Printable hospital checklist for delivery: What’s In My Hospital Bag (+ free printable checklist!)

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Hospital Bag Checklist Printable: Everything You Need to Pack (for Mom, Dad & Baby)

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Inside: Wondering what to pack in your hospital bag for birth? We’ve got your covered. Get this FREE hospital bag checklist printable for labor and delivery, so you don’t forget a thing!

A few months ago, I started packing my hospital bag. The fifth time around, you would think I’d know all the hospital bag essentials off the top of my head.

Nope. I still worried that I’d forget some crucial item.

I ran through my mental checklist over and over in my mind.

Still, I didn’t stress too much because we live very close to the hospital. Worst case scenario, my husband ran back home to grab whatever I forgot.

But if you live more than ten minutes away from the hospital, forgetting to pack anything you’d need for labor and delivery can be SO stressful, especially as a first-time mama!

Fresh off that stress and anxiety, I put together this printable hospitable bag checklist for labor and delivery, just for new moms going through all this for the first time.

You can start getting these hospital bag essentials together in your third trimester, though I’ll cover when to start packing your hospital bag more specifically later on (for those who love precision!).

However, you’ll still need to print the checklist and put it in your hospital bag because some of these items are things you use every day.

Unless you have multiple phone chargers or backup makeup bags lying around, then you’ll need to pack those items right before you head to the hospital.

And remembering anything when you’re in labor for the first time is pretty much impossible. You’ll be all over the place.

So seriously, grab the checklist – you’re going to need it!

Related: What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag for a Natural Birth

When to Start Packing Your Hospital Bag


I always started packing my hospital bag around 34 weeks pregnant. You just never know if you’re going to be one of those moms who goes into pre-term labor.

During one of my pregnancies, I fell down a set of basement steps around 34-35 weeks and ended up in the hospital for monitoring. My contractions subsided quickly, but I was thankful to have my hospital bag packed and ready to go.

My personal recommendation is to start putting your bag together around 34 weeks. If you don’t want to put both sets of clothes in your hospital bag that early, pack at least one set of clothes.

Put together a small travel bag with extra toiletries, and make sure your makeup is all in one makeup bag, ready to be tossed in quickly before heading to the hospital.

The more you already have packed in your hospital bag, the easier it will be to grab it and go right when you need to.

Related: 30+ Things to Do Before Baby is Born (+ Third Trimester Checklist)

Hospital Bag Checklist (for mom)

As I mentioned, whatever you can get packed ahead of time, absolutely do it. But keep the printable checklist in your hospital bag, ready to go for when you suspect it’s time to head into the hospital.

Here’s what you really need in your hospital bag (from a mom who’s done this whole deal five times now) in no particular order.

1) Phone Charger

You don’t want to be without a fully charged phone at the hospital! Don’t miss those first pictures and texts because your phone is dead.

2) Phone

While it seems unlikely right now that you’d forget your phone, you’d be surprised! I almost did. I had to double, triple check when heading to the hospital a few months ago.

It’s the things that seem the most obvious that you are most likely to forget.

3) Headphones

You may want to listen to music or watch a show to distract yourself during labor. Be sure to pack your headphones somewhere you can find them – they get buried so easily!

I recently heard about this cute little case that prevents your headphones from getting tangled and lost in your purse. Perfect for your hospital bag and later, your diaper bag.

4) Magazines/Light Reading

Distraction during the early stages of labor is key, and even if you adore a deep non-fiction book, that’s not what you need at the hospital. If you don’t usually buy magazines, borrow a few magazines from your local library.

I also found that an easy to read fiction book that I’ve read before was always a great addition to my hospital bag. It kept me distracted enough that I wasn’t feeling the contractions, and because I already knew the outcome of the story, I didn’t feel like I needed to pay too much attention to the details.

5) Wallet with Insurance Card/Driver’s License

Make sure to double check your wallet leading up to the big day. Last month, I realized I left my license in the cash envelope I received from the bank. I only noticed when I really needed it.

Don’t let that happen to you!

6) Registration Paperwork

It’s always, always, always better to pre-register, and I haven’t delivered at a hospital yet that didn’t offer that option. This is on my third trimester checklist HERE.

