Can baths bring on labour: For Labor, Other Benefits, and More

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Inducing labour — NHS

An induced labour is one that’s started artificially. Every year, 1 in 5 labours are induced in the UK.

Sometimes labour can be induced if your baby is overdue or there’s any risk to you or your baby’s health.

This risk could be if you have a health condition such as high blood pressure, for example, or your baby is not growing.

Induction will usually be planned in advance. You’ll be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages with your doctor and midwife, and find out why they think your labour should be induced.

It’s your choice whether to have your labour induced or not.

If your pregnancy lasts longer than 42 weeks and you decide not to have your labour induced, you should be offered increased monitoring to check your baby’s wellbeing.

Why you might be induced

  • if you’re overdue
  • if your waters have broken
  • if you or your baby have a health problem

If you’re overdue

Induction will be offered if you do not go into labour naturally by 42 weeks, as there will be a higher risk of stillbirth or problems for the baby.

If your waters break early

If your waters break more than 24 hours before labour starts, there’s an increased risk of infection to you and your baby.

If your waters break after 34 weeks, you’ll have the choice of induction or expectant management.

Expectant management is when your healthcare professionals monitor your condition and your baby’s wellbeing, and your pregnancy can progress naturally as long as it’s safe for both of you.

Your midwife or doctor should discuss your options with you before you make a decision.

They should also let you know about the newborn (neonatal) special care hospital facilities in your area.

If your baby is born earlier than 37 weeks, they may be vulnerable to problems related to being premature. 

If your waters break before 34 weeks, you’ll only be offered induction if there are other factors that suggest it’s the best thing for you and your baby.

If you have a health condition or your baby is not thriving

You may be offered an induction if you have a condition that means it’ll be safer to have your baby sooner, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.

If this is the case, your doctor and midwife will explain your options to you so you can decide whether or not to have your labour induced.

Membrane sweep

Before inducing labour, you’ll be offered a membrane sweep, also known as a cervical sweep, to bring on labour.

To carry out a membrane sweep, your midwife or doctor sweeps their finger around your cervix during an internal examination.

This action should separate the membranes of the amniotic sac surrounding your baby from your cervix. This separation releases hormones (prostaglandins), which may start your labour.

Having a membrane sweep does not hurt, but expect some discomfort or slight bleeding afterwards.

If labour does not start after a membrane sweep, you’ll be offered induction of labour.

Induction is always carried out in a hospital maternity unit. You’ll be looked after by midwives and doctors will be available if you need their help.

How labour is induced

If you’re being induced, you’ll go into the hospital maternity unit.

Contractions can be started by inserting a tablet (pessary) or gel into your vagina.

Induction of labour may take a while, particularly if the cervix (the neck of the uterus) needs to be softened with pessaries or gels.  

You will usually stay in the hospital maternity unit while you wait for it to work.

If you’ve had no contractions after 6 hours, you may be offered another tablet or gel.

If you have a controlled-release pessary inserted into your vagina, it can take 24 hours to work. If you are not having contractions after 24 hours, you may be offered another dose.

Sometimes a hormone drip is needed to speed up the labour. Once labour starts, it should proceed normally, but it can sometimes take 24 to 48 hours to get you into labour.

What induced labour feels like

Induced labour is usually more painful than labour that starts on its own, and you may want to ask for an epidural.

Your pain relief options during labour are not restricted by being induced. You should have access to all the pain relief options usually available in the maternity unit.

If you are induced you’ll be more likely to have an assisted delivery, where forceps or ventouse suction are used to help the baby out.

If induction of labour does not work

Induction is not always successful, and labour may not start.

Your obstetrician and midwife will assess your condition and your baby’s wellbeing, and you may be offered another induction or a caesarean section.

Your midwife and doctor will discuss all your options with you.

Natural ways to start labour

There are no proven ways of starting your labour yourself at home.

You may have heard that certain things can trigger labour, such as herbal supplements and having sex, but there’s no evidence that these work.

Other methods that are not supported by scientific evidence include acupuncture, homeopathy, hot baths, castor oil and enemas.

Having sex will not cause harm, but you should avoid having sex if your waters have broken as there’s an increased risk of infection.

