help mother and baby, there are special devices that make it easier to carry a child in her arms. The most versatile of them is the sling scarf.

    Sling-scarf (SS) is a piece of soft fabric with which the mother wraps the child to her body. The softness and plasticity of the fabric allows you to position the child physiologically. Wearing a baby in a sling helps to establish breastfeeding, stimulating lactation, and it is also very convenient to simply feed a newborn in a sling.

    Sling scarf is the most ergonomic carrier for baby and mother. Each person has individual features of the body structure — someone has broad shoulders, someone has narrow ones. Some are high, some are low. Sling scarf allows you to take into account all the features of the physique of mother and baby. Proper distribution of fabric makes babywearing in a scarf very comfortable for every woman. A sling scarf can be of different lengths — from 2.5 to 6 m, usually from 60 to 80 cm wide. Using a scarf, you can use more than 10 ways of carrying, depending on the purpose of the application.

    It is recommended to use from the first days of a baby’s life!

    Ring Sling

    Ring Sling (RRS) is another popular type of sling, or fabric carrier. It is usually about 2 m long, with special metal rings sewn into one end. Sling with rings is put on over the shoulder like a sling, the free end is passed through the rings. In a sling with rings, it is convenient to carry the baby for a short time, for example, in a clinic, when you often need to take the baby out of the carrier. A sling with rings, having the same properties as a sling scarf — softness, plasticity, can be used with newborn babies from the first days of life. A properly tightened cloth will ensure the physiology of the baby’s posture while wearing.

    It is recommended to use from the first days of a baby’s life!


    May-sling. This analogue of a sling scarf with a simplified winding method is suitable for those mothers who appreciate speed and simplicity. It consists of a back and four straps, so the winding method is almost intuitive. May-sling made of scarf fabric can also be used from birth, but it is not as versatile as a sling scarf — it is impossible to put the baby in a horizontal “cradle” position, which is convenient for breastfeeding.

    It is recommended to use from the first days of a baby’s life!

    Types of carriers not recommended for use from birth

    Ergonomic backpack

    Ergonomic backpack is a carrier based on the backpack principle. The straps are put on the mother’s shoulders and fastened, a child is placed in a special pocket. A characteristic feature of the ergo backpack is a wide belt for mom, which is the main load.

    Experts recommend using this carrier from 4-6 months, because it is impossible to provide a physiological and ergonomic position for a child of an earlier age. Insufficient softness of the design does not allow taking into account all the nuances when using, which can lead to undesirable consequences for the health of the baby.

    Disadvantages: use after 4 months

    Exception: Diva slings. Ergo backpacks made of Diva scarf fabric have a patented insert that allows you to use the backpack from birth.

    Baby carrier

    Kangaroo carrier made of rigid materials. Due to the design features, it has very poor ergonomics, both for the child and for the mother. The baby, placed in a rigid carrier, is not fixed, has no support from the sides, so its weight falls on the perineum. This is not physiological, especially when it comes to a newborn who does not hold his head. Horizontal kangaroos are also not the best option for the health of the baby: a hard back when walking can cause serious discomfort to the baby, without providing the necessary cushioning.

    Disadvantages: unphysiological posture, lack of cushioning and support for the child, harmful to health The convenience and compactness of such a bag, the safety of the child on the street and indoors are appreciated. Many models are equipped with a long shoulder strap, this helps to free your hands. And the baby is nearby and the mobility of movements is good.

    Carry cots

    Strollers with baby carrier

    A few years ago, very comfortable strollers with a removable carrycot appeared. This option has become a great solution for parents. Among the positive aspects of this modification, it is worth noting a few points.

    1. Carry bag for newborns keeps baby warm at all times. In winter, this is especially important.
    2. You can take the bassinet with you to the store or clinic where it won’t get cold in the cold, and then put it back into the stroller.
    3. Comfortable and soft, the carry bag protects your baby from drafts.
    4. The fully enclosed bassinet protects your newborn from unwanted prying eyes. A stroller with such an additive easily turns from a stationary version — on a frame, into a compact — portable one.

