Quotes about big sister: 50 Sister Quotes — Quotes About Sisters

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115 Sister Quotes & Sayings Family Needs To Hear

A bond that can never be broken, these beautiful sister quotes will speak straight to your heart about the woman in your life who you’ll always cherish.

Allow these lovely quotes about sisters to inspire you to remind the sister in your life of just how special she is to you.

Having a good sister is one of the most precious gifts in life.

There are many reasons why it’s awesome to have a sister.

A sister makes you a better person in many ways.

According to science, having a sister can boost your mental health and self-esteem.

You’ll not feel “lonely, unloved, or guilty when you have a good sister.

When a sister shows you love and affection, it can help you become a more compassionate person who enjoys giving and showing kindness to others.

Besides, a sister will improve your communication skills and help you relate better with others.

Sisters play a vital role in the family and they all deserve our undying love.

They have to be there for us through all the bad and the good times and they often know us better than anyone else.

Also, no one will be more honest with you than your sister.

When you’re wrong or do something stupid, they’ll be the first ones to tell you as it is.

Overall, a sister is someone who will push you to make the most out f your Everyday Power to become the best you can be in life.

To celebrate all sisters in the world, here are some beautiful sister quotes to inspire them to grow up to be powerful women in the world.

Don’t forget to check out our collection of parents quotes about family and support.

Sister Quotes they Need to Hear and will not Forget

1. “A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.” — Marion Garretty

2. “A sister is both your mirror and your opposite.” – Elizabeth Fishel

3. “Little sister, don’t you do what your big sister done.” – Elvis Presley

4. “Look inside any sister relationship and you’ll find a wealth of interesting stories.” – Colleen Sell

5. “Sister is our first friend and second mother.” – Sunny Gupta

6. “When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?” – Pam Brown

7. “The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.” – Cali Rae Turner

8. “A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.” – Isadora James

9. “You can kid the world, but not your sister.”― Charlotte Gray

10. “Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other.” – Carol Saline

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Sister quotes on how valuable they are

11. “There’s nobody in the world that knows me better than my sister. ” – Tia Mowry

12. “We acquire friends and we make enemies, but our sisters come with the territory.” – Evelyn Loeb

13. “How do people make it through life without a sister?”– Sara Corpening

14. “As I grew up, one of my strongest allies has been my sister.” – Patti Smith

15. “My sister ‘was the light of my life’” – Solomon Thomas

16. “My sister is the one person who truly knows me, as I know her.” – Lisa See

17. “Is solace anywhere more comforting than that in the arms of a sister.” – Alice Walker

18. “My sister and I truly are best friends.” – Solange Knowles

19. “Elder sisters never can do younger ones justice!” – Charlotte Mary Yonge

20. “Help one another, is part of the religion of sisterhood.” – Louisa May Alcott

Also read these funny sister quotes celebrating unconditional love.

Sister Quotes about love

21. “She is the only person left in the world who shares my memories.” – Lisa See

22. “A sister’s love is forever, and on your birthday I wish you nothing but the best.” – Danielle Duckery

23. “A sister will always notice her sister’s first gray hairs with glee.” – Allison M. Lee

24. “Once women find sisterhood, there’s nothing stronger.” – Zoe Kravitz

25. “Sweet is the voice of a sister in the season of sorrow.” – Benjamin Disraeli

26. “Sisterhood is a funny thing. It’s easy to recognize, but hard to define.” – Pearl Cleage

27. “Sisters are friends we have for a lifetime.” – Catherine Pulsifer

28. “What’s the good of news if you haven’t a sister to share it?” – James DeVries

29. “My sisters are my favorite people on earth.” – Ryan Phillippe

30. “You’re not my best friend. You’re my sister, and that’s more.” – Jenny Han

Don’t forget to check out these special granddaughter quotes that will warm your heart.

Sister Quotes to celebrate them

31. “Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.” — Amy Li

32. “A sister is like yourself in a different movie, a movie that stars you in a different life.” – Deborah Tannen

33. “An older sister is a friend and defender – a listener, conspirator, a counselor and a sharer of delights. And sorrows too.” – Pam Brown

34. “A sister smiles when one tells stories—for she knows where the decoration has been added.” – Chris Montaigne

35. “She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling even in the dark.” – Barbara Alpert

36. “That’s the best thing about little sisters: They spend so much time wishing they were elder sisters that in the end they’re far wiser than the elder ones could ever be. ” – Gemma Gurgess

37. “When our hair is white, we’ll still have our sister love.” – Lisa See

38. “What are sisters for if not to point out the things the rest of the world is too polite to mention.” – Claire Cook

39. “I always like to win. But I’m the big sister. I want to make sure she has everything, even if I don’t have anything. It’s hard. I love her too much. That’s what counts.” – Venus Williams

40. “Sisters will always love you tomorrow no matter what you do today.” – Marinela Reka

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Inspirational sister quotes

41. “My sister taught me everything I really need to know, and she was only in sixth grade at the time.” – Linda Sunshine

42. “Growing up there were times when I was pretty mad at you, but now that we are grown up I can’t imagine what I would do without you. Thanks, Sis!” – Robert Rivers

43. “Sisters are best friends, they are advisors, they are teachers, and best of all they are people with whom you can talk with about anything – someone you have a special bond with!” – Catherine Pulsifer

44. “A sister is a dearest friend, a closest enemy, and an angel at the time of need.”― Debasish Mridha

45. “I would like more sisters, that the taking out of one, might not leave such stillness.” – Emily Dickinson

46. “Having a elder sister is just like a diamond in darkest room.” – Pratiksha Prajapati

47. “Come on Grace, I’m not going to tell on you. I’m your sister.’ And that’s all she has to say.”― Robin Epstein

48. “My sister is a big part of my actual style. Our style is not similar whatsoever, but she helped me find myself and find what I really liked.” – Sofia Richie

49. “Sisters are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring – quite often the hard way. ” – Pamela Dugdale

50. “A Sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves – a special kind of double.” – Toni Morrison

If you’re enjoying these quotes, read our collection of father daughter quotes about their unbreakable bond.

Sister quotes to brighten your day

51. “Husbands come and go; children come and eventually they go. Friends grow up and move away. But the one thing that’s never lost is your sister.” – Gail Sheeny

52. “My sister and I are so close that we finish each other’s sentences and often wonder who’s memories belong to whom.”– Shannon Celebi

53. “Sisterly love is, of all sentiments, the most abstract. Nature does not grant it any functions.”– Ugo Betti

54. “Without her and her sickness, I would not be here. And without me being a perfect match for my sister, she would not be here as well.” – Marissa Ayala

55. “I’ve always admired my little sister because she’s able to play with no fear. She’s a cutthroat player when it comes to taking risks.” – Ashley Prange

56. “Sisters. Because we all need someone who will defend us behind our back and then call us on our shit to our face.” – Brooke Hampton

57. “She is the mother I never had, she is the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves. I don’t know a better person.” – Oprah Winfrey

58. “She’s always there for me when I need her. She’s my best friend. She’s just my everything.” – Ashley Olsen

59. “To have a loving relationship with a sister is not simply to have a buddy or a confident, it is to have a soulmate for life.” — Victoria Secunda

60. “Parents die, daughters grow up and marry out, but sisters are for life.” – Lisa Lee

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Sister quotes that she’ll love

61. “You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her, as she needs you.” – George R.R. Martin

62. “Only a sister, an alternative self, could inspire such a sordid mix of disgust and envy.” – Namwali Serpell

63. “Sisters are reliably good for two things: hating and loving.” – Jessica Knoll

64. “Sisters share a bond unlike any other – thornier, but also tender, full of possibility.” – Joy McCullough

65. “Nobody fights you like your own sister; nobody else knows the most vulnerable parts of you and will aim for them without mercy.” – Jojo Moyes

66. “Life has its ups and downs, times of sadness and times of joy. You, little sister, have been through it all with me, thanks for being there.” – Catherine Pulsifer

67. “The best gift by god after your parents in this world is your sister. ” – Sacheenrjain

68. “A woman without her sister is like a bird without her wings.” – Moosa Rahat

69. “Big sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of life.” – Charles M. Schulz

70. “Love, Mercy, and Grace, sisters all, attend your wounds of silence and hope.” – Aberjhani

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Other sister quotes and sayings

71. “We didn’t want to admit it then, but we were friends. Best friends.” – Shannon Celebi

72. “I could never love anyone as I love my sisters.” – Amy, ‘Little Women’

73. “I learned many life lessons from watching my big sister make mistakes!” – Kate Summers

74. “We may look old and wise to the outside world. But to each other, we are still in junior school.” – Charlotte Gray

75. “If I was to give you three words to describe my big sister: encourager, supporter, and amazing!” – Ann Butler

76. “Big sisters are the crabgrass in the lawn of life.” – Charles M. Schulz

77. “It’s like having a big sister around who’s been able to show me some things about myself and about life and about this crazy sort of career thing.” – Stevie Nicks

78. “My sisters are my treasures, the women that keep me grounded.” – Daniela Pesconi-Athur

79. “A little sister you once were, but now a great friend you are!” – Catherine Pulsifer

80. “Also remember, sisters, make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they’ll come and go too.” – Marilyn Monroe

Sister quotes that remind you they are your best friend

81. “I love my little sister to death.” – Michael Trevino

82. “Words that describe you: my wise sister, my confidant, and my best friend.” — Catherine Pulsifer

83. “Sister we don’t know what the future holds but we always know we are there for each other.— Catherine Pulsifer

84. “Sister. You are not only a strong woman, you are the strongest tie to the best years of my life.” — Melanie J. Pellowski

85. “It is to be treasured when sisters are close or best friends, and what a loss for both of them when they aren’t.” — Linda Hale Bucklin

86. “Your sister is a jewel, a priceless, one-of-a-kind gem who makes living precious for many people, including you.” — Dave Pipitone

87. “Sister you were the one I always told on, now you’re the friend I always lean on. I count my blessings everyday for you.” — Catherine Pulsifer

88. “Appreciation I send to you my sister, for always being there, for your support and encouragement. On you I can always count.” — Catherine Pulsifer

89. “Parents are just parents, brothers are just brothers, best friends are just best friends, even husbands are just husbands, but sisters—well, sisters are the ones to whom sisters always turn in times of joy or trouble, celebration or crisis.— Lorraine Bodger

90. “Often, in old age, the sisters become each other’s chosen and most happy companions. In addition to their shared memories of childhood and their relationship to each other’s children, they . . . carry the echoes of their mother’s voice.” — Margaret Mead

Sister quotes that will make you want to hug and pull their hair at the same time

91. “For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands.” – Christina Rossetti

92. “Sister is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship.” – Margaret Mead

93. “There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me.” – Mary Wortley Montagu

94. “Whatever you do they will love you; even if they don’t love you they are connected to you till you die. You can be boring and tedious with -sisters, whereas you have to put on a good face with friends.” – Deborah Moggach

95. “If sisters were free to express how they really feel, parents would hear this: “Give me all the attention and all the toys and send Rebecca to live with Grandma.” – Linda Sunshine

96. “One of the best things about being an adult is the realization that you can share with your sister and still have plenty for yourself.” – Betsy Z. Cohen

97. “You keep your past by having sisters. As you get older, they’re the only ones who don’t get bored if you talk about your memories.” – Deborah Moggach

98. “Actually, Keke is my nickname. When I was little, my sister was about four years old, and she had an imaginary friend named Keke. And she wanted my name to be Keke.” – Keke Palmer

99. “My older sister encouraged me from early on and bought me one of the first guitars I had. She listened to all of the crappy songs that I wrote when I was 8 years old and encouraged me to keep doing it.” – Tracy Chapman

100. “When I was younger, my sister thought it was funny to pretend to punch me in the face because my mom was concerned about my teeth falling out. They were loose for a long time, and she knocked out my teeth.” – Amy Adams

Little sister quotes

101. “Little sisters can be a pain, but the big sister heroine worship can’t be beat.” – Allison M. Lee

102. “Even though you are my little sister, your hugs during the difficult times in my life, have been like a hug from God.” – Kate Summers

103. “Growing up you sometimes got the blame for things I did, but you always loved me not matter what. Now that I am older you my sister I am grateful for.” – Kate Summers

104. “A sister is both your mirror and your opposite.” – Elizabeth Fishel

105. “At this point, none of us are sure why we fight. We’re sisters. We need no good reason to fight, even though we have plenty of them.” — Ken Wheaton

Amazing Sister Quotes To Spice Up Sisterhood Relationships

106. “She is my sounding board, my confidante, my keeper of secrets – and my best friend.” –  Kathleen O’Keefe

107. “God sent me an angel when he gave me you as a sister.” – Catherine Pulsifer

108. “Sisters share the scent and smells – the feel of a common childhood.” – Pam Brown

109. “I suppose there are sisters that don’t compete. I have never met one.” – Lisa Grunwald

110. “Of two sisters, one is always the watcher, one the dancer.” – Louise Gluck

111. “Each family of sisters has a language and a turn of phrase all its own.” – Barbara Mathias

112. “Sister, you will always be a special part of my life.” – Catherine Pulsifer

113. “Other things may change us, but we start and end with family.” – Anthony Brandt

114. “Sisters become more beautiful as each day passes by.” Michelle Malm

115. “A sister travels with you always. She is only a whisper or a thought or a prayer away..She moves through our lives with us.” – Roxie Kelley

Which of these quotes about sisters was your favorite?

One of the most important things you can have in life is having a loyal, loving, honest, compassionate, and trustworthy sister who listens well.

Hopefully, these quotes about sisters have reminded you why all sisters need love and how they play an important role in the family.

Did you enjoy these sister quotes?

Which of the quotes was your favorite?

We would love to hear all about it in the comment section below.

50+ BEST Big Sister Quotes And Sayings [With Images]

Are you looking for the best big sister quotes to share with your sister?

Or maybe you’re a big sister looking for the best being a big sister quotes?

Then these quotes about big sisters are sure to remind you of the special bond you share with your big sister.

A big sister is someone who’s been where you’ve been.

Someone you can call when things aren’t going right.

She is your defender and co-conspirator.

Your second mom.

Your best friend.

So, if you are wanting to let your big sister know just how much she means to you then these older sister quotes are sure to inspire you!

Here you’ll find the best big sister love quotes, my big sister quotes, quotes about a big sister, quotes on big sister, new big sister sayings, proud big sister quotes, and more!

And if you love these quotes about big sisters make sure you also check out these sister quotes and I love my sister quotes!

Best Big Sister Quotes

‘A big sister is someone who’s been where you’ve been; someone you can call when things aren’t going right; is more than just family; a big sister is a forever friend.

Editors note: You are welcome to share and use the original bigger sister quotes and images contained below. Please give credit back to our page. Non-commercial use only.

Quotes For A Big Sister

‘A big sister is your first friend and your second mother.’

‘My big sister might not always be by my side, but she is always in my heart.’

‘A big sister just gets it.’

‘I am so blessed to call you my big sister. Since I was born, your love patience and kindness has guided me through. I know some days that was not easy, but you always showed up and did your best. I have always felt your love. And for that, I am forever grateful. You truly are the most wonderful big sister I could have ever wished for.’

‘Having a big sister like you is the best gift I could have ever wished for.’

‘Having a big sister means you always have backup.’

‘Things are never quite as scary when you’ve got a big sister by your side.

‘To my big sister, thank you for being such a great role model for me growing up. I always looked up to you and still do. You’re the greatest big sister I could have ever wished for.’

Quotes On Big Sister

‘A big sister doesn’t just know your story. She helped you write it!’

‘Here we are big sister and little sister, together as friends, ready to face whatever life sends.’

‘Big sisters are the people in your life that you can spend a whole day doing nothing with, but still have the best time.’

‘She’s not just my big sister; she’s my best friend.’

‘All my favorite memories have my big sister in them.’

‘All throughout childhood my big sister always had my back, and even as we have grown older nothing has changed in the least.’

