Old wives tales for girl babies: Free Baby Birthday Facts Based on Birth Date

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4 Old Wives’ Tales on Predicting a Baby’s Gender

Advancements in science and technology have allowed expecting mothers to determine the gender of their babies long before their birth. However, before parents had access to ultrasounds, they relied on superstition to determine the sex of their coming child. Many of these stories have no basis in fact and are nothing more than works of fiction, but they are still fun to learn about. Here are four old wives’ tales on baby gender and what science says about them.

Your Cravings Will Determine the Sex of Your Baby

Many women begin to crave certain foods after becoming pregnant. This is a natural phenomenon that countless mothers experience, but some believe that type of food they desire is a sign of their baby’s gender. Sweet foods, fruits, and juices are said to be signs of a baby girl, whereas salty, sour, and protein-rich foods signify a baby boy is on the way. Pregnancy cravings can be traced to nutritional deficiencies and hormonal changes, meaning the infant’s gender has no bearing on it.

Predicting Your Baby’s Gender With Heartbeats

Has anyone told you that you can predict the sex of your baby based entirely on their heartbeat? The tale suggests that heartbeats under 140 beats per minute, or bpm, are boys, and those over that threshold are girls. Normal bpm rates for unborn children range from 110 to 160, and no notable heartbeat difference has ever been documented, meaning this myth can be put to rest.

Some wives’ tales point to the mother’s heart to predict the sex of the baby, or more specifically, her blood pressure. This superstition states that boys cause higher blood pressure while girls cause lower blood pressure. Incidentally, this is the opposite of the heartbeat myth, but the two have one thing in common; they’re both incorrect.

The Shape of the Bump is a Sign

Other pregnancy superstitions pertain to how the mother is carrying the child. Some claim that girls will stick out while wider shapes signify a boy, while others believe that low bumps represent a boy and high bumps represent girls. However, predicting your baby’s gender using their shape won’t harbor any meaningful results. The height and shape of the mother, among other genetic factors, largely determine the dimensions of the bump.

A Mother’s Skin Says All

According to some people, your physical appearance during pregnancy is useful for predicting your baby’s gender. For example, moist hands and skin mean a girl is on the way, while the opposite is a sign it will be a boy. Of course, how dry or wet your hands are has nothing to do with a child’s gender and is likely the result of other external factors such as the weather.

Other appearance-based wives’ tales suggest that a pregnant woman who takes on a radiant appearance will have a boy, while those with a dull visage will have a girl instead. The belief at the center of this superstition is that the unborn daughter is stealing beauty from her mother, and it is a recurring trend amongst many other pregnancy myths. For example, mothers with more beautiful hair will supposedly give birth to a boy. As before, there is no evidence to support these claims.

Would you like assistance predicting your baby’s gender in a manner that doesn’t rely on old wives’ tales? At Fetal Vision Imaging, we offer pregnancy ultrasound 3D images, among other services. If you’re looking for gender blood testing near me, feel free to reach out to us today! 

Boy or girl? Old wives’ tales that may offer a clue

After a slip of the tongue prompted headlines declaring the sex of the former Kate Middleton’s unborn baby, here’s a look at some of age-old, but unproven techniques parents-to-be have used to predict what’s coming.

Morning sickness

Little girls may not always be sweet — nausea early in the pregnancy indicates a little girl, while a lack of first-trimester morning sickness points to a boy. This myth may offer another hint that Kate’s carrying a little girl, after she was hospitalized early on in her pregnancy for acute morning sickness.    

Swing a ring

Suspend and swing a wedding or engagement ring over a pregnant belly and take note of how it moves. If it swings side to side, it’s a boy, while a circular motion indicates it’s a girl.

How do you look?

Is a change in hormones causing acne breakouts? Is your hair thin and dull and your face swollen? If so, urban legend indicates you’re have a girl who is apparently stealing some of her mother’s beauty.

If you’re projecting a ‘pregnancy glow’, get ready for a boy.