But if for some reason, you didn’t get a chance to pre-register, make sure to bring the paperwork with you.

7) Your Own Socks

Most hospitals provide socks, and some new moms love them. But after delivery, I usually opted for my own comfy socks to get around the hospital room in. Even if you’re delivering in the middle of summer, you’re still going to want socks because hospital temperatures vary so widely.

I also never felt completely comfortable going barefoot on a hospital room floor. You just never know what’s gone on in your room before you got there.

If your due date is during the winter, you could pack slippers as well.

8) Robe

I never wear robes at home, but I bought a robe specifically for labor and delivery. I wore it with every baby since then. You could probably get by with a cardigan if you don’t own a robe already (see next item).

9) Open Front Cardigan or Sweatshirt

If you are planning to breastfeed, make sure to pack a layer that can easily open in the front. Learning to breastfeed isn’t always easy, and cumbersome sweaters or top layers can make it even more frustrating.

10) Nursing Tanks

Pack at least two nursing tanks in your hospital bag, three if you want to play it safe. See below why I do NOT recommend packing nursing bras.

11) Comfy Pants

Whether or have a vaginal delivery or a c-section, comfy pants are a must-have for after labor and delivery. But make sure to choose pajama pants that are dark-colored – black, navy, or brown – just in case of stains from leaking postpartum discharge (if that grosses you out, sorry, that’s labor for you!).

12) Breastfeeding Tops

These aren’t essential, but I discovered them with my last baby and really loved having these at the hospital! I purchased two types: crossover tops like this one and sweaters with front zippers like these.

They can be a great alternative to an open-front sweater or sweatshirt.

13) Toiletries

Not much is provided for you at the hospital as far as toiletries go. Every hospital I’ve delivered in provides the bare minimum, usually a small bar of soap and a tiny bottle of mediocre shampoo.

You’ll want your own toiletries, either the full bottles or travel size versions.

Two things I forgot last time around were a razor and nail clippers. If these are must-haves for you, don’t forget to pack them! I’ll add them to the hospital bag checklist just in case.

14) Toothbrush & Toothpaste

I’m listing this separately from toiletries because it’s so easy to forget these! You’ll need to pack them just before heading to the hospital.

15) Makeup

Even if you’re not a big make-up girl, makeup can make you feel more human after the unspeakables of first-time labor. Pack it.

16) Extra Towel(s)

Hospital towels kind of suck. You can get by with them for the first day, but sometimes, they forget to provide you with new ones.

The towels can also get kind of gross with everything going on down there. Also, your spouse will likely stay at the hospital with you and will need a towel, too.

17) Your Own Pillow

Again, it’s a hospital we’re talking about, not a hotel. Their pillows aren’t amazing.

You are absolutely going to want your own pillow for the little sleep you get.

18) Vitamins & Medications

Don’t forget to pack any current medications, including your prenatal vitamins.

19) Glasses/Contact Lenses

Make sure to bring your glasses case and contact case and solution. You may want both at the hospital.

Related: The Comfiest Going-Home Outfit for Moms After Birth (7 Essential Items)

What’s NOT on This Hospital Bag Checklist (for mom)?

There are a couple things that I personally don’t think you need to pack in your hospital bag, and here’s why you don’t need them.

1) Underwear

You can pack your own underwear if you want, but why ruin your good underwear? Postpartum is messy down there, so I highly recommend you stick to disposables for the first week at least.

Hospitals provide mesh underwear and pads to wear after birth.

2) Nursing Bras

I have NO idea why every hospital bag checklist I’ve seen recommends a nursing bra! Even if I had the most comfortable nursing bra in the world, my postpartum boobs just weren’t ready for a nursing bra for at least a few weeks.

Nursing tanks, on the other hand, are hospital bag essentials. They are a life-saverl for those first few weeks when your breasts are engorged and sore and their size is fluctuating. They are much more forgiving than nursing bras and open more easily to ensure a proper latch.

Plus, nursing bras can put you at risk for developing mastitis. If they are too tight or don’t open fully enough for baby to get a good latch, they can cause plugged ducts, which can lead to mastitis. Trust me – I just developed mastitis from this very issue (a nursing bra that was just slightly too tight) and it is NOT something you want to get.