‘Big sisters are like angels. They sparkle, twinkle, and glow. They are the greatest gift our hearts will ever know.’

‘Big sisters help you find important things when you have lost them. Things like smiles, your hopes, and your courage.’

Older Sister Quotes

‘An older sister is a friend and defender – a listener, conspirator, a counselor and a sharer of delights. And sorrows too.’ – Pam Brown

‘An older sister doesn’t just know all your best stories; she has lived them with you.’

‘I cannot imagine my life without my older sister in it. She is my best friend.’

‘Anything is possible when you have your older sister there to support you.’

‘Happiness is spending time with your older sister.’

‘I didn’t get to choose who my older sister would be, but if I did, I would still choose you.’

‘I am so blessed to have such an incredible older sister. I’ll always admire you!’

Big Sister Love Quotes

‘No one in the world loves you the way a big sister does.’

‘No matter the highs or lows that life brings, the one thing that remains constant is the love of a big sister.

‘Having a loving big sister is one of the greatest blessings your heart will ever know.’

‘A loving big sister is a gift for your soul.’

‘I want to thank you for being the most loving and caring big sister in the world. No one understands me better than you. You are my everything and more.’

‘Friends will make us laugh, lovers make us smile, but big sisters are ones who stay back and wipe all the tears!’

My Big Sister Quotes

‘I love my big sister! She means more to me than she’ll ever know.’

‘To my big sister, I don’t know how to thank you for everything you’ve done for me, but I am forever grateful to have you as my big sister and my best friend.’

‘My big sister always knows how to bring out the best in me.’

‘When I think about all the blessings in my life, my big sister is there at the top of the list.’

‘My big sister by chance. My best friend by choice.’

‘Happiness is having my big sister to share life with.

‘I may call you my big sister, but my heart actually calls you, my bestie.’

‘My big sister was my first friend and even after all these years she is still the best friend I have ever had.’

‘We laugh, we cry, we make time fly. We are best friends, my big sister and I.’

Quotes About A Big Sister

‘Big sisters are the people that teach us about life. They teach us what it means to be kind and caring, to be fair, and to know we will not always be right. They teach us about teamwork, conflict resolution, and most importantly they teach us what it is to love and be loved.’

‘Big sisters make the good times better and the hard times easier.’

‘A big sister is part blood, part mom, part rival, and forever friend.’

‘The best things in life are not things, they are big sisters.’

‘Happiness is when your big sister comes and hugs you just because.’

‘One big sister changes a million things.’

‘To my big sister, thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for making me laugh when I didn’t even want to smile.’

‘A big sister is the kind of special friend you search high and low to have, but she’s standing alongside you since the very start.’

Being A Big Sister Quotes

‘I’m the big sister. I want to make sure she has everything, even if I don’t have anything. It’s hard. I love her too much. That’s what counts.’ – Venus Williams

‘Being your big sister is the best thing that has ever happened to me.’

‘As your big sister, I may not be able to solve all your problems, but I promise you won’t have to face them alone.’

‘I know growing up being a big sister wasn’t easy, but you made it look effortless. Thank you.’ 

Final Thoughts On Quotes On Older Sister

There is something so special about having a big sister to share your life with.

We hope these older sister quotes and quotes for older sister put into words those little sister feels!

And if you’re looking for more great quotes, then check out these I love my sister quotes, little sister quotes, brother and sister quotes, and sister quotes.

100+ [BEST] Sister Quotes and Sample Messages (in 2022)

Definition (having a sister) | Elder Sister | Little Sister |
From Brother (To Sister) | To Brother (From Sister) | Funny | Birthday |
Best Sister | Soul Sister | Sisterly Love | Friendship | Sisterly Bond and Relationship |
Missing You | Losing a Sister | Inspirational | On Mother’s Day |Wedding |
Sister Goals | Loyalty | Memories | Sorority |
Memes | GIFs | Movie Quotes (from Frozen and others)

Growing up with a sister can be wonderful, but it can also be annoying. But then again, your sisters are irreplaceable, and no matter where life takes you, that will always stay true.

Whether you’re the wild little sister or the reliable big sister, letting them know how much they mean to you is very important.

Discover in this article, 100 of the best sister quotes that you can share with them during special occasions, or just about any other day. Improve your sister’s love with these inspirational quotes today!

Definition (having a sister)

1. A true sister will stand by your side.

2. A sister is a special type of angel on earth who brings out your best qualities.

3. Sisters help make the hard times easier and the easy times more fun.

4. The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.

5. Sisters are the friends who know all of your secrets but will never judge you.

6. Sisters may share the same mother and father but appear to come from different families.

7. A sister is both your mirror and your opposite. – Elizabeth Fishel

8. Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other. – Carol Saline

9. A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life. – Isadora James

10. Also remember, sisters, make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they’ll come and go too. – Marilyn Monroe

11. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she’s the reason you wish you were an only child. — Barbara Alpert

Elder sister

1. An older sister is a friend and defender – a listener, conspirator, a counselor, and a sharer of delights. And sorrows too.

2. Dear sister, you may be gone from my sight, but you are never far from my heart.

3. Sisters teach us about cooperation, fairness, caring, and kindness. Oftentimes, they teach us these lessons the hard way.

4. Older sisters are the only people who will pick on you for their own amusement and beat up anyone else who tries to do the same.

5. What I really love about being your sister is that we can have inappropriate conversations that no rational person would ever have.

Little sister

1. That’s the best thing about little sisters: They spend so much time wishing they were elder sisters that in the end, they’re far wiser than the elder ones could ever be.

2. Being sisters means you always have a backup.

3. A perfect sister I am not, but thankful for the one I’ve got.

4. It’s so hard to be an adult, responsible, and sensible every second of the day. That’s why it’s so great to have a sister who has a heart as young as yours.

5. At this point, none of us are sure why we fight. We’re sisters. We need no good reason to fight, even though we have plenty of them. — Ken Wheaton

From Brother (to sister)

1. Sisters are for sharing laughter and wiping tears.

2. I love you, little sister. Please remember I will always be here for you no matter what. Love, your handsome brother.

3. A conversation with my sister will always bring me comfort – no matter what life throws at me.

4. As a big brother, the day comes when you have to respect your baby sister’s thoughts, actions, and vision as a mature and intellectual woman.

5. As a little brother, I respect you, care for you, and love for you. I won’t disappoint you sister.

To Brother (from sister)

1. I have a tendency to become a mother to everyone around me. My brother and sister are always complaining that I’m too protective. – Penelope Cruz

2. Being a sister and brother means being there for each other.

3. My brother has the best sister in the world.

4. The greatest gift our parents gave us was each other.

5. You and I are brothers and sisters forever. Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up. As soon as I finish laughing.

6. I grew up together with you and nobody in the world has a strong bond as we have. I love you.


1. Sisters love each other dearly, but at the same time, want to wring each other’s necks.

2. I smile because you’re my sister. I laugh because you can’t do anything about it.

3. More than Santa Claus, your sister knows when you’ve been bad and good.

4. Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember, oh I put up with you. So we’re even.

5. There is no problem that sisters cannot confront, combat, plot against, ignore, make fun of, drown in chocolate sauce, or run over with the car.

6. If you ask me, being a sister is even better than being a princess.

7. When I say I won’t tell anyone, my sister doesn’t count.

8. You and I are sisters. Always remember that if you fall, I will pick you up … after I finish laughing.

9. The great thing about having a sister is that there’s always someone to pass the blame on.

10. Do you think I am crazy? You should meet my sister!

11. It’s better to compete with your sister than with other people. If you lose, she will shower you with hugs and kisses instead of insults.

12. Sisters have a Tom and Jerry relationship, always on each other’s trail but can never be complete without the other.


1. Let us celebrate your birthday by promising that we will always remain at each other’s side no matter what happens. Happy Birthday, Sister.

2. I am so thankful to have a sister like you in my life. Celebrate your birthday in a big way! You have always deserved the best.

3. The most heartfelt birthday greetings to the person whose presence in my life makes it so bright and special!

4. Sisters are very similar to the best friends. Often you never know that they are keeping a close and caring eye on you so that nothing can bother your happiness. Happy Birthday.

5. Some say that wishes are for the stars, but I can wish you too because I know you’ve already become a star in my life. Happy Birthday, sister.

6. You have always been my partner in crime, but you are going to have to do this getting older thing all by yourself. Happy Birthday.

7. Of all the gifts that are big and small, sisters are the very best of all.

Best sister

1. I can choose my lovers and my friends. But I never had the opportunity to choose my sister, and I’m glad I didn’t because she is the best sister anyone could ever have.

2. Sisters aren’t best friends – they’re even better.

3. I never try to make anyone my best friend because I already have one and she is my sister.

4. Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there. — Amy Li

5. My sister is my best friend because she believes in me when I don’t believe in myself.

Soul Sister

1. Sisters don’t need words. They’ve perfected their own secret language.

2. A good friend will listen to your worries with open ears, but only a sister will listen to your worries and fears with an open heart.

3. Sisters always know when it’s time to talk, and when it’s time to listen; when it’s time cry, and when it’s time to laugh.

Sisterly love

1. Sisterly love is, of all sentiments, the most abstract. Nature does not grant it any functions.

2. There are only two things you need in this world: love and a sister.

3. Side by side or miles apart we are sisters connected by the heart.

4. Sisters bring out the strongest of emotions and the best in us. They’re the first people we love and a lifelong friend.

5. If you don’t understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child. — Linda Sunshine

6. A sister smile when one tells one’s stories, for she knows where the decoration has been added. – Chris Montaigne

Sisterly bond and relationship

1. Bonds between sisters are tightly woven and sometimes loosely held. But they can never be broken.

2. You can kid the world. But not your sister. — Charlotte Gray

3. It’s nice to grow up with a sister; someone to lean on, to count on, and to tell on.

4. When we stand shoulder to shoulder, sister, no one can ever come between us.

5. There’s nobody in the world that knows me better than my sister.

6. Sister is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship.

7. Sisters are a lot like cats. They fight and claw at each other, but at the end of the day, they snuggle up together and daydream.

8. Sisters, as you know, also have a unique relationship. This is the person who has known you your entire life, who should love you and stand by you no matter what, and yet it’s your sister who knows exactly where to drive the knife to hurt you the most. – Lisa See

9. When traveling life’s journey, it’s good to have a sister’s hand to hold on to.

10. Only a sister will tell you honestly when an outfit you’re wearing doesn’t look great on you.

11. Is solace anywhere more comforting than in the arms of a sister? – Alice Walker

12. Sisters are probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship. – Margaret Mead


1. A sister in a friend will come and go but a friend in a sister will always remain.

2. Boys leave, so do friends, but sisters are friends that will never go. And they just happen to have come from the same mother.

3. Sisters are friends you can be truly honest with.

4. For there is no friend like a sister In calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands.

5. There is no friend than a sister, and there is no better sister than you.

6. With friends, you have to put on a good face, but with sisters, you can be tedious and even boring.

7. There is no better friend in this world than a sister, and no sister in the world is better than you.

Missing you

1. In life, people will come and go. Friends change as swiftly as the weather. But I always know that my sister will be here forever.

2. Sisters are always connected at the heart even if they’re miles apart.

3. Remember sister, you are always in my heart. I keep you so close that there is no chance of escaping.

Losing a sister

1. Fairies truly are real. I have one, and I call her sister.

2. Sis, you will always have a special place in my life.

3. What’s good news if you have no sister to share it with?

4. I don’t understand how people make it through life without a sister.


1. Sisters are two distinct flowers from the same beautiful garden.

2. Sisters are mirrors that let us see who we really are on the inside.

3. Never look down on your sister except when you’re picking her up.

4. I know for certain that destiny and fate are on my side because I share wonderful memories with a sister who saw me through life’s greatest strides.

On Mother’s Day

1. My sisters and my mom, those people help me get through every single day.


1. Raising my glass today to toast my beautiful sis, you are truly one of a kind.

2. Your wedding day will come and go, but may your love forever grow.

3. Happy married life my dear sister. You are going to be an awesome wife just the way you were an amazing daughter, a wonderful sister, and adorable friend.

4. Best wishes on this wonderful journey, as you build your new lives together.

Sister goals

1. Help one another is part of the religion of sisterhood.

2. Sisters are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring – quite often the hard way. – Pamela Dugdale

3. While growing up, sisters fight to make each other stronger and ready to face the cruel world.

4. We’ll always fight, but we’ll always make up as well. That’s what sisters do: we argue, we point out each other’s frailties, mistakes, and bad judgment, we flash the insecurities we’ve had since childhood, and then we come back together. Until the next time. — Lisa See


1. A loyal sister is worth a thousand friends.

2. The media leads us to believe that the most important relationship in our lives is a romantic one. But sisterhood will last longer than any other relationship. Sisters will always be there.

3. Sisters are two peas in a pod, bugs in a rug, birds of a feather, and friends forever.

4. I may fight with my sister, but if you try to lay a hand on her, you’ll have to deal with me.

5. Friends change, lovers leave, sisters are eternal.

6. Our sisters are there for us from the start of our own personal stories until the very end.


1. A sister shares childhood memories and grown-up dreams.

2. Sisters help make the hard times easier and the easy times more fun.

3. A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. — Marion Garretty

4. Sisters never quite forgive each other for what happened when they were five.” — Pam Brown

5. Sisters make the good times even better and the hard times just a little bit easier.

6. Sweet, crazy conversations full of half sentences, daydreams, and misunderstandings more thrilling than understanding could ever be. — Toni Morrison

7. Sisters share the smells, scents, and feelings of a shared childhood.

8. Life would be empty and incomplete without a sister to share my life’s greatest moments with.

9. All of the textbooks, tutorials, guides, and journals in the world couldn’t teach you the life experiences that your sister can teach you.


1. Sisterhood is powerful.

2. We may be sisters by blood, but we’re friends by choice.

3. Help one another is part of the religion of sisterhood. — Louisa May Alcott

4. We make enemies and acquire friends throughout life. But our sisters – they come with the territory.









TV and Movie Quotes (from Frozen and others)

A sister is that person who understands you the best, protects and loves you without asking for anything in return.

If you have a sister, she gave you the first example of what true friendship and deep connection mean. Is it not?

As children, you might have had many fights, as children often do. However, quickly everything was forgotten and forgiven. That was your first exercise of:

  • Agreeing to disagree
  • Offer love and support
  • Be tolerant
  • Make concessions and understand the true meaning of compromise
  • Feel useful and needed
  • Daring to ask for help

Check out these 100 of the best Sister Quotes and become even better, more understanding and compassionate siblings to your fantastic sister(s).

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Sister Quotes & Sayings on Sisterhood

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The relationship that exists between sisters is unlike any other.

Sisters may be women who grew up under the same roof as you or dear friends you form a special bond with.Advertisements

Sisterhood means having a friend who will be there for life. If she was there from the beginning, you and your sister may share childhood memories that nobody else can connect to or understand in quite the same way.

Your sister may drive you crazy, or she may inspire you.

You may be so close that you have to speak every day, or you might only catch up at big family events. It doesn’t matter what your sister-relationship looks like, even if it is less than perfect.

Your sisters are irreplaceable, and no matter where life takes you, that much will always be true. There will always be opportunities to let your sister know how much she means to you and how important she is.

So with that in mind, we’ve put together a list of all the best sister quotes. Whether it’s her birthday, Sisters Day (the first Sunday in August), or another special day, why not share your favorite and celebrate your special bond together.

Page Contents

Quotes about Sisters

“Of two sisters one is always the watcher, one the dancer.” – Elizabeth Glück

Sisters, as you know, also have a unique relationship. This is the person who has known you your entire life, who should love you and stand by you no matter what, and yet it’s your sister who knows exactly where to drive the knife to hurt you the most.

Lisa See

Sisters are like cats. They claw each other all the time but still snuggle up and daydream together.


When traveling life’s journey it’s good to have a sister’s hand to hold on to.


We didn’t want to admit it then, but we were friends. Best friends.

Shannon Celebi


The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other.