The Drano test

While a pregnant woman should not handle Drano, the myth goes: If you pour some Drano into a pregnant woman’s urine and it turns green, brown, black or blue, it’s a boy. If it turns red or yellow or there’s no color change, it’s a girl.

Weight gain

Probably one of the most prominent folklore tales of a baby’s gender comes down to where a pregnant woman carries her weight. If she’s carrying the baby in front, it’s a boy. If the baby weight spaced all around her middle it’s a girl. 

If dad has put on a few pounds during a pregnancy, it’s another sign of a girl.

High or low?

This one can be done just by looking south: if an expectant mother is carrying high, break out the pink. If her bump is low, she’s carrying a boy.

The Mayan test

They may not have been right about the doomsday, but legend has it that the Mayans determined a baby’s sex by looking at the mother’s age at conception and the year of conception. If both are even or odd, it’s a girl. If one’s even and one’s odd, it’s a boy.

More traditional gender test

While the aforementioned tests generally have a 50 per cent success rate, doctors say an ultrasound is the most accurate way to determine a baby’s sex.

Typically ultrasounds at 18 to 20 weeks into the pregnancy can determined the baby’s sex and its accuracy depends on many factors including the age of the baby, the equipment used, the technician, and the cooperation of the baby.

Prince William and Kate had previously said they would not reveal the baby’s sex before its birth.


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  • Britain’s Kate the Duchess of Cambridge, who is pregnant and due to give birth in July, arrives at Hope House, in London, Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013. (AP / Matt Dunham)

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Kosoruchka, a Russian folk tale read online for free

About the fairy tale he has two children, a son and a daughter. And my father and mother died. The brother says to his sister: “Let’s go, sister, get out of this city; so I’ll take care of the shop — we’ll trade, I’ll hire a sweater for you — you will live. Well, they went to another province. They came to another province. So my brother decided, he hired a shop with red goods. My brother decided to marry; so he got married, took such a wife for himself — a sorceress. The brother is going to trade in a shop and orders his sister: “Look, sister, in the house.” The wife became hateful that he ordered his sister. Only she cheated — how to return to her husband, took it, killed all the heavens and is waiting for her husband. She meets him and says: “That’s the kind of sister you have, she killed all the sky in our pantry!” “Well, this is a business,” replies the husband.

The next day he goes to the shop, says goodbye to his wife and sister and orders his sister: “Look, sister, please, the house is as good as possible.” So the wife found out what time her husband should be, enters the stable and cut off her husband’s beloved horse’s head with a saber. Standing on the porch and waiting for him. “Here,” he says, “what kind of sister is yours! Your beloved horse, — she says, — she took off her head! “Oh, there is dog food for dogs,” the husband replies.

On the third day, the husband again goes to the shops, says goodbye and says to his sister: “Look, please, for the mistress, so that she doesn’t do anything to herself or to the baby, she will give birth more than aspirations. ” As soon as she gave birth to a baby, she took it and cut off her head. Sits and cries over the baby. Here comes the husband. «That’s your sister! Before I had time to give birth to a baby, she took it and cut off his head with a saber. So the husband said nothing, burst into tears and walked away from them.

Night is coming. At midnight he gets up and says: “Dear sister! Get ready, we’ll go to mass with you. She says: “Dear brother! Today, it seems, there is no holiday.” — «No, sister, there is a holiday, let’s go.» “It’s still early,” he says, “we should go, brother!” — “No, your (business) is girlish, soon,” he says, “you will get out!” My dear sister began to clean up; she cleans up — she doesn’t clean up, her hands keep falling off. A brother comes up and says: “Well, be quick, sister, get dressed.” “Here,” he says, “it’s still early, brother!” — «No, sister, it’s not early — it’s time.»

My sister has gathered. Sat down and went to dinner. We drove for a long time, not a little; drive up to the forest. The sister says: «What is this forest?» He replies, «It’s a fence around the church.» Here the tremors caught on the bush. The brother says: «Get up, sister, unhook the tremble.» «Ah, my dear brother, I can’t, I’ll stain my dress.» “I, sister, will buy you a new dress, better than this.” So she got up from the droshky, began to unhook, her brother chopped off her arms up to the elbow, hit the horse himself and drove away from her.

