Cartoons for 9 month old baby: Meaningful Memory? Eighteen-Month-Olds Only Remember Cartoons With a Meaningful Storyline

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10 Best Baby Channels on Youtube

Are you looking for educational and entertaining content that your kid can watch with joy? With so many options available today, it can be difficult to make the right choice. Finding the best YouTube channels for your baby, kids, nursery rhymes, babies, baby songs, animations, cartoons, toys, and music can be daunting. We have rounded up the best YouTube channels for a wide range of topics so you have the best selection for you and your little one! Keep reading to discover the best YouTube channels for baby and kid’s entertainment.

Baby: Top Youtube Channels

Little Baby Bum — Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

Channel Views: ~36.4b Channel Subscribers: ~39m Channel Videos: ~1.8k

Little Baby Bum — Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs is a popular YouTube channel for parents and toddlers alike. Featuring classics such as Wheels on the Bus, Five Little Ducks, ABC Song, Sleeping Bunnies, and more, this channel has become the go-to for nursery rhymes for babies, with a library comprising over 500 engaging songs. With catch lyrics and adorable animation, Little Baby Bum is a personal favorite for many families.

Baby Zoo | Kids Songs

Channel Views: ~3.1b Channel Subscribers: ~4.1m Channel Videos: ~238

The Baby Zoo | Kids Songs YouTube channel is a great destination for parents and children alike, featuring an array of fun, educational baby and kids songs that include nursery rhymes, s songs, and other preschool and kindergarten-focused tunes. The channel provides parents with a reliable entertainment source for their children, ensuring plenty of laughs, catchy tunes, and engaging educational content.

Mariam’s Nursery

Channel Views: ~101.3m Channel Subscribers: ~289k Channel Videos: ~1.1k

Mariam’s Nursery is a fun YouTube channel where she shares her life as a mom, unboxings of new toys and baby items, and unique skits with her Baby Alive dolls. She is a great resource for parents who need toy advice and entertainment for their little ones. Her channel highlights the joys of being a parent through her reviews of baby products and hilarious skits about her baby alives.


Channel Views: ~1.7b Channel Subscribers: ~4m Channel Videos: ~817

BabiezTV is an adorable YouTube channel featuring funny and cute babies, kids, and lile activities. It features funny and silly baby videos, DIY projects, and try not to laugh challenges. With hundreds of amusing and heart-warming videos, viewers of all ages can enjoy watching and bonding with the fun-loving BabiezTV family.

CoComelon JJ’s Animal Time — Nursery Rhymes

Channel Views: ~991.8m Channel Subscribers: ~2.4m Channel Videos: ~343

The CoComelon JJ’s Animal Time YouTube channel is perfect for young children, featuring baby JJ, cute and cuddly animals, farm animals, and more. Each episode includes an educational cartoon about animals and a catchy animal song for kids to learn and sing along to. The cartoon is colorful and bright, making it the ideal cartoon for children to watch and learn about animals. Whether you’re looking for animal cartoons, animal songs, or learning animals, CoComelon JJ’s Animal Time YouTube channel is a perfect choice.

Funny Joke

Channel Views: ~207.3m Channel Subscribers: ~314k Channel Videos: ~240

Funny Joke is a YouTube channel that provides hilarious videos of cute babies and chubbies. These videos are sure to make you laugh and leave you with baby fever. Enjoy countless funny baby moments and be sure to laugh out loud!


Channel Views: ~172.3m Channel Subscribers: ~456k Channel Videos: ~222

JustSmile is a YouTube channel that features short, funny videos and clips of babies, families, and kids. Users can watch unique and hilarious clips of the baby fails, try not to laugh challenges, and more. JustSmile is perfect for anyone looking to brighten their day with a little baby-filled fun and laughter.

Just Cutie

Channel Views: ~50.9m Channel Subscribers: ~96.8k Channel Videos: ~173

Just Cutie is a YouTube channel featuring baby videos, try not to laugh challenges, funny sibling moments, and more. It provides a chance to watch funny and cute baby moments with the whole family, or try not to laugh at the funniest baby videos around. Join the Just Cutie family for some truly heartwarming and hilarious content!
Find something to enjoy in every video! Whether it’s a funny moment or a cute baby, Just Cutie has plenty of content to make you smile. Join them each week for some of the best funny family content around!