“Sister is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship.” – Margaret Mead

There is no time like the old time, when you and I were young.

Oliver Wendell Holmes

Parents die, daughters grow up and marry out, but sisters are for life.

Lisa Lee

Our roots say we’re sisters, our hearts say we’re friends.


If you don’t understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child.

Linda Sunshine

Our siblings push buttons that cast us in roles we felt sure we had let go of long ago – the baby, the peacekeeper, the caretaker, the avoider…. It doesn’t seem to matter how much time has elapsed or how far we’ve traveled.

Jane Mersky Leder

“My sister and I are so close that we finish each other’s sentences and often wonder who’s memories belong to whom.” – Shannon Celebi

We acquire friends and we make enemies, but our sisters come with the territory.

Evelyn Loeb


Sisters may share the same mother and father but appear to come from different families.


A sister smiles when one tells one’s stories – for she knows where the decoration has been added.

Chris Montaigne

We hang out, we help one another, we tell one another our worst fears and biggest secrets, and then just like real sisters, we listen and don’t judge.

Adriana Trigiani

Bond is stronger than blood. The family grows stronger by bond.

Itohan Eghide


Your parents leave you too soon and your kids and spouse come along late, but your siblings know you when you are in your most inchoate form.

Jeffrey Kluger

When mom and dad don’t understand, a sister always will.


A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves – a special kind of double.

Toni Morrison

“Is solace anywhere more comforting than in the arms of a sister?” – Alice Walker

Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other.

Carol Saline

Sisters are blessed with an extra sense that whispers when the other needs them.


Sisters are like flowers in the garden of life.



Children of the same family, the same blood, with the same first associations and habits, have some means of enjoyment in their power, which no subsequent connections can supply.

Jane Austen

Big Sister Quotes

“A sister is our first friend and second mother.” – Sunny Gupta

Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.

Amy Li

You’re a big sister?’ I was shocked. She seemed so good-natured and compassionate.

Natalie Standiford

Elder sisters never can do younger ones justice!

Charlotte M. Yonge

Big sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of life.

Charlie BrownAdvertisements

She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway.

Barbara Alpert

We are sisters. We will always be sisters. Our differences may never go away, but neither, for me, will our song.

Elizabeth Fishel

We didn’t want to admit it then, but we were friends. Best friends.

Shannon Celebi

You’re not my best friend. You’re my sister, and that’s more.

Jenny Han

“A sister is both your mirror – and your opposite.” – Elizabeth Fishel

An older sister helps one remain half child, half woman.


An older sister is a friend and defender – a listener, conspirator, a counsellor and a sharer of delights. And sorrows too.

Pam BrownAdvertisements

My sister taught me everything I really need to know, and she was only in sixth grade at the time.

Linda Sunshine

I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.


Little Sister Quotes

“You can kid the world, but not your sister.” – Charlotte Gray

How the hell do you sum up your sister in three minutes? She’s your twin and your polar opposite. She’s your constant companion and your competition. She’s your best friend and the biggest bitch in the world. She’s everything you wish you could be and everything you wish you weren’t.

M. Molly Backes

If your sister is in a tearing hurry to go out and cannot catch your eye, she’s wearing your best sweater.

Pam Brown

I know some sisters who only see each other on Mother’s Day and some who will never speak again. But most are like my sister and me… linked by volatile love, best friends who make other best friends ever so slightly less best.

Patricia Volk

That’s the best thing about little sisters: They spend so much time wishing they were elder sisters that in the end they’re far wiser than the elder ones could ever be.

Gemma GurgessAdvertisements

“You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her, as she needs you..” – George R.R. Martin

A sister is a friend you don’t have to avoid the truth with.

Michelle Malm

You can’t think how I depend on you, and when you’re not there the colour goes out of my life.

Virginia Woolf

What are sisters for if not to point out the things the rest of the world is too polite to mention.

Claire Cook

Quotes from Famous Sisters

Don’t believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at.

Maya Angelou

You know full well as I do the value of sisters’ affections; there is nothing like it in this world.

Charlotte Brontë


Sweet is the voice of a sister in the season of sorrow.

Benjamin Disraeli

“There’s nobody in the world that knows me better than my sister.” – Tia Mowry

I’m the big sister. I want to make sure she has everything, even if I don’t have anything. I love her too much.

Venus Williams

A toast once heard: “To my big sister, who never found her second Easter egg until I’d found my first”.

Robert Brault

A ministering angel shall my sister be.

William Shakespeare

The boughs, without becoming detached from the trunk grow away from it.

Victor Hugo

Girls will be your friends – they’ll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything – they’re your true best friends.

Marilyn Monroe

I would like more sisters, that the taking out of one, might not leave such stillness..

Emily Dickinson

There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me.

Mary Montague

Brothers and sisters are one of the constant things in the lives of many people.

Richard Branson

What’s the good of news if you haven’t a sister to share it?

James DeVries

“When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?” – Pam Brown

Sisterhood and Friendship

When our hair is white, we’ll still have our sister love.

Lisa See

A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.

Isadora JamesAdvertisements

I, who have no sisters or brothers, look with some degree of innocent envy on those who may be said to be born to friends.

James Boswell

If you have a sister and she dies, do you stop saying you have one? Or are you always a sister, even when the other half of the equation is gone?

Jodi Picoult

“Side by side or miles apart, sisters will always be connected by heart.” – Unknown

It is strange how sisters can be saviors or strangers and sometimes a bit of both.

Amanda Lovelace

I love the notion of “storm sisters” – soul friends who help us get through life’s most raw and painful transitions.

Jennifer Grant

A sibling may be the keeper of one’s identity, the only person with the keys to one’s unfettered, more fundamental self.

Marian Sandmaier

“The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.” – Cali Rae Turner

So distant but so close. So different but so similar. That’s why I love my sister.

Maxime Lagacé

How do people make it through life without a sister?

Sara CorpeningAdvertisements

Friends grow up and move away. But the one thing that’s never lost is your sister.

Gail Sheeny

I’ve known every love possible, but as the years stretched out, the love I longed for the most is the one I shared with my sister.

Josephine Angelini

To have a loving relationship with a sister is not simply to have a buddy or a confident… it is to have a soul mate for life.

Victoria Secunda

One’s sister is part of one’s essential self, an eternal presence of ones’ heart, soul and memory.

Susan Cabil

“Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring – quite often the hard way.” – Pamela Dugdale

A sister is a forever friend.


Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk.

Susan Scarf Merrell

Sisterly love is, of all sentiments, the most abstract. Nature does not grant it any functions.

Ugo BettiAdvertisements

No life’s worth more than any other, no sister worth less than any brother.

Michael Franti

A sister is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best thing you can be.


More than Santa Claus, your sister knows when you’ve been bad and good!


It was nice to be in such close physical proximity, even though they hadn’t spoken in months, and only via cursory birthday cards and the like. In the end, it didn’t matter. Sisters were sisters.

Emma Straub

Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.

Vietnamese Proverb

…she’ll go and fall in love, and there’s an end of peace and fun, and cozy times together.

Louisa May AlcottAdvertisements

“There is no better friend than a sister. And there is no better sister than you.” – Unknown

We hope you were able to relate to a few of the sister quotes we shared here. Whether funny or heartfelt, these sayings and quotes about sisters are the perfect way to celebrate and recognize a special bond.

Is your favorite missing from our list? Share it with us and all our readers in the comments.

73 Beautiful Quotes About Sisters Bond

Growing up with a sister is a blessing and can maybe, occasionally feel like a chore. Your clothes go missing, you fight and argue, and ultimately, you defend and love each other fiercely. Although you may drive each other insane at times you always know that you will be there for each other.

Believe it or not, for most people with sisters this experience is very similar, regardless of where or when you grew up. So enjoy these sister quotes from people from around the world that you and your sister will definitely relate to, laugh at and find comradery with those all over the world. 



Sisters are different flowers from the same garden. 

In the cookies of life, sisters are the chocolate chips. 

Sisters make the bad times food and the good times unforgettable. 

Side by side or miles apart, sisters will always be connected by heart. 

The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other. 

Sisters don’t need daily conversation, they don’t always need to be together, as long as they live in each other’s hearts. 

Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other – Carol Saline

You and I are sisters. Always remember that if you fall, I will pick you up. 

Sister – the best friend that you can never get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there. – Amy Li

Sister, you are like my angel, with a love that always glows. You are one of the greatest gifts my heart will ever know. 

Because angels are sometimes busy elsewhere, God created sisters like you. 

A sister is God’s way of proving that he doesn’t want us to walk alone. 

A sister is with a thousand friends. 

They’re half my soul and half my heart. Without my sisters, I’d fall apart. 

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. – Marion Garretty

All my life you have been there. You picked up when I was down. You encouraged me when I had doubts. And you always loved me, even when I was loveable. Thank you, my sister. 

Be kind to thy sister. Not many may know the depths of true sisterly love. – Margaret Courtney

Sisters are angels who lift us up when our wings forget how to fly.  

My sister, my best friend. I’m not sure what I did to deserve her. – Raman Nagarajan

— 20th of 73 Sister Quotes

A sister is both your mirror and your opposite. – Elizabeth Fishel

My support, my ally, my entertainment, my audience, my critic, my biggest fan, my best friend… my sister. – Arpit Bhushan Sharma

If I could give my sister just one thing in life, it would be the ability to see herself through my eyes, only then would she realize how special she is to me. 

Friends by heart, sisters by soul. 

Being sisters means you always have backup. 

I have shared so many moments with my sister that no one else will understand. We laugh at inside jokes, have our own catchphrases, and understand each other’s joy and pain. I can’t imagine anyone who would make a better best friend than you and I’m so happy to have you in my life. 

In this life, we will never truly be apart, for we grew to the same beat of our mother’s heart.Daphne Fandrich

Talking to your sister is sometimes all the therapy you need. 

When travelling life’s journey, it’s good to have a sister’s hand to hold. 

A woman without her sister is like a bird without wings. 

When I think of you, I think of kindness, wisdom and love. Thank you for being my sister. – Sam Crow

Be nice to your sister. Your friends will come and go but you will always have your sister. 

We didn’t realize that we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun. – A. A. Milne

Big sister: my first friend, my second mother, my protector from the start. 

The best things in life are not things, they are sisters. 

To my sister:: you are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. You mean the world to me and I love you. 

My sister and I are more than friends. We’re like a really small gang. 

Our roots say that we are sisters, our hearts say that we are friends.  

When life’s hills become too steep to climb on my own, my sister takes my hand and reminds me that I didn’t have to climb it alone, to begin with. 

Sister: a person who has been where you have been; someone you can call when things aren’t going right; is more than just family; a sister is a forever friend. 

— 40th of 73 Quotes About Sisters

When I say that I won’t tell anyone, my sister doesn’t count. 

Sister, you are like my angel, with a love that always glows. You are one of the greatest gifts my heart will ever know. 

Sister, in my garden of special memories, times shared with you are some of the most beautiful flowers at all. 

One of the best things in life is when you hug your sister and she hugs you back even tighter. 

The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other. 

My sister reminds me by their very steadfastness that truth, beauty and goodness exist in the world. 

Sisters are for sharing laughter and wiping tears.  

No matter how much my sister and I disagree, she will always be there to have my back. 

A perfect sister I am not, but thankful for the one I’ve got. 

Sisters help you find important things when you have lost them. Things like your smile, your hopes and your courage. 

There is no problem that sisters can not confront, combat, plot against, ignore, make fun of, drown in chocolate sauce, or overcome. 

Sisters may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her as she needs you. – George R. R. Martin

Three things make life worth living: chocolate, wine and sisters. 

Sisters share childhood memories and grown-up dreams. 

Our paths may change as life goes along but our bond as sisters will remain ever strong. 

A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life. – Isadora James

Sisters take care of each other, watch out for each other, comfort each other, are there for each other through thick and thin.  

If a catastrophe should strike, sisters are there. Defending you against all corners. 

A sister is someone who loves you from the heart. No matter how much you argue you cannot be drawn apart. She is a joy that cannot be taken away. Once she enters your life, she is there to stay. – Amar Pandey

For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather, to cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands. – Christina Rossetti

— 60th of 73 Sister Quotes

An older sister is a friend and defender – a listener, conspirator, a counsellor and a sharer of delights and sorrows too. – Pam Brown

Sisters help you find important things when you have lost them. Things like your smiles, your hopes and your courage. 

Sisters are like stars. You don’t always see them but you know that they are always there.  

Sisters will always love you tomorrow, no matter what you do today. – Marinela Reka

Good sisters share their dreams, ignore their faults, keep each other’s secrets, ease their worries, and raise their spirits. They hold a place in their hearts no one else can fill. 

My sister, my friend. Our lives were brought together by a greater plan but is by choice we became friends. 

Only a sister can be the kind of friend who really knows you and loves and accepts you through it all. 

For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather. – Christina Rossetti

We’re sisters, you’re my family – What is you is me. 

Sisters are angels who lift us up when our wings forget how to fly. 

Sisters don’t need daily conversation. They don’t always need to be together, as long as they live in each other’s hearts. – Nevy.


And there you have it. Which one is your favourite sister quote? Do you have a favourite quote about sisters and sisterhood that didn’t make it on the list?


More Quotes:

46 Rick And Morty Quotes // 55 SpongeBob Quotes // 55 Life Quotes 
73 Romantic Love Quotes // 55 Love Quotes For Her // 55 Love Quotes For Him

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Ashley Cusson

Ashley is a writer, artist, and doula from Canada. She is a mom of 5 children and 4 furry friends. When not writing and helping people through the birthing process you can find her drawing, playing board games with her kids, and playing video games.

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The 105 Big Sister Quotes

We all have a best friend that we turn to in times of problems and pleasure.
We have that one person we always confide in and share our dreams with.
Most often than not, our big sisters are the ones we could always reach and talk to. Our big sisters are not just our family; they can be our best friends and confidante too.

Our big sisters are the younger versions of our moms. And it is also as hard as being a mom.

Our big sisters are our defenders/ they are our listeners, our counsellor, and our friend. They share our sorrow and our delights too.

The crabgrass in the lawn of our lives is our big sisters.

My big sister needs to have a brother she can depend on. I am trying to be one to her.

Thank you for being with me; I always enjoy being your little sister.


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It could have been the best family picture if only my big sister had been there with us.

I am the boss because I am the big sister.

She is my best friend and the sister that I never had.

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Because I am the best little sister ever, I always look for potential husbands that I would make for my big sister.

I never break any promises to my big sister, no matter how crazy or complex they are. It would be for our good.

Try bullying my younger sister; I am always at her back, holding a bat and daring you to say that again.

I probably did not step out of my box, even if my big sister told me so.

I am already behind my extensive sister duties; I should spend some time with my sister.

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Being a big sister does not mean that we always have to win. We also would want to give our little sister everything, even if that would mean that we have nothing. That is how we love them.

I know that we acted like families did when my little brother asked me for extensive sister advice.

Bonding with our little brothers and sisters could never be replaced. I am glad I have them, or I will be missing out.

Receiving sweet text messages from my big sister always makes me smile. I love that girl.

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True Friend Quotes

There are just little sisters who are bigger than big sisters. Please do not fix me up with them.

The one who wakes me up and feeds me is my big sister whenever she comes over.

Having a big sister is just like having a friend at all times.

Not all sisters grow up beneath one roof; sometimes, they can be strangers that we meet along our journey in life.

Not all friends stick with us. They come, and they go. However, there is one who is guaranteed to back us up no matter what. They are our sisters.

You may fool the entire world, but never your sister.


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We may be just friends, but we treat each other like sisters. We help one another, share our fears and secrets, listen, and most importantly, not judge.

You can never get rid of your sister as your best friend no matter what you do. They would always be there.

Even though your sister dies, do you say that you do not have one now? Or do you keep being a sister, even when the other is gone?

Your sister has known you your entire life. They would love you no matter who you are and what you do. However, they also know how to hurt you the most.

