Chinese calendar pregnancy: Chinese Gender Predictor — Chart, Calendar, Test

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Has anyone used the chinese gender prediction chart?

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Welcome to our Pregnancy forum, where you can connect with others on your pregnancy journey. To understand how your baby develops, visit the Mumsnet pregnancy calendar.

Welcome to our Pregnancy forum, where you can connect with others on your pregnancy journey. To understand how your baby develops, visit the Mumsnet pregnancy calendar.


30 replies

MayaKaya ·

06/11/2007 15:35

If so was it accurate for you and do you know of people it has come true for?

OP posts:




Soph73 ·

06/11/2007 16:17

I´ve been told I´m having a girl by that test but I´m not having a scan until the 29th Nov so can´t tell you whether it was accurate yet Will let you know.



sugar34plum ·

06/11/2007 16:19

hi yes was accurate for me with all 6 of mine!



preggersagain ·

06/11/2007 16:19

wrong with all of mine



MayaKaya ·

06/11/2007 16:23

I wish there was a defo way to determine the sex. My first born was a girl so everything is pink and we only have a 2 bed place so would make room sharing easier if the next one was a girl too.

OP posts:



MuffinMclay ·

06/11/2007 16:25

Was wrong with ds1 and with dc2 who I’m told is a boy.




dkay ·

06/11/2007 16:50

Sugar34plum, which one did you use. …there seems to be so many on line at the mo?




sugar34plum ·

06/11/2007 18:09

cant remember site off hnd as dd3 is 17months but do remember 1 had a dancing baby! will have a look see if i can find it!



FioFio ·

06/11/2007 18:10

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn

goingfor3 ·

06/11/2007 18:11

It’s been wrong three out of four with me!



Pinkchampagne ·

06/11/2007 18:11

Wrong for DS1 & correct for DS2, so basically 50/50! Think it is all a load of tripe personally!




notanotherone ·

06/11/2007 19:35

wrong for all 3 of mine



Lulumama ·

06/11/2007 19:36

wrong for DD , right for DS, IIRC



mummylittle ·

06/11/2007 19:56

It was right for me and about 4 of my friends xx



SazzaK ·

07/11/2007 08:58

It was wrong for my DD (was 28 when conceived her in August — she should have been a boy).



Jbck ·

07/11/2007 10:19

Wrong for DD & wrong again if 2 sonographers are right about this one due on Sunday.




Yeni ·

07/11/2007 13:32

It was accurate for my first but not for my second.



emma2309 ·

07/11/2007 14:12

well it was wrong for all 4 of mine! so its now accurate cause i know whatever it tells me it will be the other one lol



SoupDragon ·

07/11/2007 14:14

«I wish there was a defo way to determine the sex. «

There is. You look between the baby’s legs when it’s born. Pretty much 100% accurate I’m told.



Sweetiesandcakes ·

07/11/2007 15:54

not very helpful soupdragon. I think we are all aware that you can tell the sex at that stage!!



SoupDragon ·

07/11/2007 16:49

Oh, well excuse me Sweetiesandcakes.




Isobella123 ·

07/11/2007 17:04

It was wrong for DS2 — he should have been a girl!



Mitchell81 ·

07/11/2007 17:34

Wrong with both my DC’s and says I am having a boy this time, so how who’s???



Mitchell81 ·

07/11/2007 17:35

should read who knows?



IntergalacticWalrus ·

07/11/2007 17:36

I did.

Both times it siad girls

I have 2 boys

Tis a load oif Bolleux



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What is the Chinese pregnancy calendar and how it works

If you are pregnant or planning to have a baby, you are surely full of emotions and curious about what the future holds for you. In your search for information, you may have heard of the Chinese pregnancy calendar, an ancient tool that promises to reveal the gender of your baby. based on the lunar age of the mother at the time of conception.

The Chinese pregnancy calendar is known as an ancient tradition and you can use it once you know what it is and how it works. Therefore, below we are going to reveal all the most relevant information so that you do not have any doubts of any kind.

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Table of Contents

  • 1 What you should know about the Chinese pregnancy calendar
    • 1.1 Where does it come from
  • 2 How it works and how it is used
  • 3 The connection with tradition and the celebration of pregnancy
  • 4 The importance of emotional connection during pregnancy
  • 5 The emotion of surprise and welcome to the baby
  • 6 Myths and truths of the Chinese pregnancy calendar
    • 6.1 The precision
    • 6.2 Interpretation reality
    • 6.3 Placebo effect
    • 6.4 gender diversity
  • 7 Other considerations that you should take into account
    • 7.1 Consult a medical professional
    • 7.2 Recognize the speculative nature
    • 7.3 The sex of the baby does not define its value

What you should know about the Chinese pregnancy calendar

Do not miss all the information that we are going to explain below so that you understand what it is and can know the sex of your baby even before you have your 16-week ultrasound, that is when they can tell you if it is a girl or a boy.

