Newborn baby boy take home outfits: Baby Boy Coming Home Outfit

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Tips, When to Seek Help, More

You may be able to reduce a fever in a baby more than 3 months old with remedies like a lukewarm bath or dressing them in lightweight clothing. In newborns, a fever may require medical care.

If your baby wakes up in the middle of the night crying and feeling flushed, you’ll need to take their temperature to determine if they have a fever. There are many reasons why your little one might develop a fever.

While fevers themselves aren’t dangerous, sometimes the underlying cause can be. Young infants are more likely than older children to have a cause for their fever that requires treatment.

Newborns — ages 3 months and younger — should be seen by a doctor immediately for any fever.

Infants 3 months and older with low-grade fevers can be treated at home with proper care if no other concerning symptoms develop. Infants with persistent or high fevers should be assessed by a doctor.

Normal temperature hovers somewhere close to 98. 6°F (37°C). This temperature can vary slightly from morning to evening. Body temperatures are generally lower when you wake up and higher in the afternoon and evening.

Infants under 3 months old with a fever require immediate medical attention to diagnose the underlying cause and treat it if necessary.

Infants are considered to have a fever if their temperature is:

  • 100.4°F (38°C) or higher when taken rectally
  • 99°F (37.2°C) or higher when taken by other methods

Low-grade fevers don’t always require a visit to your doctor for infants older than 3 months.

A slightly elevated temperature in an infant older than 3 months may not require a trip to the doctor. You may be able to treat the fever at home with the following methods:

1. Acetaminophen

If your child is over 3 months, you can offer them a safe amount of children’s acetaminophen (Tylenol).

Doses are usually based on weight. Your doctor may recommend weighing your baby if they haven’t recently been weighed or if they’ve had a recent growth spurt.

If your baby isn’t uncomfortable or fussy from their fever, you may not need to give them any medication. For higher fevers or other symptoms that are making your infant uncomfortable, medication can help them temporarily feel better.

2. Adjust their clothing

Dress your infant in lightweight clothing and use just a sheet or light blanket to keep them comfortable and cool.

Overdressing your infant may interfere with their body’s natural methods of cooling down.

3. Turn down the temperature

Keep your home and your infant’s room cool. This can help prevent them from overheating.

4. Give them a lukewarm bath

Try sponging your baby down with lukewarm water. (Water temperature should feel warm, but not hot, to the touch on your inner arm.) Maintain constant supervision during bathing to ensure water safety.

Avoid using cold water, as this can lead to shivering, which may increase their temperature. Dry your baby off immediately following the bath and dress them in lightweight clothing.

Alcohol baths or wipes to lower fevers aren’t recommended and can be harmful.

5. Offer fluids

Dehydration is a possible complication of fever. Offer regular fluids (breast milk or formula) and make sure your baby has tears when crying, a moist mouth, and regular wet diapers.

Call your doctor’s office to discuss ways to keep your child hydrated if this is a concern.

There are several things you should not do if your infant has a fever:

  • Do not delay medical attention for a newborn with any fever or an infant with a persistent fever or who seems very ill.
  • Do not administer medication to your infant without first checking their temperature and consulting your doctor’s office.
  • Do not use medication intended for adults.
  • Do not overdress your infant.
  • Do not use ice or rubbing alcohol to lower your infant’s temperature.

To get the most accurate temperature, use a digital multiuse thermometer rectally. Keep in mind that a rectal temperature will be higher than temperatures taken with other methods.

Here’s how to take your infant’s temperature rectally:

  • Read the manufacturer’s instructions initially and set the measurements to either Fahrenheit or Celsius (in order to report the temperature correctly).
  • Clean the thermometer with rubbing alcohol or soap.
  • Coat the end of the thermometer in petroleum jelly or another safe lubricant.
  • Remove any clothing or diaper from your infant’s bottom.
  • Lay your infant on their stomach on a safe and comfortable surface, such as a changing table or bed, or on your lap.
  • Hold your infant gently in place while you take the temperature. Don’t let them move or wiggle during the process to avoid the thermometer moving further into your infant’s rectum. Having someone’s help to hold the infant still is best to prevent injury.
  • Turn on the thermometer and insert it only a half inch to 1 inch into your infant’s rectum until the thermometer beeps. (Most thermometers have a visual notch or safety guide that demonstrates a safe limit for rectal insertion.)
  • Pull out the thermometer carefully and read the temperature.