Pit & Penny Stories

Channel Views: ~265. 2m Channel Subscribers: ~720k Channel Videos: ~105

Pit & Penny Stories is a family-fun YouTube channel featuring the animated adventures of Pit & Penny, the funny baby avocados! With entertaining kids’ cartoons and high-quality animation, Pit & Penny Stories is a great way for kids to laugh and learn.

Songs for Littles — Toddler Learning Videos

Channel Views: ~364.2m Channel Subscribers: ~813k Channel Videos: ~96

Songs for Littles — Toddler Learning Videos is a YouTube channel perfect for babies and toddlers! Through fun toddler music classes and educational videos, children can learn first words, enhance their speech development and boost their toddler learning. Toddler Learning Videos will help your little ones become big thinkers!

How to Prepare Your Home for a New Baby

Preparing your home for a new baby can be an exciting and overwhelming task. To help make the process as smooth as possible, here are some simple tips to get your home ready for your little one.

  1. First, create a safe and comfortable space for your baby. Consider adding things like a sturdy crib, comfortable mattress, and plenty of soft blankets. Make sure that your baby’s nursery is equipped with all of the necessary items like a changing table, diaper genie, and plenty of diapers. Also, make sure all of your outlets are covered and that any cords are tucked away.
  2. Next, make sure you stock up on the essentials. Make sure you have all the things your baby will need on a daily basis like diapers, wipes, lotion, and formula. You’ll also want to find a reliable baby monitor so you can keep tabs on your little one. 
  3. Lastly, be sure to create an atmosphere of calm. Make sure you have items in your home like a soothing mobile, white noise machine, and comfortable furniture. Having some supplies already in the nursery and home will help you adjust easier.  

With just a few simple steps, you can make your home the perfect spot for your new bundle of joy.

Must-Have Items for Expecting Parents

Preparing for a new baby is both exciting and stressful! Expectant parents find themselves having to purchase many items they may not have needed before. There are certain must-have items that all expecting parents should consider before the baby arrives.

  • When it comes to outfitting the baby’s room, the most important items are a safe and secure crib, a changing table and a comfortable glider. The crib should have high walls and be adjustable so it can transition to a toddler bed as your child gets older. The changing table should have plenty of storage areas to keep diapers, wipes and other necessary baby items close by. The glider should be comfortable and allow you to rock baby to sleep, while also providing plenty of back and neck support.
  • In addition to furnishing the nursery, parents should also make sure to have an infant car seat and a baby stroller in order to get to and from doctor’s appointments, visits with family and even a day out of town. Many infant car seats can be used up to 1 year and even convert to a booster seat for toddlers. As for the baby stroller, there are many models to choose from and the stroller you should choose depends on specific needs like size and weight for easy maneuvering. All of these items together will ensure you are ready for when baby arrives!

Easy Ways to Save Money on Baby-Related Expenses

Raising a baby is expensive and it can often feel like the expenses never end. There are many items that you will need to purchase such as diapers, clothes, toys and furniture, but there are some easy ways to help decrease how much money you spend.

  • One of the best and most economical options for satiating your child’s need for clothes and toys is hand-me-downs. Chances are you know someone who has a child that has grown out of their clothes, toys, and furniture and can pass them on for you to use. Ask around in your circle of family and friends and see what you come up with!
  • Another way to save money on baby-related expenses is through coupons or sales. Many stores have special offers or discounts to help you save on your shopping. Keep an eye out for these and take the time to compare prices at different stores. Additionally, a growing trend is to shop at resale shops such as consignment stores or thrift shops. You can find a variety of gently used items that are priced much cheaper than what you would buy in stores.

Overall, taking the time to plan and maintaining frugality when it comes to expenses related to your baby can help you save a lot of money. Look out for specials, use hand-me-downs, and consider buying gently used items to help you reduce your costs. With some careful planning, you can save a lot of money without sacrificing the quality of items for your child.

Veronika M. Andrews

My name is Veronika and I am a passionate learner of all things entertainment, hobby, music, and lifestyle related. I have a wide range of interests, from playing the piano to scuba diving, and I’m always excited to learn something new. I’m an avid reader and music enthusiast, with a never-ending list of movies, albums, and books to explore.

Is Ms. Rachel good for Babies? (The low-down on the hit YouTube show)

If you’re wondering whether or not Ms. Rachel is good for babies, you’ve come to the right place. We picked up on the buzz about this hit Youtube show and gave it a watch ourselves.