Mother Daughter Quotes

The world may be a mess, but your sister is always there as your safety net, always ready to catch you.

You cannot describe who your sister is accurate. She may be your most favourite person but your greatest enemy. She is your best friend but your rival. You are alike but also different.

The closeness we have as sisters make us finish each other’s sentences, and sometimes we do not know when the line of her memories stop and where mine starts.


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There is nothing more comforting and peaceful than being in the arms of your sister.

As close as our hands and feet, that is how sisters would always be.

You could see yourself and not see yourself in your sister. They are our particular twin and opposite.

The fun and peace between my sister and me ended when she fell in love and went away.

At the start, the most competitive relationship there is being sisters. Yet as they become grown-ups, they become the strongest ones in the family.

Having an older brother or sister is always the dream of every firstborn in the family.

Having a sister is just like having the opposite of yourself and the same image.


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Little sisters often want to become like their elder sisters so much; they are far wiser than they could ever be.

Sisters coming from one family have a particular connection that makes them enjoy each other’s company like no other.

Sisters know when stories have embellishments, but she keeps quiet, smiles, and still listens.

In any situation, only my sister’s words could comfort me immensely.

You may be opposites, but the same blood flows through your veins towards your heart, so she needs you as much as you need her.

She is so kind and sympathetic; I never thought she was a big sister.

If one of my sisters is taken away, no peace will descend upon me, for I want more sisters than what I have now.

They may not be together at all times, and only letters connect them, but it does not change that they are sisters.

My big sister gives me her old clothes when she has bought new ones. That is how I know that she loves me.

No one could stand against sisters who stand shoulder to shoulder.

Nobody could define and describe the contents of sisterly love. Nature has made it as abstract as it could be.

Your sister would always understand you, even when your mother and father do not.

Having a sister is just like having a friend at all times, and that is the best thing in the world.

From the beginning of our existence until the end, our sisters are there with us.


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The excellent news will lose its essence if you do not have a sister to share it with.

Even when my sister was only in sixth grade, she taught me almost everything I needed to know.

You will be taught by your older sister how to be a woman and a child both.

We have found our forever friend in the person of our sister.

Older sisters could ever bring no justice to younger sisters.

You will know that your sister is wearing your favourite sweater when she is in such a hurry that she cannot catch your eye.

We are friends at heart, and we are also sisters from the root.

You have to work to be a part of a sisterhood. Those who had an accident of birth are only called siblings.

I always look in envy at those fortunate people who were born to have sisters as their friends.

All of us have a secret identity to keep, and the holder of the keys to our identity’s door is our sisters.

Sisters connect us to the meaning of life; they are our heart’s gift and our spirit’s friend.

I could not understand how other people could go through life without a sister at their side.

We always learn from our siblings, often in the hardest ways.

Friends and enemies may come our way, but our sisters would always be with us.

Some sisters appear different but come from the same mother and father.

My sister and I have been best friends ever since, unlike some who only see themselves during family occasions.

You are most likely an only child if you do not understand the feeling of loving and hating your sister at the same time.

A long time may have passed, and a lot may have changed, but our siblings could still make us blend into roles that we thought we had already let go of.

No sister is better than you, and there is no friend better than a sister.

No matter how we fight, scream and quarrel, still, you never left me. I love you, and thank you for protecting me.

Little brothers do not want their big sisters to show affection towards them. Nevertheless, big sisters still love them so much.

I cannot imagine how other people could succeed without their sister backing them up.

I know that my sister is always with me forever, even if others would come and go and change constantly.

You can count on your sister to share your laughter and, at the same time, wipe your tears away.

Sometimes, those who do not have a mother have their sister as both mothers and siblings.

Standing by your side is what sisters always do.

Having a friend in your sister would never change, even though the sister in a friend might disappear.

Between sisters, childhood dreams and grown-up aspirations are being shared.

My life became as colourful as the rainbow with a sister like you, so let me write your name in a rainbow and put it back on the sky, so everyone will know that you are the best sister ever.

I am so lucky to have a big sister like you, and I hope that you always know just how much I appreciate the things you do for me.

Sisters like you are hard to find, and I am so lucky to have a big sister who cares about me!

A big sister will sacrifice a lot to make sure that her younger siblings have everything they need and are happy.

I want you to know that I appreciate all that you do for me, big sister and that I will always love you!

I know that not everyone has the kind of relationship with their sisters that I have with you, my big sister, and I want you to know that I love how you treat me and are always there for me.

A big sister is always there when someone needs a shoulder to cry on or someone to celebrate along with them.

You have been there for me since I was born, big sister, and I want you to know that I am here for you, too.

Big sisters help to keep life happy for others who are part of their family.

I am happy that you are my sister and that I have you to look up to as I make my way through this life!

A big sister is always looking out for the needs of others and making sure that those around them are happy.

I am so blessed to have a sister who cares about me, and I want you to know that I think you are the best big sister ever!

A big sister will sacrifice a lot to make sure that everyone in their family is happy and doing well.

Beautiful quotes about a sister with meaning (220 quotes)

Statuses about a sister with meaning are a good way to tell the world about the happiness of having a best friend in your life. A selection of such expressions will help highlight exactly those words that are so important to say to a dear person. Beautiful quotes about sister with meaning are collected in this collection.

My sister is my best friend who is faithful in happiness and in trouble.

The most faithful and best friend can only be a sister!

I found my diary, which I kept at the age of 15. At the end, there is a postscript in the sister’s hand — and mom is reading your diary! And then mom’s signature — nothing like that!

If your sister tells you “You are a fool!” she loves you.

A sister is a person who infuriates and wants to kill, but you love her without memory and you will kill for her.

I would always share news with my sister first, but she already knows everything.

Thanks to mom and dad for giving me a dear person with whom I can be friends. I love you, dear sister!

I want my sister to be a true friend to me all my life, so I will be a true friend to her now.

My little sister sometimes not only keeps asking me to listen to her, but also demands that I explain to her what she wanted to say.

Appreciate a friend who has become dear, like a sister. there are few of them.

If all the children in the world are found in cabbage, then my sister was definitely found in a colored one!

The ability to get along with your own sister is an excellent school of relationships with people for the future.

How wonderful it is sometimes to realize that you are not alone in this world. Friends come and go, husbands get divorced and only a sister will always be there, even if she is so far away!

If you constantly quarrel with your sister, then you need to communicate with her more often.

My sister and I are often called twins, even though I’m three years younger than her!

A brother without a sister is like a wedding without a bride, and a sister without a brother is a body without a soul…

It happens that a sister does not become a best friend, but a friend, on the contrary, becomes a sister.

You must understand and forgive her all your life, your sister.

The younger ones always want to appear older, and only the older sister knows how small you really are.

A sister is a person who makes your problems her own, so you don’t have to go through it alone…

A sister can’t always become a friend, but a friend can always become a sister.

If a girl is beautiful, knows how to cook, understands cars and technology, then she is your sister!

My sister and I fought all our childhood, but we realized that it was not profitable and now everyone is fighting because of us.

There is no rivalry in the family more acute than between sisters, and there is no friendship stronger than friendship between adult sisters.

You can never hide anything from a real sister: she always knows even what you have not done yet.

My sister and I fought all our childhood, but we realized that it was not profitable and now everyone is fighting because of us.

Forgive me sister for offending me sometimes, but know that no one in the world loves you like a brother.

When you have a sister, the argument about who your parents love more sometimes lasts a lifetime.

The older sister always torments me, and she has one excuse: “I want you well!”

If there are two sisters in a family, then one of them will always be the leader, and the other the observer.

Rejecting your own sister is like depriving yourself of a body part.

I love my sister, we live with her in perfect harmony… A fist in the eye, a kick in the stomach.

The worst thing that could happen to me is my sister’s misfortune!

Friendship with my sister is an endless conversation, interrupted by arguments.

A sister is one with whom conversations do not bother. This is the one who can cheer you up when you want to cry…

It’s so unusual to see your sister, who seems to be so small, already dating a guy. Suddenly you realize how your parents looked at you and what they were afraid of.

A trusting relationship with a sister is a wise conversation that sometimes happens without words.

A sister is a best friend who cannot be gotten rid of.

Darling, what is that fifa next to you in the photo? — This is my sister! — Oh, how pretty.

Sisters always share everything between themselves: in childhood, toys and the love of parents, then apartments and the love of men.

A sister can be a snarky, grumbling thorn, an annoying fly and cunning like a fox, or she can be charming, cheerful and wonderful, beautiful, very kind and sweet … depending on my mood.

No one would call life with my sister a holiday! After all, it is easy to share joys, you try to share troubles and understand not your misfortune.

An older sister is a mother who can be trusted with the most intimate secret.

A sister is one who rejoices in your victories. The one who puts aside everything for you. The one that will tell you absolutely everything.

Appreciate a friend who has become dear, like a sister. there are few of them.

The one who can afford to tell your boyfriend what you can’t tell him. Appreciate sisters!

A modest sister is the property of a brother.

How wonderful it is sometimes to understand that you are not alone in this world. Friends come and go, husbands get divorced and only a sister will always be there, even if she is so far away!

Only my sister can record her laughter on a recorder, then listen to it and laugh even more! Vicious circle.

People who don’t have sisters are always a little lonely, they don’t have the most faithful and best friend…

If you constantly quarrel with your sister, it means that you need to communicate with her more often.

What is good news worth if you can’t share it with your sister?

I would always share news with my sister first, but she already knows everything.

Parents give us life, educate and instill love in us. But the best gift they can give is a brother or sister.

Such a strange feeling when you marry your younger sister. May he love her as much as I do.

Sister — six letters, miles of understanding and just a lifelong friendship…

The soul of a sister is something so crystal clear and bottomless.

If all the children in the world are found in cabbage, then my sister was definitely found in a colored one!

Only a sister is able to penetrate into the very heart and heal even the most terrible wounds.

An older sister is a mother who can be trusted with the most intimate secret.

You must understand and forgive her all your life, your sister.

It’s easy for me to share the same room with my older sister: in the evening and at night she walks, I sleep, but in the morning and afternoon it’s the other way around.

It is impossible to quarrel with my sister for a long time: either she will need something from me or I will need something from her. A truce is inevitable.

Sisters are divided into 2 types: the younger and the tyrant.

If a girl is beautiful, knows how to cook, understands cars and technology, then she is your sister!

Sisters fight fiercely, but they also love each other to the point of trembling.

Let the sister choose her husband, parents bless them, but I, as an older brother, will check him.

The older sister always torments me, and she has one excuse: “I want you well!”

People who hide something from their sister are hiding something from themselves!

Older sisters, of course, wipe the noses of their younger brothers, but they run to someone else to cry into a vest.

Your sister is your mirror image: outwardly similar to you, but, in fact, completely different.

I love my older sister, we live with her in perfect harmony… A fist in the eye, a kick in the stomach.

If there are two sisters in a family, then one of them will always be the leader, and the other the observer.

I love it when a cat pisses in my sister’s shoes, then I understand that he loves me more.

I love my elder sister!!!! even though sometimes she is wrong and undeservedly lectures me… That’s why she is a sister!!!

You can let your sister know your innermost secrets and not be afraid that someone will find out about it. After all, she has the most direct participation in these secrets!

You are sitting so upset, already prepared to cry, but then a little sister runs into the room with pantyhose on her head, her face is all in lipstick, and says: how do you like me, madam? After this, you cry only from laughter..

The worst thing that could happen to me is my sister’s misfortune!

Sister is an excellent dishwashing detergent.

My first friend and example was my elder sister!

It’s easy for me to share the same room with my older sister: in the evening and at night she walks, I sleep, but in the morning and afternoon it’s the other way around.

There is no friendship stronger than that between older sisters.

It’s terrible when there is no one to take care of! It’s good that I have a sister whom I can help and experiment on!

A sister is someone who calls you a fool ten times a day, adding «all in me.»

A trusting relationship with a sister is a wise conversation that sometimes happens without words.

I can fool everyone, but not my older sister, because she sees right through me.

A sister is an indispensable support and support for life, which will help you only move forward.

Recently my older sister wrote me a text message that she loves me, and I answered her: “Are you drunk?” She was a little offended…

No one would call life with my sister a holiday! After all, it is easy to share joys, you try to share troubles and understand not your misfortune.

Growing up is not always good! You have to deal with your own troubles.

It’s great when there are sisters with whom you are connected not by family ties, but by friends who have become your sisters in life.

My parents don’t run with me anymore. And you can’t even walk with your older sister — he sees me as a competitor.

Your sister can be your best friend, and it takes a lot of effort to get rid of.

Only the elder sister can speak the truth in such a way that «even stand, even fall. »

Can a grown man treat an attractive woman like a brother treats a sister?

Stole her elder sister’s personal diary — say YES to slavery!

My sister’s modesty is my most precious wealth!

Not a day has passed without you in my life since that tender childhood.

A sister for a brother is always a small, cute, harmful creature that you can’t help but love, even if you are offended by him.

It’s good that you were born before me, in the proud title of elder sister.

Do something nasty, pour some greenery into your sister’s shampoo, so that she won’t be bored, and you, too, by the way.

I won’t let anyone hurt my sister Lida! We live with her very friendly, I love her very much! And when I need it, I’ll beat her myself!

How I envy those who have a little sister. To me, such people seem to be more whole and happy than others.

It’s very nice when your little sister comes to your room and says: I’m dad’s helper, mom’s princess and your little one!

Sometimes it seems that my sister and I are like a cat and a dog, so different, but on quiet family evenings you still realize that we are one.

A younger sister is the only woman who can be brought up.

Parents give us life, educate and instill love in us. But the best gift they can give is a brother or sister.

One day a little sister asked her older brother, «What is love?»

A brother without a sister is a body without a soul!

He replied: It’s when you steal chocolate from my briefcase every day… And I keep putting it in the same place… .

Many simply do not notice how quickly time flies, today my beloved sister turned three years old, but it seems that she was born only recently.

Jealousy is the sister of love, just as the devil is the brother of angels.

Younger sisters attract only those who do not have them.

My family is strange: dad talks to his car, mom with flowers, sister with cats, I’m the only normal one with a computer and a phone.

It’s so unusual to watch when your sister, who seems to be so small, is already dating a guy. Suddenly you realize how your parents looked at you and what they were afraid of.

Every time I look into my friend’s eyes, I forget that we are just friends, not sisters.

Sisters are divided into two types: older and snitch.

There are moments when you want to die. Parents, brothers, sisters — the only thing worth living for.

Such a strange feeling when you marry your younger sister. May he love her as much as I do.

Mourning for one’s own sister can shed tears, while everyone weeps for himself.

Heinrich Heine

Do you also have younger sisters who turn your closet inside until you can see, try on all your clothes, put on high heels and walk around copying you?

The most faithful and best friend can only be a sister!

Let the sister choose her husband, parents bless them, but I, as an older brother, will check him.

Growing up… I solve all problems myself… No one rushes around with me… now he sees me as a rival … Damn, I don’t want to be an adult!

If your sister tells you “You are a fool!” she loves you.

A sister for a brother is always a small, cute, harmful creature, which you can’t help but love, even if you are offended by him.

I would always share news with my sister first, but she already knows everything.

I have been loving the one and only one for almost a year now, I love it as I have never loved anyone before… How can you not love a little happiness, your little sister?!

Your sister is your mirror image: outwardly similar to you, but, in fact, completely different.

Forgive me sister for offending me sometimes, but know that no one in the world loves you like an older brother.

My sister and I fought all childhood, but we realized that it was not profitable and now everyone is fighting because of us.

A sister is small, beautiful, of course, sometimes harmful, but still dear and very beloved to her brother…

Younger sisters are strange creatures. No matter how cute they are, you feel absolutely nothing for them. For me, my sister’s underwear is just a piece of fabric. She is definitely beautiful, but I just think that she really looks like me. That’s how it is with real little sisters.

My sister and I fought all childhood, but we realized that it was not profitable and now everyone is fighting because of us.