Where does it come from

This calendar is also known as the Chinese Pregnancy Chart, it is an ancient tool used to predict the sex of the baby you are expecting. Unlike other modern techniques such as ultrasound or genetic testing, this method is based on traditional Chinese principles and dates back more than 700 years.

It is rooted in the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang, as well as a belief in the five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. According to this tradition, every lunar year it is associated with a Chinese zodiac animal and a specific element. These elements are combined with the mother’s lunar age at the time of conception to determine the sex of the baby.

How it works and how it is used

The Chinese pregnancy calendar is presented in the form of a table that crosses the lunar age of the mother at the time of conception with the lunar month in which conception occurred.

Following the column corresponding to the lunar age of the mother and the row corresponding to the lunar month of conception, there is a box indicating the predicted sex of the baby: male or female.

To use the Chinese pregnancy calendar, you will need to know your lunar age at the time of conception and the lunar month in which it occurred. If you’re not familiar with the concept of moon age, don’t worry. There are calculators on the Internet that can help you determine these values. simply and precisely.

Once you have this data, simply find the intersection between your lunar age and the lunar month of conception in the calendar table. The result will reveal the predicted sex of your baby. Remember that this method is based on estimates and does not offer an absolute guarantee. However, many people have reported amazing accuracy in their results.

The connection with tradition and the celebration of pregnancy

In addition to its gender prediction function, the Chinese pregnancy calendar has a deeper meaning in Chinese culture. Using this ancient tool can help you connect with tradition and celebrate the pregnancy in a special way.

In Chinese culture, pregnancy is considered a sacred moment and great importance is attached to it. This calendar is used as a way to engage with this age-old tradition and honor the connection between mother, the baby and the ancient wisdom.

By using it you can organize a small celebration to share the news of pregnancy with your loved ones. You can invite family and close friends and have a special ceremony where you reveal the predicted sex of the baby according to the calendar. This creates an atmosphere of joy and excitement, strengthening family ties and generating a sense of community.

This calendar can also be an opportunity to learn more about Chinese culture and its unique approach to pregnancy and motherhood. You can explore other traditional Chinese practices related to pregnancy, such as Chinese medicine, healthy eating, and prenatal care practices.

Immersing yourself in these traditions can provide a different and enriching perspective on the gestation process and preparation for the arrival of the baby.

The importance of emotional connection during pregnancy

Beyond predicting the gender of the baby, the Chinese pregnancy calendar invites you to focus on the emotional connection with your developing child. Regardless of whether the calendar results are accurate or not, the key is to cultivate a deep bond and loving with the baby from the beginning.

During pregnancy, it is essential to spend time for self-reflection and self-care. Take advantage of this period to connect with yourself, your emotions and your maternal intuition. Listen to your body, rest as necessary, maintain a healthy diet and look for activities that relax you and make you feel good. The emotional connection and well-being of the mother are essential for the optimal development of the baby.

The emotion of surprise and welcome to the baby

Although this calendar can raise expectations about the gender of the baby, it is important to remember that the surprise and welcome of the new member of the family are precious and unforgettable moments, regardless of their gender.

It doesn’t matter if the calendar is right or wrong in predicting the sex of the baby. True joy lies in welcoming a unique and loved one into your life. Enjoy the journey of pregnancy, live every moment and cultivate the emotion of surprise until the day of birth.

Myths and truths of the Chinese pregnancy calendar

The Chinese pregnancy calendar has gained popularity around the world as a fun and exciting way to predict the gender of the baby. However, it is important to note that this tool is based on traditional principles and not on scientific evidence.

Next we are going to explain some myths that surround this calendar so that you can stop believing them and above all, so that you can truthfully know the most important thing on this subject.

The precision

Many people claim that this calendar is amazingly accurate. Some claim that it is correct in 90% of the cases. However, it is essential to remember that this tool is based on the lunar age of the mother and the lunar month of conception, and not on biological or genetic data. Accuracy may vary and cannot be taken as an absolute guarantee.