As a parent of multiple children who have long passed the stage where shows like Ms. Rachel might have been interesting, I hadn’t come across Ms. Rachel’s YouTube channel, Songs for Littles, until a few weeks ago.

The buzz about Ms. Rachel in parenting Facebook groups is something we haven’t seen since Blippi first came on the scene.

Parents are raving that Ms. Rachel is interactive, educational, and that it’s no different than being on a video chat with distant family. Some parents don’t even count Ms. Rachel as screen time.

Are these things true, though? Is Ms. Rachel so good that even babies (age <1 year old) can watch it?

Let’s get to the bottom of it.

Are educational videos good for babies?

For decades, companies have done a fantastic job at marketing educational toys, TV shows, and videos to parents and caregivers.

Promises of increased IQs, larger vocabularies, and better future academic performance has allured generations of caregivers to turn to screens for their babies, even in the face of the overwhelming research advising against it.

The simple fact is that screen time for babies is advised against by every major medical governing board, including the WHO (World Health Organization) and the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics).

Naturally, though, a child’s development is their caregiver’s primary concern – and it can be hard to resist a good kids’ marketing ploy.

Generally speaking, it’s not beneficial to try to rush a baby’s development through any method, whether it be educational videos or real-life activities.

So, no – educational videos are not good for babies. Screen time, even when it’s called “educational”, can harm a child’s development instead of helping it.

*There are cases wherein a speech therapist or occupational therapist might advocate for the use of screens prior to the age of 2. Always follow the advice of your child’s medical team.

Is Ms. Rachel good for babies?

If you’re wondering if Ms. Rachel, specifically, is okay for babies to watch, the answer is no – Ms. Rachel’s videos, while live-action and sometimes compared to video chatting, still go against the AAP’s screentime recommendations.

Ms. Rachel (Rachel Accurso) is intentional about making sure her mouth movements are clear for her young viewers, as to help kids develop speech, and this is great.

It’s not helpful for babies, though.

Babies learn through live interactions with caregivers and by experiencing things around them by touch, smell, ect.

A caveat to this is that Ms. Rachel’s videos can certainly be helpful for parents – to guide them in how to play with their babies.

Being a parent or caregiver to a very young baby can be “boring” in a sense and some people might feel a bit lost on how to entertain a baby.

The things Ms. Rachel does in her videos are very easy to do yourself and I definitely encourage parents to check out her YouTube channel.

There are so many great ideas in her videos that you can incorporate here and there throughout the day.

You don’t need to engage your baby for more than just a few minutes at a time with these activities. Just stop when they signal that they’ve had enough of the activity.

What age group is Ms. Rachel for?

So, now that we know that Ms. Rachel is not good for babies, let’s find out what age group might better benefit from her videos.

Many of Ms. Rachel’s videos are marketed toward babies (that can sit and control their hand motions somewhat) up to preschoolers.

On the YouTube channel, it states that the videos are for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.

In her baby videos, she plays games and goes over colors, words, and things like clapping and pointing.

Her videos for toddlers and preschoolers have songs, sign language, counting, and other educational content that kids between 2-5 might enjoy.

What is your overall opinion of Songs for Little, Ms. Rachel’s YouTube channel? Do you think it’s good for babies?

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Cartoon for a 9-month-old baby

At this age, a baby can easily understand the mood of an adult nearby. If mom or dad is in a good mood, then it is immediately transferred to a little person and he smiles from the top of his mouth. And if the parents swear, sort things out, or are annoyed by something, then the small child cries and demonstrates restless behavior. He is very tired or it is time to go to bed. The baby begins to rub his eyes with both hands, intensively turn his head from side to side, and if laying down is delayed, he starts to cry; It’s time for feeding, if the baby begins to sob a little, and after a while cry piercingly and loudly;

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  • Cartoon for 11 month old baby
  • TOP 10 best cartoons for kids
  • Diet for a 9 month old baby
  • Educational cartoon about numbers for children
  • How is the development of a child at 5 months?
  • The best cartoons for children 8 months
  • Fairy tales for children for all ages

WATCH THE VIDEO ON THEME: Cartoons for children — Mole and Panda — All series — Collection

Tiny Love This is a kind, funny, educational cartoon for kids from 3 months to 3 years. Usually kids watch this cartoon with interest. There are many small plots that alternate with each other, like a cartoon character playing ball or hide and seek, as well as plots of a mother playing with kids, which leaves tender feelings. Each short episode teaches a new expression or question in English, all through games and songs.