When the younger sister falls, the older sister helps her to get up; if the older sister falls, the younger one laughs.

When you have a sister, you don’t need any more girlfriends.

My little sister said she wants to be a nettle. I asked why. She replied: “So that they don’t touch me.”

I want my sister to be a true friend to me all my life, so I will be a true friend to her now.

The greatest happiness in my life is my younger sisters. Every time I’m upset, they run up to me, hug, squeeze, shout: we love you, don’t be sad, we are with you. At such moments, the desire to live flares up with renewed vigor.

The ability to get along with your own sister is an excellent school of relationships with people for the future.

I am lucky in this life that I have such a sister! You give joy and warmth, warming the soul with a smile. I wish you health and eternally young beauty. May all those whom you love so much look at you with love.

A sister is a person who makes your problems her own, so you don’t have to go through it alone…

If there is anyone who can tell their secret with the same trust as a mother, it is only to a sister.

If a girl is beautiful, knows how to cook, understands cars and technology, then she is your sister!

I have friends. But I can’t find someone as loyal and dear as my sister.

If there are two sisters in a family, then one of them will always be the leader, and the other the observer.

Learning to get along with a sister is a school of how to become a friend to other people.

Rejecting your own sister is like depriving yourself of a body part.

When you have a sister, you don’t have to worry about your problems alone.

The worst thing that could happen to me is my sister’s misfortune!

Sisters of teaching are not accusations or moralizing. This is care multiplied by indifference to you.

Sisters always share everything between themselves: in childhood, toys and the love of parents, then apartments and the love of men.

A sister is your reflection and opposite at the same time.

No one would call life with my sister a holiday! After all, it is easy to share joys, you try to share troubles and understand not your misfortune.

Friendship between sisters is like fine wine — it grows stronger with age. And like spring — the longer the cold, the more pleasant its arrival.

My first friend and example was my elder sister!

None of your peers cares about your happiness as much as your own sister.

There is no friendship stronger than that between older sisters.

People who have brothers or sisters look more whole and happy.

A sister is one who calls you a fool ten times a day, adding «all in me. »

I am grateful to fate that I have such a treasure. Thank you for being in my life sister.

I can fool everyone, but not my older sister, because she sees right through me.

You and I are already happier than many people on Earth. Because they have each other.

Only the older sister can speak the truth in such a way that «even stand or fall.»

Only you can be more beautiful than me.

A younger sister is the only woman who can be brought up.

This birthday is not only your holiday. This is also my celebration, another favorite day of the year.

Many simply do not notice how quickly time flies, today my beloved sister turned three years old, but it seems that she was born only recently.

Blood relationship is what unites despite thousands of kilometers. Despite quarrels and omissions. Despite all the troubles and hardships.

Do you also have younger sisters who empty your closet until you can see, try on all your clothes, put on high heels and walk around copying you?

Happy are those who wait with trembling and anticipation to meet their brother or sister.

Let the sister choose her husband, parents bless them, but I, as an older brother, will check him.

Unfortunately, life is never a holiday. But as long as it has you, I can overcome everything.

Sister is small, beautiful, of course, sometimes harmful, but still dear and very beloved to her brother…

Sometimes we can’t spill water, and sometimes I’m ready to kill my sister! She is terrible and grouchy sometimes, and sometimes — a beloved friend again. In general, it all depends on my mood.

When the younger sister falls, the older sister helps her to get up; if the older sister falls, the younger one laughs.

Our parents give us life, they educate us, they love us. But the most priceless thing they can give us is to give birth to another boy or girl.

There are normal adequate people, but there is me and my sister.

I grew up. Now no one is coddling me, no one is solving my problems. The older sister stopped taking me with her because she saw me as a rival. Oh, I don’t want to grow up!

I would always share news with my sister first, but she already knows everything.

Parental love for all children is not identical. After all, all children are not similar to each other, and therefore the attitude towards them is different.

It’s easy for me to share the same room with my older sister: in the evening and at night she walks, I sleep, and in the morning and afternoon it’s the other way around.

Children connected by blood ties are natural enemies. It’s like the British and the Scots. Or like the people of Wales and the Scots. Or Norwegians and Scots. Or Scots and Scots. Damn those Scots, all of Scotland has been put to shame!

Sometimes it seems that my sister and I are like a cat and a dog, so different, but on quiet family evenings you still realize that we are one with her.

You trusted her with secrets, you considered her dear. And never betrayed, she was your sister.

How I envy those who have a little sister. To me, such people seem to be more whole and happy than others.

But the world is cruel, and it happens that misfortunes burst into life: the one who was called a friend suddenly steals your happiness.

Only my sister can record her laughter on a recorder, then listen to it and laugh even more! Vicious circle.

I know who is the happiest person! This is my sister, she records her laughter on a recorder, and then she listens to all this and even more laughs !!!

My little sister sometimes not only keeps asking me to listen to her, but also demands that I explain to her what she wanted to say.

A sister’s heart is a diamond of purity, an abyss of tenderness.

Do something nasty, pour some greenery into your sister’s shampoo, so that she won’t be bored, and you, too, by the way.

— Are you going to the movies without me?! Friends are still called! — Zhenya, I will tell you a terrible secret: we are not friends, we are sisters!

Sisters don’t need guardian angels: they are their own support and support.

I have been loving one girl for almost 4 years… I love her more than anything in the world… But how can one not love a little sister.

My sister’s modesty is my greatest wealth!

I want my sister to be a true friend to me all my life, so I will be a true friend to her now.

It’s great when there are sisters with whom you are connected not by family ties, but friends who have become your sisters in life…

A brother without a sister is like a wedding without a bride, a sister without a brother is a body without a soul… What good news if you can’t share it with your sister?

If you constantly quarrel with your sister, it means that you need to communicate with her more often…

Let’s be friends like brother and sister, or like second cousin and second cousin. It is good when there are sisters, not relatives, but those who have become them in life.

My sister is my faithful friend and companion in life…

If it is hard for you to accept your own sister with all her shortcomings, in the future you will be dissatisfied with everyone.

Chuck Palahniuk

A trusting relationship with a sister is a wise conversation that sometimes happens without words.

If you communicate more often, you will quarrel less often with your sister.

I love my sister, I understand her every word, even when she doesn’t tell me anything…

Communicate with my sister more often…

My sister is the dearest, frank and sympathetic in the world! Love you!

At first I thought it was time to lose weight, but then I found out that my younger sister weighs more and calmed down.

My sister is my best friend, who is faithful both in happiness and in trouble…

Once upon a time there were three brothers in the world: Ivan the Fool, Kirill the Debil and Taras… but he is more like a sister to them!

It takes a long time to find a real friend, it is difficult to find and keep it. And I was lucky, I always had it — this is my sister!

It is difficult for sisters to forgive each other for insults experienced at the age of five. Know people!!!

The older sister always torments me, and she has one excuse: “I want you well!”

I have the best sister…!!! I love you very much!

It’s terrible when there is no one to take care of! It’s good that I have a sister who I can help … and on whom you can experiment!

My little sister is going to bathe and looks in the mirror. — Nastenka? But what do you think, when I grow up, my prince on a white horse will recognize me?

It’s easy for me to share the same room with my older sister: in the evening and at night she walks, I sleep, but in the morning and afternoon it’s the other way around.

Of the two sisters, one is always watching and the other is dancing.

Louise Gluck

-How would you feel about your sister if she weren’t your best friend? No, then I wouldn’t have a sister.

Sister can be the best friend, which is not so easy to get rid of.

I bought a textbook, and there the authors are brother and sister, it is written: A. Ya. Kleshnya, I. Ya. Kleshnya.

My sister always feels what’s in my soul…!

Quotes about sister with meaning: Beautiful statuses about sisters

Quotes and aphorisms

Beautiful and touching to tears of phrases, statuses and quotes about relations with sister

Milova Nina Outopour

0 49 835 Reading time: 10 min.

You fought each other and teased each other. You’ve played together and «borrow» each other’s clothes. Sisters make our world a better place. To remind ourselves of how sisters make our world a better place, we have collected quotes about sister, as well as beautiful phrases and statuses about sisters.

Growing up with a sister is great, but it can also be annoying. After all, in a relationship with a sister, both the greatest love and rivalry that you have ever experienced can manifest itself.

However, the sisters have a special connection. Whether you’re an older sister or a little sister, you know exactly what’s special about you in a relationship. And no one else but you knows this.

May these kind words encourage you to write something nice to your sister to show her how much you love her and how much she means to you. (We’ve put together a list of questions to ask your sister in Which One of You? that will help you have a good time with your sisters.)

Sister Quotes with Meaning

  1. As you get older, you won’t be able to trust anyone the way you trust your sister, but remember that she can hurt you like no other. (Ellie Condi)
  2. Sisters help you find important things when you’ve lost them. Things like your smile, your hopes and your courage. (Unknown)
  3. There is no better consolation than a sister’s hug. (Alice Walker)
  4. A sister is someone who gives you her umbrella during a storm and then leads you to a rainbow. (Karen Brown)
  5. In windless or stormy weather, there is no better friend than a sister. To cheer up a person on a weary path, or to lift someone up if they have gone astray. (Christina Rossetti)
  6. Sisters criticize, annoy and interfere. They get offended and make vicious remarks. They are always under your feet and in your business. But if you ever get into trouble, your sister will be there to protect you from all attackers. (Pam Brown)
  7. The kindest and sleepiest sister turns into a tiger if her brother or sister has problems. (Clara Ortega)
  8. Sisters don’t need words. They developed body language, grimaces, winks, smiles and frowns, in short, expressions of stupor, great surprise and disbelief. And their snorts and sighs can ruin any story you tell. (Pam Brown)
  9. If you don’t understand how a woman could love her sister so much and still want to wring her neck, then you were probably an only child. (Linda Sunshine)
  10. Being a good sister means loving your brother even if he doesn’t deserve it. (Read beautiful quotes about brother and love for him).
  11. Sisters do not need words to love. Such love does not depend on memories, souvenirs or evidence. It is like the beating of the heart and is always present in you like a pulse. (Lisa Wingate)
  12. In this chaotic world, sisters are like a safety net that catches you when the chaotic world tries to throw you into the abyss. (Carol Saline)

Big sister and little sister statuses and quotes

Big sister and little sister relationship is unique and special. These quotes describe it well.

  1. The elder sister is a friend and protector, listener, conspirator, adviser, and also an accomplice of your joys and sorrows. (Pam Brown)
  2. This is the best thing about little sisters. They spend so much time wishing they were older that they eventually become much wiser than older sisters could ever be. (Gemma Burgess)
  3. It’s nice to grow up with a big sister: someone you can lean on, count on, and tell everything to.
  4. Big sisters are always fresh and green grass on the lawn called life.
  5. No textbooks, manuals and magazines can give you the life experience that you can learn from your older sister.
  6. The only person I lie to is my little sister when I steal her clothes. (Kendall Jenner)
  7. An older sister is more than just a best friend, she is a second mother.
  8. If you don’t annoy your older sister from time to time for no good reason, then she will think that you don’t love her anymore. (Pearl Kleidge)
  9. I’m the older sister, so I want to make sure she has everything, even if I don’t have anything. It’s complicated. I love her too much. That’s what matters to me. (Venus Williams)
  10. It’s so hard to be mature, responsible and reasonable every second of the day. That’s why it’s so great to have a sister whose heart is as young as your own. (Pam Brown)
  11. Big sisters are the only people who will pester you for their own amusement and kick out anyone who tries to do the same. (Unknown)
  12. Talking to your older sister is always comforting, especially when life throws up unpleasant surprises.
  13. I have learned so many wonderful lessons in life from watching my older sister make mistakes.
  14. Being bossy is how older sisters show their love.
  15. Having an older sister allows me to stay younger for the rest of my life.
  16. Annoying your older sister is another way to show your love.
  17. I am the older sister and I make the rules.

Funny quotes about sisters

  1. When I say I won’t tell anyone, my sister doesn’t count.
  2. My sister has a best sister — it’s me. (Unknown)
  3. Sisters remember what you would rather forget, moreover, in graphic details and with evidence.
  4. Sometimes people say they can’t tell my sister and me apart. Here’s a hint: I’m pretty.
  5. Sisters are like psychiatrists. They have no choice but to listen to you whine and then diagnose you.
  6. Living with sisters is like being Cinderella in the house. I’m pretty, overworked, and underrated, and they’re mean.
  7. Thank you to my older sister who broke all the rules by creating a new set of rules for me!
  8. Older sisters are like fine wine: until they get old, you use them only for intrigue.
  9. Sisters never forgive each other for what happened when they were five years old. (Pam Brown)
  10. Anyone with two older sisters can tell you that a closed door is like a red rag to a bull. She cannot remain unnoticed by them. (Alan Bradley)

Beautiful and funny statuses about sister Whatever you do, she is always there.

  • Lovers can make you smile and friends can make you laugh. But the sisters wipe their tears after dust gets in them.
  • Each princess is protected by a good older brother, and each brother is protected by a warrior princess.
  • Sisters don’t need words. They have perfected their own secret language of smiles, snorts, sighs, winks, and lowered eyelashes.
  • It is better to compete with your sister than with other people. If you lose, she will shower you with hugs and kisses instead of insults and ridicule.
  • My sister is the first and still the most powerful hero in my life.
  • Never let an angry sister comb your hair. (Patricia McCann)
  • Remember, sister, you are always in my heart. I hold you so close that you have no chance to escape.
  • Sisters are friends in spirit and gifts to the heart. This is a beautiful thread that gives meaning to life.
  • Growing up, the sisters fight among themselves to make each other stronger and prepare to face the cruel world.
  • My sister can sometimes make me angry, but then she always laughs at herself for a long time.
  • A good friend will listen to your worries with open ears, but only a sister will listen to your worries and fears with an open heart.
  • Sisters — two different flowers in one beautiful garden.
  • There is nothing sweeter than a sister’s voice when you are sad.
  • Sisters share adult dreams and childhood memories.
  • Friends can change. The lovers can leave. But sisters stay forever.
  • My sister is one of those people who will claw me like a cat and then hug me like a teddy bear.
  • Friends will leave you if you cause them problems, but your sister will tell you that your antics are amazing and will hug you.
  • Sisters are mirrors that let us see who we really are on the inside.
  • My sister and I can fight each other, but if you try to lay a hand on her, then you will have to deal with me.
  • Short statuses and quotes about a sister in our life

    1. Sisters are forever close hearts.
    2. Sister’s cookies always have chocolate chips.
    3. Sister religion is to help each other.
    4. A girl without a sister is like a bird without wings.
    5. Sisters are those who share your joy and dry your tears.
    6. One sister is worth a million friends.
    7. A sister is a piece of childhood that we never lose. (Marion S. Garretty)
    8. I don’t understand how you can live without your sister.
    9. Of all the gifts, great and small, sisters are the best.
    10. A sister is like the division of the soul into two bodies.
    11. In this world, you only need two things: love and a sister.
    12. My sister is very similar to me, only better.
    13. Sisters to wipe tears and laugh.
    14. There are no secrets in sisterhood. (Erin Forbes)
    15. Sister is our first friend and second mother. (Sunny Gupta)
    16. A true sister is a friend who listens with all her heart.
    17. Sisters share the smells and feelings of a common childhood.
    18. Helping each other is part of the sister religion. (Louise May Alcott)
    19. A sister reaches for your hand but touches your heart.
    20. Sweet is the voice of a sister in times of sorrow. (Benjamin Disraeli)
    21. You can’t fool your sister, it’s useless to disguise yourself. (Janet Goddard)

    Words, phrases and quotes touching to tears about sisters

    1. I can’t see well without you. I can’t hear without you. I feel bad without you. I would rather be without an arm or a leg than without a sister. (Erin Morgenstern)
    2. Some sisters see each other only on holidays, while others stop talking to each other altogether after they grow up. But my sister and I are inseparable and best friends. That’s why our best friends seem to us a little less than the best. (We recommend reading beautiful quotes and statuses about friendship in our lives).
    3. Sisters make good times even better and hard times a little easier.
    4. Our roots tell us that we are sisters, but our hearts know that we are also friends.
    5. Sisters are guardian angels. They protect you from harm, help you when you need it, give you advice, and are always there. They are the only people in the world who will never forget you.
    6. I know my sister as much as I know my mind. You will never find a more trusting or kind person. I love my sister more than anything in this life and will choose her happiness over mine. (Hamilton)
    7. Sisterhood is more than just a friend or confidant. This is a real soulmate that will stay with you for life.
    8. Relationships between sisters in their youth are rivalry. But when they grow up, their relationship becomes the strongest.
    9. Sisters are friends who know all your secrets and will never judge you.
    10. Everyone needs someone who inspires them to become better than they are now. That’s what you do for me, sister.
    11. You can keep your past by having a sister. As you get older, your sister is the only one who never gets tired of listening to your memories.
    12. Sisters are always connected in heart, even if they are far from each other.
    13. You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows in both of your hearts. You need her just as much as she needs you. (George Martin)
    14. The media makes us think that the most important relationships in our lives are romantic ones. But sisterly relationships last longer than any other.
    15. A sister knows better than anyone how you grew up, what your favorite toys were, and who your friends were.