For more information on induction, you can read the NICE information for the public on induction of labour.

Video: When would I be induced and what’s involved?

In this video, a midwife describes what an induction of labour is and what is involved.

Media last reviewed: 20 March 2020
Media review due: 20 March 2023

Community content from HealthUnlocked

10 Completely Natural Ways to Induce Labor

When you’re past your due date, you’ll do just about anything to get things moving. While there is no magic switch for inducing labor, some overdue moms want to induce labor naturally. Of course, you should always check with your doctor first because each momma is different and you want to be sure you’re not doing anything that would harm you or your baby. Your doctor may have some ideas for labor induction as well. Everyone has a common goal here!


While you’re at home, counting the days and hours until you get to meet your little one, check out these ways that may help to induce labor the natural way.

1. Lovemaking

The same thing that got you pregnant may also help coax your baby out. Semen contains prostaglandins, a hormone-like substance that helps to ripen the cervix and is similar to the medications that are used to induce labor. Just make sure your water hasn’t broken and you have the green light from your doctor, and go ahead and get busy!

2. Castor Oil

When it comes to ways to induce labor naturally, this is not one of the more pleasant options. It’s also one you’re definitely going to want to run by your doctor before trying at home. Castor oil acts as a powerful laxative. While there isn’t evidence that it will help kick-start contractions, the idea is that since it will affect your bowels, it will indirectly stimulate your uterus since it’s nearby.

We’re going to keep it real with you and let you know some nasty side effects come along with trying this as a method for labor induction. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are likely to occur. You also run the risk of becoming dehydrated. When you’re pregnant this is not only dangerous for you but also for your unborn baby. You’ll definitely want to think this one through and have a serious talk with your doctor to see if it is a recommended option for you.

3. Nipple Stimulation

Nipple stimulation can cause uterine contractions and bring on labor. This is because it releases oxytocin, the hormone that causes contractions. Gently rolling or rubbing your nipples might be the nudge your body needs for the big event.

While you don’t have to spend a huge amount of time doing this, some sources suggest rubbing your whole areola, not just the nipple, three times a day for around an hour at a time. If you’ve got three hours a day to devote solely to nipple stimulation, it’s worth giving it a try! If not, doing it when you have time can still be one of the natural ways to induce labor and meet your new baby.

4. Eat Spicy Foods

There’s no miracle food to induce labor, but some people believe that eating spicy foods can get things going. Certain spices, like curry, are thought to have a similar (albeit safer and tastier) effect to castor oil. It’s believed that eating spicy foods stimulates the gut and bowel, so your uterus is indirectly stimulated as well.

If you already enjoy spicy foods and aren’t afraid of some possible heartburn, you may want to serve up a plate or two.

5. Exercise

Walking and light exercise, especially stair-climbing, causes your baby’s head to press down on your cervix, which helps to stimulate the release of oxytocin.

If your baby hasn’t dropped yet, walking might also help him move into a better position for birth, which could help labor start naturally. Just make sure not to wear yourself out — labor is exhausting enough without having walked a marathon beforehand. You’ll want to check in with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise program while pregnant, even if it is just walking and light exercise. Anything that’s going to get your heart rate pumping needs to be discussed with your doctor.

6. Pineapple

Besides tasting great, pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that may help ripen the cervix and possibly start labor. There hasn’t been much medical proof to back this up, but some people believe that pineapple can be a natural way to induce labor.

Each pineapple contains only a small amount of bromelain, so you’d have to eat large quantities (we’re talking several pineapples) for this to possibly work. Eating several pineapples will likely have the same effect as a spoonful of castor oil (even though it tastes better), so if you end up eating six or seven, be prepared for the probability of an upset stomach.

7. Raspberry Leaf

Raspberry leaf has been thought to boost blood flow to the uterus and help start contractions. But, there have been no studies to prove this, so you’ll certainly want to talk to your doctor before trying raspberry leaf, especially if you’ve never had it before.

Drinking raspberry leaf tea or taking it in capsule form can help trigger contractions and prepare the uterine muscles for labor. It is also thought to help speed up labor, although there is no scientific evidence to back that up.

