Questions for teachers to ask parents: 7 Questions to Ask Parents at the Beginning of the Year

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5 Questions to Ask Parents at the Start of a New School Year

As technology in the classroom brings parents closer to their child’s education, it also opens up the communication lines between parents and teachers! And while, at times, this can seem overwhelming, it gives you the chance to get a deeper insight into their child’s needs before the year has even begun.

You’re no doubt super familiar with all the questions parents ask teachers, but what questions can or should you ask parents?

Asking the right questions will help you gauge how each family views education, their child’s learning abilities, and what social and emotional support they may need in the classroom.

To help get some cogs turning, we’ve compiled five of the most important questions you can ask parents as you go back to school to set you and your students up for success!

Question #1

What values and principles do you hold as a family when it comes to education?

Every family will have a different approach to education and it can be very helpful to know exactly what that is before the beginning of the school year. Often this question will receive two very polarising responses. Some families encourage rote learning and believe that literacy and numeracy are super important. On the other hand, some parents encourage hands-on learning, critical thinking, and the arts. Asking this question can help inform your teaching and guide how you might engage students in different activities. Some students might not have been encouraged to learn their times tables by heart, or on the other side, how to lead their own research projects. Knowing this will give you valuable insight into where and why they might need support.


Question #2

What are some of your child’s greatest skills?

This one is pretty self-explanatory, but knowing a child’s strengths can help you encourage intrinsic motivation in other subjects. For example, if you know that a student’s strength is in writing, you can help improve their math results by incorporating more word problems.

This type of question also fosters a foundation of caring and genuine interest between teachers and families!


Question #3

Do you think your child needs social or emotional support at school? In what ways would you like to see them grow socially or emotionally?

Parents find a lot of comfort in knowing that their child is being supported emotionally as well as academically. And as we all know, without emotional support, children are often unable to learn. It’s important to be aware of any struggles students may have emotionally as well as socially so you can adapt and be more understanding of any issues that arise. This information can also be extremely helpful for classroom management and planning – more anxious students might benefit from a fifteen-minute meditation session on a daily basis, whereas others may benefit from a side course on friendship and wellbeing.

Understanding how your students’ parents would like to see them grow, helps to build a stronger relationship for everyone involved.


Question #4

Are there any learning challenges that your child is currently facing?

While it’s key to ask questions about student wellbeing and family views, questions about a child’s learning are equally as important. You know better than anyone that learning comes in all shapes and sizes – while it can be a challenge, it’s vital that students understand and can achieve the foundational skills before moving on to more difficult topics. When there’s a gap in a child’s learning, they’ll constantly be playing catch-up, which could really impact their overall attitude towards learning.

If you can front-foot this at the start of the year, it gives you and your students a head-start and may save you some surprises down the track!


Question #5

What goals do you have for your child and where you would like them to be, by the end of the school year?

Finally, this is a great question to ask. Partly because parents can have some very interesting answers, but mostly, like many of the above questions, it can help you develop your learning approach for the year. For example, if it seems that the majority of parents are hoping for social and emotional goals, you can develop a year plan that incorporates relationship and wellbeing courses. But even if this isn’t the case, it can simply support your understanding of student needs and where you should invest your energy. Parents often seek more feedback in these areas as well, so it can be a great guide for you on what to consider when providing updates on a child’s progress in their report card or at parent-teacher conferences.

While this all might seem like a lot to ask for at the beginning of a school year, it can be so useful and a massive energy/time saver further down the line. These questions are a great way to start the year on a positive note for you, your students, and their parents. Talk about starting ahead of the game!



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50 Questions to Ask at Parent Teacher Conferences

Resources / School

Posted by Julie David

Parent teacher conferences are a brief but valuable window into the world of your child. While you will realistically only have time for a few questions, this list of 50 is a great resource to help you build understanding and communication with your child’s teacher.

Before you go, ask your child, “What do you think your teacher will bring up?” Take notes. Ask yourself the same question and write down your answer, along with any questions you have.

Questions to Solidify Your Partnership with the Teacher

  1. What is your preferred method of asking a question about my student: email, phone or a note in the planner?
  2. What can I do to support you and make your job easier as we work as a team for my child’s growth this year?
  3. What can I do at home to keep academic and behavior expectations on track?
  4. How can I best stay on top of what is happening at school? In the classroom? 
  5. What do you suggest we do if we are at home and my student gets “stuck” on homework?
  6. What is your teaching style and how can we be consistent with those methods at home?
  7. What are your suggestions for limiting online time and social media for this age?
  8. Does my child have too many extracurricular activities from your vantage point? How do I know if he/she is overbooked?

Questions for the Beginning of the Year

For Lower Grades

  1. Name the top five skills you hope children will walk away with this year. How can I help them be developed at home?
  2. What questions would you recommend I ask my child on a daily basis about what is happening at school or in your class?
  3. What can we do at home to encourage growth in a fun and stimulating way?
  4. Are there field trips and is there a cost to the families?
  5. How can I help my child be more organized with homework without completely taking over?


For Upper Grades

  1. How do I help my student gain independence in middle/high school?
  2. How can I stay aware of any behavior issues that may arise at school?
  3. What is your policy on late homework and make-up work? How does that influence grades?
  4. How do you handle absences and missed tests or homework?
  5. What will have the biggest impact on my student’s grade in your class?

Kindergarten teachers, keep all your parent teacher meetings organized with a sign up.  View an Example

Questions to Get a Feel for Your Child’s Progress

For Lower Grades

  1. Is my child performing on grade level in math and language arts?
  2. Are there behaviors you see at school (both good and bad) that you think I might not be seeing at home?
  3. What subject area is emerging as my child’s strongest this year? What subject area still needs more progress?
  4. How does the school handle standardized testing and prep for those tests?


For Upper Grades

  1. I know grades don’t tell the whole story. Is my student giving his or her best effort?
  2. What are some essential skills for college that you see are still a “growth area” for my student?
  3. How can I encourage age-appropriate accountability at home to support what you are doing in class?
  4. What are you observing in regards to my child’s organization skills? How can I encourage them to be more organized without doing it for them?



If Your Child is Excelling Academically

  1. Are there ways you personalize learning in your classroom?
  2. What are some ways I can enrich my child’s learning experience in your subject area (or overall) at home?
  3. What are some strategies you use to encourage critical thinking in your classroom?
  4. As my student gets ready for higher-level classes, what areas could they be working on to get them ready for harder coursework to come?

Keep track of meetings for multiple grades and teachers with a tabbed sign up. View an Example

If Your Child is Struggling Academically

  1. What are some modifications you might make if you saw a child struggling with your area of expertise?
  2. What are some tools we can use at home to help my child grow in his understanding of the basic math concepts you are teaching in your class?
  3. Is my child at a point where you would suggest additional help such as a tutor or enrichment at home? Can you suggest any resources?
  4. What can I do to support literacy when my student is at home?
  5. My student struggles with spelling. How do I help them without humiliating them (especially if they are older)?
  6. What are some books you think my student would enjoy if she doesn’t like to read?

If Behavior is a Concern

Genius Tip: It might be good to take notes and hold off on responding/defending your child immediately so that it doesn’t get tense in the few minutes you have together. A follow-up conference might be beneficial.

  1. What have you observed, both negative and positive, in regards to my child’s response to classroom behavior expectations? Are they polite and respectful to teachers and students?
  2. What behavior modifications can we make at home to reinforce expectations at school?

If Your Child is Struggling Socially

  1. Do you notice any difficulties my child is having socially at school?
  2. Tell me about your perspective on this situation. What do you see happening?
  3. Who is in place to catch conflicts that are happening in the lunchroom and recess? How are those handled?
  4. What do you do to create psychological safety so kids know they can come to talk to you about problems?
  5. What do you think is one area we could encourage at home to improve my child’s’ social skills?

Parents, volunteer for the classroom snack schedule with a sign up. View an Example

If You Have a Student with Special Needs

  1. What are some ways that my student’s 504 or IEP is being fleshed out in your classroom?
  2. What modifications will you make for my student during standardized testing?
  3. Can you suggest tools to use at home as I help my child be successful in your classroom?

If Your Student is in a Gifted Program

  1. Does this school have a resource teacher for gifted students? How is that teacher utilized by you and your team of teachers?
  2. How are my student’s organization and social skills? What areas can they work on?
  3. Are there enrichment opportunities outside the classroom that I maybe haven’t heard about?

Get the most out of your next parent teacher conference by using some of these questions to cultivate your partnership with your child’s teacher and inform yourself on what’s going on at school. Remember that you and the teacher both have the same goal: your student’s success in the classroom.

Julie David is married to a worship pastor and after 20 years in ministry together with three daughters, she is still developing the tender balance of thick skin and gracious heart.  She currently leads a small group of high school junior girls.

List Of Questions For Teachers To Ask Parents At Parent-Teacher Conferences [PDF Included]

Parent-Teacher conferences can be one of the most crucial days in the life of a teacher, parent, and student. This is because the teacher would have to put their best foot forward and be there to answer all doubts and queries of the parents or guardians. At the same time, parents get to know how their child is performing in school, as this is a place where the child spends more than half of their day.

However, a lot many times there might come a circumstance where a teacher needs to ask certain questions from the parents to understand the mindset of the child better. There can be a lot of instances that can justify the child’s behavior or habits. Hence, asking certain questions from the parents becomes imperative. 

In this post, we will talk about these questions, and what power and value they hold in the lives of the teachers, parents, and students. 

Parent-Teacher conferences: What all to cover in the meeting?

If there are 24 hours in a day, and the child spends 8 hours sleeping, from the other 16 hours, almost 8 hours of the student’s life are spent in school. This is the time when a student interacts the most with their friends and teachers. However, when we talk about parent and teacher interaction, it hardly happens for about 10 minutes every quarter, and this is why it becomes all the more crucial. 

Therefore, it becomes imperative to think about and create an outline of most of the meetings beforehand. It is best to evaluate the child and come up with relevant areas of discussion with the parents.   

Listing out questions to the parents:

When the teacher is super closely associated with a student, they can well assess the problems or issues a child might be having. Hence, certain aspects must be considered while framing questions for parents with regard to their little ones.  

  • Need of the student

When talking to parents, teachers should keep in mind that the parents know their children better than anyone and thus should take advantage of the fact to get to know the child better.

  • To discuss any sudden changes if noticed

Growing up, every kid has mood swings and attitudes; that is normal. However, a sudden change in behavior that is not at par with the child’s personality is not normal. So when a teacher notices a sudden change in any of their students, it is advisable to talk to their parents about whether or not they have noticed the same.

  • Personality development flaws (if any)

All children are different and special in their kind way, yet there can be various factors that shape a child’s personality and make them an individual with their unique qualities and traits. A lot of external factors like the atmosphere in the house, the relationship of the parents with the students, and much more impact the personality of the child once they are an adult. Therefore, if teachers notice any kind of deviation, they should inform the child’s parents.

  • Evident Behavioral changes while socializing

The need to socialize for a child is important and intense, and even if the child is an introvert, there is a big chance that they enjoy socializing partially. If the child is not showing the social traits, it indicates a red flag and this should immediately be brought up to the parents by the teachers. Discussing with parents about it is a great way to get to know the child’s situation outside school and why that might be a trigger for the child.

  • Food-related questions

A lot of schools provide meals inside the school premises. These meals are generally nutritious and wholesome. However, if the teachers notice that the student is not consuming the meals the way they used to, or is suddenly throwing tantrums, this calls for a concern call with the parents. Discussions and clarification about a child’s diet and lifestyle are important factors. The teacher also should know about all the allergies the child might have for close monitoring. In addition, most schools hire an in-house nutritionist to time stamp and track kids’ eating habits.

List of common questions for teachers to ask parents

Q1. Are they getting enough sleep?

Sleep is an important aspect of a child’s growth and overall well-being. It also indicates the child’s mood and attitude throughout the day. Sleep can have a great impact on mental well-being and thought clarity. Hence, asking questions related to sleep becomes crucial in a parent-teacher conference.

Q2. Are they behaving in any out-of-the-ordinary way?

Small children and teenagers are prone to change, but some changes are temporary, and others are permanent. These changes can be positive and negative, but the goal is to solidify those positive qualities and negate those negative ones. Therefore, a quality discussion with parents about recent changes in the child’s behavior at home is extremely important for the teacher to understand the child’s current state.