    Carry cots in a stroller

    The practical use of a carrier bag

    A variety of types allows you to choose a carrier bag for almost any event, for short-term use or for long-term use.

    Carrying cradle bag for newborns will perfectly play the role of an elegant statement envelope.

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    Cradle bag

    1. It is the basis for fastening in the device for the safe transportation of babies in the car, and such a requirement is made by the traffic police.
    2. The cradle can be used as a crib in the first weeks of life, when the child feels more comfortable in a small space.
    3. The carrier becomes an additional protection for the baby in the stroller from wind, cold, rain and direct sunlight.

    Carry bag

    Carry bag selection criteria

    Comfort and safety of the baby should be the main considerations. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

    • the bottom and, possibly, the walls of the bag should be rigid and easy to remove;
    • the length of the handles is selected so that the bag does not reach the ground;
    • The inner material should be soft and, if possible, natural, the outer coating should be waterproof;
    • such additions as a visor, mosquito net, long belt are welcome;
    • dimensions of the cradle must match the dimensions of the stroller;
    • it is worth checking the quality of the seams and fastening of the straps and handles;
    • the recommended weight is 2 kg or less.

    It is desirable that natural hypoallergenic material is used, an additional cover is present — a rain cover. It should be borne in mind that you have to leave the house not only on a quiet sunny day, so you need to provide the child with maximum safety and convenience.

    Green carrycot bag

    Sometimes a mattress and a small pillow are included in the kit, but such an addition only adds weight, and there is almost no practical use. Children in the first months of life should sleep on a flat surface, and the design of the carrier already provides for a layer of foam rubber. It is quite soft and does not deform under the weight of the baby.

    Buy or sew?

    According to experienced mothers with two or more children, such a thing as a carrying bag takes a very short time. Therefore, it is often passed on «by inheritance» to friends or acquaintances. If the carrier is not included in the package of the stroller, then you can buy it on Avito or make it yourself.

    Cradle for a newborn

    The photo clearly shows what variety can be created with the help of skill and imagination:

    • animal bags;
    • bags — bees;
    • smart and casual options.

    Can be used as a base from an old carrier when a rigid base is required. But often you just need a comfortable, lightweight and compact bag for hiking short distances. Then a soft version, reinforced with an insert at the bottom, is also suitable. Bag — cradle — carrying for newborns is sewn with your own hands simply and quickly. The main stages of work are shown in the photo. In the case of home-made carrying, you can be sure of the naturalness of the material, and the strength and reliability of the seams and fastening of the handles, because this is done for your beloved child.

    Do-it-yourself cradle bag with lace

    It happens that needlework is not one of the talents, and there are not so many free funds, but carrying is needed. Then Avito or a similar resource will help out. Since this accessory is used from time to time, the children grow up, and the cradles remain in excellent condition. With careful work with the site, there are options even from famous brands at a fairly reasonable price. For example, the Italian company Chicco, the Polish brand Womar. Important: When a carrying bag is bought separately from the stroller, you should take care of the dimensions in advance in order to easily use the cradle in any capacity.

    Carry cots and carrier bags have become a familiar item in a range of children’s things. Convenience, lightness and compactness are combined with high reliability and comfort for children. In the city, when you constantly have to move from building to building, open doors or pay at the cash desk, the carrier provides the necessary freedom of movement without disturbing the sleeping baby and protecting him from drafts and unwanted looks. In some cases, a carrier with a rigid base is used to sleep the baby on the balcony, when there is bad weather on the street and you don’t want to go for a walk.

    DIY carrycot bag

    A variety of models allows even the most picky and demanding parents to choose the right one.

    15 ways to carry a baby: on the head, in a cocoon, behind the shoulders

    September 18, 2017

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    Pictures about how children were carried before and how they can be transferred now.

    My first daughter did not want to sit in a wheelchair. She honestly slept for up to six months while we were walking on the street. And then she grew up and, if she didn’t sleep, then she rolled up whole scandals. Either the sun in the eye, or the breeze, or just sad and I want to handle it — in this style. Even when she was just a baby, I bought a kangaroo backpack. But my shoulders said, «well, thank you, dear.» This despite the fact that the daughter is not at all a weight giant. Therefore, I sold the kangaroo and began to look for another means of carrying.