While there is no evidence that raspberry leaf encourages labor, it is strongly recommended that pregnant women steer clear of it until 38 weeks to avoid the risk of premature labor.

8. Acupressure & Acupuncture

Acupressure works by placing pressure on specific points on the body. Applying pressure to certain points in the body is believed to stimulate contractions and may increase blood flow to the uterus. Pregnant women, no matter what trimester they’re in, should definitely talk to their health care provider before beginning any acupressure treatments.

The same is true for acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture is another method that focuses on specific points on the body, by inserting fine needles. It may help to ripen the cervix and induce labor. There have been minimal studies done on the effects of acupuncture on pregnant women so be sure to talk to your doctor to assess any risks.

9. Evening Primrose Oil

This herb contains substances that your body turns into prostaglandins and can help thin, dilate, and prep the cervix for labor. It can be taken in capsule form or rubbed directly on the cervix.

Talk to your doctor before trying this method because it isn’t for everyone. Women with certain pregnancy conditions, like placenta previa, shouldn’t use it. Your doctor can tell you if it’s right for you.

10. Warm Baths

Who doesn’t love a warm bath, even when you’re not pregnant! Relaxing in a warm bath will relieve stress and release, you guessed it, oxytocin (that happy little hormone that helps start contractions). When you take a warm bath you may want to skip the bath salts or bubbles because they could irritate your skin. Some women have sensitive skin when they’re pregnant. Keep it simple with some warm water and maybe even a book to help you relax. Even if it doesn’t work to start labor, a warm bath will feel good, right?

The Takeaway

When you’ve reached your third trimester and you’re full-term, you’re ready to get the show on the road and meet your new baby. But, we all know babies have minds of their own and may not come when they’re due.

While you may want to induce labor naturally by eating spicy foods or exercising, you should always talk to your doctor first before trying anything, especially something new. You don’t want to accidentally do something that would injure yourself or your unborn baby. Although it’s hard to be patient, remember your baby will be here before you know it and you’ll have plenty of special time together!

Clary Sage Oil to Induce Labour

Clary Sage Oil

Clary sage oil is often touted as an effective method to induce labour naturally and enhance contractions once labour has started.

The reality is that babies come precisely when they are ready. Studies have shown that labour is triggered once the baby’s lungs are fully developed.

They then release a protein that triggers labour. However, many women will try all manner of things – some more effective than others – to try and induce labour naturally and avoid a medical induction.

Clary sage oil is an easily-available and easy-to-use method.

What is Clary Sage?




Clary sage (Salvia sclarea) is a variety of the sage herb plant, and has various aromatic and medicinal properties.




The leaves are edible and the leaves and flowers can be distilled into an essential oil for therapeutic use. Please note that ‘sage oil’ is quite a different thing and mustn’t be confused with clary sage.




Clary sage has oestrogen-regulating and stimulating properties, because of its similar chemical structure to oestrogen. It has had a long association for use with menstrual problems. It is also thought to have a stimulating effect on pregnant women so it is advised not to be used before 37 weeks of pregnancy.




It also has a host of other beneficial properties as varying as an antidepressant, aphrodisiac, deodorant and euphoric for people outside of pregnancy.




For the purposes of this article, I just want to focus on its use after 37 weeks of pregnancy and in labour.




Cautions about Clary Sage Oil






All essential oils prepared by a reputable source are safe to use providing you stick to these guidelines in this article below in the Golden Rules section, but before we get into that in-depth information, I would like to suggest that you consider reading my carefully researched book that includes the most up-to-date pain relief options, like gas & air, and epidural, and details common interventions carried out, such as induction of labour, assisted delivery (forceps or ventouse) and caesarean birth.




Let me tell you why I wrote this book and why I think now is the perfect time for you to read it.



Be empowered and informed


Let me help you make empowered and informed decisions in your late pregnancy, and before, during and after childbirth.


Most pregnant mums plan for a natural birth, however in the UK over 50% of births include some form of drugs for pain relief, or an intervention to help the baby be born (and in the US this figure is even higher).


Do you feel overwhelmed by what pain relief options are available for labour?


Are you confused by the effects drugs will have on you and your baby?


Do you want reliable information about what happens during birth interventions?