Q3. What do they usually have for breakfast?

This seems odd, but breakfast is said to be the day’s most important meal, and it undoubtedly sets the day for the child. A healthy, nutritious breakfast-eating child will be much happier and more active throughout the day than a child consuming only cereals for breakfast.

Q4. What is their favorite subject?

While a student might score well in a particular subject, it might not necessarily be their favorite one. For example, the child scored well in Math, but there is a great chance that their favorite amongst all is English. It is also crucial because there is a huge difference regarding which one they are good at and which they truly like. And by analyzing both of them, it would be easy for the teachers to conclude what their personalities are.

Q5. What is their least favorite subject?

While it is important to know the most favorite subject of a student, the teacher and parent must also be aware of the least favorite one so that more effort can be put in by both parents and educators in helping them cope with the subject. Thus, during the parent-teacher conference, the teacher should be able to know about that and help the child overcome their difficulties with the same.

Q6. What hobbies do they participate in at home?

A child’s hobbies at home can showcase their comfort and interest. It is possible that that very hobby of interest or extracurricular activities that they are good at may help them in school too. It can also be a possible career prospect for the child if determined and handheld on time.

Q7. What is their primary learning method when at home?

A phrase can be altered and phrased as education begins at home. The active learning approach, instead of the traditional learning approach, can make a huge difference in the mental structure of the child. Teachers must ask the parents what method they use at home to enhance their wards’ overall interests in academia.

Q8. Any family medical history they might be affected by?

When dealing with a bunch of children in the class, a teacher needs to know some fundamentals about them. The teacher can make a conversation with the parents regarding medical histories (if any). Then, to avoid unfortunate or unforeseen future events, teachers can utilize such information to help children with underlying medical conditions at school.

Q9. Any food allergies they have currently developed?

In today’s era, schools are providing students with their mid-day meals. Having said that, it becomes crucial for the school authorities to know their allergies so that any food triggering any medical complication can be avoided. So it is always better to ask and vet the information from the parents themselves than rely on children to have better judgment and avoid consuming such foods.

Q10. How many languages do they speak at home?

Every country and school has people coming from different cultures and backgrounds. So it is not surprising to find a few little polyglots in your classroom? Of course, most children will be bilingual, and a few trilinguals. Still, it has been proven that speaking and engaging with multiple languages can tremendously elevate a child’s espionage. Likewise, asking parents and engaging with the child in a few languages may prove favorable for the child.

Parent-Teacher Conference QuestionsDownload


Parent-teacher conferences are an essential part of the education system. It is about conveying the progress and concerns of a child to their parents. These quarterly or monthly updates are very important for parents and teachers. School being the most essential aspect of a growing child’s life, changes in the students should be closely monitored. A teacher must consider the strategies mentioned above and ask parents questions so that they are able to know the student better.

6 Productive Questions To Ask at Parent-Teacher Conferences

Photo: Getty Images.

  • Features

Tips to improve one-on-one time with your child’s teacher.

By Rebecca Hastings

Conferences are around the corner, and with the ups and downs of school during the pandemic, it is especially important to make the most of this time to connect with the teacher.

As a parent I get excited about that fifteen-minute slot allotted to have a one-on-one with my child’s teacher. I look forward to hearing about progress, struggles, and strengths. Sometimes a conference goes great, but sometimes we walk away thinking we just heard a script that is being repeated for every student.


Asking specific questions gives you the opportunity to focus on what is important regarding your child. Areas of study covered or assessment scores can be done quickly and even in other communications. Addressing the following questions will give both you and the teacher a better understanding of your child throughout the year.
Here are six questions to consider, to help you get the most from those minutes with the teacher.

1. What do you see as an area of strength for my child?

This question focuses the discussion on your child specifically while still giving the teacher the opportunity to evaluate all subjects. Sometimes parents find this answer surprising as kids can show different abilities in the classroom than at home. Once you know these hidden strengths, you can help bring them out in the home as well as at school.

2. If you could pick one area to focus on improving for my child, what would it be?

Sometimes it is difficult to think about all areas of learning at once. Focusing on one area at a time for improvement helps define the priorities within the classroom. It also gives something concrete to work on at home.
It’s a good idea to revisit this question with the teacher throughout the year. Sending an email or utilizing school communication apps is a great way to check in regarding progress as well as give the teacher the opportunity to shift the focus to something new as your child improves.

3. How does my child contribute to the class atmosphere?

This may seem like an unusual question, but it can provide a lot of information. Different personalities shine in different ways independently, but as you blend 20 unique people together, new sides can be revealed.
This will give you an idea of how much your child may contribute to class discussions or how they may be a great helper for another student. Maybe you’ll discover that your child follows directions and models good behavior, or that they provide a funny idea to give everyone a laugh.
Asking this question gives insight on how your child’s character comes through in an academic environment. This is especially useful to understand as kids approach middle school, where issues like popularity can impact their learning experience.

4. Who does my child work well with?

Researchers at Vanderbilt University contend that increasing social skills results in students who are more responsive to academic learning. Giving the teacher the opportunity to look at the social element of learning is just as important as the academics. This can be a good barometer of how a child is doing socially.
Understanding who your child is able to work well with at school will help everyone create a more successful learning environment.


5. How is my child handling the emotional elements of the pandemic?

Beyond following pandemic guidelines, asking specifically about the mental health components of your child is essential. Frequent, open discussion about his or her mental health in relation to the pandemic and overall has never been more important. Talk about any emotional struggles you see and ask the teacher what they see in the classroom. This is a great opportunity to discuss resources like school counseling or lunch groups that may help your child process complex feelings.

6. Do you have any concerns about my child?

This question can never be asked too much. Sometimes we are so busy getting through the list of assessments, reading levels, and academic achievement that we can miss the bigger picture.

Giving teachers and parents both the pause to consider any areas of concern emotionally, socially or developmentally addresses the whole child in their learning environment.

It is important to note that a conference is not an invitation to debate pandemic guidelines or other policies. It is likely that the teacher has little say in what the guidelines are; those discussions should be between you and the administration. Likewise, if you have specific concerns that you know will take more than the time allotted, ask if you can schedule a conference at another time. Remember there is likely another parent waiting in line behind you who wants to get the most out of their conference, too.

Rebecca traded the classroom for writing when she stayed home with her three children. In real life, she can often be found typing words, driving her kids places or wherever there is chocolate. You can find her at


This article appeared in the 2021 issue of Education Guide.

Insightful questions to ask during parent-teacher conferences

Attending parent-teacher conferences and asking insightful questions can help you stay on top of your student’s performance, skills, challenges, and behavior in the classroom. You can also build a collaborative relationship with your children’s teachers and discover more ways to help your student outside the classroom, too. Let’s explore the types of questions you should ask at a parent-teacher conference.

Questions About Academic Performance

“students-in-class-with-teacher-reading” licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Flickr by

How well your student is doing academically is likely one of your top priorities as a parent, so ask some of these questions to learn what they excel at, what they can improve, and how you can help:

  1. What are some of my student’s strengths?
  2. What are some of my student’s challenges?
  3. How does my student perform in specific subjects (math, reading, science, history, etc. )?
  4. How does my student do on homework assignments, quizzes, and tests?
  5. How does my student do on in-class assignments and in discussions?
  6. Is my child at the right reading level for their age and grade?
  7. What can I do at home to better support my student’s academic success?
  8. How do you promote independence and self-guided learning in the classroom?

Questions About Social Performance and Emotional State

Ask these questions to understand how your student appears to feel during lessons and activities:

  1. How does my student do in social situations with peers?
  2. How does my student act in social situations with authority figures?
  3. How is my child’s emotional health while in class?
  4. Does my student like to get involved in class discussions and with their peers?
  5. What can I do at home to better promote the behavior expectations you have for class?

Questions About the Classroom

Knowing what the daily schedule is and the kinds of assessments and activities your student is taking part in while at school is important for identifying how well they’re handling any possible pressure and whether they are comfortable in their environment:

  1. What is the daily typical schedule for my student?
  2. How often do you schedule quizzes or tests?
  3. How often do you give homework?
  4. How do you handle social challenges that arise during class, at recess, or during lunchtime?
  5. What is your philosophy regarding classroom discipline?
  6. What is your philosophy on rewarding students for hard work, good behavior, and high grades?
  7. Does the school offer peer or professional tutoring?

Questions About the Curriculum

Ask questions like these to learn more about what your child is learning, why, and how they’re doing with their schoolwork:

  1. Can you describe your teaching style?
  2. What skills are you working to develop right now?
  3. How do these skills relate to the goals of the entire school year?
  4. What are the five most important skills you want students to develop this year?
  5. Does my student have to take standardized tests? When?
  6. How do you prepare students for standardized tests?
  7. How can I help prepare my student for standardized tests?

Questions About Communication

Use these questions to discover how you can build a partnership with your student’s teachers:

  1. What is the best way to contact you? Do you have a preferred method for contact?
  2. Can I tell you more about my student?
  3. Can I tell you more about what’s going on at home?
  4. How can I stay informed of school programs and my student’s success?
  5. What questions would you recommend I ask my student every day after school to stay informed about their performance?

Questions About Particular Issues

Here are four general issues your child might encounter:

They Need More of a Challenge

Ask these questions if you feel that your student is doing so well that they may need more advanced lessons:

  1. What can we do if my student isn’t being challenged enough in the classroom?
  2. Does the school have a gifted program?
  3. What type of testing does my student need to undergo to qualify for the gifted program?
  4. What activities can we introduce to support my student’s learning?
  5. Are there opportunities for self-guided learning?

They’re Struggling Academically

Ask these questions if your student is struggling to keep up with the goals for their grade level and age:

  1. What do you suggest I do at home if my student is struggling with homework, a project, or studying?
  2. What are the biggest academic challenges for my student?
  3. Do you foresee any additional academic or social challenges for my student?
  4. Do you think my child should take a special education evaluation?
  5. What resources do you or the school have to help my student better keep up with their peers academically?
  6. Does my student respond better or worse to certain types of teaching?
  7. Does my student respond better or worse to certain subjects?

They May Have Issues With the Teacher or Teaching Methods

Understand the teacher’s approach and perspective to identify possible tension between the teacher and your student:

  1. What is my student’s overall attitude in class?
  2. Does my student’s attitude change in certain situations?
  3. What challenges are you having with my student?
  4. How do you typically handle the challenges you may have with my student?
  5. What can I do at home to better help you overcome the challenges you may have with my student?

They May Have Issues With Other Students

Peer socialization is a big part of going to school at every age, so making sure that your child is making friends and learning how to interact with others is key:

  1. How would you describe my child’s socialization style?
  2. Have you noticed any bullying in the classroom? From my student? From other students toward my child?
  3. How do you handle bullying and other negative behavior in the classroom?
  4. What is the school’s policy on bullying?
  5. Who should I speak to if I believe my student is being bullied?
  6. What can I do at home to help my child make friends and improve their interactions with fellow students?

Questions After the Conference

At the end of the conference, consider asking these questions to keep the conversation going and stay an active part of your child’s academic success:

  1. When can we follow up on my student’s progress?
  2. Should we have a meeting with other faculty (academic counselors, gifted program teachers, special education teachers, etc. )

Communicating with your student’s teachers during these conferences can help you find the best strategies for supporting your student and their teachers’ efforts. Here at Crème de la Crème, we value the strong partnerships we build with our student’s parents and caregivers because we are dedicated to giving your child the education they deserve. Contact us to learn more about how we can jumpstart your child’s success.

Top 50 Parent Survey Questions for Questionnaires

What are Parent Survey Questions?

Parent survey questions are survey questions asked to parents to understand their opinions, attitudes, perceptions, and points of view about topics that concern their children. Such questions are used by schools, psychiatrists, and the government to collect information that can be beneficial for the issues that affect young minds.

Schools and government institutions most widely use parent survey questions. By understanding parents’ opinions and perspectives on topics such as schools, their involvement in the education system, and involvement in their child’s life, such survey questions help the learning environment in many ways. Various studies have proven that parents involved in their child’s life or educational life have a significant impact on their grades, social skills, and improved behavior.