Other devices may provide accurate temperature readings for your infant if you use them according to their instructions.

Temporal artery thermometers measure the temperature from the forehead and may not work for infants younger than 3 months old. A rectal temperature is recommended for infants of this age group.

Tympanic thermometers read the temperature from a baby’s ear and should only be used in infants 6 months and older.

Here are a few other guidelines for taking your infant’s temperature:

  • Designate your digital multiuse thermometer for rectal use only and label it to avoid confusion.
  • Avoid taking your infant’s temperature orally or under the armpit. These aren’t considered accurate for infants and young children.
  • Don’t conclude that your infant has a fever if you feel warmth by touching their forehead. You need an accurate digital thermometer reading to determine fever.
  • Avoid using mercury-filled thermometers. They pose a risk of mercury exposure if they break.

Make sure to monitor your infant’s temperature during the course of an illness and observe other symptoms and behaviors to determine whether you should contact your doctor.

You should contact your infant’s doctor or seek medical treatment if:

  • your infant under 3 months old develops any elevation in temperature
  • your infant between 3–6 months old has a rectal temperature of 102°F (38.9°C) or higher
  • your 6- to 24-month-old has a fever above 102°F (38.9°C) for more than a day or two with no other symptoms
  • they have a fever that has lasted longer than 24 hours or that occurs regularly
  • they’re irritable (very fussy) or lethargic (weak or more sleepy than usual)
  • your infant’s temperature doesn’t lower within an hour or so after taking an appropriate dose of medication
  • they develop other symptoms like a rash, poor feeding, or vomiting
  • they’re dehydrated (not producing tears, spit, or the usual amount of wet diapers)

Fevers are generally a symptom of a larger medical condition.

Your infant may develop a fever for many reasons, including from:

  • a viral infection
  • a bacterial infection
  • certain vaccinations
  • another medical condition

Common causes of fevers in children include respiratory illnesses like colds and ear infections.

Does teething cause fevers?

Teething isn’t considered a cause of fever. It may be that your teething infant has another underlying condition causing the fever.

Treating a fever in an infant will vary based on the age of the child and the symptoms surrounding the fever.

Newborns must be seen by a doctor immediately if they develop a fever, while older infants may be treated at home if they develop a mild fever.

Always check with your doctor before giving any medication to your infant, and see a doctor if your child develops a high fever or if the fever lasts longer than a day or two.

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Newborn baby in the family | Fantasy Clinic

Schedule of appointments, examinations, vaccination of children from 0 to 18 months (in accordance with international medical recommendations)

Specialist doctors

Pediatrician 1 time in 7-10 days during the first month

Orthopedic surgeon

900 02 Neurologist



BCG in maternity hospital

Hepatitis B (1 vaccination) in maternity hospital

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)

Varicella 900 03

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, complete urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Physicians- specialists


Orthopedic surgeon




Hepatitis B (2 shots)

Pertussis-Diphtheria -Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination) 9000 3


Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

Cardiac ultrasound

Complete blood count, urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Orthopedic surgeon




Hepatitis B

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection 900 03

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)


Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

ultrasound of the heart

9 0002 Complete blood count, urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Orthopedic surgeon



9000 2 Vaccination

Hepatitis B

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae (1 vaccination)

Pneumococcal disease (1 vaccination)

Rotavirus infection (1 vaccination)

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)

Chicken pox

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

Cardiac ultrasound

Complete blood count, urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Orthopedic surgeon




Hepatitis B

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae (2 vaccinations)

Pneumococcal infection (2 vaccinations)

Rotavirus infection (2 vaccinations)

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)

Chicken pox

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

Cardiac ultrasound

Complete blood count, urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Specialist doctors


Orthopedic surgeon




Hepatitis B

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcus occal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)

Chicken pox

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (com plex), ultrasound of the kidneys

ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Orthopedic surgeon


Ophthalmologist 90 003


Hepatitis B (3 shots)

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae (3 shots)

Pneumococcal infection (3 shots)

Rotavirus infection (3 shots)