Recommended age from 1.5 years. Consists of many episodes of 5 minutes. Luntik is the main character of the cartoon, every day he learns something new and interesting with his friends. The cartoon is very kind and instructive for children. Lessons from Aunt Owl. An educational cartoon for children from 2 years old, but my daughter started watching from the age of 1.5 with interest. Auntie gives lessons on various topics — the alphabet for kids, English lessons, natural history, history, geography, and other important topics. Watch Kindness Lessons with Aunt Owl:.

Baby Einstein. The cartoon is designed for children from 3 months to 2.5 years. Each series lasts 30 minutes, in total Episodes with dolls and educational games, magic music — all this will not leave your baby indifferent and will be definitely useful and valuable information.

Dasha Pathfinder. This cartoon is popular in many countries of the world, more episodes have already been shot and this is not the end. The duration of one episode is about 30 minutes. The cartoon about Dasha is recommended for children from 1 to 5 years old. Dasha and her friends travel to different interesting places, and young viewers can participate in the cartoon — answer questions and learn English words.

Classical Baby. A good cartoon for kids from 6 months to 3 years. The cartoon introduces the child to classical music, dance and painting. The steam locomotive Tishka. Tishka and his friends are little trains, they go to school and get to know the world, play, learn to make friends and teach your kid a lot! Nuki and Friends.

Your baby will plunge into a magical world, with bright pictures, good music and many adventures. Cartoon for children from 9 months to 3 years. Boys will especially like this cartoon! Little men — Fixies, help to understand the operation of many household appliances, electronics and physical phenomena. Better watch the cartoon together, discuss the key points, ask the child a few questions about the plot you saw.

Find the golden mean and watching cartoons will turn into an educational game, not a means of manipulation. Save my name, email and website address in this browser for my subsequent comments. Skip to content Home 0 — 1 years 1 — 2 years 2 and 3 years 4 and 5 years 6 and 7 years Development Education Crafts for kids Psychology Site map. Liked the article? Share with friends:. Child development from year to 2 0. In our time, almost all parents are inclined to ensure that their six-year-old child teaches.

Child development of a child of 6 and 7 years old 0. For a child of 6 years old, cartoons with a more complex plot will be interesting than he watched before. Reading for children 5 years old is already not only a must, but also an exciting activity.

While some parents are thinking about whether to teach their five-year-old child English or not. Let’s remember our childhood, how we looked forward to the appearance of a cartoon or children’s on the screen. Child development of a child 4 and 5 years old 0. Despite the fact that watching a cartoon for a 5-year-old baby is one of. Add a comment Cancel reply.

TOP 10 best cartoons for kids

Modern parents constantly argue among themselves which cartoon is better to show to their baby who is not yet 1 year old, so that it does not harm his psyche, but on the contrary, helps the child develop. For the first time in 12 months of life, the child begins to slowly adapt to everything that happens around him. Many people think that the baby does not understand anything and does not remember anything in a minute, but they are mistaken. A child, like a sponge, absorbs everything that happens around him, and his psyche at this time is especially sensitive and receptive. Everything that he sees, hears or feels will be deposited in his head and, sooner or later, will affect his behavior. How to protect the baby from modern cruelty and not violate his pure childish psyche?

Educational cartoons for a child of 9 months. By 9 months, the child is capable of retaining for some time the image of an object and organization on the basis of this image of a complex action.

The diet of a child at 9 months

This is a story about two friends — a leopard cub named Leo and a tiger cub named Tig. Getting into various fascinating stories, friends learn mutual assistance, kindness and respect for nature, and also discover for themselves and the audience the wonderful world of Primorsky Krai and its richest nature. Only fairy-tale heroes live in this town, who every day face miracles and unusual adventures. Residents of the city think that this is just a show to attract a flow of tourists. The city has its own fairy patrol, four young sorceresses who protect the city and are always ready to help the inhabitants, thereby maintaining a balance between the world of fairy tales and people. The blue Gosha tractor tells interesting stories to kids and teaches them new things. Children will learn to count, learn colors and how different machines work. They will also sing funny songs! On New Year’s Eve, while the Prince is preparing to make a solemn speech, and Julius is unpacking gifts and watching the preparation of the festive table, the heroes go to visit Alyosha and meet there a strange comrade named Durilo.