For example, a school wants to know the perception of parents about the school and its administration. In such a case, school survey questions for parents can help the management of the school reassess various aspects of the school, such as innovation, process streamlining, and better learning initiatives.

Top 50 Parent survey questions for questionnaires

Parents need to be confident in their roles. From time to time, it is good to evaluate yourself about topics concerning your child and your role as a parent. The following are some questions that can shed some light on these topics.

Parent survey questions for self-assessment

  1. In your opinion, to what extent do you think you can help your child develop good relationships with kids in a similar age group?
    1. A lot
    2. Somewhat
    3. A little
    4. Not at all
  2. On a scale of 1-5, please rate yourself for the ability to make decisions about your child’s education. (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest)
  3. On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you think you can help in motivating your child? (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest)
  4. To what level do you agree, that you are good at building a healthy relationship and communicating with other parents?
    1. Completely agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neutral
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Completely disagree
  5. In your opinion, to what level do you agree that you are capable of dealing with your child’s emotions appropriately?
    1. Extremely capable
    2. Very capable
    3. Somewhat capable
    4. Don’t know
    5. Somewhat incapable
    6. Very incapable
    7. Extremely incapable
  6. How capable do you think you are to support your child’s learning at home?
    1. Extremely capable
    2. Very capable
    3. Somewhat capable
    4. Don’t know
    5. Somewhat incapable
    6. Very incapable
    7. Extremely incapable
  7. What level of confidence do you have in your ability to make the school meet your child’s learning needs?
    1. Not confident at all
    2. Slightly confident
    3. Somewhat confident
    4. Quite confident
    5. Extremely confident

The above questions can help parents to reassess their confidence and capabilities as a parent. Such questions can help the parent understand where they are lacking, and appropriate measures can be taken to modify their approaches.

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Parent survey questions to understand academic stress caused to the child

  1. To what level do you agree that your child is always worried about exams and tests?
    1. Completely agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neutral
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Completely disagree
  2. Do you think academic work takes most of your child’s time and hence restricts them from enjoying other activities that they enjoy?
    1. Completely agree
    2. Somewhat agree
    3. Neutral
    4. Somewhat disagree
    5. Completely disagree
  3. On a scale of 1 to 5, do you think that your child has too much academic work even after school?
  4. How often do you think your child worries about their academic future (getting into college)?
    1. Always
    2. Very often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never
  5. Do you think your child can focus entirely on academic work when they are doing it at home?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
  6. Is your child’s sleep affected because of the amount of academic work they have?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
  7. Do you help your child with their homework, to reduce academic stress?
    1. Yes
    2. No, I don’t get the time
    3. No, It is not needed
  8. Do you promote your child to participate in extracurricular activities to relieve stress?
    1. Yes
    2. No

Parent survey questions to understand academic stress helps parents evaluate the mental health of their child. As the saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is very true considering the academic pressure that is being put on today’s children. Poor mental health and physical health can impact the child’s behavior and well-being.

Parent survey questions to understand the relationship with their child

  1. How much time do you spend with your child in a week?
    1. A lot
    2. Somewhat
    3. Very little
    4. Not at all
  2. Do you discuss your child’s emotional and academic needs with them regularly?
    1. Yes, all the time
    2. Sometimes
    3. No, don’t get the time
    4. No, it is not needed
  3. How aware are you of your child’s academic and extracurricular achievements?
    1. To a great extent
    2. Somewhat
    3. Very little
    4. Not at all
  4. How often do you fight at home in front of your child?
    1. Always
    2. Very often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never
  5. Do you always answer your child’s questions?
    1. Yes, All the time
    2. Yes, only if they make sense
    3. No, it is annoying
    4. No, he has to learn on his own
  6. How many times do you attend your child’s games or events in which they are participating?
    1. Always
    2. Very often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never
  7. How often do you go for outings with your children?
    1. Always
    2. Very often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never
  8. How often do you have meals together with your children?
    1. Always
    2. Very often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never
  9. Do you respect your child’s privacy?
    1. Yes
    2. No

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Parent survey questions about discipline in their children

  1. In your opinion, do you think a mobile phone is necessary for your child at all times?
  2. What rules have you implemented regarding mobile phones at home?
  3. To what extent are you aware of your child’s social activity on social platforms?
    1. To a great extent
    2. Somewhat
    3. Very little
    4. Not at all
  4. How often does the use of technology cause arguments at home?
    1. Always
    2. Very often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
    5. Never
  5. Do you plan a chores schedule for your child?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  6. Do you have rules to maintain a consistent grade at school?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  7. Do you punish the child for every rule broken or not followed?
    1. Yes
    2. No

The above questions can be used to understand the parent’s opinions and attitudes toward disciplining children. Such questions can be used to evaluate the types of rules and approach a parent uses. Using this information, changes can be made to alter the child’s behavior and teach good habits.

Parent survey questions for school feedback

Please state your level of agreement for the following questions

  1. The child feels safe and happy at school?
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  2. The school’s religious teachings are not biased toward any specific religion.
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  3. The school has improved my child’s social skills considerably
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  4. The school keeps me updated about the progress of my child
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  5. The school inculcates good discipline in my child
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  6. The school does not allow bullying and takes immediate action in case of such incident
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  7. The school is very hygienic
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  8. The school administration and processes are very smooth and effective
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  9. The school’s educational curriculum is good and is updated regularly
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  10. The school gives equal importance to extracurricular activities as much as academic activities.
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  1. The school uses innovative methods to make it easier for students to understand complex subjects
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  2. The school has good IT infrastructure as well as good transportation facilities
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  3. The school encourages parent involvement in school activities
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  4. The school has regular Parent-teacher meetings to encourage parent engagement
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    5. Don’t know
  5. In your opinion, who do you think is responsible for making decisions about the child’s educational needs
    1. The school administration
    2. The teacher
    3. Parents
    4. The child themselves
  6. How satisfied are you with the following services offered by the school? (Answer options: Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Satisfied, Very satisfied, Don’t know)
    1. Academic counseling
    2. Career counseling
    3. School library services
    4. Voluntary service to help out the community
  7. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the school for the following extracurricular subjects (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest).
    1. Music
    2. Drama
    3. Art
    4. Computers
    5. Physical activities
    6. Language skills
    7. Sports
  8. Overall, how would you rate the school on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest)?
  9. Considering your overall experience with school, would you recommend the school to a friend or a colleague?

Parent-Teacher Meeting Resources

Use below free survey templates for parent-teacher meeting and learn more about your child as well as teachers and schools. You can customize them as per your needs.

  • 60 Parent-Teacher Conference Survey Questions
  • Free Parent-Teacher Conference Feedback Survey Template
  • Free Parent-Teacher Conference Survey Template for Teachers
  • Free Parent-Teacher Conference Survey Template for Parents

Learn more about academic surveys here!

27 questions parents of prospective first graders should ask at school

27 questions parents of prospective first graders should ask at school

Starting December 15, schools will begin accepting applications for enrolling a child in first grade. Parents of future first graders in stress. Schools are interested in recruiting more students, rating and funding depend on it. In November-December they host Open Days. Teacher Elena Kashtanova tells what to pay attention to first of all.

Be sure to check your school’s website for the date of the Open House. And if you missed it, don’t worry, these events will be repeated in the spring.

What to ask the administration and teachers:

  1. How many first grades were enrolled last year and how many are planned to be enrolled this year?
  2. How many classrooms are there in this building?
  3. How many children are in each class?
  4. How to get in and is there a chance if the child does not belong to this school by registration?
  5. If the child is going to school in a year, is there preparation for school? Are they taught by the same teachers who will recruit the first grade? Is it necessary to attend classes to enter the school?
  6. How many lessons each day according to the curriculum?
  7. Is there an adjustment period?
  8. Are there extracurricular activities? These are free classes, such as a class hour or an entertaining math club, which are taught by school teachers. If yes, how many hours per week? Do extracurricular activities start immediately after the main lessons or is there an hour break? Where are the children at this hour?
  9. Is attendance at extracurricular activities mandatory? Legally, of course, no, but if you hear «yes», then there will most likely be problems with missing classes.
  10. What time do the lessons end?
  11. What do children do during recess?
  12. If the extension is paid and free, then how much does it cost and are there any benefits.
  13. Meals: menu, the cost of breakfast and lunch, the ability to buy a snack if the child has special nutritional needs, how can this be arranged (thermos, lunchbox, school attitude).
  14. What is the curriculum at the school.
  15. What is the vacation system.
  16. Is there a profile division from the first grade: mathematics, English, basic classes? What are the differences in the curriculum? Are additional specialized classes paid or free?
  17. Is subject teaching or lessons taught by one teacher, class teacher?
  18. If teaching is subject-based, which subject teacher will be the class teacher? If these are teachers of such disciplines as labor, music, physical education, will the children have their own class (office)?
  19. If subject, where will the children’s portfolios be located? Will they carry them with them or can they leave them in the classroom?
  20. Foreign language in the first class: paid or free?
  21. Speech therapy service at the school: is there help in the first grade (sound pronunciation disorders) and help in the second (writing disorders).
  22. Psychological service of the school: what is the relation to special children. Settlement of conflicts.
  23. School and sports uniform.
  24. How about gadgets and mobile phones.
  25. School traditions: what holidays, events, competitions are held.
  26. Excursion activities. This is the business of the school, the class teacher or falls on the shoulders of the parents.
  27. Which clinic does the school first-aid post belong to?

What to talk about with a future teacher

  1. The amount of workload that he considers acceptable.
  2. Adaptation: how it can help a first grader.
  3. What is the curriculum.

What to look for in the school building

  1. Access system and security;
  2. Class in which first-graders will study;
  3. Toilet: what cubicles are in it, how clean is it, is there toilet paper;
  4. What the dining room looks like;
  5. What the sports locker room looks like.

Photo: iStockphoto (nemchinowa)

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Questions for parents about school. Questionnaires, questionnaires, memos for parents from the thematic collection «a child on the verge of school life»

Every year at the beginning of October we celebrate Teacher’s Day. A teacher is one of the most important figures in the life of every person, because it depends on him not only with what baggage of knowledge, but also what kind of person you will enter adulthood.

To find out what today’s students think about their teachers, we conducted a small survey among students from different schools.

«What do you think an ideal teacher should be?» We asked this question to Georgy Berandze, a 11th grade student of school No. 1. He answered this question in the following way:0003

“An ideal teacher is one who can impress on his student that he is a person, that he is a full-fledged member of society, that his views are shared and perceived in the right way, that he has the right to his opinion, and this opinion is listened to . .. An ideal teacher from the first “contact” with the child, he must “select” the necessary material and “present” it in such a way that the child becomes interested.

«What is the teacher’s pride?» Irina Snegovaya, a student of the 10th grade of school No. 7, answered this question as follows:

«A teacher’s pride lies in his love for his students, his desire not only to help them fall in love with and master your subject, but also to educate a person who knows how to choose his own path in life.»

The next question was asked to Anna Skorospelova, a 9th grade student of school No. 1.

“If you were a teacher, what subject would you teach?”. The answer was:

“I would teach English. Even though it is difficult, I really enjoy studying it because it inspires me. I also love to travel and study the history of other countries.”

“Why is the teaching profession so important and necessary?” Vladislav Skryabin, an 8th grade student of school No. 2, answered this question as follows:

“We come to school as unintelligent kids. The teacher takes us by the hand and leads us to knowledge. With him, we go through life for 11 years, experiencing our first ups and downs. We learn to read, write, learn a lot of new things. Teachers lead us along the road of knowledge, showing the route, and we develop it, try to go along it. And we succeed, because there are people nearby who you can always turn to for help and support, and this is what the profession of a teacher is for!

We asked a 5th grade student of school No. 1: “Do you think the profession of a teacher is eternal?”

The answer was:

“I think that this is an eternal profession, because no society can develop without a teacher.”

We asked the last question to a student who had just entered the threshold of school knowledge — a first-grader from school No. 1 Sofya Zhuravleva: “What impression did your first teacher make on you?”
This is what Sofia answered:

“Nadezhda Vladimirovna Mitrofanova made a lot of positive impressions on me. She is very kind, sensitive, caring and will always help in difficult times. I’m very happy to be in her class.»