Interpretation reality

The interpretation can be confusing for some people. Sometimes different versions of the table can show conflicting results. This is due to variations in the tables used and how the moon age is calculated. It is important to use a reliable source and clearly understand how values ​​are calculated for more accurate results.
Culture influence

This calendar is an important part of Chinese culture and has been passed down from generation to generation. However, its popularity and use have spread beyond China, reaching out to different cultures and communities around the world. The connection with tradition and the celebration of pregnancy are valuable aspects that transcend cultural borders and allow people to connect with the essence of pregnancy.

Placebo effect

In some cases, the results of the Chinese Pregnancy Calendar may be accurate simply due to the placebo effect. If the mother firmly believes in the result and is excited to receive it, it is possible that this energy and positive expectation influence the perception and the overall pregnancy experience. The power of the mind and emotions can have a significant impact on how we live our experiences.

gender diversity

The aforementioned calendar is based on the traditional gender dichotomy: masculine or feminine. However, it is important to recognize and respect gender diversity in our current society. Biological sex and gender identity are broader and more complex concepts that cannot be determined exclusively by a table. It is essential to celebrate and support all people, regardless of their gender assigned at birth.

Other considerations that you should take into account

If you decide to use the Chinese pregnancy calendar, it is important that you take into account some considerations.

Consult a medical professional

It is always advisable to seek the advice of a medical professional during your pregnancy. Although this calendar can be fun, it should not be considered as a reliable method to diagnose the sex of the baby. Your doctor will be able to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on the most reliable diagnostic tests and techniques.

Recognize the speculative nature

This calendar is based on assumptions and traditions, and there is no solid scientific basis to back it up. Therefore, it is important not to take the results as absolute certainty. Enjoy the prediction process as a playful and cultural element, but keep an open and flexible attitude.

The sex of the baby does not define its value

Remember that the sex of the baby does not determine its worth or its future. Whether it is a boy or a girl, each human being is unique and valuable. Focus on the love, care and attention that you will give to your child, regardless of gender.

Chinese pregnancy calendar can’t give accurate prediction


  • 1 Don’t try to calculate: Chinese pregnancy calendar
    • 1. 1 Myth or reality: Chinese pregnancy calendar
    • 1.2 What is Chinese pregnancy calendar?
    • 1.3 History of the calendar
    • 1.4 How to use the calendar?
    • 1.5 What do the followers of the calendar say?
    • 1.6 Medical controversy
    • 1.7 Incorrect calendar predictions
    • 1.8 Methods for determining the sex of the child
    • 1.9 Real methods for determining the sex of the child
    • 1.10 Other factors that affect the sex of the child
    • 1.11 Why use a pregnancy calendar?
    • 1.12 The danger of determining the sex of the child before birth
    • 1.13 Alternative methods for determining the sex of the child
    • 1.14 Pregnancy calendar in advertising and the media
    • 1.15 How to avoid falling prey to the myth of the Chinese pregnancy calendar?
    • 1.16 Related videos:
    • 1.17 Q&A:
        • How does the Chinese pregnancy calendar really work?
        • 1.17. 0.2 How often is the Chinese pregnancy calendar wrong?
        • What factors affect the results of the Chinese pregnancy calendar?
        • Is there scientific evidence to support the Chinese pregnancy calendar?
        • How to choose the right method for determining the sex of a child?
        • What is the most reliable age group of mothers for determining the sex of a child?
        • What is the unique experience of customers using the Chinese pregnancy calendar to predict the sex of the baby?

The Chinese pregnancy calendar is not a scientifically based way of determining the sex of an unborn child. Do not rely on it and make important decisions based only on this method. It is better to trust professional medical research and the advice of doctors.

The Chinese Pregnancy Calendar includes a table that is based on the mother’s age and the month of conception, helping to predict the gender of the unborn baby.

However, despite the popularity of this method, its accuracy is questionable. Several studies have shown that the Chinese pregnancy calendar can only be correct 50% of the time, making it not a reliable or accurate tool for predicting a baby’s gender.

If you want to know the gender of your baby, your best bet is to go to a specialist for ultrasound diagnostics or genetic analysis to get accurate information about your baby’s gender and health.

Do not forget that the sex of the child does not matter, the main thing is the health and well-being of the baby and mother!

Myth or Reality: Chinese Pregnancy Calendar

Calculating the date of birth of a child is one of the most exciting and exciting tests for future parents. In search of answers to this question, many turn to the Chinese pregnancy calendar, which allegedly allows you to accurately determine the sex of the baby and his future date of birth. But how true are these predictions?

Calculation results are far from reality, and it is not recommended to rely on their accuracy. In addition, some factors, such as the presence of diseases, genetic abnormalities and other diseases, can significantly affect the duration of pregnancy and the date of birth of the child.