Educational cartoon about children’s numbers

My baby is 9 months old and has just started walking. And immediately we had a problem: how to dress for a walk? Our walks go like this: at the beginning we sit in a stroller, covered with a blanket, sometimes we sleep, then we walk, stomp on the playground. We dress in a sweater, pants, on top — a jumpsuit with a sheepskin.

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How does a child develop at 5 months?

A 9-month-old baby’s diet is already quite varied. The kid has already tried dairy products, cereals, egg yolk, meat, some fruits and vegetables. The menu of children who are artificially or breastfed is no different. Some mothers prefer to buy ready-made vegetable, meat, fruit purees, instant cereals and juices. In this case, you need to pay attention to the components, expiration date and age restrictions. This information is indicated on the packages.

The best cartoons for children 8 months old

He actively demonstrates his attitude towards the people around him and the events taking place around him. The body, arms and legs of a small child have become stronger, the baby has become much more resilient at 9 months. The child can already stand up if there is an elevation nearby that you can grab onto with handles — a crib, playpen or other high furniture. At this age, the child should be able not only to sit well, but also to sit down independently from a prone position from the tummy, from the back or from the side. At the ninth month, the baby actively crawls not only within his children’s room, but also «conquers» the space of other rooms and other dwelling objects. Therefore, one must carefully monitor any movement of a small child, and especially his «research» in the kitchen. The kid is not yet able to voice the names in words, but he may well show the objects or their individual fragments in the pictures with a pen when their names are pronounced aloud;

It consists of two parts, for babies from 3 to 10 months old #; the first part, and the second for children from 12 months to 3 years. Usually kids watch this cartoon with interest.

Fairy tales for children for all ages

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Developing cartoon for children from 3 to 11 months For half an hour, an entertaining, educational cartoon for very young children, who need to comment on it, my children are already very interested in watching it for 4 years to the end, And the 6-year-old suffered out of respect, but also watched without breaking away. Date:

Cartoons can be short or short, educational or simply entertaining. Perhaps there are no children who would grow up without watching them. Most moms and dads do not see anything wrong with such entertainment and encourage it from a very young age. But cartoons for the smallest — from 6 months to 2 years, still raise doubts among parents. Is there any benefit in such leisure crumbs? Do cartoons for children from 6 months really contribute to development?

Fairy tales for children are an invaluable source of wisdom and inspiration for a child. In this section, you can read your favorite fairy tales online for free and give children the first important lessons in the world order and morality. It is from the magical story that children learn about good and evil, and also that these concepts are far from absolute. Each fairy tale contains its brief description, which will help parents choose a topic that is relevant for the age of the child, and provide him with a choice.

Educational cartoons for the little ones

Many parents wonder at what age to show cartoons to children and is it worth it? There is an opinion that children under 3 years old are strictly forbidden to watch TV, so as not to spoil their eyesight. There is another opinion that our age is so technocratic that it is stupid to protect a child from a TV or a laptop, because. up to 3 years, the brain is intensively formed and the child grasps everything on the fly, all the information remains in his subconscious and in the future it is easier for the child to assimilate new information. In this regard, parents from the age of 6 months begin to show cartoons to their children, but not simple ones, but educational ones. What cartoons are suitable for the little ones?

Understanding: First gestures

Imagine for a moment that you are in another country without knowing the language. You feel helpless and even isolated from the whole world. Your baby feels exactly the same — he understands everything, he wants to tell you so many things, but he does not know your language. That is why the baby cries so often, he does not know how else to tell you that he needs something.

In order to understand your child even before he learns to speak, they came up with «Understanding», which will teach mother and child sign language. The training system involves three channels of perception at once: vision through bright pictures, hearing through the mother’s voice and motor skills of hands using gestures. Together with your child, you will learn 200 gestures that a child needs for everyday communication.

Some parents may find it insane to hear the words stroller or banana ten times, but when your child gestures for a banana and then happily eats it, you will change your mind about this system.

Another parent’s fear is that once the child has learned gestures, it will be harder for the child to learn to speak. This is an unfounded fear. All children speak, whether they know sign language or not. Also, do not expect that, having learned gestures, the child will speak earlier or learn to read earlier. No, «Understanding» is intended only to speed up the process of understanding the desires and needs of the child.

For example, an excerpt from Understanding: The first gestures — to eat and drink DiViDi Magic) from the company Tiny Love in Russian and English is intended for children from 3 to 12 months and 12 to 36 months (2 parts).