Our dear teachers! Congratulations on World Teacher’s Day! We highly appreciate the generosity of your loving hearts, your patience and understanding, dedication and love for us — your students! We wish you the best health, vivacity of body and spirit, joy from your hard work and all kinds of good luck in your personal life! May you be surrounded by respect and love, benevolence and mercy, cheerfulness and our gratitude!

Pupils of the 9th grade of secondary school No. 1 Polina Panikarova and Snezhanna Bogdanova


About teachers

  • The most important phenomenon in the school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself
    (A. Diesterweg)
  • An educator and teacher must be born, he is guided by a born tact
    (A. Diesterweg)
  • In education, the whole point is who the educator is
    (D. Pisarev)
  • That teacher of children is bad who does not remember his childhood
    (Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach)
  • A caregiver who does not want unpleasant surprises and does not want to be responsible for what might happen is a tyrant
    (J. Korchak)


  • Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require sacrifices
    (Buast Pierre)
  • Adults teach us with their advice and examples, and children with their faith and expectation
    (Ishkhan Gevorgyan)
  • People, believe me, are not born, but are formed
    (Erasmus of Rotterdam)
  • Many children’s games are imitations of the serious activities of adults
    (J. Korchak)
  • Respect… pure, clear, unblemished holy childhood!
    (J. Korchak)
  • Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity
    (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

About parents

  • Mother is a greenhouse of love. The father is the discoverer of possibilities. A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness
    (O. Balzac)
  • First we teach our children. Then we ourselves learn from them. Whoever does not want to do this is behind his time
    (Jan Rainis)
  • The character of the child is a mold of the character of the parents
    (E. Fromm)
  • Rely on yourself. There are two strong anchors in life — work and children.
    (N.M. Amosov)
  • No man can become a good father unless he learns to understand his father
    (Thornton Niven Wilder)
  • The child is the mirror of the family; as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of mother and son is reflected in children
    (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and abstracts

The paper presents forms of work with the parents of pupils. The reasons why parents can not always respond to the requests of preschool specialists are indicated, the prospects for working with parents are outlined .

The paper presents forms of interaction between teachers and parents of preschool educational institutions in overcoming speech deficiencies, the reasons for the lack of active participation of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions, prospects are outlined …

in the form of a theoretical and practical part with applications.Recommended…

We will tell you how to organize a Teacher’s Day at school and offer you a script for a festive program for Teacher’s Day.

The organization of the holiday, of course, is entirely the responsibility of the students and their parents.

First of all, they publish a wall newspaper: on a piece of drawing paper, children trace their palms with felt-tip pens, put their photographs inside at the most tender age (1-2 years) and write short congratulations and wishes. If the palms are made multi-colored, the newspaper will turn out elegant and festive. You can announce a competition for the most unusual title.

Next, the children make up interview questions and questions about school and class for the Fun Exam game. In addition, they try to discreetly find out what songs, poems their teacher likes (meaning the class teacher), and prepare a surprise concert.

The holiday begins with the school bell. Dressed up children, standing at their desks, greet the teacher. Everyone has a flower in their hands (live or made with their own hands). They take turns approaching the teacher, presenting a flower and pronouncing their congratulations in the usual or poetic form. Then the lessons begin, in which everyone tries to be active, attentive, accurate, in order to emphasize the festiveness of the moment. After lessons, parents come to the class, and possibly graduates of previous years. The holiday program begins.

Children bring the teacher to the newspaper and ask them to recognize their students from the photographs and read their wishes and congratulations.

The teacher is then seated in the center of the class and interviewed. After the interview, she should name the most interesting, in her opinion, question.

Questions could be:

When did you want to become a teacher? Where did you study?

How did you do at school? What do you remember from school life?

What were your favorite subjects?

How many years have you been working at the school?

Are you nervous before the first class meeting?

What were you thinking about when you went to your first lesson?

What do you like and dislike about your job?

What is your favorite writer, film, color, music, season…

What do you think about when you go to school? And from school?

You have been working in the school and classroom for a long time. Let’s see if you know them well.

How many floors does the school have? How many windows are in the classroom? How many steps do you have to climb to get to school?

Where is the desk in the principal’s office? Head teacher? What is the name of the school barmaid?

Who in our class is fond of sports, music. ..etc. e.

At the end of this interview, the children wish their teacher all the best, brightest, joyful, so that the work brings less grief, and more success, new discoveries, and that the children please with their diligence, creativity, desire to learn!

After that, everyone goes together to the assembly hall, where events will be held
dedicated to Teacher’s Day.

Teacher’s Day program «The Big Question»

Guests and invitees take their places at tables to the melodies of school songs. Fanfare sounds. The presenters (a boy and a girl) enter the stage.

. Good afternoon dear teachers!

Talented and wise!

Young and creative!

With a rustle of golden foliage, October sunny day, a professional holiday comes to you again.

We sincerely congratulate you, our dear teachers, on Teacher’s Day!

. We are glad to welcome you to this beautiful hall, where the atmosphere of something magical and extraordinary reigns!

You, whose proud name is Teacher, accept this program as a gift!

All teachers in their lessons ask us, students, questions every day and teach us to find answers to them.

And today we will switch roles, asking you tricky, oh-very difficult questions!

Invited to the stage … (name patronymic of the teacher).

Can (acting) stand on one leg for one minute?

This is our big question. Whoever thinks he can, raise a red card, and whoever disagrees with this, raise a blue one.

(The presenter calls two opponents to the table near the mat: with a blue card and with a red one.)

(addressing opponents). Now justify your point of view.

(Answers sound.)

Attention, the time has come!

(Participant stands on one leg for one minute.)

In this dispute, (a) won . .. Our winner receives a prize, and the loser must enter the image of a school cleaner and portray this role throughout the holiday. Props will help you with this: a bathrobe, a bucket of water, a mop. Get dressed and start your duties.

. Our program continues and

Will (acting) be able to read a poem expressively while chewing a chocolate bar?

This is the next big question.

Who’s behind? Who is against? Raise the cards. (Two are invited to the stage.) Justify your choice.

(The participant eats chocolate while reciting any poem.)

. The winner receives a prize, and the loser will become a school bell for a while, marking all subsequent questions and the most interesting moments of the program with a booming trill! Get started!

(name and patronymic of the teacher) is invited to the stage.

Will he be able to repeat the dance moves that our presenter will show?

Who thinks he can, raises a red card, who thinks he can’t, a blue one. (Two are invited to the stage.) Justify your choice.

(The girl shows the dance moves, the teacher repeats.)

. Our winner gets a prize, and the loser blows up balloons on stage — the more the better.

(name and patronymic of the teacher) is invited to the stage.

Can… blow a gum bubble?


(The contestant tries to blow a gum bubble.)

The winner will get a prize, and the loser will make a raid «Cleanliness is a guarantee of health!». Your task is to go around those present during the whole holiday with checking the cleanliness of shoes, hands, clothes, neck, ears, etc. And, at the request of the presenters, periodically report on the results of the work done.

. (name and patronymic of the teacher) is invited to the stage.

Will the participant of our contest be able to say 10 compliments to himself in 10 seconds?

Who’s for? Who is against? (Two are invited to the stage.) Justify your choice.

(The participant gives compliments for 10 seconds.)

The winner gets a prize, and the loser gets this task. It’s autumn outside, slushy, we miss the warmth of the sun so much. On our holiday you will be the sun. Every two minutes you must report that you warm us with your warmth, so that we really feel this warmth. Key Phrase: «I am the sun!»

(name and patronymic of the teacher) is invited to the stage.

Will our next blindfolded participant be able to attach the tail to the elephant (plane image on the easel) in the appropriate place?

Who’s for? Who is against? (Two are invited to the stage.) Justify your choice.

(The blindfolded contestant tries to attach the elephant’s tail.)

The winner receives a prize, and the loser on the stage folds paper airplanes and lets them into the hall throughout the holiday.

. Let’s summarize and check how our participants coped with their tasks, and thank them with applause! And now we want to show you a short musical about the conversation between a teacher and a student, performed by our students.

(sings to the tune of the song «I can’t help it»).

There is neither sleep nor day without anxiety.

Work means a lot…

Forgive me for three deuces,

I couldn’t help it…

I’m not afraid of resentment and quarrels,

Resentment will sink into the river…

And there is so much space in the diary,

And enough for five.

If you get sick, I’ll come,

I’ll put a mustard plaster myself.

I can do everything, I can do everything,

You will be an excellent student with us.

(sings to the tune of «March of the Fitters»).

Not good, not excellent students,

But there are no bitter regrets — how not!

We are healthy without mustard plasters,

Teachers — a big hello!

(sings to the motive of the song «Letter» from Decl’s repertoire).

I want to ask you now,

I want to find out what’s wrong,

Help me, help me.

I want my soul to sing too.

Pupil (sings to the motive of the song “What are you doing”).

Don’t look at me, oh don’t, don’t,

And don’t disturb my brains.

Tell me directly — what do you need, what do you need,

Maybe I’ll tell you what you want.

(sings to the motive of the song «Winter in the Heart» from the repertoire of the group «Guests from the Future»).

From your twos,

From your nonsense

The whole school is crying

And we are both with the head teacher.

I will become calm

From the word you gave,

When you suddenly decide

To become smart again.

Remove the spur

From your desk —

I’m already very strict.

From your desk

Remove the spur!

Can you hear me?

(sings to the motive of the song “What did you mean?” from the repertoire of the group “Accident”).

I visited the library the winter before last,

The very next day I did not consider myself Balda.

I learned two formulas, one definition,

And after listening to me, for some reason you said: “Nothing!”

I got it — it’s a hint! I catch everything on the fly,

But it’s not clear what exactly you mean?

So I didn’t understand what you meant,

So I didn’t understand what you meant!

No, I don’t understand what you mean!

Well, specifically, what did you mean?

What did you mean, what did you mean, what did you mean?..

(sings to the motive of the song «Without Me» from the repertoire of A. Pugacheva).

I know, dear, I know what’s wrong with you:

You haven’t learned your lesson again.

And with hope, maybe in vain,

Still, I’ll ask you, my friend.

(Takes away the cheat sheet from the student.)


Without a cheat sheet I can answer you

Not at all, not easy at all.

I’m a frail bird without a crib

I’m flying with one wing.


Don’t look for her, my dear,

It’s too late now.

You will find her, my beautiful,

And then we’ll sing.

(sings to the tune of the song «Oh, the box is full, full»).

(Takes out cribs from pockets and sleeves!)

Oh, the little box is full,

I’ll rent what I need without teaching.

Ah, why are you so cruel?

(sings to the motive of the song «Attraction» from the repertoire of the group «Zhuki»).

I formed an opinion: without any doubt,

Complete inability and ignorance of nothing, but!

Based on your behavior, you get the impression:

You should retire to the corridor, oh, it’s high time!

Oh-yo, my grief is wider than the universe,

Oh-yo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-yo.

(sings to the motive of the song «Forgive me, believe» from the repertoire of A. Pugacheva).

It happened, apparently, this is fate,

Without a diploma — neither here nor there.

Apparently, knowledge comes only once,

It became clear to me only now!

What is dearest to you in the world?

I will answer without concealing anything:

School and teachers.

Forgive me, believe me — I ask for forgiveness now.

Forgive me, believe me — I will become smarter and better now!


And I will forgive and never let go!

Girl and boy
(together). We love you teachers! Happy holidays and see you soon!

«DO» turned to experienced teachers for advice: how to help a child cope with negative emotions at the beginning of the school year?

Primary School FIRST FAILURE

It is difficult for a child to learn to write beautifully and read quickly. Fear of criticism causes reluctance to sit down at a desk.
What to do?

“It is advisable to start preparing for school a few weeks before September 1,” advises Larisa Mikhalenko, a primary school teacher of the highest category, Tsaritsyno No. 548. “Ugly handwriting is easily corrected.
If a child has problems with diction, for example, does not pronounce some letters, swallows endings, he will write and read incorrectly until this problem is resolved. In this case, you should contact a speech therapist.

If the child is not doing well in school, ask the teacher not to call him to the blackboard yet, let him answer from his seat. When reading aloud, ask only for the first paragraph that the child is guaranteed to have learned at home. When the child is involved in learning, the need for such requests will disappear.