Quick Side Note: Have you seen this awesome breastfeeding course? It’s dirt cheap for everything it covers, plus it gives you so much more information than the tiny breastfeeding segment in the typical childbirth class (need an online version of that, too? Check out THIS course). Plus, you can watch it at home on your own time, and you’ll have access to it forever for troubleshooting after birth!

What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag for a Planned C-section

If you are having a planned c-section, you’re probably wondering what to pack in your hospital bag for a c-section that’s different from a mom having a vaginal delivery.

With a c-section, you will typically stay in the hospital four days, instead of two. Therefore, you will definitely need more clothes than suggested in the original checklist. You may also want to pack larger toiletries than the travel-sized versions for that length of hospital stay.

You will also want to be absolutely sure that your pants have a stretchy and comfortable waistband, since your incision site will be tender after the c-section.

What to Pack in Your Car for the Drive to the Hospital

Just in case your water breaks before or on your way to the hospital, be sure to put a towel and a large plastic bag or sheet in your car. Also pack a swaddle blanket and soft towel for a baby.

Take it from someone whose water broke before going into labor with my first – when you’re gushing fluids every other minute, pads don’t hold it all. You’re going to want to protect your car seat.

The blanket and soft towel are just in case you don’t make it to the hospital and end up delivering in the car. Not likely, but it has happened!

Hospital Bag Checklist for Baby

What should I pack for the hospital for baby? Almost everything your baby will need is provided by the hospital. So, unless you have something against Pampers diapers, you aren’t going to need much to pack much for your baby.

The two things I packed were:

1) A Going-Home Outfit for Baby

Make sure to choose something seasonally appropriate. You don’t want baby to be too cold or too warm in her car seat on the way home from the hospital.

2) A Baby Blanket

You can either pack a sentimental blanket or a swaddle blanket, depending on the season and whether or not your car set has an additional zipped liner.

If you want to use only organic diapers or have specific pacifiers you want to use, you can pack those as well.

Hospital Bag Checklist for Birth Partner

I already mentioned that you need to pack extra towels for both you and your birth partner, but here are a few more suggestions if you’re wondering, “What should I pack in a hospital bag for dad (or birth partner)?”

1. Pillow and Blanket

Your birth partner is probably going to want his/her own pillow and blanket for naps and possibly sleeping at the hospital overnight after delivery. Accommodations for birth partners vary from hospital to hospital, and you never know what you’re doing to get. At least having your own bedding can help him/her sleep better.

2. Snacks

I don’t know what it is about men, but I frequently hear stories about first-time dads forgetting to eat before going to the hospital. My husband did! Then, they’re freaking starving (and therefore, useless as a birth coach).

Pack some snacks for your birth partner. If your hospital allows you to eat during labor (most of mine did not), throw in some snacks for you, too.

Related: 17 Healthy Snacks for Your Hospital Bag

3. Two Sets of Clean Clothes

During your first labor, your spouse or birth partner is likely going to stay with you until you are discharged.

Especially now that many hospitals are moving away from encouraging moms to send their babies to the nursery at night (or eliminating nurseries altogether!), you are going to need someone there to care for your baby so you can get some sleep.

4. Toiletries & Medications

Your birth partner will also need any toiletries, medications, toothbrush, etc.

5. Headphones and/or Reading

After the baby is born, there will definitely be periods of downtime for your spouse or birth partner. Make sure to pack a book or headphones for movie watching, so the baby won’t wake up.

6. Phone & Camera

If you plan on taking nice photos, make sure to pack your camera! Most phones these days, however, have a great camera built in with easier sharing features.

We didn’t bother to bring ours and saved nice photos for home.

Related: 25 Essentials to Pack in Dad’s Hospital Bag – The Ultimate List

3 Best Hospital Bags (if you don’t have one)

If you don’t already have a small travel bag that can double as a hospital bag, now is a great time to invest in one.

I didn’t have one with this last baby, so I purchased one specifically for the occasion and have used it for additional hospital stays and short trips.