My book has been carefully researched to include the most up-to-date pain relief options, like gas & air and epidural, and details common interventions carried out, such as induction of labour, assisted delivery (forceps or ventouse) and caesarean birth.


This book will enable you make empowered and informed decisions in your late pregnancy, and before, during and after childbirth.


Take a look on amazon at the reviews, I am sure you will find it really useful for your coming birth.  

Buy Now for £4.99

Use of clary sage oil to induce labour

Like so many natural methods to induce labour, clary sage oil has not been studied in great depth, and so its efficacy to bring labour on is hard to pinpoint.

There are many cases of women who attribute going into labour as a result of using clary sage oil but it is very anecdotal. How soon you go into labour after using clary sage oil is a big question, along which other methods have you tried?

And for as many people the clary sage oil does little or nothing towards inducing labour. It is known to have relaxation properties and perhaps just the act of relaxing and not getting stressed about going into labour has the desired effect?

Labour is controlled by oxytocin and getting in a warm bath in a private dark space will boost your oxytocin well before you add clary sage oil into the mix.

It certainly doesn’t seem to do any harm though! And baths and massage are a lovely way to bide your time before labour starts.

Ultimately if it was THAT efficacious to bring on labour, we would be using it in hospitals rather than the artificial oxytocin that is currently used for inductions. Just remember that the due date of a baby is not very scientific and babies have a normal due “window” from 37 to 42 weeks!

Use of clary sage oil in labour

There has been a study that looked at different essential oils used by midwives during labour.

Although the study didn’t have a control group (so it is difficult to draw hard conclusions), it did indicate that clary sage (and chamomile) oil were effective in helping to reduce pain and ease anxiety. Clary sage is thought to stimulate contractions and oxytocin which are two essential ingredients for labour. So its use during labour is believed to enhance the labour and intensify contractions.

Clary sage could be used to help speed things up if labour seems to be slowing down or taking a long time to get into an established routine.

Golden Rules

  • Do NOT use clary sage oil before 37 weeks of pregnancy. It has a stimulating effect on the uterus and so it should be avoided until you are at term or later. For most women, it is probably not appropriate to use clary sage before your due date.
  • Do NOT use clary sage oil directly onto the skin as it is very intensive – in some cases up to 100 times stronger than it’s original source – and can cause burning and skin damage.
  • Do NOT ingest clary sage oil, it is poisonous, so keep it out of reach of children.
  • Do NOT get it on your mucous membranes (such as eyes, lips or vagina) as it can cause irritation or burning, even in a diluted form.
  • Do NOT mix clary sage with any other essential oils or products unless you have consulted a qualified aromatherapist. It can react with other oils and have unintended results.

Which brand of clary sage oil should I choose?

There are many brands of essential oils but finding a good quality oil is really important.

I have researched and reviewed some popular brands and complied them into a blog post of my top Clary Sage Oils brands.

But I will give you a clue what gets my vote, Neils Yard Organic Clary Sage is amazing.

Buy now

How to safely use Clary Sage Oil to naturally induce labour To scent a room.



You can put a few drops of clary sage oil into an Essential Oil Aroma Diffuser, an essential oil reed dispenser or an essential oil burner.

Make sure any previous oils are thoroughly cleaned off as some are not appropriate for use in pregnancy.

You can use clary sage in this way from 37 weeks in any room, and can also be used in labour to enhance contractions. However, if you get fed up with the smell, then it can be difficult to get rid of it quickly so it is therefore probably not advised during labour itself.

Note, you cannot burn candles in a hospital setting so we recommend a Nebulizing room diffuser mainly because its the most powerful type but also they do not use heat or water, therefore, is safer and easy to use for your birth at home or in the hospital.

Some of these new diffusers run off a USB socket which would give you some flexibility in the placement of the diffuser and maybe even allow you to run it off a battery power pack and run it in the middle of the room for example.

Some diffusers I like on Amazon, We personally use the tenswall one and my now 8-year-old daughter loves going to sleep with it on.

Add a few drops of clary sage oil to an unscented base massage oil – such as coconut oil, almond oil, baby oil, etc.

Ensure you have at least equal parts clary sage to the base oil, but ideally, have a few drops of clary sage oil with about 10-15 ml of your carrier oil to ensure it is properly diluted.