He is strict and demanding, unlike the affectionate kindergarten teacher, who had excellent contact with the child. It is difficult for a child to get used to a new person.
What to do?
“Try to find the first teacher with whom your child will be psychologically comfortable,” says Larisa Mikhalenko. — Connect parental intuition. When you choose a school and class, you should pay attention to teachers. For example, if the child is very active, and the teacher is slow, speaks with an arrangement, a drawling voice, they will surely annoy each other. But it happens that the parents are satisfied with the teacher, and the student complains about him. Then it makes sense to consult a psychologist. Often parents blame the child, considering him to be capricious, or the teacher, thinking that he is not professional. And they don’t see the whole picture. I had a case when a girl, coming from school, constantly complained to her parents about me. As the psychologist explained, she thus manipulated her mother. On the advice of a specialist, I began to call her mother every evening and tell her how we communicated during the day. And the next morning, the three of us, together with the girl, sorted out conflicts. We have a good relationship.»


He can’t sit through the lesson. It spins like a spinning top. He is bored, he wants to play and fool around …
What to do?
“Every child is capable of sitting for 40 minutes. In elementary grades, every 20 minutes, children change their activity, which allows them to concentrate their attention. Sometimes restlessness depends on the fact that parents bring the child to school a minute before the start of classes. Naturally, the first lesson, or even the whole day, the baby will be blurry. He will be nervous because of the feeling of time pressure. This will affect his perseverance. It is advisable to bring the child to school 15 minutes before the first lesson so that he can prepare for classes, communicate with classmates, ”the teacher recommends.


After the summer holidays, it is difficult for a child to get used to the fact that it is necessary not only to sit at a desk, but also to do homework.

What to do?
“Parents should determine what schedule and algorithm for doing homework is convenient for their child. Some people like to start with a simple task. Others work on a difficult equation and then solve easy problems. For the third, a great incentive is the sports section in the evening. In this case, you can agree with the young athlete that the lessons are performed strictly before training. Many children are better at listening to information. Sometimes adults do not want to read chapters from a textbook to a child. In vain! If the child is comfortable that way, there will be no harm. After all, you can read paragraphs in turn. In no case should the child condemn the teacher, they say, how much she asked. If you have any complaints about this, it is better to discuss them with the teacher personally, ”recalls Larisa Mikhalenko.

Middle classes TRANSITION

From now on, everything is different: new environment, new schedule and items. And most importantly, different teachers.
What to do?

“Many children who enter the fifth grade have a decline in academic performance. The child cannot get used to different teachers. Do not hesitate to contact a psychologist — his help will be invaluable. Children at the beginning of the fifth grade are very tired from unusual activities, so after school, give the child an hour to rest. To do homework together at first,” advises Lana Prini, a teacher with 26 years of experience, an English teacher.


The child grew up quickly and is now taller than everyone in the class. Feels like a white crow.
What to do?
“Physically, all children develop differently, and sometimes those who are ahead or, conversely, not catching up with others feel like outcasts. Some girls are already using makeup and discussing dates, others are not interested yet. And the former begin to make fun of the latter,” says Svetlana Smirnova, a teacher of Russian language and literature. In this case, discuss this problem with the class teacher. Teachers have authority. The students will listen to them. You can connect a school psychologist. But do not force the child to change and often talk to him about the fact that there are no identical people.


My child has difficulty communicating with classmates.
What to do?
“Parents can help their child solve such problems,” continues Svetlana Smirnova. — Teach him to find compromises and negotiate. Extra-curricular communication is of great importance for students. During joint trips and other extracurricular activities, children find new topics for discussion, common interests. Many children are better at listening to information. Read to them!


The child loves circles and sections. But he is reluctant to go to school.

What to do?
“You don’t need to forbid him to play music, sports or theater workshop. Support all his endeavors. But at the same time, remind me that without a certificate with good grades, you can’t enter a university, ”says Lana Prini. “Any student who says: “I don’t want to study!” — you need to motivate correctly, — adds psychologist Alena Lipatova. — Praise him for good grades, do not forget to remind him of his successes in the past. If he is upset by his failures, support him.


The son does not want to go to school because of a conflict with classmates and the teacher. It turned out that those guys with whom he quarreled came up with mocking nicknames for him.
What to do?

“If a student has previously had conflicts with classmates, it is obvious that he is afraid of a repetition of the quarrel. Parents will have to find the right solution to this problem together with the child. It’s good if the boy himself finds a way out of the situation, advises psychologist Alena Lipatova. — Invite him to figure out what happened together and work out a course of action. If the problem is in conflict with the teacher, the situation is more complicated. In this case, parents need to listen to the other side — talk to the teacher — and draw their own conclusions.

High school students ADULT LIFE

The teenage son keeps saying that he is tired of studying. Wants to become an adult and start working. At least a janitor.
What to do?
“Children usually have a desire to become janitors if their parents constantly remind them that they need to pass the exam well,” says Lana Prini. “Teachers also put pressure on him. As a result, the teenager understands with horror that there will not be enough time or energy for everything that he needs to master. Hence the protest. How should parents behave? After 91st grade, have a serious talk with him about his plans for the future. He must decide for himself what profession he will get. It is advisable to go together to the educational institution that he chooses. And often say: “You will succeed!” At this age, support is extremely important. ” “You don’t need to demand the highest ball in literature from him if he loves mathematics. It is better to concentrate on his favorite subject and often tell how much new and interesting things he can learn if he continues his studies, the psychologist adds. — In adolescence, children are tuned in to social communication. This is also a good motivation: “Do you want to go to school? But what about friends, interesting conversations?


My daughter is an excellent student, however, she is very afraid of the exam, which she will have to take this year.
What to do?
“As a rule, two categories of schoolchildren are most afraid of the USE — excellent students and weak students. The first is afraid to get not the highest mark. How come they try so hard? The second is afraid that they will fail. In both cases, students need a tutor. School teachers today, loaded with numerous reports and other things, are not physically able to properly prepare every high school student. Sometimes things get overlooked. And additional help at this moment is a guarantee of peace of mind,” advises Svetlana Smirnova. — Another option — you can offer the teacher to conduct additional tasks according to the principle: the strong help the weak. When excellent students explain to those who are lagging behind. Benefits for both: some repeat, others learn, and the teacher only controls the process. Separately, I will say how important it is for parents to remain calm. I have heard more than once that moms and dads try to solve USE problems on the Internet and, when they fail, they panic: “Since I haven’t decided how my child will pass this exam?” It is better for adults to discuss their experiences with colleagues or friends behind closed doors, but not with your child, who in this case will definitely become infected with your worries and fears. In general, you should not discuss school problems in a negative way at home. It won’t help the child.»


My son is worried that after the summer holidays, school love moved to another desk. He fears that he will lose her affection.

What to do?
“No matter what the child says that since love has not worked out, he will no longer go to school, in fact he wants to go in order to still attract the attention of the object of his sympathy,” Svetlana Smirnova believes. — Together, take care of changing the image, come up with a new hairstyle, adjust his wardrobe. In high school, such actions of parents are important and necessary. Do not let him withdraw into himself, concentrate on his suffering. Let him definitely go to theaters, visit themed festivals, communicate more with other peers.


Advised by Natalia VISHNYA, family psychologist, teacher, author of the seminars Who are Successful Children, Strategies for Adolescents, How to Raise a Talented Child, etc.

1. When preparing for school, it is more important to take into account not the intellectual level, but psychological and physiological maturity.
2. The success of the child should cause the joy of parents. Faith in his success, trust and approval is the basis of children’s solvency and activity at school. Parental fears and total control make the child unsure of his abilities.
3. It makes no sense to send the baby to school before 6.5 years. Even if a child reads well and solves problems with ease, being psychologically immature, he will be bored at his desk.
4. School performance is not the most important indicator of a child’s success. Support his interests and hobbies. Then by the end of school your child will be a harmoniously developed personality.

5. When choosing a school, give preference to an educational institution in which parents are treated as allies.
6. But do not strive to develop everything in the child at once. It is necessary to clearly define his brightest ability and at the first stage to bet on it.
7. Do not overload the baby with additional activities in studios, sections and circles. By the middle of the year, all first-graders accumulate psychological fatigue.
8. You need to teach your child to do homework from the first grade. The task of parents and teachers is not to force them to learn, but to inspire new knowledge and skills.

New standards

The Ministry of Education has approved a new standard for high school students. It spells out how and what should be studied in the 10th and 11th grades.

Thus, schoolchildren will be required to study: physical education, life safety, Russian language and literature, mathematics, history (it can be replaced with a new subject «Russia in the world»). Other disciplines are elective and will be divided into 6 compulsory subject areas: «Philology», «Foreign Languages», «Social Sciences», «Mathematics and Informatics», «Natural Sciences», «Physical Education and Life Safety». The student will have to choose one course from each. And a few additional subjects, for example: «Design», «Psychology», «Astronomy» or «Art». An important feature of the new standard is the introduction of specialized training. Moving to high school, the student chooses in which direction he wants to specialize further. The new standard for high school students is introduced in September 2013.

Being a teacher is one of the noblest professions. To learn more about the people of this profession, we have prepared questions for teachers on Teacher’s Day. Many of the questions are rather difficult, even tricky, with a catch, while others are comic and funny. They are great for school interviews that can be done with teachers.

Look at this list for questions to ask your teacher. You will like the way your school’s teachers answer school questions.

Questions for teachers on Teacher’s Day

  1. Is it true that today children have learned how to write correctly?
  2. What do teachers actually do in the staff room?
  3. How do you deal with your likes and dislikes in class?
  4. How should a young teacher behave if a student/high school student confesses his love to him?
  5. What would you like to change about teaching methods or schooling?
  6. Is it easy to be a teacher, what difficulties of this profession are the most difficult to endure?
  7. What motivated you to become a teacher?
  8. What do you like most about schooling and what do you hate the most?
  9. If you had to choose a new profession again, would you agree to become a teacher?
  10. Have you ever had a moment when you wanted to quit your job?
  11. What is the dumbest or weirdest question a student has asked you?
  12. What is the worst thing about the current education system?
  13. What historical character would be the most boring when meeting in real life?
  14. When did you get the idea to become a teacher?
  15. Which teacher influenced your whole future life?
  16. What key factors (features) helped you become a good teacher?
  17. What is the most important piece of advice you would like to give to the parents of an elementary school child?
  18. What do you know about your students?
  19. If you could get something from the Minister of Education, what would it be?
  20. Do teachers have holidays other than school holidays?
  21. What is the most aggressive age of students?
  22. If you had to become a student of our school, who would be your favorite teacher?
  23. Is there anything you would like to teach students but cannot do?
  24. What is the most curious, shameful thing that happened to you during the lessons?
  25. Do you think that your profession influences the upbringing of your own children?
  26. What is the most difficult thing about being a teacher?
  27. What was the worst thing you had while working with parents of students?
  28. What are the signs that students are manipulating you?
  29. What teaching mistake did you most regret?
  30. Do you have school pets?
  31. For the sake of revenge, can you lower a student’s grade in exams?
  32. Who is the most popular hero in our school?

Funny Questions for Teachers on Teacher’s Day

  • If ham comes from pigs and beef comes from cows, then what animal does bread come from?
  • Why don’t people on the other side of the earth fall?
  • A girl in a physics lesson: “If there is a speed of light, then what is the speed of darkness?
  • Why do meteorites always land in craters?
  • Is the African sun the same as in Russia? Then why is it warmer there?
  • If Russian is the language of Pushkin, then what language are our surnames?
  • If, according to the teacher, mathematics is so simple, then why does the mathematician have so many problems with students?
  • How do you punish your family members (children, marriage partner) when they misbehave? Do you kick them out the door, give them a bad mark, or call your parents in for a chat?
  • When you come home, do your children stand up and say «Good evening, teacher»?
  • If I have problems, can I use the Pythagorean theorem to solve them?
  • Do you chew on your pens or pencils?
  • Which super hero is most like you?
  • What do you drink at dinner?
  • Why do teachers ask students questions (why, what for, how much), they don’t know the answer themselves?
  • Can you roll your tongue with pleasure?
  • Why don’t the heavens fall on us?