The sister remained, burst into tears and went through the forest. No matter how long she walked, how long, how short she walked through the forest, she plucked herself all over, but she would not find a trace how to get out of the forest. Here the path came out and led her out of the forest after a few years. She left this forest, and comes to a merchant’s city, and approaches a rich merchant under the windows to ask for mercy. This merchant had a son, as single as an eye in his forehead, and he fell in love with a beggar woman. He says: «Daddy and mommy, marry me. » “Whom are you going to marry?” — «On this beggar.» “Ah, my friend, don’t merchants in the city have good daughters?” — “Yes, marry; if you don’t marry me, I’ll do something,” he says, “on myself.” Here it is insulting to them that one son is like an eye in the forehead; gathered all the merchants, all the priesthood and ask: what will be awarded, whether to marry a beggar or not? So the priests said: “It has become his fate that God blesses him to marry a beggar woman.”

So he lived with her for a year or two and went to another province, where her brother, it means, is sitting in a shop. So he says goodbye and asks: “Daddy and mommy! Do not leave my wife: it doesn’t matter if she gives birth, you write to me that time and that hour. As the son left, so after two or three months his wife gave birth: to the elbows in gold, on the sides there are frequent stars, the moon was bright on the forehead, the sun was red against the heart. As the father and mother rejoiced, they immediately began to write a letter to their beloved son. They send an old man with a note with Estoya as soon as possible. And the daughter-in-law, it means, found out about this, beckoning the old man: “Come, father, come here, rest.” — «No, I have no time, they send it in haste.» — «Yes, come on, father, rest, have lunch.»

So I sat him down to dinner, and took his bag away, took out a note, read it, tore it into small pieces and wrote another, that your wife, she says, gave birth — half a dog, half a bear; lived in the forest with the animals. An old man comes to the merchant’s son, submits a note; he read it and burst into tears. Wrote a letter that until my arrival do not touch; I myself will come and find out what kind of baby was born. Then this sorceress again calls the old man: “Come, sit, rest,” she says. So he came in, she somehow spoke to him again, pulled out a note from him, read it, tore it up and wrote that it was like a note to the yard, so that she would be driven out of the yard. The old man brought this note; read and grieved father and mother. “What is it,” they say, “he has introduced us into a flaw? We married him, it became, he did not need a wife! It is a pity for them not so much as a wife, as a pity for the baby. They took her and the baby and blessed her, tied the baby to her breasts and let her out of the yard.

So she went, burst into bitter tears, walked for a long time, whether for a short time — the whole open field, there is no forest, no village anywhere. She approaches the hollow, and so she wanted to get drunk. I looked to the right side — there is a well. Here she wants to get drunk, but she is afraid to bend down so as not to drop the child. Here she stared, as if the water had become closer. She bent over, the child fell out and fell into the well. And she walks around the well and cries, how to get the baby out of the water? An old man comes up and says: “Why are you crying, slave?” “How can I not cry! I leaned over to the well of water to drink, my baby fell into the water. — «Come bend down, take it. » — «No, father, I have no arms — only elbows.» — «Come on, bend down, take the child!» So she went to the well, began to stretch out her hands, the Lord granted her — whole hands turned out to be. She bent down, took out the child and began to pray to God on all four sides.

She prayed to God, went and came to the courtyard, where her brother and husband are, and asked to spend the night. Here the husband says: “Brother, let the beggar go; beggars know how to tell fairy tales, and sayings, and they know how to tell the truth. Here the daughter-in-law says: «We have nowhere to spend the night, it’s crowded.» — “No, brother, let me go, please; I love death, as beggars tell fairy tales and proverbs. Here they let her in. She sat on the stove with her baby. The husband says: “Well, darling, tell us a fairy tale … well, tell us at least some story.”