Meningococcal disease

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)


Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

Cardiac ultrasound

Complete blood count, urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Orthopedic surgeon




Hepatitis B

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infection 9 0003

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)

Chicken pox

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys 9 0003

Cardiac ultrasound

Complete blood count, urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Orthopedic surgeon


Ophthalmologist 90 003


Hepatitis B

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal disease

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal disease infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)


Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

Ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, complete urinalysis

9000 2 Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical Specialists


Orthopedic Surgeon




Hepatitis B

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infection (1 vaccination)

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)

Varicella smallpox

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, complete urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical Specialists


Orthopedic Surgeon




Hepatitis B

Pertussis -Diphtheria-Tetanus-Poliomyelitis-Hemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination) )

Chicken pox

Laboratory and functional tests

Neurosonography (NSG), Ultrasound of the hip joints, Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), Ultrasound of the kidneys

Ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, complete urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Orthopedic surgeon




Hepatitis B

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Cor-red-parotitis (1 vaccination)

Wind Ospes

Laboratory and Functional Studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the pond (Complex), kidney ultrasound

Ultrasound of the heart

General blood test, total urine analysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)



Orthopedic surgeon




Hepatitis B

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae 90 003

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infection (2 vaccinations)

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)

Varicella ( 1 vaccination)

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

Cardiac ultrasound

Complete blood count, urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Orthopedic surgeon




Hepatitis B

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection 900 03

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)

Chicken pox (2 vaccinations)

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

ultrasound of the heart 9 0003

Complete blood count, urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Orthopedic surgeon


Ophthalmologist 9000 3


Hepatitis B

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae (1 revaccination)

Pneumococcal infection (1 revaccination)

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcus occal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)

Chicken pox

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (com plex), renal ultrasound

Cardiac ultrasound

Complete blood count, urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Orthopedic surgeon




Hepatitis B

Poliomyelitis (2 revaccinations)

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)


Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

Ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, complete urinalysis

9000 2 Electrocardiography (ECG)

Myths and truth about twins: inexplicable telepathy




Since ancient times, the birth of twins was perceived by people all over the world as a kind of sign and overgrown with myths. Some peoples believed that the birth of identical children meant double luck, others believed that cataclysms would kill so many children that every mother would need a “spare”. Some «twin stories» are still in use today. With the help of a neonatologist (specialist in newborns) Natalya Cherenkova, the MK correspondent separated truth from fiction in them.

Actresses Olga and Tatyana Arntgolts

Photo: Gennady Avramenko

Help «MK»: «Twins are monozygotic (homozygous) and dizygotic. Monozygotic — twins formed as a result of the division of one egg. They are genetically and physically identical.

Dizygotic twins or twins are born as a result of pregnancy, during which two eggs are fertilized and gestated from their mother. Twins have a different set of genes and are similar to each other to the same extent as ordinary brothers and sisters.

According to statistics, twins are not often born: they are about 1% of the total population of the world. But in the last decade, the number of twins has been steadily growing, including due to the spread of IVF (in vitro fertilization), during which two or more eggs are planted in the body of a future mother.

Nine myths about twins

«Twins are capable of telepathy.» This is one of the most persistent myths, because life often confirms it. It is based on the increased empathy of the twins, often they admit that they «understand each other without words.» This is due to their joint development — both physiological, starting from the intrauterine, and social — as a rule, the twins are inseparable and are often perceived by others as a single whole.

For example, the king of rock and roll Elvis Presley associated his psychological problems with the death of his twin brother, who suffocated at birth. Elvis assured that he feels: his half «died at birth, because for 9 months they were inseparable from their brother in the womb. » He assures that he feels something similar, and the American star Justin Timberlake, whose twin sister died a few minutes after birth.

Twin actress sisters Arntgolts Tatyana and Olga were born with a difference of 20 minutes. The youngest, Olga, admits: “I not only always feel when Tanya feels bad, but I also know why.”

Hollywood handsome Ashton Kutcher has a twin brother Michael. The brothers were born on February 7, 1978, Michael saw the light 5 minutes later. Ashton was completely healthy, but Michael was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and heart disease.