Prank questions for teachers

  1. A farmer has 17 sheep. All but nine die. How many sheep does he have left? (answer: 9 sheep).
  2. Ten candles are burning in the dining room. The draft blew out three of them. How many candles are left by morning? (Answer: three candles, since the seven remaining candles will completely melt, and the only whole candles will be three extinguished by a draft).
  3. Which word in Russian is always misspelled? (Word: wrong).
  4. Which is correct to say: «The yolk of the egg is white» or «the yolk of the egg is white?» (Answer: Both are wrong because egg yolks are yellow.)
  5. A man stands on one side of the river, his dog on the other. He calls out to a dog that crossed the river so quickly that it didn’t even get wet. At the same time, the dog did not run across the bridge and was not in the boat. The question is, how did the dog cross the river? (Answer: on ice, since the river was frozen).
  6. If you give me food, I will live, but if you give me water, I will die. Who am I? (Fire).
  7. Your parents have six sons, including you, and each son has one sister. How many people does your family have? (Answer: 9 people: both parents, six sons and one daughter, who is a sister to all boys).
  8. What is black when bought, red when used, and white when used? (Charcoal).
  9. I have no eyes, no legs, no ears, but at the same time I move the earth, who am I? (Earthworm).

Tricky Questions for Teachers

Do you want to interview a teacher, but don’t feel like asking him the standard questions? Then these teacher trick questions are just what you need.

  1. What does the perfect teacher’s day party look like?
  2. In what subject did you get the most A’s during your high school or college years?
  3. Is change for the teacher or the student?
  4. What excuses did you give when you were late for class?
  5. Did you have to cheat at school, did you use cheat sheets in exams?
  6. The teacher sets an example for the students, if he is late for the lessons, then it is possible for the students too?
  7. If a student does not read books, can he become president?
  8. What is your favorite meal from the school cafeteria?
  9. Do you want to teach at school until you are 100 years old?
  10. What was the worst lesson for you?
  11. Have you ever wanted to hit a student? What was it for?
  12. Have you ever fallen in love with students?
  13. Do teachers take drugs to soothe themselves?
  14. Does the teacher learn from his students? And what have you learned?
  15. Would you agree to take the Unified State Examination or final exams yourself?
  16. Do you know that teachers in Japan don’t have to honor the emperor? But we are not in Japan is it bad or good?
  17. Is it true that the only way to succeed in life is to be an idiot?
  18. As a student, did you ever dislike one of your teachers? Why?
  19. If you are smarter than me, will that make me wiser than you?
  20. You are very worried about our test scores, but what were your test scores?
  21. What were your first university days like: did you fully occupy your time with your studies, were you bored or did you want to skip classes?
  22. What funny nicknames did you give teachers when you were a student?
  23. Did you make fun of or troll teachers?
  24. In the classroom, which teacher from your school would you like to be a student of? Why?
  25. What would you like to change in your behavior when you return to school again?
  26. Why are subjects taught today that are simply useless in life?
  27. Why should students compromise their health by doing a lot of homework instead of getting enough rest?
  28. Always understand students who really feel bad?

Strange questions

  1. Where is the Great Wall of China?
  2. Isn’t the moon the same as the sun just turned off for the day?
  3. What are pyramidal things in Egypt?
  4. How do islands not float away?
  5. Are there real bears?
  6. How old was an 18 year old on average in 1942?

Teacher interview questions

Like all interviews in the field of education, the teacher interview also has specific questions. They are focused on knowledge of the methodology of work, a sense of vocation, the ability to manage the discipline of students. Here is a list of common questions in this interview format:

  1. What is your education?
  2. Why do you want to work in education?
  3. How do you plan to conduct your courses, classes, lessons?
  4. How do you feel about school discipline?
  5. What is your attitude towards modern education?
  6. What do you think about psychology in education?
  7. What do you think about pedagogy?
  8. Do you consider yourself risky?
  9. Do you consider yourself a positive teacher?
  10. What will you do if a student calls you a bad teacher?
  11. If you were a school principal, what goals would you set for the next school year?
  12. What was the last book you managed to read in full?
  13. How would you motivate students to read?
  14. In what decade would you like to become a teacher? Why?
  15. Do you have a favorite who motivates you?

Questions about life outside of school

  1. What is one of your hidden talents?
  2. What might surprise students when they see you outside the school doors?
  3. How would you like to spend your vacation after the school year?
  4. How do you manage to spend your summer holidays?
  5. What kind of books would you like to have on a desert island?
  6. What will be your last lesson?

Questions about the school

  1. What traditions or superstitions do teachers have? Do you stick to them yourself?
  2. What school day is considered good, successful for a teacher?
  3. What student accomplishment this year fills or fills you with pride?
  4. How do you manage to stay calm and patient? [the question is especially relevant for experienced teachers]
  5. What inspires you?
  6. What technologies make learning easier or more difficult?
  7. What is the best/worst thing about being a teacher?

Questions about students

  1. What worries you about the behavior of today’s students? Why?
  2. What will help a teacher win the respect of students?
  3. What is the best time for academic performance: morning or lunch?
  4. What part of your knowledge would you like to pass on to your students?
  5. How do you feel when a student whispers to a neighbor while ignoring your remarks?
  6. What helps you to be patient with those disciples that even God cannot handle?
  7. How do you manage to remember the names of all your students, do you have any associations with them?
  8. Having the opportunity to visit with your class anywhere in the world, where would you like to go?
  9. Do you keep in touch with any of your former students in social networks?
  10. Do you have a personal diary about your pupils, students?
  11. What song should students listen to when doing homework?
  12. What is the first thing you remember from your work as a teacher?
  13. Do you think your students will remember you and the class they were in?


Here is a list of questions from which you can choose the appropriate questions to ask your teachers. It is important to remember that an interview is a conversation. So be natural and use questions wisely. Remember, it’s better to get honest answers to a few interesting questions instead of a dozen lengthy answers to one stupid question?

If you see a trick, use it. It will be interesting and fun. Don’t be afraid to veer off topic a bit when the opportunity arises. Keep in mind, however, that these questions for teachers on Teacher’s Day are a great start to learning more about your teachers, understanding the challenges, or vice versa, the attractive side of the profession.

Best regards, Helen.

By the way, look at questions with substitution of answers for teachers (shifters).

10 non-banal questions to ask teachers when choosing a school for your child — declifeschool

We have decided on the school! Parents are happy, the future first-grader is in anticipation. It seemed that the worst was over — you can breathe easy and enjoy the rest of the summer. But are you sure that all the nuances are taken into account?

Surely you already know what the assessment system is at school, what the class schedule is, how things are with homework and a lot of other important information. But let’s do it again! Are you sure all questions have been asked?

After all, there is a list of questions that do not lie on the surface, and parents often forget about them. But they are no less important in choosing a school for a child! And maybe the answers to them will not satisfy you at all, and the choice of school will need to start over.

Svetlana Bulgakova shared a selection of 10 non-standard questions that parents should get answers from teachers when choosing a school for their child.

Do you teach teachers what and how often?

Children learn not what we (adults) tell them, but how we (adults) act. The teacher is one of the most important role models in a child’s life. Children learn from the images they see. Learning is a continuous process that lasts a lifetime. If we want to teach this to children, then we ourselves, as teachers, must constantly learn and develop.

How do you resolve conflicts?

Conflict is a clash of incompatible action strategies. This is a great learning situation, so do not avoid them, it is important to work through them in order to gain experience, develop empathy, critical thinking, learn to separate facts and interpretation, be creative in the process of solving them and create new patterns of behavior. At our school, we mediate conflicts based on non-violent communication by Marshall Rosenberg, teach this skill to children and help them cope with difficulties, living them and becoming stronger.

What do you do if a child is injured

Children’s lives are very active and full. They love to run, play games, compete in physical education. Therefore, even observing all safety rules and being under constant supervision, the child may be injured. In such situations, it is very important to act quickly and clearly. In any incomprehensible situation, the main rule is to call an ambulance, act only on instructions and in agreement with the parents.

Why are you at this school as a principal?

Any organization, including educational ones, has a leader whose identity determines the strategy, vision, mission of the school, attracting people who are in tune with it. The organization is a reflection of its leader, therefore, having met the director, it is important to make sure that he is in the school by vocation, because of his love for children and the desire to support them in the process of growing up.

When do children have time to play?

What do we as parents want from school? Often I hear — efficiency and results. This is definitely important. But learning is not only about the result, but also about the process, not only about knowledge and skills, but also about personal development, self-knowledge. In the game you need to follow the rules, be attentive and focused, be able to negotiate, come up with strategies and, of course, have fun.

At DEC lifeschool, 2 times a week, children have Playtime in their schedule, when both adults and children play together. Someone easily enters the game and accepts the rules, while someone needs time to look closely and understand what will happen in order to join the game. And so? there is already the first awareness — it becomes clear how the child relates to the new, what strategy he chooses, takes risks or is cautious.

Who are your teachers?

The child is at school from 5 to 9 hours a day. It is very important to understand what adults surround him, what role models he will see. In Ukraine, there is a large gender imbalance among female and male teachers. But how important it is for the child to observe the behavior of both women and men.

Teaching is a responsible profession, so teacher training is very important. Just as important is love for children, acceptance and patience.

When can you expel a child from school?

Be sure to ask this question at school. The answer will give you an understanding of what is unacceptable and unacceptable at school.

How do you feel about career guidance?

Deciding on a profession is one of the most difficult decisions in the life of every young man and woman. And the goal itself begins to put pressure on the child and parents from the age of 12 years. But vocational guidance is not only about the profession. This is primarily about who I am, what are my strengths, interests, what I like and dislike, what I want. And it’s also about what professions there are, what it means to “work every day”, what skills I want to develop. And the profession itself does not have to be chosen for life. You need to understand how to choose it in general, what to be guided by. And if you realize that you don’t want to do something, then how to change your choice.

Is the psychologist at school all day long?

The role of a psychologist in a school is very important. After all, a psychologist is not only a friend and confidant for children, but also a huge support for teachers and parents.

Psychologist helps children cope with difficulties, always there and open to secrets. The psychologist, acting in the interests of the child, communicates with parents and helps to build a family strategy for the harmonious development of the child. A psychologist is about safety for the child, so having him at school all day is the key to success.

What is your social mission?

Each school is a small community and also part of a larger community. How does the school support its district, how does it feel about charity, does it have social responsibility projects, how do children get involved in it? All these are important questions, the answers to which determine the social position of the educational institution. At DEC lifeschool, we donate waste paper, try not to use plastic, but drink from our own cups or reusable bottles, support charitable foundations and projects in various forms (financially, time and attention, etc. )


Tamila Egorova

Uncomfortable questions about school: what you wanted to know but were embarrassed to ask the teacher

Another school year has begun: children get new knowledge, parents get headache from the need to solve a particular problem. Conflict, controversial situations that arise during study, alas, are not uncommon. Some parents habitually rush to the director’s office to protect their child from the arbitrariness of evil teachers and hooligan classmates, others consult on social networks. Cheryomukha has collected the most pressing questions that parents of schoolchildren have. The deputy director of the Rybinsk Department of Education Svetlana Smirnova answers them.

The burden of knowledge

The school backpack is unrealistically heavy! For example, the Russian language requires a textbook, a reference book, a spelling dictionary, a workbook, a notebook for writing down rules and compound words. And this is only one subject, and there are five or six of them in the schedule. Add to that the physical form. Maybe it’s time to buy a cart on wheels instead of a backpack? Why not get a set of textbooks that would be kept at school and given to children to work in the classroom?

— The weight of a daily set of textbooks and stationery is really standardized, however, as is the weight of a school backpack — for example, for elementary school students it should not exceed 700 grams.

Often an empty school bag weighs one and a half kilograms — frame backpacks with plastic inserts and heavy fittings are now popular.

Add to this the weight of «extra» things: for example, notepads, phone, food, voluminous sets of pens, markers and pencils, although most often you are asked to bring two or three colors to the lesson for highlighting.

The weight of the textbooks themselves is monitored, voluminous editions are issued in several parts. But it is impossible to keep two sets — one for lessons, and the other to give out to students. There are simply no funds for this. Textbooks are purchased centrally, their number depends on the number of students. There is a reserve, but a small one. We can only give out one set of textbooks for each student free of charge.

Why don’t teachers accept e-books? It’s easier to carry one gadget instead of several textbooks.

— You can use an e-book instead of regular textbooks. The main thing is that the information in them fully corresponds to the paper version.