If you are looking for a reliable and accurate way to determine the date of birth of your unborn baby, we recommend that you contact highly qualified specialists who will conduct a professional ultrasound examination. Thus, you will receive the most accurate data that will help determine both the sex of the child and the date of birth.

So, in conclusion, we can say that the Chinese pregnancy calendar is not a reliable and accurate way to determine the date of birth of the unborn baby. But in our store you can find many other products for future parents and a lot of other information that will give you wonderful emotions and knowledge!

What is the Chinese pregnancy calendar?

The Chinese Pregnancy Calendar is a traditional Chinese method for determining the sex of an unborn child and predicting a birth date. It is based on a combination of the mother’s age at conception and the month of conception.

The calendar was originally used in China in the 16th century and served exclusively to determine the sex of an unborn child. It is described as a table consisting of columns indicating the months of the year and rows indicating the age of the mother at the time of conception.

In any case, the Chinese pregnancy calendar is a good way to diversify your pregnancy and learn something new about your future baby. For more accurate information about the gender and date of birth of the child, it is better to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

The origin of the calendar

The Chinese pregnancy calendar is one of the most ancient calendars still in use in the world. Its origin is associated with the ancient Chinese philosophy of «feng shui» — the art of putting life in a harmonious order.

The first records of the pregnancy calendar were found in ancient Chinese astrological books dating back to the 3rd century BC. It was then that Chinese scientists began to collect data on the phases of the moon, weather conditions and the laws of nature in order to create an accurate calendar that would determine the sex of the unborn child and plan useful days for conception.

Over time, the Chinese pregnancy calendar has become increasingly popular not only in China but throughout the world. Today it is used by many women who dream of getting an accurate prediction of the sex of their unborn child. But, despite this, the opinions of doctors and scientists are still divided on the topic of its accuracy and reliability.

  • Some scientists believe that the Chinese pregnancy calendar is not a real science and cannot give reliable results. They argue that its occurrence is not associated with scientific research, but with folk signs based on mythological ideas.
  • Other scientists believe that the pregnancy calendar has a certain scientific basis and can be a useful tool in pregnancy planning. They indicate that the calendar is based on the phases of the moon and other astronomical factors that may affect the sex of the unborn child.

Regardless of which opinion is more correct, the Chinese pregnancy calendar remains a popular tool for many women who dream of having a child of a certain gender. But, before relying on its results, you need to consult a doctor and find out how accurate the calendar is in each case.

How to use the calendar?

The Chinese Calendar of Pregnancy includes a table that compares the months of the Chinese calendar with the mother’s age at the time of conception. To use it, you need to know the date of the last menstruation and the age of the mother at the time of conception.

Additional methods such as ultrasound and amniocentesis can be used for more accurate predictions. Our pregnancy calendar will only help you approximately determine the date of birth and the sex of the unborn child.

The pregnancy calendar is a handy tool for expectant mothers, but should not be used for final decision making. Always consult your doctor for the most accurate information about the status of your pregnancy and the health of your baby.

  1. Step 1: Complete the calendar fields using the date of the last menstrual period and the mother’s age at the time of conception.
  2. Step 2: Click on the «Calculate» button to find out the expected gender of the unborn child and date of birth.
  3. Step 3: But keep in mind that this is just a prediction and there may be quite significant deviations from the indicated values.
  4. Step 4: Always consult your doctor for the most accurate information about your pregnancy and baby’s health.

What do the followers of the calendar say?

Many mothers-to-be trust the Chinese pregnancy calendar and claim that it gives an accurate prediction of the baby’s sex and due date. According to the version of the calendar, to predict the sex and date of birth, you only need to know the month of conception and the mother’s age at the time of conception.

Adherents of the calendar claim that it is based on ancient traditions and has a high accuracy of forecasting. They believe that the calendar not only helps to predict the sex of the child, but even his character, health and fate.

Some mothers even use the calendar to plan their pregnancy, choosing the best month for conception, depending on the desired sex of the child.

  • However, there is no scientific justification for the calendar.

Many doctors and scientists consider the Chinese pregnancy calendar a myth and do not recognize its high accuracy. They argue that the sex of the child depends on many factors, including genetics, and not just the month of conception and the age of the mother.

Therefore, if you want to know the sex of the baby and the date of birth with 100% accuracy, it is better to turn to modern methods of medical diagnostics, which will give a more accurate result and help monitor the health of your baby.