You don’t want your hospital bag to be too small if you are having a planned c-section and need to pack extra clothes and full-sized toiletries.

The best hospital bags will be any bag you would pack for a short vacation. Having a couple sections to separate clothing from toiletries and your baby’s items is also helpful.

These 3 bags get the best reviews on Amazon and are very affordable!

1) CAMTOP Weekend Travel Bag for Women

This bag has an overall rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. A few reviewers out of 150 mentioned it had a slight chemical smell when it arrived, and they also mentioned being disappointed that the bag did not stand up on its own as pictured when not filled.

However, the majority of reviewers were positive about the look and size of the bag and the variety of pockets to store different sized items.

2) Gimay Weekend Travel Bag for Women

This bag gets nearly all 5-star reviews. And the 4-star review doesn’t mention any negatives!

One buyer writes, “Guys I’m soooo impressed with the quality of this bag!!! It’s a thick canvas material. The inside is well lined the leather is good quality!! It looks super high end for the price!!”

3) Woman’s Travel Overnight/Weekend Duffel Tote Bag

Of 39 reviews, only two women gave it four stars. One mentioned not receiving the free cosmetic bag as described. The second had nothing negative to say, simply noting it was a nice quality bag.

Printable Hospital Bag Checklist for Labor & Delivery

Don’t forget to grab your free printable hospitable bag checklist to put on top of your hospital bag. That way you can check everything off right before you head out the door.


Hospital Bag Checklist

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Are you a second or third-time mama reading this article?

What essentials on this hospital bag checklist did I miss? Share in the comments!

June Doran

June could talk to you all day about homeschooling, parenting, and minimalism. When she’s not homeschooling, decluttering, or blogging, she loves to enjoy perfect silence while sipping a hot cup of coffee and thinking uninterrupted thoughts—which, of course, with five kids, doesn’t happen very often.

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Free printable checklist – Milkmaid Goods

Coming from a couple of moms who have given birth four times, you will want to make packing your hospital bag simple. Try to bring as little as possible and still have everything that will make your stay comfortable and enjoyable.

Sometimes, once you deliver baby, you have to change rooms and move to the postpartum ward. Packing up everything to move is a hassle. Plus, it always seems like so many additional items are accumulated during the hospital stay. Besides the baby of course!

What you actually need in your hospital bag?

Here is a basic list of items that we have found to be necessary during our labor, delivery and postpartum stays at the hospital. However, everyone’s needs are different, and the goal is comfort during this time. Please add or delete any of the items you do not think you will need. Also, ask your hospital about their policies and what they provide just in case.

What to pack for your hospital stay:

For Mom

  • Slipper or non-slip socks
  • Milkmaid Goods robe
  • Milkmaid Goods 24/7 Dress or pajamas
  • Nursing bra or tank top
  • Going home outfit & shoes
  • Phone & charger
  • Breastfeeding pillow


  • Brush & hair ties
  • Chapstick
  • Shampoo & conditioner 
  • Toothbrush & Toothpaste
  • Shower cap
  • Lotion
  • Good smelling shower gel
  • Deodorant
  • Any medications you need
  • Nipple cream

For Labor & Delivery

  • Hospital paperwork/birth plan
  • Insurance card
  • I. D.
  • Snacks
  • Tablet
  • Camera or video camera w/charger
  • Additional comfort items

For Baby

  • 1-2 baby gowns or pajamas
  • Milkmaid Goods swaddle blanket with hat or bow
  • Pacifiers (if you plan on using them)
  • Going home outfit
  • Carseat (ready to go)
  • Diapers & wipes only if you want a specific brand

Optional Ideas

  • Small thank you gifts for the care team
  • Personal pillow/blanket (if you like your own)
  • Name announcement plaque or any photo props for baby’s first hospital photos
  • Postpartum wrap


What kind of clothes should I bring to hospital for labor?

We recommend bring loose fitting, comfortable clothes in your hospital bag. A bathrobe, a nightgown, slippers or socks. Most hospitals and birth centers provide gowns and socks for you to use especially during delivery. Some women choose to bring their own.