The oil can be massaged over the entire body but is particularly nice to Massage into your bump. This helps to bond with your unborn child please read my in-depth blog here make a connection with your baby and coupled with relaxation music and birth visualisations, it can be a wonderful way to encourage labour to start.

Just remember that in late pregnancy you should avoid lying on your back so make sure you are either supported in a semi-reclined position or lying down on your side.

Sexually active with your partner

Obviously staying sexually active with your partner is a very personal choice in late pregnancy as I have written in a past article about how sex could induce labor.

This lovely pregnancy massage book was recommended to me during my second pregnancy and Mrzang thoroughly enjoyed trying all the techniques on me!

Massage can be a wonderful way to get intimate with your partner and help them feel involved. Make sure you don’t actually put any clary sage oil in or near your vagina.


Some books I recommend…
  1. Nurturing Massage for Pregnancy: A Practical Guide to Bodywork for the Perinatal Cycle
    This book focuses not only on the practical side of birth but also the spiritual and the clinical side.


  2. Massage During Pregnancy
    A good reference on the anatomy side of pregnancy, safety precautions for massage during pregnancy, and some tips for headaches & nausea.
  3. Aromatherapy And Massage For Mother And Baby: How Essential Oils Can Help You in Pregnancy
    A nice all round guide to massage but also with an added info on essentials oils to use in pregnancy and with baby.

Massage Advice: Relaxes your body and mind while helping to soothe aching muscles.

For adults, use up to 15 drops in at least 30ml of base oil. Please note not suitable for children under two years old.

‘Natural Ways to induce labour’ Kindle Book

Covering 4 broad areas of physical, spiritual ways, therapeutic ways and also foods to consume, she explores 30 different methods to bring labour on and what they involve including the one single sure-fire GUARANTEED method to help your baby arrive.

Delving into academic studies to show the efficacy – and risks – associated with each method, you are given a comprehensive guide to making an informed choice about trying each method, some of which are shown to be quite harmful.

Read now for £3. 49

Bath tonic

You can add a few (5-10) drops into a bath to get a fully immersive clary sage oil experience.

You get the benefit of the oil on your skin, but also through the steam of the bath get the inhalation as well – double whammy!

In order to prevent the oil collecting on the surface of the water, add the drops to an eggcup of milk before pouring into the bath.

The milk acts to help disperse the oil in the water so it doesn’t just sit on the surface.

CAUTION: It is inadvisable to use clary sage oil with any other bath products just in case it interacts with them so best avoid bubble bath and shower gel and just add it to a plain water bath.

It can also cause the surface of the bath to be slightly slippery so take extra care when getting in and out of the bath, and wipe it down with detergent afterward (just get your partner to do it, you are pregnant after all!).

These bath products contain clary sage and might be fun to try out, although to be honest I think it is unlikely there is enough strength to really get the benefits of the properties of clary sage oil.

Best Clary Sage Oil brands

Have you used Clary Sage Oil?

Do you think using clary sage oil helped you go into labour? Did it enhance your contractions? Or did it do absolutely bugger all! Please leave a comment and let me know how you used it and whether it worked.

This post contains affiliate links. This means that when you click on a link and buy that product I get a very small commission at no cost to you. I only recommend products that I know are high quality. 

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How to stimulate (accelerate) childbirth at home

Probably, every expectant mother is very much looking forward to the birth of her baby. Of course, I would like this to happen exactly at the appointed time, but sometimes everything does not go according to plan. In our article you will learn about how to stimulate childbirth.

Let’s start with the fact that it is best if the baby is born from 38 to 40 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, he is considered full-term and ready for birth. However, sometimes it happens that a woman begins to walk over the appointed time. All obstetricians and gynecologists advise to go to the birth house or perinatal center after 40 weeks to be under close supervision. However, not all expectant mothers want to be in the hospital, but prefer to stay at home until the onset of contractions.

If you have opted out of planned hospitalization and decided to stay at home, the most important thing is to make sure your baby is safe. You should undergo KCG and dopplerography several times a week to prevent oxygen starvation of the fetus and find out if it receives enough nutrients.