Medical controversy

Medical controversy is a concept that should be considered in any major health-related decision. It means that in medicine there are a number of questions and contradictions, to which there is no unequivocal answer yet. Today, many doctors and scientists continue research and discussions in this area.

Of course, medical controversy can surprise and frighten the patient. But they also stimulate the medical community to perform more thorough and in-depth research, which can lead to new discoveries and effective treatments.

Our project «Medical Contradictions» aims to share with you the most relevant information from the world of medicine. We track the latest scientific research and talk about what doctors and scientists know today. Here you will find practical recommendations based on reliable data.

Our project will help you understand medical conflicts and make decisions related to your health. We believe that awareness is the basis of health, so we invite you to our team to develop and disseminate knowledge in the field of medicine!

  • Stay up to date with the latest medical discoveries
  • Get access to the most up-to-date information
  • Find out what medical controversies exist today

Incorrect calendar predictions

The Chinese pregnancy calendar is a popular tool for predicting the sex of the unborn baby and the date of birth. However, many women receive incorrect predictions, which can create unnecessary stress and anticipation.

The reason for the inaccuracy of the Chinese calendar may be the misuse of the astrological data on which it is based. In addition, the calendar does not take into account the individual physiological characteristics of a woman, such as the length of the cycle and the date of ovulation.

If you are looking for an accurate prognosis for your pregnancy, it is best to consult a specialist. Upgraded versions of the Chinese calendar might be justified for fun, but not for serious medical diagnosis.

  • Be careful: no calendar can guarantee 100% prediction accuracy. Do not take its results too seriously and make radical changes in your life.
  • Consult: If you have any doubts or questions about your pregnancy, it is best to consult a doctor. He will be able to give professional medical advice and answer all your questions.

Remember that the most accurate information about your pregnancy comes from medical examinations and baby monitoring. Take care of your health and your baby, and don’t forget to enjoy this amazing time of your life!

Methods for determining the sex of the child

If you are expecting a baby and want to know its gender in advance, there are several methods for determining:

  • Ultrasound examination. This is one of the most accurate and common ways to determine the sex of a child. Ultrasound can be performed as early as 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Maternal blood test. This method is quite new, but has already established itself as accurate and safe for the child and mother. The analysis can be taken as early as the 10th week of pregnancy.
  • Popular folk methods. In folk medicine, there are many methods for determining the sex of a child, based on establishing the correspondence of many physiological and psychological signs with the sex of the child.

It is important to remember that all methods have their limitations and the possibility of error. It is best to consult a doctor who will help you choose the most appropriate and safe method for determining the sex of your child.

If you want to have an ultrasound scan or a blood test to determine the sex of your baby, please contact our clinic. We guarantee fast and accurate results, as well as an individual approach to each patient.

Real ways to determine the sex of the child

Many parents-to-be wonder if it is possible to accurately determine the sex of the child before birth. The Chinese pregnancy calendar, although popular, is not a reliable way. However, there are real methods that will help determine the sex of the baby.

  • Ultrasound examination: is the most popular and reliable method. Typically, such studies are carried out at the stage of 18-20 weeks. The sexual characteristics of the baby on ultrasound are very clearly visible.
  • Mother’s blood: The mother’s blood contains the baby’s DNA. A special test can determine the sex of a child with an accuracy of more than 99%.
  • Maternal urine test: This method is based on the study of the mother’s hormonal background and can determine the sex of the child with an accuracy of 90%.

Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages, but in general they are quite reliable and accurate. Thus, future parents can be sure of determining the sex of their baby.

Comparison table: Method Accuracy

9023 7 More than 99%

Ultrasound examination More than 99%
Maternal blood
Maternal urine test Up to 90%

Other factors affecting the sex of the child

Genetic factor

The sex of the child is determined by biological chromosomes — XX for girls and XY for boys. Sex determination depends on the combination of genes passed down from father and mother. If the gene that determines the sex of X or Y is passed from father to child, then the sex of the child is already set. Keep in mind also that some people have a heredity for a certain gender of children.

Age of parents

Many people think that the age of the parents can influence the sex of the unborn child. However, it is not. But the age of the mother can affect the health of the child. Women over 35 are at risk of having a child with Down syndrome, and men over 40 are at risk of having a child with cerebral palsy and other diseases.

Alcohol and smoking

Smoking and drinking by the mother during pregnancy can adversely affect the health of the baby. Alcohol can lead to genetic changes that can lead to various diseases of the child and underdevelopment.

Environmental factors

Environmental factors such as pollution, exposure to toxins and radiation can also affect the sex of the unborn child. However, research is still ongoing on this topic, and there is no exact answer to this question yet.

