Party themes for a baby boy 1st birthday: Boys 1st Birthday Party Themes

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Fletcher’s Blue and White 1st Birthday Party

My second baby is officially O-N-E. Not only is that hard to process, but this had to be the fastest year of my life. They say it goes by faster with each one, and they weren’t kidding.

I sure do wish these babies would stop trying to grow up so fast! But what a blessing it is to be entrusted to raise them and watch them grow. It’s truly bittersweet!

Fletcher’s Blue and White First Birthday Party

Y’all know I love party planning, but there’s something extra special and magical about that first birthday. When I started planning Fletcher’s first birthday party I had a few visions in mind: sweet, simple, and classic (big surprise, right?!).

I found these elegant blue and white birthday invitations on Etsy and they set the stage for the entire party. After all, when you’re a #boymom you can only get away with “sweet” and “bows” for a very small period of time 😉 So I took it and ran with it!

A large part of what made Fletcher’s first birthday party so special is that I was able to reuse so many of the same things I used two years ago for John Davis’s Peter Rabbit Themed First Birthday Party.

The “ONE” centerpiece, the cupcake stand, the blue gingham table runner, the heirloom highchair hand-painted by Mother, and the fabric garland hanging on the front of the table all came from John Davis’s first birthday party.

I love how special it is (because I’m sentimental that way). And even though I reused so many of the same things again, their parties were completely different and unique. {Insert my unsolicited party planning advice: invest in basics you love so you can use them over and over again!}

Blue and White First Birthday Party Decor

Because the invitations were so classic and elegant, I set a blue and white dessert table in the formal dining room as the main focus of party decor.

Our dining room provided a formal and neutral backdrop for the dessert table and guests saw it as they entered through the front door. The rest of the party food and drinks were set up buffet style on the kitchen island.

I set the table with a white linen table cloth (folded to make a wide runner) and the light blue gingham runner from John Davis’s first birthday party (which is actually just blue gingham fabric from Hobby Lobby).

Tip: Trim the edges of your fabric with pinking shears. This will prevent the fabric from fraying when you wash it and it also makes a cute and decorative zig zag edge.

The ONE centerpiece is the same centerpiece I used here for John Davis’s first birthday. It is easy and inexpensive to create any word or number (I spelled out “BABY” for a friend’s baby shower) by painting paper mâché letters with white craft paint.

I wasn’t even planning on using this blue fabric garland from John Davis’s first birthday party. I stumbled across it a couple of days before the party when I pulled out my big party bin from the attic. It made the perfect addition to the front of the table.

I attached it to the front of the table with these small clear hooks. They are damage free and small enough that you don’t notice them.

Instead of cake I opted for cupcakes from our local grocery store. Not only are they budget friendly, but it’s so easy for guests to grab one as opposed to trying to cut individual pieces of cake.

I cut out the “1” for the cupcake toppers from blue scrapbook paper with our Cricut. I hot glued them onto lollipop sticks and tied them with a blue gingham ribbon to match the table runner.

Our local Publix gives you a free smash cake when you order cupcakes and/or cake for a first birthday party. Win, win! I kept it simple with white icing and blue piping and polka dots. The icing wasn’t as “light blue” as I had envisioned but thats okay : )

At about 11 o’clock the night before the party I realized I didn’t have anything to go on top of the cake (oops!). I quickly printed out a blue ” O N E” on white scrapbook paper. I cut each letter into a banner shape, made holes with a hole punch, and strung it through gingham ribbon. Not too bad for a last minute fix.

The inexpensive store-bought cupcakes look so much cuter by simply displaying them on a stand and adding a fun topper.

One of my family members asked me if Fletcher was turning 11111 years old? 🙂

These blue “1” sugar cookies were certainly a labor of love. About half way through making them I wondered what in the world I had gotten myself into!

I looked at having cookies made or buying them on Etsy, and as usual I thought to myself, “I can make those.” Why do I always do that?!

They are far from perfect but I had fun making them and they were delicious if I do say so myself! Our guests seem to like these more than the cupcakes and I don’t think there was one left when the party was over.

I used this sugar cookie recipe (this is hands down the best sugar cookie recipe ever), and topped them with Wilton royal icing.