Digital childhood

In our school, teachers forbid phones — take them away or force them to turn off. But I want the child to be in touch at any time. Who is right?

— The mode of using telephones is prescribed in the internal regulations of each school. For example, according to the rules of the exam, one random call can lead to the fact that the results of all those present in this audience will be canceled. So it is worth getting acquainted with the rules of the educational institution either on your own or by asking the appropriate question at the class meeting.

At recess, my son accidentally hit another boy who dropped his phone. There are cracks on the screen. The victim’s parents demand financial compensation. The class teacher and the school administration stepped aside from solving this problem. But after all, according to the law, schools are responsible for children, their actions during lessons and breaks.

— The school is not responsible in this situation.

Parents who allow expensive items to be brought to class are solely responsible for them.

If the thing is damaged by another student, the parents of the victim have the right to present material claims to the parents of the perpetrator in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code.

More than once noticed high school students with vapes Type of electronic cigarettes — they smoke right on the school porch! I turned to the teacher on duty — she said that vaping is not officially banned, so you can’t force them to stop smoking. Is this not smoking propaganda?

— Unfortunately, these new products appear faster than the law begins to regulate their sale and consumption. The use of electronic cigarettes, however, like hookahs, in public places is not yet prohibited, there is not a word about them in the laws. Adherents of this fashionable gadget claim that the process itself is not related to smoking, but to vaping. But we understand that the question is only in terminology. It is enough for schools to prescribe a ban on vaping on their territory in local acts, rules of conduct — the problem will be solved.

Lesson after school

Are vacation assignments legal? They ask so many, it seems as if they did not stop learning: a list of books to read and write reviews, poems by heart, math problems, a list of irregular verbs in English, creative work. Why is this needed?

— Of course, holidays are a time of rest for students. It is important that children get enough sleep during this period, walk in the fresh air, communicate with friends, and devote time to their favorite activities. What kind of assignments do teachers offer? If these are topics that for some reason did not have time to complete in a quarter, then such tasks are unacceptable — the teacher must adjust the curriculum and catch up. Another thing is when teachers offer assignments that allow either a deeper understanding of the educational material, or with the expectation that in the new quarter to reduce the time for homework. For example, a voluminous work of literature can hardly be thoughtfully read in a couple of evenings — that’s why they offer a list of books for the summer holidays. Creative projects also take time — both for reflection and for immersion in the topic. That is, the task for the holidays should be advisory in nature. Accordingly, the teacher can encourage the student who made extra efforts and spent time studying during the vacation period, but it is impossible to punish those who still prefer to fully relax.

Every quarter we organize a «theater day» — the event is paid, you can not refuse it, because it is instead of lessons. Our family goes to the theater all the time, so the child has already seen everything that the school offers. Why should I pay twice for the same show?

— The point is not that schools and theaters have entered into a secret agreement and earn money from schoolchildren. Theaters have a powerful educational, upbringing, cultural potential, and it would be criminal not to use it. Not all families have the time and opportunity to watch performances together. Therefore, such events appear in the plans of schools. Yes, you need to buy tickets — theaters do not work for free. If for some reason the parents are against the child going to the theater with a class, no one will force them. In the case when an exit to the theater is planned during school hours, the student may be asked to complete a certain task as a practice.

Two again?

My son studies poorly, mastering many subjects with difficulty. Teachers often say that they will be expelled from school so that he does not spoil the indicators. Can they really be expelled for poor academic performance? Where to go to a child who was expelled from school?

— You cannot be excluded from school until the age of 15. After 15, you can be expelled for poor progress or systematic violation of internal regulations — such a decision is made by a special commission. But even after expulsion, the teenager will not be left without education: an alternative may be an evening school or separate programs in the system of secondary vocational education. In any case, everyone should receive a document on basic education.

During the quarter, the diaries and journal are empty, grades appear only at the end of the quarter, when it is no longer possible to correct something. And it’s not just one subject! Often children themselves wonder where this or that mark came from. What to do? How do I get up-to-date performance information?

— The teacher must put a mark in the diary and in the journal at the time of assessing the student’s knowledge. This is ideal. In real practice, this does not work out: imagine if a mathematics teacher signs thirty diaries after the test, and then also draws up a journal, then there simply will not be time for the lesson itself. There is an unspoken rule: to enter the scores in the journal within a week after they are posted. The same rule applies to the electronic diary. Parents can, for example, take screenshots of the electronic diary once a week: if at the end of the quarter the marks are delivered retroactively, this is an occasion to complain to the class teacher or head teacher of the school. The class teacher at least once every two weeks must put the current grades in all subjects in the diary of schoolchildren.

About daily bread

We pay for hot breakfasts, and the child complains that the food is completely tasteless, completely cold. I talked to my parents — many have the same problem. The class teacher claims that meals are organized according to the rules. Can we, parents, check how the canteen works, what is fed to our children? In fact, it is we who pay for this service.

— Yes, there is such a possibility. At the meeting, an initiative group is formed, which declares its desire to organize control over the work of the canteen, for example, within a quarter or half a year. The school administration is notified of this. After that, parents have the right to visit the dining room during breaks, when the children are fed. Here you can see how the tables are laid, whether the food is served hot, whether the students arrive on time for breakfast, and much more. Observations are recorded in the act, transferred to the responsible administrator for consideration. Based on the results of such observations, it is already possible to draw a conclusion about the quality of nutrition, to correct certain points.

Price list for knowledge

Every year we raise money to buy printed notebooks — supplements to textbooks. They are not cheap, and not all tasks are completed, selectively. By the end of the year, half of these notebooks are empty. Is it necessary to buy them?

— If printed workbooks are not included in the list of used educational literature prescribed in the educational program of the school, then the teacher cannot demand their purchase — this is a voluntary matter. Forcing parents to purchase workbooks is unacceptable. On the other hand, such notebooks save students time on assignments, allow them to study the topic in depth — so they are very useful in the educational process. But, in my opinion, if the notebook is used occasionally, and not systematically, every lesson, then there is no point in buying it.

Yes, there are situations when some children in the class have such notebooks, while others do not. In this case, the teacher is obliged to plan the lesson so as not to infringe on the educational rights of all students.

It is impossible to punish for the absence of these notebooks.

What if I can’t buy skis? It would be nice if my daughter rode them, otherwise for the sake of a dozen physical education lessons we have to spend several thousand — for our family the costs are very tangible.

— Skis are a great physical activity that not only trains the body, but also allows the child to be in the fresh air, so this purchase is not a waste of money. It is good if parents tell the class teacher and physical education teacher about this problem in advance.

Some schools have purchased skis for public use, but the parents must buy the ski boots anyway.

It has been said and written many times that fees for repairs, security, etc. are voluntary. But in our country they are still going on, and with serious pressure on those who disagree. I’m afraid that if I don’t pay, my attitude towards the child will deteriorate, but there is no extra money either.

— All additional fees are carried out only on a voluntary basis by crediting money to the account of the organization. The payer will then receive a receipt. Accordingly, there should be no pressure on those who do not participate in the training camp.

Who is to blame?

Who is responsible for an injury in the classroom? At physical education, the children ran cross-country, at the start, a classmate accidentally pushed my daughter, as a result, she was injured (abrasions on her face, dislocation of the wrist joint). The teacher says that the children did not listen carefully to the commands and that they themselves are to blame for the violation of discipline. The head teacher considers this a coincidence. Is anyone really responsible for the health and safety of children?

— At the lesson, the teacher is responsible for the life and health of students, at the break — the administrator on duty. All incidents related to injuries at school are documented — especially if the injury is serious, requiring long-term treatment. However, it is not superfluous to remind children about the rules of behavior at school.

I think the teacher is biased towards the child. The son repeatedly complained about harsh and rude statements addressed to him, which humiliate him in front of his classmates. The teacher denies everything, says that the child invented it. How to do it right?

— Such situations really do happen and it is important to calmly understand what is happening: it happens that children slander the teacher, removing responsibility for poor results, but, perhaps, the teacher behaves incorrectly. The first step is to contact the class teacher with a request for help, a meeting with the teacher himself. It is important to hear both sides — the child and the adult — to find the cause of the misunderstanding and eliminate it. If the conflict is not resolved, the school administration can be involved.

The second-grader grandson came home from school in tears: he was not allowed to go to the toilet during the lesson, as a result he did not reach the break — he was embarrassed. He threw away the dirty linen, somehow put himself in order, remaining in the same trousers. Is it normal to refuse to meet natural needs?

— The teacher is fully responsible for the child during the lesson. When a student leaves the classroom, he is left unattended, anything can happen. Some children ask to go to the bathroom just to shorten the lesson time for themselves. Changes are provided to meet natural needs. Of course, the teacher cannot forbid going out of need, but in this case he must see, understand how necessary this is. I know that many teachers agree with the children: you need to go out — raise your hand and go out without drawing attention to yourself and without interrupting the teacher’s story. If the child is taking diuretics or laxatives, parents must warn the class teacher, and he, in turn, convey this information to other teachers.

The school constantly conducts surveys. Once a psychologist came, the questionnaire contained questions like “do your parents quarrel, how often”. Why are children asked for personal information?

Questioning, surveys are conducted with the permission of the parents or guardians of the child. The class teacher at the meeting should talk about the upcoming study, explaining its goals and why the information is needed and how the information will be used.

Who is responsible for cleaning the school? At parent meetings, they constantly invite curtains to be washed, desks to be repaired, repairs to be made. At the end of the quarter — general cleaning by parents. Why is no budget allocated for these works?

— Unlike the Soviet school system, today’s students are completely exempt from work. We have educational institutions in the city where, by agreement with the parent team, children are involved in simple work related to maintaining cleanliness in the classrooms: wiping desks, window sills, blackboards, caring for flowers.

A categorical ban on the involvement of child labor applies to washing floors and windows — this is the work of technical personnel.

The administration of the educational organization is responsible for order and cleanliness in the school. How to carry out general cleaning is a matter of agreement. For example, at school No. 12 they hire a cleaning company, somewhere these duties are shifted to the heads of offices, somewhere they ask parents to help, but this is a voluntary matter.

  • Irina Ryazanova

Parent-teacher meeting: instructions for use

When my children went to kindergarten and school, I hated parent-teacher meetings and did everything to avoid them. It seemed to me that these were two (or even more) hours torn out of my life, boring and endless. And all the time I asked myself two questions: “Why me, and not dad, or grandmother?” and “Is it really impossible to communicate everything important by e-mail or in an electronic diary?” And then I learned to extract the maximum benefit at the minimum cost. I tell you how.

Before the meeting: what to ask

It’s worth asking yourself why I’m going to the meeting. Not “why”, but “why”, that is, what goals do I set for myself?

For example:
1. Get to know the class teacher and subject teachers. What kind of people are they, what are they? How do they speak — clear or vague? Are they passionate about what they do?
2. Get to know the parents of classmates. Find out how much you have in common. Maybe someone lives nearby? Or will it be possible to learn lessons from someone in the future? Or maybe someone will be the parents of your child’s best friend?
3. Get information. Be as specific as possible about what you want to know. Divide your questions into blocks: the educational process, the daily routine, entertainment and recreation, shopping and spending (more on that later). A separate block of questions concerns your own child. What is easy for him and what is difficult? What is worth working on? Who are his friends? How does he rest during breaks?

Sample questions before parent meeting

Study process:
1. By what criteria are children divided into groups in foreign language lessons? Can I move from group to group?
2. When are important tests and assessments scheduled for key subjects? What are the evaluation criteria?
3. What educational literature should be purchased in addition?
4. What are the requirements for subject books for notebooks? Can I use notebooks with a picture on the cover? And a folder with interchangeable blocks?
5. What is the lesson schedule?
6. In what weather are physical education lessons held outside, and in what weather are they held in the hall?

Daily routine:
1. Bell schedule;
2. At what break is breakfast or lunch expected?
3. How and where can children who bring their own food and not eat in the school cafeteria eat?

Entertainment and recreation:
1. What games can I bring to school to play during recess?
2. Schedule of school holidays;
3. Planned trips and excursions (what, when, mandatory or not).

And so on and so forth. Make your own list and take it to the meeting.