An additional ultrasound should also be done to find out what condition the placenta is in and how the baby feels. It is also worth asking your closest relatives in the female line (mothers and grandmothers) in advance for how long they gave birth to children, because if their children were born at 40 or 41 weeks, then there is nothing surprising in this. Very often, overgrowth is transmitted genetically through the female line. If everything is in order with well-being, then you should not worry ahead of time and you can not rush to go to the hospital. You can try to engage in natural stimulation of the onset of contractions at home. If you are wondering how to speed up childbirth at home, then you should know that after the 40th week of pregnancy, you can do almost everything that was not possible before. Let’s list everything that can cause the process of the appearance of contractions:

  • Increase various physical activities. You can exercise at home. Of course, it is worth noting that it is better not to overdo it and exhaust yourself with heavy barbells and complex exercises in the gym. It will be enough just to lift something moderately heavy, to do inclinations more often. And also perform various exercises aimed at stretching the muscles of the back and abdomen.
  • It is worth not denying yourself intimacy with your husband. The composition of male sperm includes prostaglandin, which is very often used by obstetricians and gynecologists in labor houses to stimulate labor. Also, male sperm helps to smooth the cervix and prepares it for childbirth. Gentle hugs and kisses, stroking the chest during sex also contribute to strong arousal and the release of the hormone oxytocin, which has a beneficial effect on the female body, promotes uterine contraction. Increases blood flow and can cause the muscles in the lower abdomen and uterus to contract, which can lead to contractions.
  • Very often, various hot treatments can cause contractions. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to go to the bath, then you can safely go. However, you should not bathe too much, you can just sit and warm on the shelf. Go to a Turkish or Russian bath, and it is not necessary to take brooms with you. The hot temperature is very stimulating and enhances the blood circulation process. If there is no bath, then lie down at home in a hot bath, or stand in the shower under hot water.

There are various folk methods that were used by grandmothers and great-grandmothers to speed up the process of contractions.

One of the most well-known folk methods for the rapid onset of contractions is the use of castor oil. Eating it allows you to quickly open the cervix and cause contractions. It also has a positive effect on the condition of the intestines and helps to cleanse it, so that later in the family home you do not have to do an enema.

However, it is best to cleanse the intestines beforehand. Include more fresh fermented milk products, such as ryazhenka or kefir, in your diet, and eat more prunes and beets.

If you are wondering how to induce labor yourself, it is worth noting that you should always talk to your baby. Talk to your child more often and tell him what is bothering you. You can ask him to hurry up to be born as soon as possible, since it is known that children hear their mothers when they talk to them. Tell him that everyone loves him very much and is waiting for him, then the baby will have a desire to be born as soon as possible.

Never use medication to induce labor without a doctor’s prescription. This can harm not only your health, but also the health of your baby.

What can speed up labor

If you do not know what can speed up labor, you should consult with your gynecologist. He will give more accurate advice and recommendations. Sometimes self-induction of labor is contraindicated. This may be due to several reasons:

  • mother’s health condition and bad medical indications;
  • placenta previa;
  • breech presentation of the child in the womb;
  • high blood pressure of a woman in labor.

Summing up, it is worth noting that without consulting a doctor, you should never take any independent actions.

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Is it possible for pregnant women to take a bath. Personal experience.

Sauna during pregnancy — useful or not? I was born and raised in a village where a bath day once a week was a ritual. The bath was not something out of the ordinary, and healthy pregnant women always visited the bath, well, maybe not as hot as usual. But in the conditions of the city, doctors began to prohibit visiting the steam room, because they insure pregnant patients, and therefore it is important for them to foresee everything in advance. There is a simple rule that it is always better to ban than to deal with the consequences later.

My experience

It is believed that the first couple of weeks you can not go to the bath, and at the end of pregnancy it can cause premature birth. And for many girls, the prohibitions of doctors are only beneficial, because everyone’s bodies are really very different. When my mother carried me under her heart, she did not visit the bathhouse, because of the threat of losing the child. This is important when there are dangers to the health of the child and mother. In such cases, it is better not to go to the bathhouse.

As for me, before pregnancy I was very fond of baths and was quite a private guest in this institution. I loved visiting thermal centers, where there are many different steam rooms in one place. I especially liked the Turkish and Moroccan baths.