This was my first time ever using royal icing and it could be an entire blog post in and of itself. It got easier as I went and I’d like to think I got better as I went, too. I will definitely be trying my hand at more cookies in the future!

I created a mini candy bar on the right side of the table using clear glass vases I found at HomeGoods. I love the look it added to the table and guests had fun nibbling on the candy as well!

Everything I filled them with can be found at Walmart (because that’s our favorite store): blue and white sixlets, blue lollipops, and white chocolate covered pretzels. The clear scoops and tongs came from the DollarTree (my other favorite store).

If you haven’t caught on yet, I’m somewhat of a procrastinator. I knew I wanted blue and white flowers for the table centerpiece, but it was the day before the party I still hadn’t thought much about it (normal people would have perhaps ordered flowers… but not me).

Well, sometimes I feel like God is looking out for us, even in the silly little things like blue flowers and first birthday parties. I went into Costco the day before the party to pick up some food and lo and behold they had one bouquet of light blue hydrangeas.

I simply put them in two tall cylinder clear vases, added some eucalyptus greenery from the grocery store, and called it a day.

Simple but pretty!

Perhaps the thing that tied the whole dessert table together was the oversized 24-inch balloons from Party City. I’m not sure if the picture adequately shows how big they are, but they are huge!

Daddy so graciously offered to go pick them up for me on the morning of the party and I think he got more than he bargained for. They barely fit in his truck and he said he was scared he was going to float away : )

And of course I can’t help myself. Every year I have to spend an obnoxious amount of money on a number balloon (only to become sick of it in about a day when I decide to pop it and throw it away 🙂 )

This antique high chair is so incredibly special to me. Mother hand-painted it for John Davis’s first birthday (how talented is she?!) and now Fletcher gets to use it too.

She is going to paint each grandchild’s name and birthdate on the highchair and you better believe this piece will be passed down as a family heirloom!

I hand-lettered a simple “Happy 1st Birthday Fletcher” with chalk pen on our tried and true chalk board frame that has been used at more parties and showers than I can even count.

I tied a big bow with blue deco mesh and added blue and white balloons to the the sign at the front door.

As usual I used our entryway table in the foyer to display an invitation in my favorite painted wood craft frame.

For party favors Mother and Mamaw made our favorite “white trash” recipe. Also known as “Christmas crack.” Lovely names! But seriously, there’s a reason it’s referred to as “crack,” because this stuff is addicting. Fair warning: once you start eating it you can’t stop. You’ve been warned!

Mother and Mamaw also so lovingly picked out all of the red M&M’s from a bag of patriotic themed M&M’s so they could make the recipe with only blue and white M&M’s. See where I get it from?! At least I come by it naturally.

I used the same pretty watercolor crest from the invitation to make a “thank you” tag for the favors. And wouldn’t you know that I tied them up with a blue gingham ribbon.

Since the focus of the party decor was in the dining room, I kept everything else pretty simple in the kitchen.

I used a matching white tablecloth and blue gingham runner on the kitchen table and put some of the leftover white hydrangeas in a clear vase. The blue polka dot party hats were left over from John Davis’s Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails Birthday Party in March.

I still felt like something was missing, so on a whim the night before the party (are you seeing a theme here?!) I decided to try my hand at a balloon garland.

There are much more sophisticated tutorials out there, and they even make a balloon garland strip specifically designed for this (which would have made things so much easier). The night before the party I didn’t have that option, so I simply blew up blue and white balloons to different sizes and tied them onto a ribbon. To my surprise it worked and I thought it looked cute by adding a little ‘something’ above the table.

Just like I did for John Davis, I took monthly photos of Fletcher leading up to his first birthday. I’m so glad I did this because it’s so fun to look back and see how he changed from month to month.

I used the monthly photos to make a banner and hung it on the fireplace mantle. Guests loved looking at the photos and now I will hang it in the playroom where I also have John Davis’s banner hanging from his first birthday party.

Party Menu

Now for the good part: the food! I decided to go with a brunch theme since the party started at 11 o’clock in the morning.