This is a very colorful and funny cartoon that will teach your child to say hello and goodbye, to recognize different shapes and colors. Also, your baby will get acquainted with various musical instruments and their sound, learn songs to which he will dance and even sing along. He learns what hide and seek and unexpected surprises are.

All the kids love this cartoon.

We talk from the cradle

This educational program from the company «Umnitsa» will help you develop speech in a child, starting from six months. «We speak from the cradle» — these are 300 colorful illustrations and cartoon videos that will show the child the beauty and richness of their native language. This manual consists of 3 sections — «Words», «Phrases», «Sentences». All texts are taken from children’s literature, excerpts from famous works of Russian poets and writers are used.

Lessons should be relaxed for between 15 seconds and 5 minutes. You introduce your child to new words or phrases, and colorful illustrations and cartoons will explain their meaning and meaning. Thanks to this course, your child’s vocabulary will be enriched, associative thinking and speech will develop, and the baby will learn to read.

Doman cards. Learning to read from birth

The Umnitsa company offers you a set of Doman Cards. It is specially designed for babies aged 6 months and older. The basis was the Doman principle, i.e. the child has a photographic memory, he remembers words, and at some point the child realizes that words are made up of letters. As soon as this happens, the child begins to read the words on his own. If you teach a child according to the Doman method, then he begins to read even earlier than to speak. Children can read at 2 years of age, subject to regular classes with the child.

Classes should be fun for 5 minutes several times a day. What is important to finish classes when the child is still looking at the screen with interest. This way you will achieve a constant interest in the child’s activities. You can combine regular Doman cards (you can download them here) with showing cards on DVD.

«Doman Cards» set consists of 5 interesting disks:

Disk 1. First words. (50 words)

  • Eat and drink
  • Hard day
  • Relatives
  • More, more, more
  • Fruits
  • Parts of the body
  • What I can do
  • Antonyms

Disk 2. Everyday words . (50 words)

  • My things
  • Bathing
  • Walking
  • What I love
  • Sports
  • Transport
  • Weather
  • Colors

Disc 3. Animals. (50 words)

  • Domestic
  • Wild
  • African
  • Insects
  • Village animals
  • Children of animals
  • Sea animals
  • Birds

Disk 4. Phrase ania. Part 1. (300 phrases)

Disc 5. Collocations. Part 2. (300 phrases)

An excerpt from Doman’s Cards. Learning to read from birth

Baby IQ.

Smart child

The set consists of 5 discs: First words, The world around us, Colors, Animals, Learning to count.

Our programs are designed for early childhood development from birth to three years of age. They contain a special selection of pictures that you should watch with your child and voice what you see. The authors do not indicate which word is mandatory for the picture. For example, if a cat appears on the screen, you can continue by saying that the cat meows or is fluffy, or that the cat is small, it is sitting, etc. Let your imagination run wild and help you develop your child’s communication skills.

The video image is accompanied by the London Symphony Orchestra, thus stimulating the development of both hearing and vision.

Baby IQ. Account.avi

Baby Einstein (available with or without Russian translation)

Baby Einstein’s cartoons help children get to know the world around them in a playful way. All discs are interactive and were created taking into account the age psychology of children. You can start classes from 3 months of age. To do this, sit the child on your lap and tell him about everything you see or hear on the disk. When watching a movie together, parents should not impose watching a movie, but should actively participate. For example, point to the screen, name the object that appeared on the screen, with intonation to interest the child in what is happening on the screen. Thus, you become co-authors of a fun action.

Baby Einstein was created by an ordinary mother who dreamed of helping children and parents to communicate, that they could explore this complex and beautiful world together!

This series is not suitable for all parents and their children.

Baby Einstein set includes:

Baby Einstein (from 3 months)

  • Time to sleep
  • Baby Bach
  • Baby’s First Steps
  • Baby Beethoven
  • Language Nursery
  • Learning the Seasons
  • Baby Mozart
  • World Music

Baby Einstein P(from 6 months)

  • Baby’s First Sounds
  • My First Gestures
  • World of Poetry
  • Animals of the World
  • Baby Santa
  • Baby Van Gogh
  • Baby Neptune
  • Baby Da Vinci
  • Little brothers

Baby Einstein (from 9 months old)

  • Exploring the sky
  • First words at home 9002 8
  • Baby McDonald
  • Traveling with animals
  • On the road
  • Studying figures

Baby Einstein (from one year old)

  • Baby Newton
  • Favorite places child
  • Musical instruments
  • Leading digits
  • Journey to exotic animals