“And when the long-awaited pregnancy came, then in the first trimester, the baby and I went to the bath every day, while we lived in Gorny Altai, on the banks of the Katun …”

When I returned to the big city, I really wanted to go to the bath, to the sauna , in the hammam. But because of the stuffiness and heat that stood in the city, it was difficult for me to breathe, and I refused to visit the sauna. After reading the opinions of doctors on the Internet, at that moment, frankly, I just got scared to go to the bathhouse.

When winter came, I started going to water aerobics for pregnant women, and it turns out there was a sauna, and after classes I sat there for quite a long time. At first, the coach warned that the first time it was no longer than 5 minutes, and then I spent more and more time there each time, sometimes it was even half an hour, I needed it so much, so I rested. After a cool pool, and sometimes cold, it was very nice to warm up in a hot sauna. It was a great time, and I did not tell the doctors, because I knew that they would tell me that it was very harmful in my position. Once again, I didn’t want to listen to the opinion that I was doing everything wrong. And I continued to go to the sauna after the pool, because after that I felt 100%.

At the courses

At the end of pregnancy, my husband and I attended courses for pregnant women, where the psychologist clearly said that the body needs to be trained, prepared for childbirth, and the bath will only help in this.

“The psychologist said that during pregnancy we lay the foundation for our baby’s health. And we just can’t afford to eat poorly, move a little, and not train our and his heart with contrast procedures.”

I totally agreed with her on this. So, from these courses, I also learned that they were all hands for the bath, for going there without fear, and for training my body before childbirth. So we were literally sent to the local bath complex. I received official permission for something that I wanted so much for a very long time. We visited a hammam, a Russian steam room, of course, without fanaticism and not for long, and also swam in an open-air pool, given that it was winter, it was cold outside, but my body was happy with such contrasting procedures. I was delighted.

One girl came up and was surprised that I came to the bathhouse pregnant, to which I replied that it turned out that it was possible, which I also worried about before, but in vain. And indeed, for me, during this pregnancy, the bath and sauna were only good. The bath did not cause childbirth, although they should have begun at any moment. Yes, I didn’t think about that at all. I believe that a lot depends on the mood of the expectant mother, and I also realized for myself that you need to listen first of all to yourself and the baby.

“That was my experience. He was joyful and positive, and before the birth, I just needed it. I felt rested, refreshed, I became happier.”


As for the pros, it’s probably not a secret that if you approach everything thoughtfully and carefully, then the benefits of bathing during pregnancy are enormous.

  • Sauna helps fight edema, trains the heart and lungs, and this is the prevention of hypoxia in a baby.
  • Improves the blood supply to the placenta and prevents its premature aging, which means that the nutrients will be supplied to the baby in full.
  • Of course, we should not forget that the temperature contrast also hardens the body and brings it into a resourceful state.
  • Sauna reduces stress and anxiety, relieves muscle tension, and even after the bath you sleep better and your appetite improves.
  • Going to the steam room improves the condition of the skin, which is also important, you must agree.

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Childbirth and sauna

And contrary to the official opinion, there is an opinion among the people that if you go to the sauna, you will give birth easier. Therefore, Russian women went to the bathhouse during pregnancy. And since there were no maternity hospitals, they gave birth most often in a bathhouse, which was heated not very hot, the process of childbirth became easier. Somehow, warm water and steam make contractions less painful. But there is, of course, an important point that should be taken into account — this is high blood pressure, but I think that girls with such a diagnosis are in no hurry to run to the steam room. And if everything is in order with the body, then the bath will only benefit.
But if you’re scared, if you feel like you’re doing something wrong, maybe you should listen to yourself. Because your sauna experience may be completely different. If your doctor’s permission is important to you, get it. This will give peace of mind, and the mind will not rush about in doubt.

“It is better to go to the sauna during pregnancy in a large company of similar pregnant girls, then we also get the joy of communication. From my own experience, I was convinced that this greatly improves mood. And what is important during pregnancy is positive emotions.

Under the heading «Postpartum recovery» you will find articles about competent recovery after childbirth.