    And once I came across an ergo backpack. With him we went to Uzbekistan for a month. We had a stroller, but in the foothills of Chirchik it turned out to be practically irrelevant. Therefore, I carried my ten-month-old baby everywhere in this backpack and it was very comfortable for me. What surprised me was that Uzbek women did not use any carriers, but basically they carried even large children on themselves, simply by putting them on their hips.

    In India too. But there, a woman with a child does not move far alone and, if she gets tired, she simply passes the baby to another relative.

    And the coolest way of carrying came up with sultry women from wild African tribes. It looks something like this:

    Head strap. How are you? Very, very original.

    In China, they still do not take a steam bath and carry children in shopping baskets. Need to go to the market for groceries? Please. Babies in one basket, risks in the other:

    North Americans carried (and probably carry) children in such cute shoulder cocoons:

    When I lived with Tibetans in India, I remember how a Tibetan woman would put her three-year-old baby in a similar box behind her back.

    But let’s fast forward to the real Russian reality and see how you can carry a child in more modern designs (although the sling is essentially the same scarf invented in Africa).

    Regular sling

    Looks like a long piece of fabric that you can wrap your baby in however you like. The advantages are that even a premature newborn can be attached to you, and in this cocoon next to a warm mother, he will be fine. There is only one minus for me personally, but it is so significant that although I tried the sling, in the end I completely abandoned it. To properly wrap a child, you need to adapt. It is not so easy to cope with a long fabric, and you can probably do this only at home.

    Sling with rings

    Unlike a conventional sling, this accessory is no longer as long. It is hung on one shoulder and is regulated by rings. The advantage is that it is much easier to use than usual. The unrealistic minus is that the load goes to one shoulder. And the iron ring is not too friendly.


    A square piece of fabric with long straps. It is already clear where to wind the child. But again — it must be wound! Everything that needs to be tied does not seem too ergonomic to me personally.

    Fast Sling

    This is such an evolved sling that is already approaching the ergo backpack. The differences are in the way the straps are fastened: they are wide and cross on the back. The belt is small and does not distribute the load from the shoulders, unfortunately.

    Sling loop

    There is also this strange thing called


    Didn’t use it myself. Although I think it’s quite handy. Looks like a belt bag, with a hard seat for a child. Available with or without a back.

    And finally, my favorite — ergo backpack

    Personally, this method of carrying is the closest to me. You don’t have to worry about ties. Dressed, planted the child and go!
    Of the minuses — it is not recommended to carry babies under 3 months. There are some special inserts for newborns, but I have not seen them in my eyes and do not really understand how it might look. But the point is that the child is sitting facing the mother, the legs are divorced.
    The ergo backpack has a wide waistband and padded shoulder straps like a backpack. At the back, they are fastened with an additional sling so that they do not diverge and fall off the shoulders. Thus, the load in the form of the weight of the child is distributed evenly and the mother’s shoulders and back do not go nuts.

    There is a safety elastic band on the belt for fastening, so that if it accidentally unfastens (which is almost impossible), the child does not fall out.
    With my first daughter, I had an ancestor backpack, which is called Ergo. Now some ordinary company is twice cheaper. Haven’t caught the difference yet. Perhaps the American had a wider belt.


    A backpack in which the child hangs without spreading his legs. It can be used from birth, but the biggest disadvantage is that the load goes completely on the tender shoulders of the mother. And some doubt that hanging in this way will also be useful for the baby … The plus is that the child can be put in the “facing away from mom” position.
    Only up to 4-5 months

    Strictly Bed Carriers .

    Carry bag

    Handy thing for children up to four or five months, if you need to go to the clinic for example. Can be inserted into a stroller, and some wear without a stroller. It was especially convenient with twin babies.


    Usually removed from strollers two or three in one. You can carry in such a thing, but not far. For example, to the car or somewhere else for short distances. And so — cumbersome and hard.

    Car seat

    Quite babies are sometimes brought in a car seat even to children’s stores.

  • By alexxlab

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