Why use the pregnancy calendar?

The Pregnancy Calendar is an intuitive and fairly easy way to estimate your baby’s due date. It relies on data on the date of the beginning of the last menstruation and the duration of the cycle, which allows you to roughly determine when to expect an addition to the family and what the date of birth will be.

Most expectant mothers use the pregnancy calendar to prepare well in advance for the birth of their baby. For example, to determine the optimal time for passing special examinations and prepare for childbirth on time. It also outweighs many expectations and allows you to feel confident and calm throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Whether the pregnancy calendar is completely accurate or not, using it always has its benefits and benefits for pregnant women.

  • Early preparation: the pregnancy calendar helps to start preparing for the birth in advance, which allows pregnant women to avoid stress and problems later.
  • Planning: the pregnancy calendar helps you plan your upcoming procedures, including childbirth.
  • Pregnancy timing: even if the pregnancy calendar does not allow you to determine the exact date of birth, it can help determine the approximate timing of pregnancy and the date of conception.

As a result, using the pregnancy calendar not only helps to prepare for the birth of a child, but also brings unforgettable and vivid emotions throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

The danger of determining the sex of the child before birth

Many parents-to-be want to know the sex of their child before birth. There are many methods for this, including the Chinese pregnancy calendar. However, studies show that no method can accurately predict the sex of a child before birth.

Determining the sex of a baby before birth can be dangerous. First, it can create unreasonable expectations in parents, which can lead to frustration and even depression later on. Secondly, it can lead to undesirable consequences if parents begin to rely on one or another gender and will not be able to accept their child if he does not meet their expectations.

In addition, determining the sex of the baby before birth can lead to unwanted medical procedures such as amniocentesis or chorionic biopsy, which are at risk to the baby’s health and can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.

Therefore, before attempting to determine the sex of a child before birth, parents should consider all possible consequences and accept the possibility that the expected sex may not match the reality. After all, the sex of a child does not determine his personality and does not affect his love for his parents.

Alternative methods for determining the sex of the child

The old Chinese calendar of pregnancy cannot be considered a reliable and accurate method for determining the sex of the child. But there are other methods that can help us find out who will be born — a boy or a girl.

One such method is the Follower method. With it, you can determine the sex of the child with an accuracy of 98%. The method is based on measuring the level of the hCG hormone in the urine of a pregnant woman. A simple, inexpensive and non-invasive method that can be done at home.

Another method is based on the reaction of yeast to the urine of a pregnant woman. This is also how scientists were able to find that women expecting boys excrete more acidic urine, and women expecting girls more alkaline.

Of course, these methods cannot guarantee a 100% result, but they can be useful for those who want to know the sex of the child in advance. And it can be interesting for those who just like to learn new and interesting things.

Pregnancy calendar in advertising and media

Pregnancy calendar is a tool that can help expectant mothers determine the sex of the child and the date of delivery. But often this calendar is used in advertising and the media without due care and explanation about its improbability.

Unfortunately, many women fall for the tricks of advertisers who promise an accurate prediction of the sex of the child using a pregnancy calendar. But in fact, no calculations can give such an accurate result. The pregnancy calendar is just a calendar based on the lunar calendar and the age of the mother.

If you are looking for a reliable way to find out your baby’s gender and due date, ask your doctor. Modern medicine provides much more accurate diagnostic methods, such as ultrasound and amniocentesis. Do not risk your health and the health of your future baby, relying only on the pregnancy calendar from advertising.

Conclusion: don’t fall for the gimmicks of advertisers and don’t use the pregnancy calendar as your only source of information. Do without charlatans and turn to professionals in their field.

How not to fall prey to the myth of the Chinese pregnancy calendar?

The Chinese pregnancy calendar is popular all over the world, but despite many positive reviews, this method cannot give an accurate forecast.

In order not to fall prey to the myth of the Chinese pregnancy calendar, you need to remember that the sex of the child is determined at the stage of conception and no calendar can influence this.

How to correctly determine the sex of the child:

  • Using ultrasound at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.
  • DNA testing at 10 weeks pregnant.
  • Amniocentesis at 16-20 weeks of gestation.

No pregnancy calendar can give a more accurate forecast than these methods. Do not fall into the trap of the myth of the Chinese pregnancy calendar — use modern and proven methods for determining the sex of the child!

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How does the Chinese pregnancy calendar really work?