When picking out items to bring, we have found that gowns with short or no sleeve work best. This is so that your blood pressure can be checked easily and also for i.v. access and such. May we recommend a Milkmaid Goods 24/7 Dress. It has short sleeves and buttons down the front to make breastfeeding and skin-to-skin easily accessible. Plus they are made with buttery soft fabric for the most comfortable feel.

A light-weight Milkmaid Goods Robe is an excellent choice for a cover-up. Plus they can add an additional layer of warm in the cold hospital rooms. Robes allow easy access for breastfeeding and skin-to-skin, plus easy closure for modesty when visitors are present.

We have designed our Milkmaid Goods robes with our signature buttery soft fabric, extra length, and stay-closed tied to keep them in place during this busy active time. Plus, we offer super cute prints and colors that coordinate with our baby swaddles. So you can match baby! This makes the most precious photo opportunities. our humble opinion!

What should newborns wear in hospital?

So, what DO newborns wear in the hospital?

First of all, you actually do not have to bring anything for the baby to wear during your hospital stay. Most hospitals prefer to dress babies simply to make well-checked and taking vital easier. Either just a diaper and swaddled in a flannel blanket, or a bodysuit or gown will be fine.

Some parent prefer to bring their babies outfits to wear. Just make sure that the outfit do not have elastic waistbands so that baby’s umbilical stump has room to heal. Our Milkmaid Goods gown bundles are great for just this purpose. Plus they make diaper changes easy.

What should newborns wear going home from the hospital?

The same goes for baby’s going home outfit with the elastic waistbands. You also won’t want them to dress your newborn to go home from the hospital in a gown. Since they will be secured in their carseat, you want baby to have an outfit that allows their legs to be separated and the carseat bucket to be secured.

What do moms wear home from the hospital?

One easy option is to wear maternity clothes. They may not fit quite the same after having a baby, but neither will your pre-pregnancy wardrobe. The benefit of maternity clothes is that they’re stretchy, comfy, and you likely already have a nice selection on hand without having to buy anything new. 

Again, we recommend a Milkmaid Goods 24/7 Dress.

How to Pack an Organized Hospital Bag for Labor and Delivery

As we mentioned before, there is a chance that you will be in two different rooms during your hospital stay. One for labor and delivery, and a different room for postpartum. There are some hospitals that allow you to be in the same room your entire visit, so you may want to ask your hospital what their protocol is.

That being said, we recommend packing a small hospital bag with the essentials you need for labor and delivery, and a suitcase for your hospital stay after baby is born. You may want to keep babies items in a separate bag so that they remain clean and free from soaps and dyes from your personal items.

Packing cubes are also a great option, because they keep everything organized by group. You can easily grab the packing cube that contains the items you need without having to go through the entire suitcase.

Do you wear a bra during labor?

That’s totally up to you!

Comfort is key during labor, so you need to choose what you are most comfortable in. Some moms choose to wear a stretchy light-weight sports bra, tank top or nursing bra under their hospital gown. However, some moms simply wear nothing under it. You can also use the sheet or blanket for modesty and comfort.

At how many weeks should I start packing my hospital bag?

There’s really no definite answer to this question. But, you shouldn’t wait too long just in case baby tries to make an early appearance.

There are some moms-to-be that start slowly packing their hospital bag once they enter their third trimester or around 27 weeks. Others will wait until a week or two before their due date. Once mom get into nesting mode, that is usually when all the pre-baby tasks tend to get done.

Ultimately, if it makes you feel more at ease to get the packing of you hospital done early, then more power to you. The more prepared and calm you can be during pregnancy, the better.

How many baby diapers should you bring to the hospital?

None! Most hospitals will provide you with diapers and wipes during your stay. You can then bring the leftovers home with you. The only reason to bring diapers or wipes with you would be if you have a certain preference on the brand you want to use for your baby.

Best Tips for Packing in Your Hospital Bag for Labor & Delivery

Hopefully, the above advice makes Packing Your Hospital Bag for Labor & Delivery just a little bit easier. Most of all, just do what makes you feel most comfortable. There really is no wrong or right way. You know yourself and what would make yourself the most happy. 

Good luck! (and don’t forget to download our free printable hospital bag checklist.

By alexxlab

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