For drinks I tied a blue and gold polka dot straw onto an Izze. These were a huge hit! We also served water and juice boxes.

What’s brunch without donut holes? I paired these with Madeleines from Costco.

I made easy yogurt parfaits by putting plain vanilla yogurt in these dessert cups and topping them with granola and diced strawberries. Everyone loved these! Something so simple looked so cute because of the way it was displayed.

Of course we had to have Chik-Fil-A chicken mini’s. I ordered two large trays and there was not. one. left.

I served fresh fruit from Costco with the most delicious cream cheese fruit dip. I could drink that stuff!

And last but certainly not least, I served Mother’s infamous sausage balls as well as mini quiche from Costco. Both the sausage balls and mini quiche can be frozen and are so great to have on hand to pull out as easy entertaining for guests!

Happy First Birthday Fletcher!

Happy first birthday sweet boy!

If I’m being completely honest, before you were born I naively believed I couldn’t possibly love another baby as much as my first. That fear went out the window the very first time I heard your cries, and my heart doubled in size the minute I laid eyes on you. Now we can’t remember what life was like before you and we love you more than you will ever know!


We knew that when we gave you a name like “Fletcher Freeberg” that you were bound to have a big personality. Well, I think we may have underestimated just how big. You are a true ham in every sense of the word.

Your personality is larger than life and you like to entertain everyone around you with your hilarious antics.

I don’t think you know your real name. You answer to “bubba,” “tank,” and “crash.” You are all boy, all the time.

But you are every bit as lovable as you are rough and tumble (when you slow down long enough, that is)!

You like to keep Mama in your reach at all times (you won’t even think about going to the nursery at church), Daddy is funny, and you absolutely adore your big brother. You try (and most of the time succeed) to do everything he does!

You’re as smart as can be and you do things way beyond your age!

You are walking, you weigh 24 pounds, and you have seven teeth. You can say “Mama,” “Daddy,” “bubbie,” “bye-bye,” “ball,” “look,” “green,” and “light.” Dr. Harbaugh couldn’t believe how many words you can say!

People probably won’t believe me when I say this, but your very favorite thing to do is hit golf balls (not even kidding!). You will spend hours doing this and you always have a golf club or baseball bat in your hand (so we’ve added “Bam Bam” to your list of nicknames). You also like to draw on the Etch A Sketch, ride the powerwheels four wheeler, and do the Braves tomahawk chop. I don’t think you realize you’re still a baby!

You love to sleep and you love to eat (but who can blame you?!)

You and your brother love each other SO much and nothing makes me happier than watching you two become best buddies.

You are certainly tough after having endured all of John Davis’s headlocks hugs, and I pray that you two will always be the best of friends.

You and your brother are by far our two greatest blessings and it is such a privilege to be your Mama and Daddy.

God has made you so special and uniquely you, and I know He has great big plans for your life. Our greatest prayer is that you would know Jesus and His love for you, and that you would follow Him all the days of your life.

We love you Fletcherman!

(Also… I have laughed so hard because both of my kids looked like Dracula with their popped collars on their first birthday. Note to self: tack down collars in the future!!)

Fletcher’s sweet vintage inspired outfit is from Cecil & Lou. It may just be my favorite outfit yet!

I got my blue linen maxi on clearance for a steal from J Crew Factory, but sadly I cannot find it online anymore. I guess that’s what happens when you’re a clearance shopper 😉

Hot dad alert! Hubby says he will link his outfit deets later. Only kidding 🙂

I sure do love my little fam.

Let Him Eat Cake!

As much as Fletcher likes to eat I thought he would absolutely inhale his cake.

But of course he proved me wrong and he wanted nothing to do with it.

By this point in the party he was tired and I think he was just over it!

He was a little curious at first…

… but he wasn’t too sure what to do with it.

He didn’t like touching the icing (whose child is this?! gimme all the icing!) and you can see the concern on his face!

Big brother John Davis didn’t waste any time getting in there to “help.”

Notice the blue polka dots in the progression of photos… they mysteriously go missing and that little hand belonging to John Davis is certainly to blame 🙂

Fletcherman = not having it!

John Davis = having it!

It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to!

“Here bubba, I’ll help you.”