    Words and phrases about sister

    1. I smile because you are my sister. I laugh because I know there’s nothing to be done about it.
    2. Your sister knows better than any soothsayer when you were good or bad.
    3. Sisters teach us cooperation, justice, care and kindness. Often these lessons they teach us the hard way.
    4. When my sister and I stand shoulder to shoulder, no one can stand between us.
    5. My sister is my other half, my personal diary. It contains my whole world.
    6. You may be able to fool the whole world, but you will not be able to fool your sister.
    7. No one fights you like your own sister. No one else knows about your most vulnerable places, which she can ruthlessly hit.
    8. The sisters share a special bond and friendship that no one can ever break.
    9. Only a sister will tell you honestly when the clothes you wear don’t suit you.
    10. Sisters are angels who bring out the best in you. They are always ready to pick you up from your knees if you fall.
    11. With friends you have to make a good face, but with sisters you can be tired and even boring.
    12. With your sister, you will never forget the past. If you do, she will happily remind you of all the stupid mistakes you’ve made.
    13. The bonds between sisters are very strong, but even if they are weak, they will never break.
    14. Sisters always know when to talk and when to listen; when to cry and when to laugh.
    15. Having a sister means you always have a safety net.
    16. If you feel sad and bored, do not hesitate to go to your sister.
    17. Help your sister cross the river. Only then can you reach the shore.
    18. Never look down on your sister unless you are taking care of her.

    Celebrity sister quotes

    Celebrities have sisters too, and some of them shared their feelings about this important relationship.

    1. She (Mary-Kate) is the most serious, honest and helpful person… and my best friend. She is loving and consistent. (Ashley Olsen)
    2. My sister and I are as different as day and night, and we see the world differently. But we listen to each other’s lamentations and joys with open arms. I am next to her, she is next to me, and we have an unbreakable bond. (Angela Cartwright)
    3. My sister and I have our own language — a look that makes one of us fall to the floor laughing, or a slight intonation in our voice that conveys everything. Someone who sees you for who you are and thinks that’s enough. (Barbara Bush)
    4. Growing up, one of my strongest allies was my sister. (Patti Smith)
    5. Your sister is your mirror and your opposite. (Elizabeth Fishel)
    6. I finally moved out of my parents’ house. It was fair to give my sister my room. (Kate Winslet)
    7. Sisters become the best friends in the world. (Marilyn Monroe)


    Sisters are a blessing, they are the people you love and cannot live without. But sometimes you hate them when they tease you or get angry because you borrowed half of their wardrobe, and you have to go on a date.

    On the other hand, when they are in a good mood, they are more likely to give you half of their wardrobe and a little more in addition. They will put on makeup and even share their Louboutins so you can impress your chosen one. Moreover, you know for sure that they will always be there, no matter what. That’s why it’s important to remind them how much you love them.

    Sometimes it can be difficult to express your feelings in words, but these statuses and quotes about sister will give you the right words and phrases that you can write to your sister.

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    Big sister status with meaning


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    Happiness who has an older sister is both a friend, and an adviser, and a shoulder for tears. But not always the relationship between the sisters develops so rosy and cloudless, sometimes there are conflicts and misunderstandings. But in any case, you can choose the status about the older sister with meaning — depending on the relationship with your older sister.


    1. One blood — but are there close people?
    2. We are sisters, and we will figure it out ourselves
    3. There are no people closer
    4. My sister is the best friend

    One blood — but are the people close?

    Statuses about an older sister differ in different shades of phrases — the point is how she treats you and how you treat her, statuses can be with resentment, bitterness, sadness, or they can be filled with joy and happiness that you have a cool older sister, choose your status:

    1. Communication with you is inseparable, and no matter how we resent each other, we will always be together.
    2. Only you, as a child, always stood up for me, and I always knew that I had a reliable rear.
    3. My gratitude to you is not for something separately, but simply for the fact that you are in my life.
    4. Only with my older sister, I always feel like a half-wit, even though I’m already 30 years old.
    5. The older sister is my life foundation and my support in everything.
    6. I am fit for my elder sister and not for her honors and merits, but for her attitude towards me.
    7. My older sister is the only person to whom you never need to explain anything — she feels everything with her heart.
    8. Who will rush to you at the first call? To me is my older sister.
    9. Only to my older sister can I tell everything that is going on in my soul, and I know for sure that the first three phrases will be: “Does life teach you anything? Well, why do you need it? How long is it possible already? ”, — and then we will just talk with her for a long time and cry and laugh together.
    10. Even when my sister doesn’t call me, I know that she still worries about me.
    11. She never gave me offense, now I will go for any rusty mines for her.
    12. As a child, we dreamed of traveling just the two of us — me and my older sister, now we travel with her and our families.
    13. Since childhood, I always wanted to be like my older sister, and I did the same hairstyles and bought the same things. And now I understand that we are the same with her without an external outfit — she thought, and I already said.
    14. We never shared guys with my elder sister, she always yielded to me and went into the shadows, I could not do that…
    15. It was always easy with my older sister — tired — she will help. She stumbled — she will support, she fell — she wipes her tears. Nothing has changed over the years.
    16. The best sister on earth is mine.
    17. We fought with my sister as children, but now it’s just a cold war.
    18. It’s a shame that your sister didn’t understand you, other outsiders support you, and your older sister doesn’t understand.
    19. My older sister is completely different from me, not only in appearance, but also in her qualities. When I run towards her, she prefers to slam the door in my face.
    20. After meeting with my sister, for some reason, the same song sounds in my head: “Don’t rub salt in my wound…”
    21. My older sister never ceases to amaze me — only complaints, as if I remained the same spineless little girl who can always be punished.
    22. I envy people who are looking for loved ones and relatives. My sister lives nearby, and we see each other once a year — and we don’t suffer from it.
    23. She never betrayed my secrets, she never betrayed me, she was always aware of all my affairs — this is my older sister.
    24. Only with my sister can we, after a fight, immediately start hugging and apologizing.

    We are sisters, and we will figure it out ourselves

    The status about the elder sister is put with meaning when you want to figure something out yourself or make it clear to your sister that she should also understand something. Phrases can be:

    1. Your words have always been a rule for me to follow. Today everything has changed — I myself know how to live, and you continue to dictate the rules.
    2. The elder sister knows everything, if she does not know something, she will pretend that she is smarter anyway.
    3. Each meeting with the older sister is a lecture on the topic «How to live right.»
    4. Sisters should understand each other, we somehow can’t do it — everyone pulls the blanket over himself.
    5. Only drunk and not alone can I stumble into my sister’s at night. She will endure everything, but in the morning a real execution will await me.
    6. My elder sister is still sure that her words are non-negotiable. I support her in this delusion.
    7. I will go through fire and water for my elder sister. And so does she, though she never admits it.
    8. The older sister will not teach bad things — this is a myth, she was the only one who taught me . ..
    9. My sister doesn’t have a middle ground — either everything is black or white, now I’m trying to convey to her that even gray has 50 shades.
    10. I was a bully, and my older sister is an excellent student. This helped me become the CEO and hire her as a consulting manager.
    11. My mother always told me as a child: «Take an example from your older sister.» If I took an example from her in everything, then my mother would definitely blush for me from time to time.
    12. My older sister is always sure that she is right, but sometimes she pretends to agree with me because I am a «little fool».
    13. Once upon a time in childhood, we did not share one guy with my older sister, so she still reproaches me that I deprived her of her first love, although this guy has been my husband for 24 years.
    14. How to explain to my older sister that I am no longer that girl with bows, but an accomplished adult with my own views on life — with my own, not with hers.
    15. With such an older sister, you can do without enemies.
    16. My older sister often reminds me of a natural disaster — it rolls through my life like a skating rink and does not spare anyone.
    17. My sister and I have parted ways, and both are happy.
    18. I want to ask my older sister: “You always taught me kindness, justice, honesty? Why did she forget about it?»
    19. My older sister is simply unrecognizable now — this is the worst example of how life can change a person.

    There are no people closer

    Elder sister — beautiful statuses are set when there is love, mutual understanding and affection between sisters, phrases can be like this:

    1. embracing, we sing a song: «Let’s never quarrel, never, never, let’s make up forever, forever forever.»
    2. I can’t be angry with my sister — no matter how harsh words she says directly to my face, I know that she does it only for my benefit.
    3. Our relationship with my sister is always kind and bright, but it shouldn’t be any other way.
    4. I accept my sister for who he is — with all her cockroaches in her head and weaknesses, because I have not gone far from her …
    5. Life is too short to spend it on omissions or quarrels with the closest person — your older sister.
    6. I always say only pleasant things to my sister, because I know that there are enough people in her life who are ready to say unpleasant things.
    7. I will always understand my sister and forgive her for everything — after all, she does the same with me.
    8. My older sister is my dearest and most beloved person in my life, and even though we are separated by distances, my love for her is endless.
    9. I’m the same as you, big sister of the sea, so don’t say anything, I would have done the same.
    10. I really want to do something big and pleasant for my older sister — although she says that for her the greatest happiness is communication and friendship with me.

    My sister is my best friend

    Statuses about my elder beloved sister are always filled with light and warmth, but can also be playful:

    1. Sisters are not chosen, I’m just lucky.
    2. I won’t tell anyone about my heartache — only my sister knows, and she quenches it.
    3. My older sister will always understand me and forgive me for everything.
    4. I have many girlfriends, but my sister is the best of them.
    5. A sister is an unchanging, permanent concept.
    6. Closer than the sister of a person can not be found.
    7. The arrival of the sister — setting everyone on their own meta.
    8. The elder sister is the head of everything.
    9. Between sisters there is never such a thing as distance and separation — mentally they are always together.
    10. You won’t get lost with my sister at all — you will always find goodness in her.
    11. It’s okay that my sister and I have gray hair at the temples, but in our hearts we are all the same — and she, and with her — me.
    12. My older sister is always the most beautiful, young, young
    13. My sister and I are inseparable links of one strong chain.
    14. For me, there is nothing better than meeting the dawn with my sister in the kitchen.
    15. Only an older sister can pat me on the head, as in childhood, and say: “Know, you are the best!”
    16. I have an older sister — my assistant, friend, fellow traveler and like-minded person.
    17. Truth-womb from a sister always sounds in the style — «Well, you’re a fool — all in me!».
    18. It’s not for nothing that older sisters are called second mothers — only they can love you like a mother.
    19. Only the older sister knows what is going on in the most hidden corners of your soul, and she somehow gets there and cures all the sore spots.

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    Statuses about the elder sister

    Here the other day, my sister left a note on her desk that said, «I love you.» I thought she was either dying or going crazy. Of course I was offended 🙂

    I read my sister’s essay on Lermontov’s poetry. Neighing over the proposal that Mikhail Yuryevich sometimes became a poet. I thought … I fixed it, otherwise I’ll grab a deuce.

    Only the elder sister can speak the truth in such a way that «at least stand, even fall.»

    Whatever the insulting quarrel between the sisters, the native blood will reconcile everything.

    Best status:
    Sermon in church: “Dear brothers and sisters, adultery is a terrible sin. And let the one who deals with it, the tongue withered … »

    My sister, when she saw my new boyfriend, did not understand whether it was such a handsome boy or such an ugly girl …

    The other day I could not resist and started masturbating, but my sister came in, made a fuss and called me a pervert. Yesterday I found her doing the same thing, and she again raised a fuss and called me a pervert again. Tell me, where is the justice?

    The real and strongest friendship between the sisters is tied with a veil and for life.

    My sister and I live in perfect harmony, fist in the eye, heel in the ear!!!

    Today, my mother bought her little sister a plant with some kind of talking shnyaga. Small, so joyful runs up to dad: “Dad! Look! My mom bought me a talking plant!” Dad: «Well, go with her to the market!»

    I love my older sister!!!! even though sometimes she is wrong and undeservedly lectures me … That’s why she is a sister !!!

    A sister is the best friend you can’t get rid of.

    The older sister is always the first girlfriend and role model for the younger one.

    You are the best guy in the world, you will always support in difficult times, the most beloved, hug tightly, kiss.P.S. Your older sister.

    Is good news worth anything if you can’t share it with your sister?

    The world is small. I never thought that the acquaintance with whom we quarreled in childhood would turn out to be His half-sister. (With)

    She was 10 years younger than him, but had already managed to sit on his neck. Watch in all schools: «First call». )

    Lord, how wonderful it is! When you feel bad, your younger sisters come up to you, hug, kiss and say: “Don’t cry, Lyulechka! We love you!»

    My sister’s favorite and adored phrase: «Choke and die . .. Beast» …

    Don’t wait for your sister to make the first move.

    The conflict between sisters can be compared to a disease. To be cured, you need to fight not with the symptoms, but with the disease itself.

    My younger sister’s girlfriend wants to cut her veins … 10 years old child and is this normal?

    there are talks about friendship, about the noblest feelings between people. But there is nothing nobler than love for a sister, because it is based on an instinctive feeling of kinship.

    You won’t believe it, then I go out into the street with my little sister for a walk, everything is already melting, there are streams all around. There was nothing to do and I launched boats with her, as in childhood. )

    Of the two sisters, one is always watching and the other is dancing.

    I have been loving one girl for almost 4 years now… I love her more than anything in the world… But how can you not love your little sister.

    Let’s be friends. Let’s be like brother and sister… Like second cousin and second cousin. This does not exclude some nuances.

    Even to sit on the neck, you need to spread your legs.

    I found my diary, which I kept at the age of 15 … at the end there is a postscript in the hand of my sister — and my mother reads your diary! and then the signature of the mother — nothing like that!

    My little sister has a birthday today, such happiness, she is 4 years old, so time flies so fast …)

    I found my diary, which I kept at the age of 15 … at the end there is a postscript in the hand of my sister — and my mother reads your diary! and then the signature of the mother — nothing like that!

    I got skype! And now, before I sit down at the computer, I put myself in order.

    Ahhh, the world has gone crazy!!! My 5 year old sister lies and listens to my mr3 while I sit and draw her coloring book!!!

    Everything I really need to know was taught to me by my sister when she was a sixth grader. Linda Sunshine

    I know who is the happiest person! This is my sister, she records her laughter on a recorder, and then she listens to all this and even more laughs !!!

    No one is more interested in your happiness than your family. And my sister is proof of that.

    She broke up with her boyfriend, quarreled with her sister, relations with her best friends deteriorate, there are also problems in the family … What could be better?!

    “Vovochka,” the teacher asks in a sarcastic tone, “could you explain to me why the essay that you handed over to me yesterday, word for word, matches the essay written by your brother last year?” -And what’s so surprising, Mary Ivanna? We have a common sister.

    Brothers and sisters are natural enemies, like the English and the Scots, or the Welsh and the Scots, or the Japanese and the Scots, or the Scots and other Scots. Damn Scots! Ruined all of Scotland!