I want to say that if the body is trained, then childbirth will be easier to endure. Well, if you are also on a positive wave, then childbirth will be more successful. Whether you go to the bath or not, or choose a different type of body workout, it is important to exercise. Do not lie on the couch, do not be afraid to move. But it’s also important to listen to yourself. And do not do what the heart does not lie in. I am sure that pregnant women have very good intuition, listen to yourself.

I wish everyone who is expecting a baby a happy pregnancy and a successful birth!

Marina Soshchenko — «Mom’s Stories»

Sauna and pregnancy: pros and cons

Pregnancy is a desired happy state in which a woman will spend quite a long time — about 40 weeks. The way of life, of course, is changing, because now there are two of you, and maybe three, there is an additional responsibility for a new developing life. You can learn about the benefits of bath procedures from many sources, but I would like to dwell on contraindications and features during pregnancy separately.

It is not recommended to start visiting a bath during pregnancy if you have not done this before or if you have visited occasionally, the load may be too great, and the body’s reaction is unpredictable, various complications may arise, up to pregnancy loss. During pregnancy, the work of many organs and systems, including the cardiovascular system, changes, so additional loads, including bath procedures, should be treated with great care.

Staying in a bath causes significant changes in the activity of the cardiovascular system. Thus, the heart rate rises and reaches 100-160 beats per minute, i.e. increases by 60 — 70% compared to the figures before visiting the bath. The ejection of blood from the chambers of the heart increases 1.5–1.7 times. At the same time, the blood flow time is reduced by almost 2 times. There is a rapid distribution of blood in various organs. When you visit a steam room, especially the first time, blood pressure rises. Dousing with cold water dramatically reduces the heart rate by 30-35 beats per minute or more. An additional load on the cardiovascular system is caused by whipping with a broom during hyperthermia. At this time, the heart rate increases even more.

Even the most experienced bathers should not go to the bath in the first trimester, because it is during this period that the placenta is formed and all the organs of the child are laid. Additional physical and thermal stress during these periods can provoke a threat of termination of pregnancy and even lead to miscarriage. At a later date (in the third trimester), the risk of bath procedures lies in the possible development of premature labor, impaired functioning of the placenta, up to detachment. In any case, before visiting the bath, you need to consult with your doctor and find out if you have any contraindications to thermal stress. It is contraindicated to visit the bath during pregnancy with complications, for example, with the threat of interruption, high blood pressure, placenta previa, edema and preeclampsia, fetal growth retardation, etc.

In general, bathing procedures have a number of general contraindications, both during pregnancy and outside it

  • firstly, it is the presence of acute inflammatory processes of a viral and bacterial nature, as well as fever of any origin;
  • hypertension, especially stages 2 and 3 and ischemic heart disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • recent surgery;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy.

Such moments are important to consider, even if you really want to go for a steam bath. Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that the permission of the observing gynecologist is the factor that should become decisive for the pregnant woman. If it is received, there are no contraindications, you feel great, find out how pregnant women should behave in the bath — and go relax and have fun.

Proper bathing during pregnancy implies the following points

  • The best option is to visit the bathhouse when you feel well, as part of a special group led by an experienced instructor.
  • A pregnant woman should go to the bathhouse only with an escort, so that in case of an unforeseen situation and deterioration of the condition, someone could help.
  • As soon as you feel dizzy, nauseous or otherwise uncomfortable, leave the steam room immediately.
  • The temperature should be low and the time spent in the steam room should not exceed 10 minutes.
  • The head must be covered with a special felt hat.
  • While visiting the sauna, pregnant women are advised to drink more. It should not be carbonated drinks, juices, hot tea or coffee: cold herbal tea, rosehip decoction, mineral water without gas will bring benefits.
  • A cool pool or shower after the procedure can be very helpful and will help the female body to more easily endure stress after visiting the steam room, however, temperature drops can also lead to a deterioration in well-being.
  • Do not get carried away — the frequency of visiting the bath should be regulated and agreed upon with your doctor.

Even if bath procedures are contraindicated for you, don’t worry — there are many pleasant and interesting things that you can use to please yourself while expecting a baby with health benefits!

The article was written by obstetrician-gynecologist Romanova Yu.A.

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