Before the meeting: what to bring with you

• In addition to the list, be sure to bring something with which (and with) you will write information at the meeting. I used to take a pen and notepad, now I put everything on my tablet or laptop right at the meeting. The main thing is that the records are not lost.
• It is also important to take with you (if you don’t remember by heart, of course) the document numbers — your passport and the child’s birth certificate (or passports if you have a high school student). It is likely that you will need to fill out applications that require you to provide this data.

At the meeting: the more efficient, the faster

So the meeting begins, you open your notepad, sharpen your pencil and prepare your list.

First. Sit so that you can write comfortably (better at your desk) and see the blackboard and the teacher.

Second. Mute your mobile phone. Consider that you have come to a meeting with important business partners.

Third. An important rule: first listen, then ask. Most of your questions will be answered by the teacher during his presentation — he was also preparing for the meeting. Check or cross out those questions that have been answered.

Fourth. If possible, write everything down. Very often it happened to me that I first listened and thought, “I’ll write it down later, if it’s important.” And then she didn’t make it. Now I write everything down, because throwing out unnecessary information is easier than getting what I heard.

Fifth. If questions arise during the teacher’s explanation, do not ask them immediately, but mark them in your notes by underlining or circling them. It is better to ask them all in bulk later, this saves a lot of meeting time.

Sixth. Listen not only to «what» the teacher says, but also «how» he does it. Remember when we talked about how one of the goals might be to “get to know the teacher”?

Seventh. Questions about your child are best asked face-to-face. First, by asking them in the general part of the meeting, you delay others and add to them the very «boring» part that they do not need. Secondly, it may turn out that the teacher does not want to say some things in front of everyone and will do the right thing. Or, conversely, you do not want to hear them in front of everyone.

Eighth. At the end of the meeting, look at your list of questions — the one you prepared ahead of time. Which ones were left unanswered? Do not forget to ask them — right at the very end.

After the meeting

Review your notes, decide what needs to be done urgently and what needs to be taken into account for the future. If any dates are announced — until what date to return the money for the trip or on what day the excursion is planned — put them on the calendar or pin a note on the refrigerator.

If you find out something unpleasant about your own child at a meeting, don’t rush to give him a scolding the same evening. Hold on for at least a day. It is important that emotions subside, and important issues are not resolved in a hurry. Remember that you are on the child’s side.

Julia Gadas





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6 Contemporary parents to modern parents

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Parents better know how to teach

I was made a teacher by my student’s grandmother and my grandmother, who brought me to my senses after the absolute inability to cope with children. They loved me, as, indeed, most of the parents of my students, although I could not do anything, could not cope with discipline, suffered, it was very difficult.

But I became a teacher because I knew: these parents love me, they look at me supportively, they don’t expect me to teach everyone right now. They were assistants, but they did not get into the essence of the pedagogical process, which I did not have then. And the relationship with parents at the school that I graduated from and where I came to work was friendly and benevolent.

We had a lot of children, they studied in two shifts, and the fingers of one hand are enough for me to count those parents with whom there were unresolved issues and cases when I felt guilty, inferior, incompetent or hurt. It was the same even when I was studying: my parents were extremely rare at school, it was not customary to call the teacher, and my parents did not know the phone numbers of teachers. The parents worked.

Today the parents have changed, they are going to school more and more. There were mothers whom I see at school every other day.

Marina Moiseevna Belfer

It became possible to call the teacher at any time and constantly correspond with him in the electronic journal. Yes, the journal suggests the possibility of such correspondence, but given what and how the teacher is busy during the day, this, of course, should occur in exceptional cases.

In addition, the teacher must now participate in school chats. I have never participated in this and will not, but from the stories of my parents I know that in this correspondence there is a lot of dangerous and harmful, in my opinion, from discussing meaningless gossip to forcing unproductive unrest and ridiculous quarrels, which undermines the creative and working atmosphere, created by teachers and students of the gymnasium.

In addition to his lessons, serious, thoughtful extracurricular work with children, self-education and his personal life, a teacher has many responsibilities: he checks the work of children, prepares for lessons, electives, circles, goes on excursions, prepares seminars and field camps, and he cannot correspond with his parents.

I myself have not written a single letter in the electronic journal for all the time that it has been, and no one has demanded this from me. If I have a problem, I have to see my mother, get to know her, look into her eyes, talk. And if I and most of my students do not have problems, then I do not write about anything. To communicate with moms and dads there is a parent meeting or individual meetings.

A colleague, one of the best teachers in Moscow, told how her parents obstructed her at a meeting: she does not prepare children for composition. They want children to be coached on an essay, they know better how to prepare them for it, having a poor idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is generally happening with a teacher in a lesson, that children are constantly learning to work with text and its structure.

Parents, of course, have the right to any question, but they often ask them unkindly, not in order to understand, but to control whether the teacher does everything from his, the parent’s point of view

Today, parents want to know what and how it was in the lesson, they want to check — more precisely, I don’t know if they really want it and can, but they broadcast it.

“In that class, the program went through like this, but in our class, like this. They changed places there, but not here. Why? How many hours do numerals pass according to the program? We open the magazine, we answer: 14 hours. It seems to the questioner that it’s not enough … I can’t imagine that my mother knew how many lessons I studied numerals.

Parents, of course, have the right to any question, but they often ask them unkindly, not in order to understand, but to control whether the teacher does everything from his, the parent’s point of view. But often the parent himself does not know how to complete this or that task, for example, in literature, and therefore considers it incomprehensible, incorrect, difficult. And in the lesson, each stage of solving this problem was spoken out.

He doesn’t understand, not because he is stupid, this parent, but he was just taught differently, and modern education makes other demands. Therefore, sometimes when he interferes in the child’s educational life and in the curriculum, an incident occurs.

Parents believe that the school owes them

Many parents believe that the school owes them, but they do not know what they owe. And many have no desire to understand and accept the requirements of the school. They know what the teacher should, how he should, why he should, why. Of course, this is not about all parents, but about a third are now, to a lesser extent than before, ready for friendly interaction with the school, especially at the middle level, because by the senior classes they calm down, begin to understand a lot, listen and look in the same direction with us.

Rude behavior of parents has also become frequent. Even their appearance has changed when they come to the director’s office. Previously, I could not imagine that on a hot day someone would come to the director for an appointment in shorts or in a tracksuit at home. Behind the style, behind the manner of speaking, there is often a certainty: «I have the right.»

Modern parents, as taxpayers, believe that the school should provide them with a set of educational services, and the state supports them in this. And what should they?

I never say it out loud and I don’t think that we provide educational services: no matter what anyone calls us, no matter how Rosobrnadzor supervises us, we are who we are — teachers. But maybe parents think differently. I will never forget a young father who crossed his legs and explained to the headmaster that he lives in a neighboring house and therefore is not even going to look for another school. Despite the fact that they calmly talked with him, they explained that it can be difficult for a child at school, there is another school nearby where his child will be more comfortable.

Modern parents, as taxpayers, believe that the school should provide them with a set of educational services, and the state supports them in this. And what should they? Do they realize how well their child is prepared for life in high school through their efforts? Does he know how to follow the rules of the general routine, hear the voice of the elder, work independently? Can he do anything on his own at all, or is his family prone to overprotection? And most importantly, this is the problem of motivation, which teachers are now struggling to cope with if there is no ground prepared in the family.

Parents want to run the school

Many of them want to get into all school affairs and take part in them by all means — this is another feature of modern parents, especially non-working mothers.

I am convinced that parental help is needed when a school or teacher asks for it.

The experience of our school shows that the joint activities of parents, children and teachers in preparation for the holidays, on subbotniks at school, in the design of classrooms in creative workshops, in organizing complex creative activities of the class are successful and productive.

The work of parents on the board of directors and boards of trustees can and should be fruitful, but now there is a strong desire of parents to run the school, to tell it what it should do, including outside the activities of the board of directors.

Parents convey to their child their attitude towards school

It is not uncommon for a parent to be dissatisfied with something and say in front of a child about his teacher: “What a fool. ” I can’t imagine my parents and the parents of my friends would say that. It is not necessary to absolutize the place and role of a teacher in a child’s life — although it is often very important, but if you chose a school, you wanted to get into it, then it is probably impossible to go to it without respect for those who created it and who works in it. And respect comes in different forms.

For example, we have children at school who live far away, and when their parents take them to school, they are late every day. For several years, this attitude towards school as a place where you can be late has been passed on to children, and when they go on their own, they are also constantly late, and we have many of them. But the teacher has no mechanisms of influence, he cannot even refuse to let him go to the lesson — he can only call his mother and ask: how long?

Supervisory authorities believe that every classroom should have a camera. Orwell compared to this is resting

Or the appearance of children. We do not have a school uniform and there are no strict clothing requirements, but sometimes one gets the impression that no one has seen the child since the morning, that he does not understand where he is going and why. And clothing is also an attitude to school, to the learning process, to teachers. The same attitude is evidenced by the more frequent departures of parents with children for vacations during school hours, despite the number of vacation days accepted in our country. Children grow up very quickly and adopt the position adopted in the family: «so that the world does not exist, but I have to drink tea.»

Respect for the school, for the teacher begins in childhood with reverence for the authority of parents, and love is naturally dissolved in it: “You can’t do this, because it will upset your mother.” For a believer, this then becomes part of the commandments, when at first he unconsciously, and then with his mind and heart, understands what is possible and what is not. But every family, even non-believers, has its own system of values ​​and commandments, and their child must be consistently instilled.

Behind reverence, says the philosopher Solovyov, fear appears — not fear as a fear of something, but what a religious person calls the fear of God, and for an unbeliever it is the fear of offending, offending, the fear of doing something wrong. And this fear then becomes what is called shame. And then something happens that, in fact, makes a person a person: he has a conscience. Conscience is the true message to you about yourself. And somehow you either immediately understand where the real is and where the imaginary is, or your conscience catches up with you and torments you. Everyone knows this feeling.

Parents complain

Today’s parents have suddenly opened a channel of communication with high authorities, Rosobrnadzor, the prosecutor’s office appeared. Now, as soon as one of the parents is not satisfied with the school, these terrible words immediately sound. And denunciation is becoming the norm, we have come to this. This is the last point in the history of school control. And the intention to install cameras in the offices? Supervisory authorities believe that every classroom should have a camera. Imagine a live teacher working with children who is constantly being watched by a camera.

What will be the name of this educational institution? Are we at school or in a secure institution? Orwell is resting by comparison. Complaints, calls to superiors, claims. This is not a common story at our school, but colleagues tell terrible things. We all learned something, and not somehow, we have been working in the same school for many years, we understand that we need to take everything calmly, but, nevertheless, we are living people, and when our parents pester us, it becomes very difficult to have a dialogue. I am grateful for both good and bad life experiences, but now an unmeasured amount of energy is spent on absolutely not what I would like to spend it on. In our situation, we spend almost a year trying to make the parents of new children our allies.

Parents raise consumers

Another aspect of modern parenthood: many people quite often try to provide their children with the maximum level of comfort, the best conditions in everything: if there is an excursion, parents are categorically against the metro — only a bus, only a comfortable one and preferably a new one, which is much more tiring in Moscow traffic jams. Our children do not take the subway, some of them have never been there at all.

When we recently organized an educational trip abroad — and in our school teachers usually go to the place in advance at their own expense to choose accommodation and think over the program — one mother was very indignant at what an inconvenient flight was chosen as a result (we try to find the most cheap option so that everyone can go).

Parents raise capricious consumers who are completely unadapted to real life, unable to take care not only of others, but also of themselves

It’s not very clear to me: I slept on mats for half my life during our school trips, on motor ships we always swam in the hold and it was wonderful, the most beautiful of our trips. And now there is an exaggerated concern for the comfort of children, parents are raising capricious consumers who are completely unadapted to real life, unable to take care not only of others, but also of themselves. But this is not the topic of the relationship between parents and the school — it seems to me that this is a common problem.

But there are parents who become friends

But we also have amazing parents who become lifelong friends. People who understand us perfectly, take a heartfelt part in everything we do, you can consult with them, discuss something, they can look at it with a friendly look, they can tell the truth, point out a mistake, but at the same time they try to understand do not take the position of an accuser, they know how to take our place.

A good tradition in our school is a parental word at the graduation party: a parent performance, a film, a creative gift from parents to teachers and graduates. And parents who are ready to look in the same direction with us often regret that they themselves did not study at our school.

By alexxlab

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