Thanks to John Davis there are now almost no blue polka dots left on the cake. At least someone was eating it, I guess.

John Davis is busted and the blue icing on his face is proof.

Sweet Party Guests

Fletcherman admiring the balloons with Gahmama (the name John Davis gave Mother and for better or worse it’s here to stay).

My beautiful Mama!

And my sweet Daddy! Also known as “Gahdaddy.

We are so thankful for our family and friends who helped us celebrate our sweet boy!

I didn’t get many pictures during the party because I had a certain baby on my hip 🙂

Fletcher had had enough at this point : )

The faces of two tired boys right there!

Can I dress them matching forever?

Happy Birthday Fletcher!!

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.” Psalm 37:4-6

Unique DIY 1st Birthday Party Ideas & Themes for Baby Boys


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  • Cowboy Themed Western Birthday Party Idea for Boys
  • Little Fisherman Themed 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys
  • Construction Theme 1st Birthday Party Ideas for Boys
  • Puppy Dog Animal Themed First Birthday Party Idea for Boys
  • Polar Bears & Penguins: Winter Wonderland Themed 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly Themed 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys
  • Farm Themed 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys
  • Carnival Themed 1st Birthday Party Idea for Twins
  • Vintage Circus 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys
  • «Beep-beep Choo-choo» Transportation Theme 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys


Classic Cowboy Themed 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys

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Hey there Pardner! Get ready to party with this classic cowboy birthday party set up from Mariah. Get the full DIY tutorial for an easy to implement first birthday party.

Cowboy Themed Western Birthday Party Idea for Boys

Cowboy Themed Western Party Idea – Liam’s Round Up Birthday by Michelle Stewart

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Little Fisherman Themed 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys

“Splish Splash” Little Fisherman 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys by Michelle Stewart

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Construction Theme 1st Birthday Party Ideas for Boys

DIY Construction 1st Birthday Party Idea by Lindi Haws

Little guys love construction vehicles! Create a party full of diggers and hard hats with this construction party from Lindi. To make it easy, decorate a storebought chocolate cake with chopped up candy bars to resemble boulders – it couldn’t be more simple.


And here are some more ideas for a construction themed party by Kim Byers. This one uses chopped chocolate cookie crumbs that looks like dirt on the cake for an easy construction themed birthday cake.

Construction Theme Birthday Party by Kim Byers & Ellen Jay Events

Puppy Dog Animal Themed First Birthday Party Idea for Boys

Puppy Dog First Birthday Party Idea by Tammy Mitchell

This adorable puppy dog first birthday party is the perfect way to celebrate a first birthday. From pupcorn to puppy dog cake pops and a cake that looks like a bowl of puppy chow, you won’t know what treat to try first.

Polar Bears & Penguins: Winter Wonderland Themed 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys

Polar Bears & Penguins Winter Wonderland First Birthday Party Idea for Boys by Mariah Leeson

Penguins and polar bears galore! This darling winter “one”derland party is full of sweet animals that are perfect way to celebrate a first birthday.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Themed 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys

Peanut butter and jelly bar birthday party idea for boys by Mariah Leeson

Peanut butter and jelly are a kids’ staple and this PB&J party is sure to be a hit! Kids will love the PB&J station where they can create their own one-of-a-kind sandwich.

Farm Themed 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys

Farm Themed 1st Birthday Party Idea by Michelle Stewart

If you’re looking to plan a cute 1st birthday party at home, you can’t go wrong with this farm party. Check out the adorable pig in mud marshmallows that are sure to please!

Carnival Themed 1st Birthday Party Idea for Twins

Twins’ Carnival Birthday Party Idea for Boys by Mariah Leeson

You can’t go wrong with cotton candy and a bouncy house! This carnival birthday party idea is perfect for a first birthday, especially if you’re inviting lots of older kids to help you celebrate.

Vintage Circus 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys

Vintage Circus 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys by Michelle Stewart

This vintage circus birthday party idea is ready for the big top! Lions, tigers and bears not included.