She says: “I can’t tell fairy tales and proverbs, but I can tell the truth. Listen,” she says, “gentlemen, how will I tell you the truth,” and she began to tell: “In a certain kingdom, not in our state, there lived a rich merchant; he has two children, a son and a daughter. And my father and mother died. The brother says to his sister: let’s go, sister, from this city. And they came to another province. Brother decided, hired a shop with red goods. Here he took it into his head to marry; he got married — he took a sorceress wife … «Here the daughter-in-law grumbled:» Here she went to blather, b …. like that!” And the husband says: “Speak, speak, mother; death love such stories! “Here,” says the beggar woman, “my brother is going to trade in a shop and orders his sister: look, sister, in the house! The wife is offended that he orders everything to his sister; out of anger, she smashed the whole sky … ”And how she told everything, how he took her to mass, cut off her hands, how she gave birth, how the daughter-in-law lured the old man, — the daughter-in-law cries out again: “Here she began to talk nonsense!” The husband says: “Brother, tell your wife to be quiet; because the story is glorious! So she finished saying how her husband wrote to leave a robe until arrival, and her daughter-in-law grumbles: “That’s nonsense!” Here she told how she came to this house; and the daughter-in-law grumbled: “Here, b . …, she began to yell!” The husband says: “Brother, tell her to be quiet; that she interrupts everything? She told how they let her into the hut and how she began to tell them the truth … Then she points to them and says: “Here is my husband, here is my brother, and this is my daughter-in-law!” Then her husband jumped up to her on the stove and said: “Well, my friend, show me the baby, did the father and mother write the truth.” They took a little baby, developed it — so the whole room was lit up! “Here is the truth, the truth that she did not say fairy tales; here is my wife, here is my son — up to the elbows in gold, stars are frequent on the sides, the moon was bright on the forehead, and the sun is red against the heart!

So my brother took the best mare from the stable, tied his wife to his tail and let her go across the open field. She sweated it, the pokel brought one of her braids, and she tousled it all over the field. Then they harnessed a trio of horses and rode home to their father, to their mother; began to live and live, to make good; I was there and drank honey-wine, it flowed down my mustache and didn’t get into my mouth.


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Are fairy tales about princesses really dangerous for children?

  • Galina Korba
  • BBC News Ukraine

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In the wake of the fight against gender discrimination pu public figures are increasingly speaking out against traditional fairy tales and cartoons about princesses. BBC News Ukraine asked psychologists whether the images of Disney princesses can really negatively affect the child’s psyche.

Keira Knightley, a Hollywood actress and star of the film «Pirates of the Caribbean», recently criticized the well-known fairy tales about beautiful princesses.

In October, she revealed that she had banned her three-year-old daughter from watching certain Disney films.

The cartoons «Cinderella» and «The Little Mermaid» were especially criticized.

Princesses in traditional fairy tales wait to be rescued by a rich guy, and that shouldn’t be done, Knightley says. Why Keira Knightley forbade her daughter to watch Cinderella0046

Following her against the «princesses» came another actress — Kristen Bell, who played a major role in «Frozen Heart».

In her opinion, the well-known «Snow White» gives children false promises. The fairy-tale princess, they say, should not have accepted an apple from an unknown woman.

It’s also surprising that the prince kissed Snow White without permission while she was sleeping, Bell noted.

After weighing up the backlash against these statements, BBC News Ukraine decided to ask psychologists and experts in gender education what risks traditional fairy tales and old-style animated films can have for raising children.

«Parents think their children are less intelligent than they really are»

Svetlana Panina, psychologist, gestalt therapist

A fairy tale is a cultural product that must be used for its intended purpose. We are not talking about harm here.

I have a feeling that parents, outraged by fairy tales, consider their children to be much less intelligent than they really are. Allegedly, children do not see what is happening, do not know how to compare and do not ask questions.

In general, the younger the child, the less important is the meaning of what is being read to him.