At the age of 13, Michael experienced clinical death. He was in the hospital, and Ashton was at home, and the details of the state of the teenager’s brother were not dedicated. However, right at the moment when his twin brother fell into a coma, Ashton tried to jump out the window. At the last moment, his father miraculously saved him.

«The twin feels if the other one feels bad.» This statement follows from the previous one. Although child psychologists strongly recommend that parents of twins not only not “perceive them as a whole”, but, on the contrary, emphasize the individuality of each in every possible way.

If brothers and sisters with a difference in age are called to stick to each other in everything, to have common interests, then in relation to identical children this is wrong. They may develop dependence on each other, which later develops either into the loss of their own «I» (identification with a sister or brother), which will make it difficult in the future to arrange their separate, personal life. Or in fierce competition in an attempt to find this «I» and separate it from the brotherly or sisterly.

From the age of 10-12 months it is recommended to involve twins in different games and activities, dress differently, cut and give different gifts. And later — to enroll in different circles and sections and, if possible, not to give to one class.

Psychologists advise never to address twins with the single word «Children», but to call each by name. This will allow each of the twins to understand and feel that, despite the constant presence of an identical copy of him nearby, he is a separate person who has a separate significance for those around him.

Often twins themselves feel an unconscious need to separate their identity from their brother or sister. And when they are habitually addressed as a single entity, they emphasize that one of them is older, even if only by half a minute, and the other is younger. They are trying to find the difference in order to designate their individuality.

An illustrative example is the Berezutsky twin brothers football players, who play together in CSKA defense. They are often asked if it is true that they even think the same way? And what can feel each other at a distance? The more the brothers get such questions, the more often they answer that they are completely different!

«Twins have fun with each other, they don’t need other children for company.» In no case should parents of twins, relying on the fact that «it’s good for them both», limit the communication of twins with other children. This can lead to specific abnormalities that occur only in twins. For example, cryptophasia is a specific «bird» language formed from «broken» normal words, with the help of which children communicate only with each other.

With the help of their own «secret» language, the twins perfectly understand each other, but those around them do not. However, the habit of deforming normal words eventually turns into onomotapeia — a habit that makes it difficult to acquire speech skills and slows down language development. According to the research of psychologist Rene Zazzo, in terms of mastering speech skills, twins, on average, lag behind ordinary children by 2-3 years, reaching the norm of language development of 4-5 years of age only by 6-7 years.

It is easier for parents of opposite-sex twins: due to gender differences, a boy and a girl do not risk losing their own “I”, completely merging with each other. But they remain close throughout their lives. An example of this is the actress Scarlett Johansen, who has a twin brother Hunter, 5 minutes younger than her. Even as adults, Scarlett and Hunter spend a lot of time together, saying that «an ordinary person needs to be alone to collect his thoughts, and they need to be alone.»

«Twins are exact copies of each other.» According to statistics, about a quarter of identical twins are «mirror» — identical, but as in a mirror image. Their moles are the same, but located on different sides of the body — for example, one on the left shoulder, the other — the same, but on the right.

It is not uncommon for one of the pair to have internal organs located on the opposite side. Often twins have one left-handed, the other right-handed.

It has been experimentally proven that twins have a different smell (in the course of research, it was found that pets smell completely identical children). And this despite completely identical clothes, food, life, hygiene and health.

Twins also have different fingerprints, although in comparison with all other people, a pair of twins has more matches. The formation of lines on the pads is influenced not only by the gene set: these are also traces of touching the umbilical cord and skin during fetal development.

Sometimes grown twins manage to look completely different from each other. For example, the Kaulitz brothers are the lead singers of the German band Tokio Hotel. At first glance, the twins Bill and Tom are completely different. However, if you look closely, it becomes clear that this «otherness» is carefully cherished — the brothers have different hairstyles, clothes, image and behavior.

«Twins are most common in dark-skinned and ‘older’ women.» The fact that twins are most often born in Nigeria among the indigenous women of the country is a statistical fact. Perhaps the point here is just heredity, if we are talking about twins (recall that the formation of identical, monozygotic, twins is not due to a genetic predisposition).

Concerning dizygotic — that is, twins — those couples whose close relatives have a history of such cases are more likely to acquire them.