    On the phone: Grace? — No, this is Debi — her sister, whose life you do not cripple!

    Have you ever argued with your sister or brother over candy, too?

    What is this red-haired bitch with you on ava?. .sister….so cute..

    even my little sister, when she saw his photo, said: yes, nature joked quite well …

    What is good news worth if you can’t share it with your sister?

    And today the boy rocked my sister (6 years old) on a swing and said: “You are my baby.” So cute…

    I love him so much. But I realized it too late… He is now with my sister…

    My sister is 10 years old. When to her question: “What did mom cook?”, I answered: “Look in the refrigerator,” you know what she told me? — Thanks, Cap!

    Parents cannot show love to all children in the same way. This is because they are all different, and a special relationship develops with different children. — Lee Salk

    Killed just such a picture. VK I go to the page of my younger sister’s friend. She is 12 years old. The status says: “I am looking for a guy for a serious relationship. I may be a bitch, but I know what love is!

    I stole her personal diary from my sister — let’s say YES to slavery! :)))

    Today I was walking around school, accidentally hugged a friend. The younger sister saw. Now she tells her mother, she tells me, like this is my boyfriend.

    And my mother quietly beat the dishes and cried. Why, when losing, we do not continue the game, but take revenge. Mom constantly asked where my conscience was and is it hard to be normal like a sister. And I just live, live for my own pleasure …

    A brother without a sister is like a wedding without a bride, a sister without a brother is like a body without a soul.

    What is great news worth if I can’t share it with my sister? Jenny de Vries

    Today I’m talking with a friend on the phone and I say, “My cat flew in along the way.” The little sister shouts, “Don’t lie to Lena, cats don’t fly!”

    It’s good that I have my dear sister. I always have someone to chat with.

    How can you play when your sister almost died?! “Mom, she tried to open her wrists with a spoon. This is an attempt to get attention. “Stop it! Next time she might do something serious!” — Yes, for example, he will throw himself off the porch!

    Cousin sister (6 years old) annealed. He comes up to his mother and says: “Mom, here is a tiger — a tiger cub, a lion — a lion cub, and a leopard — a “leopard”?”

    A sister is the best friend you can’t get rid of.

    Mom, did you give birth to me? — I! — And Andryusha? (younger brother) — Me too! — And Katya? (older sister) — Me too! — And who gave birth to you? — What do you think? — You too?

    She is like a sister to him, and he is her meaning of life.

    I’m walking down the street, in front of me is a little girl and a boy of 6 years old … The boy says: “My sister has such big breasts!” And the girl: “So what? Look, I have 3 sizes!” Hhhaaa, I fell out, you would know how I grunted when I heard all this. ) Ha ha.

    As if I have two sisters: faith and chance. And my faith cannot rule out chance. But chance cannot explain faith. Faith does not allow me to hope for chance. And chance gives me too little faith.

    Why do I have so many left-wing people in VKontakte friends? — I thought for a long time and deleted them, until I realized that I was sitting on my sister’s page . ..

    If I eat porridge, a pussy will grow, so my dad tells me, and my sister — about boobs =)

    A brother without a brother is like a falcon without a wing, a sister without a brother is like naked twigs.

    Jealous of the guy to the sister. When I found out that this pretty girl was his sister, it became so dumb!

    mom, asking me three questions: why is the music playing so loudly? Where is your sister? and who is locked in the closet? I realized that I knew the answers to all questions …)

    There are talks about friendship, about the noblest feelings between people. But there is nothing nobler than love for a sister, because it is based on an instinctive feeling of kinship.

    A sister is able to be the best friend, which is not so easy to get rid of. Linda Sunshine

    My sister recently wrote me an SMS that she loves me, and I answered her: “Are you drunk?”, She was a little offended …

    I’m growing up… I solve all the problems myself… No one rushes around with me… And my older sister doesn’t take me with her, because now he sees me as a rival . .. Damn, I don’t want to be an adult! (

    There is no rivalry in the family more acute than between sisters, and there is no friendship stronger than the friendship between adult sisters.

    I’m walking with my younger sister past the guys who ride bmx, my sister: “Oh, what bad boys … They’re big, but they ride children’s bikes.” )

    I don’t have a younger sister, but a walking kick!

    Why do I have so many left-wing people in my friends in contact? — I thought for a long time and deleted them, until I realized that I was sitting on my sister’s page …

    The best statuses and sayings about sister

    Beautiful and touching phrases, statuses and quotes about Relations with sisters

    We fought each other and teased each other. You’ve played together and «borrow» each other’s clothes. Sisters make our world a better place. To remind ourselves of how sisters make our world a better place, we have collected quotes about sister, as well as beautiful phrases and statuses about sisters.

    Growing up with a sister is great, but it can also be annoying. After all, in a relationship with a sister, both the greatest love and rivalry that you have ever experienced can manifest itself.

    However, the sisters have a special connection. Whether you’re an older sister or a little sister, you know exactly what’s special about you in a relationship. And no one else but you knows this.

    May these kind words encourage you to write something nice to your sister to show her how much you love her and how much she means to you.

    Sister Quotes with Meaning

    1. As you get older, you won’t be able to trust anyone the way you trust your sister, but remember that she can hurt you like no other. (Ellie Condi)
    2. Sisters help you find important things when you’ve lost them. Things like your smile, your hopes and your courage. (Unknown)
    3. There is no better consolation than a sister’s hug. (Alice Walker)
    4. A sister is someone who gives you her umbrella during a storm and then leads you to a rainbow. (Karen Brown)
    5. In windless or stormy weather, there is no better friend than a sister. To cheer up a person on a weary path, or to lift someone up if they have gone astray. (Christina Rossetti)
    6. Sisters criticize, annoy and interfere. They get offended and make vicious remarks. They are always under your feet and in your business. But if you ever get into trouble, your sister will be there to protect you from all attackers. (Pam Brown)
    7. The kindest and sleepiest sister turns into a tiger if her brother or sister has problems. (Clara Ortega)
    8. Sisters don’t need words. They developed body language, grimaces, winks, smiles and frowns, in short, expressions of stupor, great surprise and disbelief. And their snorts and sighs can ruin any story you tell. (Pam Brown)
    9. If you don’t understand how a woman could love her sister so much and still want to wring her neck, then you were probably an only child. (Linda Sunshine)
    10. Being a good sister means loving your brother even if he doesn’t deserve it. (Read beautiful quotes about brother and love for him).
    11. Sisters do not need words to love. Such love does not depend on memories, souvenirs or evidence. It is like the beating of the heart and is always present in you like a pulse. (Lisa Wingate)
    12. In this chaotic world, sisters are like a safety net that catches you when the chaotic world tries to throw you into the abyss. (Carol Saline)

    Big sister and little sister statuses and quotes

    Big sister and little sister relationship is unique and special. These quotes describe it well.

    1. The elder sister is a friend and protector, listener, conspirator, adviser, and also an accomplice of your joys and sorrows. (Pam Brown)
    2. This is the best thing about little sisters. They spend so much time wishing they were older that they eventually become much wiser than older sisters could ever be. (Gemma Burgess)
    3. It’s nice to grow up with a big sister: someone you can lean on, count on, and tell everything to.
    4. Big sisters are always fresh and green grass on the lawn called life.
    5. No textbooks, manuals and magazines can give you the life experience that you can learn from your older sister.
    6. The only person I lie to is my little sister when I steal her clothes. (Kendall Jenner)
    7. An older sister is more than just a best friend, she is a second mother.
    8. If you don’t annoy your older sister from time to time for no good reason, then she will think that you don’t love her anymore. (Pearl Kleidge)
    9. I’m the older sister, so I want to make sure she has everything, even if I don’t have anything. It’s complicated. I love her too much. That’s what matters to me. (Venus Williams)
    10. It’s so hard to be mature, responsible and reasonable every second of the day. That’s why it’s so great to have a sister whose heart is as young as your own. (Pam Brown)
    11. Big sisters are the only people who will pester you for their own amusement and kick out anyone who tries to do the same. (Unknown)
    12. Talking to your older sister is always comforting, especially when life throws up unpleasant surprises.
    13. I have learned so many wonderful lessons in life from watching my older sister make mistakes.
    14. Being bossy is how older sisters show their love.
    15. Having an older sister allows me to stay younger for the rest of my life.
    16. Annoying your older sister is another way to show your love.
    17. I am the older sister and I make the rules.

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    One blood — but are there close people?

    Statuses about an older sister differ in different shades of phrases — the point is how she treats you and how you treat her, statuses can be with resentment, bitterness, sadness, or they can be filled with joy and happiness that you have a cool older sister, choose your status:

    1. Communication with you is inseparable, and no matter how we resent each other, we will always be together.
    2. Only you always stood up for me in my childhood, and I always knew that I had a reliable rear.
    3. My gratitude to you is not for something separately, but simply for the fact that you are in my life.
    4. Only with my older sister I always feel like a half-wit, even though I’m already 30 years old.
    5. My older sister is my life foundation and my support in everything.
    6. I am fit to be my elder sister and not for her honors and merits, but for her attitude towards me.
    7. My older sister is the only person to whom you never need to explain anything — she feels everything with her heart.
    8. Who will rush to you at the first call? To me is my older sister.
    9. Only my elder sister can tell everything that is going on in my soul, and I know for sure that the first three phrases will be: “Does life teach you anything? Well, why do you need it? How long is it possible already? ”, — and then we will just talk with her for a long time and cry and laugh together.
    10. Even when my sister doesn’t call me, I know that she still worries about me.
    11. She never gave me offense, now I will go to any rusty mines for her.
    12. As a child, we dreamed of traveling just the two of us — me and my older sister, now we travel with her and our families.
    13. Since childhood, I always wanted to be like my older sister, and I did the same hairstyles and bought the same things. And now I understand that we are the same with her without an external outfit — she thought, and I already said.
    14. We never shared guys with my older sister, she always gave in to me and went into the shadows, I couldn’t do that…
    15. It was always easy with my older sister — tired — she would help. She stumbled — she will support, she fell — she wipes her tears. Nothing has changed over the years.
    16. The best sister on earth is mine.
    17. We fought with my sister as children, but now it’s just a cold war.
    18. It’s a shame that your sister didn’t understand you, other outsiders support you, and your older sister doesn’t understand.
    19. My older sister is completely different from me, not only in appearance, but also in her qualities. When I run towards her, she prefers to slam the door in my face.
    20. After meeting with my sister, for some reason, the same song sounds in my head: “Don’t rub salt in my wound…”
    21. My older sister never ceases to amaze me — only complaints, as if I have remained the same spineless little girl who can always be punished.
    22. I envy people who are looking for relatives and relatives. My sister lives nearby, and we see each other once a year — and we don’t suffer from it.
    23. She never betrayed my secrets, she never betrayed me, she was always aware of all my affairs — this is my older sister.
    24. Only with my sister can we, after a fight, immediately start hugging and apologizing.

    Funny quotes about sisters

    1. When I say I won’t tell anyone, my sister doesn’t count.
    2. My sister has a best sister — it’s me. (Unknown)
    3. Sisters remember what you would rather forget, moreover, in graphic details and with evidence.
    4. Sometimes people say they can’t tell my sister and me apart. Here’s a hint: I’m pretty.
    5. Sisters are like psychiatrists. They have no choice but to listen to you whine and then diagnose you.
    6. Living with sisters is like being Cinderella in the house. I’m pretty, overworked, and underrated, and they’re mean.
    7. Thank you to my older sister who broke all the rules by creating a new set of rules for me!
    8. Older sisters are like fine wine: until they get old, you use them only for intrigue.
    9. Sisters never forgive each other for what happened when they were five years old. (Pam Brown)
    10. Anyone with two older sisters can tell you that a closed door is like a red rag to a bull. She cannot remain unnoticed by them. (Alan Bradley)

    Short statuses and quotes about a sister in our life

    1. Sisters are forever close hearts.
    2. Sister’s cookies always have chocolate chips.
    3. Sister religion is to help each other.
    4. A girl without a sister is like a bird without wings.
    5. Sisters are those who share your joy and dry your tears.
    6. One sister is worth a million friends.
    7. A sister is a piece of childhood that we never lose. (Marion S. Garretty)
    8. I don’t understand how one can live without a sister.
    9. Of all the gifts, great and small, sisters are the best.
    10. A sister is like the division of the soul into two bodies.
    11. In this world, you only need two things: love and a sister.
    12. My sister is very similar to me, only better.
    13. Sisters to wipe tears and laugh.
    14. There are no secrets in sisterhood. (Erin Forbes)
    15. Sister is our first friend and second mother. (Sunny Gupta)
    16. A true sister is a friend who listens with all her heart.
    17. Sisters share the smells and feelings of a common childhood.
    18. Helping each other is part of the sister religion. (Louise May Alcott)
    19. A sister reaches for your hand but touches your heart.
    20. Sweet is the voice of a sister in times of sorrow. (Benjamin Disraeli)
    21. You can’t fool your sister, it’s useless to disguise yourself. (Janet Goddard)

    Words to your sister for the New Year — cheerful wishes in verses

    Words to my sister for the New Year — cheerful wishes in verse:

    New Year is coming, Snowflakes are falling, There is a Christmas tree in the house, Tangerines smell, New Year has come, cheers, We need to have fun, I congratulate you on the holiday, sister!

    Sister, New Year’s holiday Coming to us, congratulations! I wish you only the best today, Love, health, kindness, Great luck, Success, laughter, beauty And bright fun!

    The clock strikes, a glass of champagne Fill quickly, sister, The holiday is bright, real — it’s time to celebrate the New Year! Let the old year take away All worries and misfortunes, And the New Year will bring Much joy and happiness!

    My dear sister, Happy New Year! May all your dreams come true, Let the snowflakes be surrounded by a round dance, So that you never know trouble. May the coming year give you a mood that brings good to you, Good luck, endless luck! Events of joyful cycle!

    Anything happened between us — So let’s forget all the insults, Being relatives is so much! So let’s forgive each other. You are my dear sister, I want to wish you well, In the New Year everything will come true, I know, If only it is right to dream!

    My sister, always be the same — Cheerful, energetic and beautiful, Forget about all your problems, May the New Year give you strength To overcome all worries, After all, you deserve the best, dear, Let your heart sing with happiness! I wish you good health!

    Dear sister, congratulations, the New Year is already at the door, I wish you from the bottom of my heart, Only bright and sunny days. May you live interestingly, Peacefully, cheerfully and without worries, May you have a wonderful holiday A lot of happiness for a hundred years to come!

    Happy New Year! Happiness, light, So that it is warmed with warmth, So that you live in abundance And things went only smoothly!

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    Let, my dear sister, Heart thrill without sorrows, Let the soul burn hot From the desired gift!

    Magic holiday New Year May it bring a lot of joy, So that your eyes would shine, little sister, From happiness, from gifts, From bright impressions, To play merrily And not to know worries!

    Happy New Year! Let the champagne flow. I wish you health and peace in your family! Let the cilia be summed up. You are beautiful as always! Only my sister does not go ahead of the year! Let wealth be a bowl! A whole ocean of love! You only become more beautiful! Live in happiness, joy!

    When a sister is still quite a baby

    Statuses about a little sister are especially touching. There is no creature more charming than her. And therefore, when there is such a charmer in the house, I want to share it on social networks — using statuses about a little sister.

    1. This is how it usually happens with a little sister: you need to drag a bicycle, a ball, a dustpan with a bucket out of the apartment. And she will see some spruce branch, and will play with it for three hours.
    2. Even if you quarrel with your little sister, it will be for a maximum of five minutes. After that, you can reconcile.
    3. It’s always nice when your little sister comes up to you and says: I’m your little peanut!
    4. Few people like his copies. But I just adore this little copy of myself.
    5. My little sister is a true angel; she is the embodiment of tenderness, love and sincere happiness.
    6. A wonderful little ball was born in my family, a little angel: and now there is much more happiness in our house.
    7. When I got a little sister, the whole house was filled with noise and trouble. But her clear look and bouncy laugh is the best reward for all of us.
    8. You are still a very small child, my sister. But very little time will pass, and you will stealthily take my perfume and lipstick; and I will pretend to be angry, but there will still be happiness in my soul.
    9. I love to play with my little sister. After all, she, unlike adults, is still so pure and direct…
    10. When you see the sincere look of your younger sister, you automatically have a desire to be the best example for her.