That is, a child under two years of age can read absolutely primitive poems, and he will be happy. Or you can not read at all, but just play snowballs. Because the main need of a child under two years old is affection and emotional contact with parents.

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Image caption,

Keira Knightley banned her daughter from watching Disney cartoons about princesses

At the age of three or four, when children are able to perceive long fairy tales, more complex plots, get acquainted with full-length cartoons, they discover the world of fantasy. The right hemisphere works, figurative thinking.

Variety is important for children these days. The ability not to get hung up on the real world, but to go into the world of illusions. Since all these refined princesses do not exist in real life, as well as beautiful princes. These are non-existent characters. They give you the opportunity to dream.

If we start analyzing too soon, we will limit our imagination. And when we listen, perceive, dive into this fantasy world together with children, we enrich ourselves and give the child this diversity.

At the age of six or seven, the child will come to you and say: “Mom, what an idiotic fairy tale. Why couldn’t the princess and the pea complain that she didn’t sleep well? language? They couldn’t write?» — ask today’s children.

Children ask. The main thing is that parents should be ready to respond, and not to run «ahead of the locomotive», ahead of children’s interest.

At the age of 10-12, your child already clearly understands the difference between a fairy tale and reality. And what is important — it is at this age that special attention should be paid to the formation of scientific thinking and a critical view of the world. This is where the discussion and analysis of fairy tales begins. No wonder children begin not only to read, but also to study literature as a subject only from the fourth or fifth grade.

The issue of gender equality is now being hotly debated in society. But if parents in real life respect each other, have established a gender balance, most likely the child will not have problems with this at all.

I advise parents to start with themselves.

«Work to ensure that such cartoons appear less often»

Irina Minkovskaya, communications and partnership manager of the public organization «EdCamp Ukraine» (The organization conducts an anti-discrimination examination of school teaching materials)

There is a so-called hidden curriculum. For example, when in the drawing in the textbook the boy flies, travels, and the girl sculpts dumplings.

It does not directly say that a woman should sit at home and cook borscht, but the drawing forms such a system of division of labor in children.

The same applies, in our opinion, to various animated films and other entertainment content.

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Nowhere in fairy tales does it directly say that the princess must sit in the tower and wait for the prince to rescue her. But the course of events lays in children just such an understanding of life. What is so right.

Gender equality issues are getting a lot of attention these days. We see new cartoons that give a different picture. For example, «The Enchanted Prince» or «Rapunzel».

«Rapunzel» in the new version — a modern girl who does not sit at home, is interested in many things, does not really obey her parents and chooses her own path.

This does not mean that old Disney cartoons should be banned. They have artistic value, they were created when there was no such choice as now.

But these tapes could be a good tool for developing critical thinking in children.

For example, did «Snow White» do the right thing by letting a strange woman in and taking an apple from her? And what will happen next? What should the prince do? You can safely watch these cartoons, press «pause» and talk with children.

Bans don’t work very well. In any case, children will learn about them and look at them. Therefore, it is better to show and immediately discuss everything than to wait and forbid.

But, of course, we all need to work together to ensure that such cartoons appear less frequently. After all, we believe that they do have a certain negative impact.

«If dad beat mom, fairy tales about princes won’t help»

Antonina Oksanich, child and family psychologist, gestalt therapist

The child is shaped by the environment.

If we are talking about the relationship between a man and a woman, then understanding this forms the example of parents.

No matter what fairy tales are read to a child, if parents are concerned about instilling the right values ​​in their son or daughter, they should set an example with their own lives.

How do dad and mom negotiate with each other? How do they share household chores? It all matters.

If dad beat mom, fairy tales about princes won’t help. The child grows up and then has to deal with it, sometimes return to childhood and experience his trauma.

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Children need fairy tales. The more fairy tales a child has in his arsenal, the better.

The child will be able to see different images, get a certain emotional experience and identify himself more clearly with whoever he wants to be with. At some point with a mouse, then with a princess, and then he will read «Pippi Longstocking» and will identify himself with her.

By alexxlab

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