The Chinese Pregnancy Calendar is based on traditional Chinese astrology and states that the sex of the baby can be predicted based on the month of conception and the mother’s age at the time of conception. However, there is no scientific proof that this calendar actually works.

How often is the Chinese pregnancy calendar wrong?

The accuracy of the Chinese pregnancy calendar is debatable, as its results are not supported by scientific research. Thus, there are no specific statistics about errors.

What factors affect the results of the Chinese pregnancy calendar?

The results of the Chinese pregnancy calendar can be affected by many factors, such as errors in determining the date of conception, incorrect interpretation of the calendar, uneven menstrual cycles, and other factors.

Is there scientific evidence that the Chinese pregnancy calendar works?

There is no scientific evidence to support the Chinese pregnancy calendar. Many studies show that the accuracy of its work is questionable and the results may be random.

How to choose the right method for determining the sex of a child?

Determining the sex of the baby is a matter of luck, as there is no exact method. However, recent scientific research shows that the use of ultrasound is a reliable way.

What is the most reliable age group of mothers for determining the sex of a child?

There is no scientifically proven evidence that a certain age group of mothers is more suitable for determining the sex of a child. The sex of the child depends solely on the gene passed into the egg from the man.

What is the unique experience of customers using the Chinese pregnancy calendar to predict the sex of the baby?

The Chinese Pregnancy Calendar can be an exciting experience that allows you to involve parents as much as possible in preparing for the birth of a child, to give some individuality to this process.

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But it just so happened that we will also meet the New Year according to the Eastern calendar with its funny animals on the dates characteristic of the Western calendar.

New Year signs of 2023

Like any other year, the coming year of the Black Water Rabbit has its signs. Their knowledge and consideration in preparation for the celebration can bring positive changes in life, but only if you really believe in it, want to implement them and not sit back.

The rabbit is a “family” sign, affectionate and gentle. He loves peace, pleasant communication, cherishes children, warm relationships in the family. Those who are still living in a “civil marriage” should hurry to legalize their relationship this year. The bonds of marriage will be strong and secure, based on love and respect. The same applies to those who only dream of a wedding.

Signs for love

Anyone who wants to love or keep their love can follow simple steps:

  • decorate the Christmas tree with a heart-shaped toy;
  • if an unmarried man or woman has to celebrate the New Year on the road, the trip promises a quick meeting with someone who can become a companion for life;
  • hold each other’s hands tightly, listening to the chiming clock — go through life together;
  • if you light 7 green candles on New Year’s Eve, they will help attract family happiness and prosperity;
  • a girl who wants to get married and find family happiness must give seven children;
  • if on the first day of the New Year a dog meets on the street, this fact will be a confirmation that success in love awaits you.

The rabbit loves prosperity, so it is important to conduct simple rituals to attract money.

Signs for raising money

In order to have enough money in 2023, to attract them you need:

  • put a large bill in the wallet of each family member;
  • try to distribute all debts before the New Year;
  • if someone owes you, it’s good to get your money back;
  • decorate the Christmas tree with paper bills and sweets;
  • coins can also be hung on the Christmas tree, but for this you need to wrap them in foil and attach loops so that the coins stay on the branches.

It is believed: if, meeting the year of the Rabbit, put coins under the tablecloth on each corner of the festive table, there will be no need for money all year.

Candles can also attract wealth. Meeting the New Year, you need to light 8 candles and put them in the form of an infinity sign (the number 8 placed horizontally).

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After the chimes have struck, you need to let the Rabbit in by opening the front door.

If there are chips and cracks on the dishes, it is better to get rid of them. By the way, you need to do this regularly, regardless of holidays. Broken dishes are a sign of poverty.

Together with other toys, you need to hang cones and walnuts on the Christmas tree. Under the Christmas tree next to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, a figurine or symbol of a rabbit is desirable.

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I want a baby in the Year of the Rabbit!

Those who dream of a child should invite friends who have a small child to visit on New Year’s Eve.

For pregnancy to occur, you need to put children’s things and toys under the Christmas tree.

You can plant a Christmas tree in a tub. If it takes root, you can expect pregnancy.

How to attract good luck

It is generally accepted that good luck will come to the house if you write down the desire on a piece of paper, burn it, mix the ashes with champagne and drink it. All this must be done while the chimes are striking.

A door opened to the chimes will help to let good luck and happiness into the house.

It is believed that the one in whose glass the last drops of champagne fall from the bottle will find good luck in the new year.

Watching the weather

Do not neglect folk signs regarding the weather in the New Year.

The weather from December 31 to January 1 will indicate what the harvest will be like and what weather changes await us.