«Beep-beep Choo-choo» Transportation Theme 1st Birthday Party Idea for Boys

Beep-beep choo-choo Transportation Theme First Birthday Party Ideas for Boys by Michelle Stewart

Get ready to roll! This transportation theme first birthday party idea is perfect if your little guy is obsessed with all things transportation. Planes, trains and automobiles create a super fun birthday theme.

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Thematic children’s birthday — how to organize a holiday for a child?

It’s great to organize a theme party for a child’s birthday! This will allow him and his friends to enjoy the fun and games, and it is also an experience of a lifetime. Adults can realize any idea of ​​a children’s birthday. It can be “Pirate Party”, “Princesses and Knights”, “Superheroes” or something else. To do this, it is enough for parents to decorate the room in accordance with the theme, dress up in costumes, invite guests who share similar hobbies.

It is always a pleasure to watch the smiles and delight on the faces of children, which they experience from games, treats, and also entertainment. At such moments, they feel special, important and loved — after all, all attention is riveted on them. And it doesn’t matter what theme of the child’s birthday is chosen. The main thing is that the baby enjoys the holiday, remember it for a long time.

A theme party is not only fun, but also interesting. Consider how to organize a celebration and think over the program of the event so that not only the birthday man, but also his guests have pleasant memories of this day.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating a Children’s Themed Party

Organizing a party:

Decide on a theme

Choosing a theme can be a tricky but important step to create a fun party atmosphere. Let’s consider a few nuances that should be considered when choosing a topic:

  • Interests. Pay attention to your child’s hobbies. If he likes certain characters from fairy tales or cartoons, then this can be a great option for a party theme.
  • Seasonality. Choosing a theme related to the current season might be a good idea. For example, a summer-themed birthday party might include outdoor games, water battles, and fun beach-style costumes.
  • Color scheme. You can choose a color scheme instead of a specific theme. For example, you can organize a pink-themed party. The room will be decorated with decor of the appropriate shade. When choosing a color, it is worth considering the wishes of the child.
  • Culture, country. If a child is interested in a certain country or culture, then this can be a great idea for a themed children’s birthday party. For example, you can organize a Mexican party with traditional costumes, music, food.

Choosing a location

Choosing a location can affect the overall experience of a party. Here are some ideas:

  • House . Organizing a themed birthday party at home is a good option if there is enough space not only for a large table, but also for activities. You can decorate the house accordingly, hold games, contests.
  • Park . If the weather permits, you can organize a party in the park. This can be a great option for a children’s picnic-style birthday party. The park has enough space for games and other activities.
  • Family Activity Park . This is a great choice for a kids birthday party. In such centers, all security measures are observed. In addition, there is all the necessary infrastructure for holding children’s parties, including play areas, spaces for fantasy games, a cafe with a children’s menu. There are also is a professional team that can organize and hold a holiday , taking into account all the wishes and needs of children, as well as adults accompanying them. And parents can save time on preparing for the holiday, as most of the responsibilities are taken over by specialists from such entertainment centers.
  • Cafe or restaurant . If you don’t want to mess around with table decorations and food, then you can hold a party in a cafe or restaurant. Choose a place that matches the theme of the holiday. Be sure to check out the children’s menu.
  • Museum or zoo . If your child loves animals or history, you can arrange a family trip to a museum or zoo.

Regardless of the chosen location, it is important to make sure that it fits the theme, is convenient for guests, and is safe for children.

Room decoration

Room decoration is an important part of organizing a themed children’s party. A well-decorated room will create a festive atmosphere and cheer up guests. Here are some ideas:

  • Balloons . Balloons can be used to create figures, whole compositions. For example, for the theme «Space» you can create a composition of several balls that resemble planets. The color of the balloons is better to choose according to the theme of the party.
  • Flags . Flags or garlands will also help create a festive atmosphere. Selected according to the theme of the holiday. If a holiday is held without being tied to a particular theme, then any bright flags and garlands will do.
  • Tables . Tables can be decorated in accordance with the theme of the party, using appropriate dishes, tablecloths, decorations. For example, for the theme «Pirates» a tablecloth with a treasure map is suitable, and for the theme «Princess» — pink cups, plates with the image of a crown.
  • Scenery . If the theme of the party is related to a specific cartoon or fairy tale, it is important to use decor featuring the main characters. These can be custom-made mugs, plates, and other items. On the walls you can place posters with the image of the characters.