Most often, twins really appear in women aged 35 and older. This is due to the fact that women in this age group are more likely to resort to a course of therapy to stimulate the maturation of eggs, which contributes to the development of multiple pregnancies. It also occurs more easily on the background of the withdrawal of long-term use of contraceptive drugs, which also happens more often in middle-aged women. Both stimulation therapy and the withdrawal of habitual contraceptives cause an increased activity of the ovaries in the production of eggs, which leads to the formation and development of two or more embryos.

«All twins pretend to be one for the other from time to time, choose the same profession.» Of course, this happens, but it’s not a rule at all. Many couples really like to remember how they went for each other to control and other important events. For example, twin actresses Linda and Leslie Hamilton took turns starring in Terminator 2.

Sometimes the «twin couple» share the profession and fame, as, for example, the twin actresses Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen, who became the youngest millionaires in US history. The girls earned their first million at the age of 10. Both have everything in order with business, and with personal life, and with the attitude towards each other. Ashley jokingly refers to Mary Kate as her «backup kit».

Shared fame and James and Oliver Phelps — the twins who played the Weasley twins in the film about «Harry Potter». The brothers admit that they still cannot replace each other: Oliver has a small mole on his neck, while James does not.

The Torsuev brothers in the film «The Adventures of Electronics»

Photo: Frame from video

The most famous twins of the USSR, the Torsuev brothers, who played Syroezhkin and Electronics in a popular Soviet film, have the same story with a difference mole. Yura, who played Syroezhkin, really has a famous mole that distinguished him from Electronics, whose role was played by his twin Vova, who does not have a mole.

Football twins Dmitry and Kirill Kombarov were born on January 22, 1987, Kirill 15 minutes earlier. Football players remember how in childhood they shared a bunk bed and fought over every little thing, and their father always punished both, even if one was to blame. According to them, Kombarov Sr., an ardent fan of Spartak, gave them to the Spartak football school in order to «direct their indefatigable energy in the right direction.» As we can see, he succeeded.

And the already mentioned twin sisters Olga and Tatyana Arntgolts serve as proof that «pairing» is not always a guarantee of a paired demand in the profession. Yes, and interchangeability is not always possible — due to differences not so much external as internal, in character. At first, not a single theater university accepted the sisters, explaining that «they do not need the same actresses.» But then they took the Shchepkinsky Theater School without any exams at all. As a result, both twins are actresses, but their roles are completely different.

According to their fans, Tanya and Olya are noticeably different characters and voices. Tanya is lighter and more cheerful, so she is often invited to TV shows and entertainment projects. Olya is more serious, thoughtful, more often finds herself in a deep full-length movie. In Tanya’s personal life, novels happen more often than Olya’s. Tanya has a sharper voice and brighter, more expressive facial features, Olin’s voice is quieter, softer, and her facial features are smaller and more elegant. According to their fans, the twins also play differently: Tatiana’s heroines are impetuous and hot, while Olga’s are quiet and calm.

The names of “twin couples” who sing and play on stage and screen are also heard: the Zaitsev sisters, whose musical duet thundered in the 90s, the Tolmachev sisters, who conquered the Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2006, the Burdaev brothers, known as the Brothers Grim group, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation Ksenia and Polina Kutepova, as well as many foreign “twins” stars.

But it also happens that one of the twins has to give in for the sake of the other’s happiness. Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bündchen, for example, has a twin sister, Patricia, who is 5 minutes older than Gisele. From birth, the girls were very close and, of course, they went to conquer the podium together. However, with an almost complete external identity, only Giselle succeeded in the modeling business. And Patricia, instead of being jealous and competing, voluntarily left the podium and went to her sister as an agent. The sisters are inseparable to this day.

The deceased head of Poland, Lech Kaczynski, has a twin brother. It was after heeding Lech’s persistent requests that his twin Yaroslav Kaczynski agreed to become prime minister in his brother’s government. Yaroslav admitted that he really did not want to hold this post and generally work in the administration, but he could not refuse his brother.

But, of course, not all twins choose one profession for two. For example, the singer Natalya Podolskaya, the wife of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., has a twin sister, Julianna, who has never shown the slightest interest in music, the stage, or fame. And in all other passions and habits, except for the stage, the sisters are surprisingly similar.




Published in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper No.

By alexxlab

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