  1. If there is a lot of snow by that day, the summer will be rainy and the harvest will be good.
  2. A clear month — to frosty weather, covered with a light haze — to warming.
  3. Ice frozen in mounds — to a large harvest of wheat.

What not to do before the New Year

There are a number of «prohibiting» signs.


  • celebrate the New Year in an untidy house;
  • celebrate the New Year holiday without a Christmas tree: if various circumstances do not allow it to be established, you need to decorate the house with at least a spruce branch;
  • start laundry and cleaning on December 31;
  • sew up clothes, sew on buttons;
  • you can’t cook holiday dishes in a bad mood (this applies not only to the New Year holidays, but also to any cooking).

In New Year’s Eve, you can’t quarrel, sort things out, scold the outgoing year, complain about ill health, trouble, lack of money.

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What must be done

In addition to “no”, there is something that is not only possible, but also necessary to do on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Eve:

  • forgive others and yourself;
  • meet 2023 in a good mood;
  • make plans for the coming year.

On New Year’s Eve, you need to tune in to the fulfillment of desires, treat the outgoing year with gratitude.

How to celebrate the New Year 2023

As you might guess, the outfits for the meeting of the year of the Rabbit should correspond to its main features. The main will be black and blue (Black Water Rabbit). Colors of clothes that correspond to the lifestyle of the animal are also suitable: green, sand, wheat, mustard. Golden, brown, terracotta, many shades of gray are also appropriate.

The rabbit will be impressed by clothes made from natural fabrics with the additional use of white and blue. It’s good to prepare a new dress, suit or add to what you have, even a small, but a new accessory, for the New Year’s Eve.

You do not need complex expensive, «screaming» clothing and jewelry. A categorical «no» must be said to furs, clothes made of synthetic materials.

Which menu is suitable for guests

Since the rabbit is a herbivore, there should be an abundance of plant foods on the New Year’s table in 2023. It can be fresh vegetables and fruits, a variety of salads. If meat salads are to be served on the table, when choosing meat, preference should be given to lamb or poultry meat. Seafood and fish dishes are suitable.

There are no restrictions on sweets, except for desserts prepared using gelatin.

As for drinks, in addition to traditional champagne, you can put good homemade wine, fruit drinks, compotes, homemade lemonades on the table.

What not to eat in the year of the Cat

Since, in addition to the European one, the Chinese calendar is used to celebrate the New Year, it is worth knowing that the Chinese tradition does not recommend or prohibits cooking and eating in the year of the Rabbit.

  • If a rabbit dish is served on the table on New Year’s Eve, the whole year the family will be haunted by lack of money.
  • Do not cook meals with a high fat content.
  • Veal and beef dishes are not recommended.

According to the Chinese, the violation of these prohibitions can adversely affect health and wallet.

If you ate what you can’t?

Many people ask: what will happen if at the New Year’s table he ate something that the symbol of the year does not allow. It seems that an adult serious person will understand the answer: nothing if, for medical reasons, he has no restrictions on the use of products included in this particular dish.

What present to choose for the Year of the Rabbit

If before the New Year it is necessary or customary to give gifts, you should pay attention to these tips. The choice of a gift directly depends on several factors that must be considered:

  • age (sometimes also gender) of the recipient;
  • his status: family member, friend, boss, work colleague, loved one;
  • own financial resources.

To wish a Happy New Year, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive gift. It can be:

  • leatherette purse or purse with coin inside and symbol of the year;
  • beautiful weekly, any stationery;
  • sets of confectionery accessories — for lovers of cooking;
  • paintings, prints, if you are sure that such a gift will be happy.

An eternally relevant present is an elegant box of high-quality fresh sweets for women and a bottle of aged cognac or other original strong drink for men.

Do not give men socks, shorts and cheap shaving kits for the New Year! This is not a gift, but everyday items.

Children can be given different toys, including animal figurines in any design.

What gifts should you refuse to buy

Wealthy wealthy people on the eve of the celebration of a wonderful winter celebration are ready to show off their wealth and present an expensive thing. This is their right, however, it would not be superfluous to refrain from donating fur coats, coats and short fur coats made of natural fur. The symbol of the year will not be happy if genuine leather products are prepared as gifts.

How not to celebrate the New Year

Before the holiday, it is customary to clean up the house. This is a good tradition, but it’s worth knowing how to behave correctly.

It is not good to sit down at the festive table if there is a mountain of dishes in the sink, unwashed from “last year”.

A pile of unwashed linen, a mess in the house are also not the best presents.

By alexxlab

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