Organize a themed photo zone

Organize a themed photo zone is another great way to celebrate a child’s birthday, adding vivid impressions and pleasant memories. You will need:

  • Original background . Create a themed photo backdrop using banners, garlands, posters, or other decorations to match your chosen party theme.
  • Requisite . Provide guests with various props to use during the photo session. The props can be made from paper or cardboard cutouts according to the theme. For example, for the theme «Space» you can make helmets of astronauts and spaceships, and for the theme «Princess» — crowns, magic wands.
  • Frames . Create themed photo frames that guests can use to capture beautiful shots. Frames can be made in accordance with the theme of the party, include elements in the form of flowers, hearts, stars.
  • Light . Use lighting to create a unique atmosphere for your photo. You can use bright light bulbs, flashlights, LED lights and other luminous elements.
  • Zone . Designate a place for the photo zone so that guests can easily find it, use it for photos. Place props, frames, and other items prominently for guests to use.

Think over the scenario of the event

Thinking over the scenario of a children’s birthday is a great way to make the holiday interesting and memorable. Be sure to include:

  • Themed games . Organize themed games that match the chosen theme of the party. For example, for the theme «Pirates» you can organize a treasure hunt, and for the theme «Circus» — games with balls, acrobatic stunts.
  • Magic show . Invite a magician or magician to perform at a children’s birthday party. This is a great way to entertain kids and add some magic to the holiday.
  • Children’s quest . Organize a quest that includes tasks and riddles to be solved in order to receive gifts or treasures. The quest can be completed according to the theme of the party.
  • Dances and songs . Organize dance competitions and songs. Motivate children to participate in music competitions with small prizes and gifts.
  • Entertainment show . Invite professional animators who will present various show programs. For example, clowning, juggling, acrobatics, etc.

Don’t forget surprises for guests

Surprises for guests at a children’s birthday party are a great way to make the party special for all areas of the event. These can be:

  • Gifts . Hand out small gifts to guests at the party that will match the chosen theme of the party. For example, for the theme «Princess» — bracelets with beads or flowers, and for the theme «Monsters» — posters with cartoon characters.
  • Photobooth . Rent a photo booth where guests can take photos together in costume.
  • Buffet . Organize a buffet where guests can choose and eat their favorite sweets. This can be a great surprise for those invited.
  • Piñata . Organize a piñata game where guests can win sweets and prizes. This can be a wonderful way to entertain the kids.
  • Prize draws . Organize prize draws for guests who will participate in contests. Prizes are small toys, sweets or even certificates for free rides.

Popular styles for kids’ birthdays

There are many popular styles that can help create a memorable atmosphere at a children’s party. These are:

  • Princesses . This style is usually chosen by girls who dream of feeling like real princesses. For this style, pink and purple tones, lush outfits, jewelry with sparkles and pearls are suitable. You can have a real ball.
  • Pirates . This style is usually chosen by boys who love adventure and exploration. To create a pirate atmosphere, pirate-themed elements such as skulls, costumes, gold coins, cards are suitable. You can organize treasure hunts, quest games.
  • Superheroes . This style can appeal to both boys and girls who love comics, superhero movies. To create it, outfits of superheroes, jewelry in the appropriate style are suitable. You can organize games, competitions on the theme of superheroes.
  • Beasts . This style is interesting for both boys and girls who love animals. To create the appropriate atmosphere, animal costumes, scenery depicting a forest or jungle are needed. You can organize games, competitions on the theme of animals.
  • Cosmos . This style is interesting for both boys and girls who love science and space. To create a space atmosphere, astronaut costumes, space-style decorations, scenery depicting planets and stars are suitable. You can organize games, competitions on the theme of space.

There are a lot of styles for a children’s party. The choice depends on the preferences and interests of the child.

And we invite you to spend a holiday in the family park Tiki & Viki in Kazan. Here you can choose the theme of children’s birthday for every taste. To find out more, call +7 (843) 202-20-55.

🤩 Theme parties and birthdays. For children and adults

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