    Thanks to the elder sister

    • Dear sister! I will not stop thanking you for your help, for your kindness, sincerity and sensitivity!
    • You are the most beautiful big sister in the world! Your radiant smile can drive anyone crazy! You are beautiful, feminine, kind and the most irresistible! I am so grateful to you for your kindness, support, sincerity, wisdom!
    • Sister! You are the brightest and best person. I want to thank you for your kind heart, for the most positive mood that you can create! May there be happiness, joy, love and success in your life!
    • My dear, older sister! You, not sparing your strength, constantly invested so much time so that I would grow up a happy child! I am grateful to you for your work, your patience. You are a wonderful sister, there is no other like it. Thank you!

    Words of gratitude to sister at the wedding

    • My dear sister! On this important day for you, on your wedding day, I want to thank you! I am so grateful to you for the faith, love, care that you can give. You are not just the best sister, you are a wonderful person: kind and sympathetic. I am so glad and happy for you that you were able to find your soul mate in the fast pace of our life. Congratulations and thank you from the bottom of my heart!
    • I have the most charming sister! On this festive and joyful day, on your wedding day, you look charming! But you are not only beautiful, you are also smart, reasonable, and an excellent hostess. With all my heart, I want to wish you great love and happiness. May your family be the strongest, and every day be the most joyful and the best! Thank you, my dear sister, for the warmth, for the colossal support that you provided in difficult moments.
    • Sister! My childhood passed with you, and it was wonderful! You always protected me from danger, taught me to be kind and sincere, to do good deeds. And today you are getting married. I love you very much and I want to wish you undying love, great joy and that you live in peace, harmony and understanding. Be happy, my dear sister! And no matter how much time passes, you will always be my favorite little sister! Thank you for everything!

    Words of gratitude to my sister in prose

    • Thank you for the most wonderful gift! I always dreamed about this, you know how to guess desires! Thank you, dear sister!
    • What a blessing that I have such a wonderful little sister! You are always there, always in a hurry to help, you will never leave in trouble! I am so immensely grateful to you!
    • My dear sister! Words are not enough to express my gratitude to you! You have done so much for me. You are so hardworking, friendly, smart! You can only admire!

    Thanks to my little sister

    • My dear little sister! You are incredibly beautiful, smart and talented! You are always a lot of fun. You are so radiant and positive that everyone can envy your cheerfulness. Thank you for the cheerful mood and bright emotions!
    • My dear little sister, I remember you when you were very young, but you are growing up so fast… you are growing and beautifying my life. You always help in everything, you never refuse to help. With you, any weekday can seem like a holiday, you are such a bright and positive person! Sister, I am very grateful to you for everything!
    • I am so grateful for everything you do for me! I am so proud, appreciate and cherish our friendship with you! You are not only a wonderful sister, you are an amazing person: sensitive and merciful. Thank you for a wonderful time together!

    Words of gratitude to my sister to tears

    • My heart overflows with joy and gratitude when my sister is near! After all, you are my dearest and closest person. I have no one dearer and closer than you. I want to wish you the happiest and longest life, may everything be fine with you. Be always so amazing and unsurpassed!
    • Sister! I would like to thank you for always being there. Thank you for your sensitivity and responsiveness. There is no person kinder and more merciful than you. I’m so glad that I have you. How I always want to see your smile and hear your pleasant laugh. I hug you tightly!
    • Your help is invaluable to me! Please accept my sincere thanks! May there be happiness, harmony in your life, and may your heart always be overflowing with love! You are a wonderful and amazing person. I wish you to always be so radiant, sincere and tender. I cherish you so much, my dear sister!

    Thanks to my sister

    • Dear sister! I had the best childhood because you were by my side. You taught me to be brave, to stand up for myself. You always protected me from any danger and were there at the right time! I want to thank you very much for the best childhood, for the most interesting youth and for the wonderful today.
    • With all my heart I want to thank my dear sister for those most memorable moments in my life. They are really the best, because you are there at the right time, always support and treat me with special understanding. Thank you a million times!
    • My dear little sister! You always believed in me and supported me in difficult times. You are incredibly sensitive and responsive. I want to thank you so much for your kindness. You have so much tenderness and affection! May everything be perfect in your life!

    Words of gratitude to my husband’s sister

    • I sincerely thank you for your kindness, responsiveness, sensitivity and understanding! You have done so many good and necessary things. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
    • When I was little, I always dreamed that my husband would have a sister who looked like a fairy fairy. Now my dream has come true. You are just such a fabulous fairy who knows how to fulfill wishes, do good deeds. Thank you!
    • I am grateful to you for helping me overcome a difficult obstacle. I would never have made it without your help. My husband has a wonderful sister, an amazing woman who is always ready to help. Thank you!

    I became an older brother for my sister

    Touching poems about brother and sister

    Mom brought us

    Mom brought us In a small bag: For me — a sister, And for dad — a daughter.

    I asked: — Let me hold the baby. Mom refused: — Too small.

    Don’t hurry, my dear, Let’s wait first, So that she gets stronger, So that she becomes more.

    I sang softly songs For my sister, Together with my mother I ironed diapers for her.

    I often kept watch By her bed, So that our little one would be all right.

    Again I hold in my hands Lovely little hands: I became an older brother For my sister.

    And mother said: “You can take the baby. Only very gently, very carefully.

    I am you, you are me

    In the world of luck, hope and evil We were created as one, without dividing: Brother and sister — two hands, two wings, Sun and sky, water and earth!

    We will forgive each other all offenses, We will share troubles with you in half. Brother and sister … We will be able to demolish everything, Everything that fate has given us with you!

    There are both friends and acquaintances, but I will tell them without concealing anything: Brother and sister on earth are all the same — Two halves of a single «I»!

    I am you, you are me. We are two dreams, we are two streams, Whole in the eternal universe! You are me, I am you, Like two streams, like two dreams, Life has one direction.


    You and I are sister and brother: Our mother has two bloods. As the people say: Two native halves.

    Bound together — a pie, Separately — pieces. Noise and joy on the threshold Bring sons and daughters.

    Let’s sit side by side together, Our conversation is endless. We will sing more than once For good family tea.

    Life brings us together again and again, No matter how it separates us. Our mother’s love has united us forever.

    A sister is six letters, kilometers of understanding and just a lifelong friendship…

    You are older, and therefore wiser0003

    Sister, sister, sister

    The difference between us is five years, But over the years these lines become thinner. We are growing up … Not getting old, no! And so they are more attracted to each other.

    You call me sister, I call sister. On the outside, we don’t look alike. And the character, the foundation of life, Like the faces, are not similar either.

    You taught me to draw, To draw letters in a beautiful font. You taught me to sing and dance; To be beautiful, fashionable, stylish.

    We are growing up. We’re not getting old, no. I’m chasing you, as before. I, as a child, need your advice. I listen and listen to wisdom.

    Life runs, flows like a thin stream… And when we grow old with you, Always call me «sister», I will call you «sister» and «sister».


    You are older, which means you are wiser, But do numbers have meaning? You are very capable of many things And you already know, no doubt,

    And in general, cosmetics do not spoil your pretty face, There is taste and aesthetics in outfits, enviable perseverance in studies!

    You are waiting for an hour — to go on a date, But — not in a hurry, but measuredly — He will forgive you for being late, Because he is in love — you are sure!


    Even if you are much older, it is not a problem! You remain the best in the world for me! You are not dearer, you are not closer, You are my part, you are my family!

    No matter what happens in my life, You are always with me, I know for sure! In the cold — you will warm, in the heat — you will give some water, In joy — you will smile, in pain — you will lend a shoulder.

    I am grateful to God for my sister — my faithful friend, my companion! There is no better friend, my second mother, You will never be able to betray me!

    Know, my dear, I will die for you! If anyone offends, I will grind it into powder! For you, in sorrow, I will shed tears! I will give all the joy, I will share the troubles! No matter how life beats, the pain is not melting, Know that there is your little sister!

    Some of them got good sisters, but I got the BEST!!!

    Status about your beloved sister

    You are smart, beautiful, friendly, kind, I really, really like that you are my sister! And I won’t hide from you: I love you more than anyone!

    My sister is the cutest, but I’m the happiest!

    And no matter how many quarrels, tears and worries… I will not give my beloved sister to anyone!

    We are never bored together. I love my sister so much0003

    You are my sister and I feel so good with you. I can’t even imagine if you didn’t exist. I’m glad that I have you

    The best statuses and sayings about sister

    A real sister will never let you do stupid things… Alone!


    The most popular phrase when walking with your sister: — Well, everything is quiet, otherwise people are coming!


    A sister can be snarky, grumpy and prickly, importunate like a fly, and harmful like a snake. Or maybe wonderful, funny and charming, as well as very kind and cool, like mine!

    A sister is a timeless connection. We remember each other as we have always been, we have common jokes that only we can understand, we know all the secrets, sorrows and joys of each other … A sister is a friend forever!


    Some of them got good sisters, and I got the BEST!!!

    There are normal adequate people… but there is me and my sister…


    A sister can be the best friend, which is not so easy to get rid of.

    The greatest happiness for me is my sister! we live soul to soul, fist to eye, heel to ear!


    A sister is a person who will tell you everything that infuriates her about you, but will prove to others that you are her best!


    A favorite sister is one with whom I can be sincere. In her presence, I can think out loud.


    If your sister tells you “You are a fool!” she loves you.


    Setryunya is a person who knows your secrets, loves, worries… you can always laugh with her, only she sincerely loves… She is mother number 2.


    Sister — six letters, miles of understanding and just lifelong friendship… You get ready and I’ll get in touch until I come in” — “I’ll tell you this now” — Did you take the textbook? — No, I thought you’d take it-blin «-» Just don’t post on VKontakte «-» Wait I’m in heels «-» Come with me to the toilet «-» Give me one earpiece «-» Let’s wear heels tomorrow «- Take a fotik tomorrow» — I love you sister


    A sister is one who rejoices in your victories. The one who puts aside everything for you. The one that will tell you absolutely everything. The one who can afford to tell your boyfriend what you can’t tell him. Appreciate sisters!


    A sister is the person who reads the pain in your eyes without any extra words.


    At first I thought it was time to lose weight, but then I found out that my younger sister weighs more and calmed down.


    A sister cannot always become a friend, but a friend can always become a sister.


    When you quarrel with your sister, there will always be a reason to make up, after five minutes !»


    You go to the playground with your sister: you drag a bicycle, a doll, molds from the floor. And she will find an interesting wand and shuffle it along the asphalt all evening.


    I know who is the happiest person! This is my sister, she records her laughter on a recorder, and then she listens to all this and laughs even more!


    What is good news worth if you can’t share it with your sister? Jenny De Vries


    One day a little sister asked her older brother, «What is love?» He replied: This is when you steal chocolate from my briefcase every day … And I keep putting it in the same place …


    It is difficult for sisters to forgive each other for offenses experienced at the age of five.


    Only my sister gives the whole bag to Gimme Gum!


    I have a beautiful sister. To save this world, all we have to do is come together!


    Didn’t they call you by your sister’s name at school just because she used to study there?


    A sister is someone with whom you don’t get tired of talking. This is the one who can cheer you up when you want to cry…


    My sister is very educated, she has a large vocabulary: half an hour of foul language — never repeated …


    We had twins at school, a brother and sister. By the 10th grade, Seryoga already had an ambal under two meters, and Marinka was a trifle — a meter with a cap, and then in a jump. That’s what we called them: brevity is the sister of talent.


    Rejecting your own sister is like depriving yourself of a body part.


    Many people know me, but only my sister knows what I really am…


    A sister is a person who makes your problems her own so you don’t have to go through it alone. ..


    -Do you have a favorite actress? -Yes there is. -Who? -My beloved sister, because she plays an important role in my life.


    Only with your sister you can understand what you really are!


    A sister is a small, beautiful, of course, sometimes harmful, but still dear and very beloved to her brother…


    And no matter how much you have to be disappointed in people, life will still have meaning as long as there is a sister in it.


    Add greens to your sister’s shampoo — make your parents happy!


    My sister is my blood. My support and love.


    I have a younger sister, Katyushenka. She has a sweet tooth. So, when you offer her to drink tea, she will certainly be interested in: And for tea … WHAT?)) In general, the cup after it always remains full …


    Sisters are two fools who absolutely cannot live without each other.


    I can fool everyone, but my sister can’t. Charlotte Gray


    Happiness is when you remember the best summer moments on a cold evening with your sister.


    Your sister is like your mirror and your opposite.


    Little sisters only attract those who don’t have them.

    I am talking to my sister, describing my chest pains, and it turns out that she is now experiencing the same pains. Her husband sits next to him and says: “The whole batch is defective! It stopped hurting immediately …

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    Quotes about my sister 👧 with meaning: short, beautiful

    The relationship between sisters in the family largely depends on the parents. If you pay attention to only one child, it is natural that the other will rebel. Here it is necessary to approach the issues of raising children very carefully.

    But if children can find support and support in each other, share secrets and trust each other, then their bond can become indestructible and run like a red thread through life. A sister will love and respect a sister, as well as a brother a sister. Even when the parents leave, they will remain with each other forever. The family is worth a lot. It must be protected, because not a single person can live happily without a corner where he is loved and waited for.

    So far apart, yet so close. So different, yet so similar. That’s why I love my sister. Maxim Lagache.

    You can fool the whole world, but not your sister. Charlotte Grey.

    When you have a sister, you don’t need any more girlfriends.

    If there are two sisters in a family, then one of them will always be the leader, and the other the observer.

    My sister is my best friend who is faithful in happiness and in trouble.

    A younger sister is the only woman who can be brought up. Maxim Goroshkov

    People who have brothers or sisters appear more whole and happy.

    A sister is one with whom conversations do not bother. She is the one who can cheer you up when you feel like crying…

    There is no better friend than a sister.

    Friends grow up and leave. But your sister will stay forever.

    I love you! You are the queen of bores, you are more stubborn than a donkey, but you are my sister, and I would not exchange you for any other sister in the world.

    Sisters are different flowers from the same garden.

    Older sisters, of course, wipe their younger brothers’ noses, but they run to someone else to cry into their waistcoats. Mariam Petrosyan

    Don’t listen to my sister’s opinion of me. They are always full of hope, which means they are always wrong.

    People who have brothers or sisters look more whole and happy.

    Sometimes it seems that my sister and I are like a cat and a dog, so different, but on quiet family evenings you still realize that we are one.

    A real sister will never let you do something stupid… Alone!

    If a girl is beautiful, knows how to cook, understands cars and technology, then she is your sister!

    A sister is a person who will tell you everything that infuriates her in you, but will prove to others that you are her best!

    A sister is a little piece of childhood that will never be lost.

    A sister is one with whom conversations do not bother. She is the one who can cheer you up when you feel like crying…

    A sister’s heart is a diamond of purity, an abyss of tenderness. Honore de Balzac.

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    When our hair turns white, our sisterly love will remain with us. Lisa Xi, Girls from Shanghai.

    You can let your sister know your innermost secrets and not be afraid that someone will find out about it. After all, she has the most direct participation in these secrets!

    Sisters hardly forgive each other the insults experienced at the age of five. Pam Brown

    A sister is someone who makes your problems her own so you don’t have to go through it alone…

    The eldest daughter in a large family does not have a happy childhood. Adriana Trigiani

    A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend of the soul, a golden thread of the meaning of life. Isadora James

    You can fool the whole world, but not your sister. Charlotte Gray

    I thought then that for other girls to have a sister is like standing in front of a murky mirror and seeing their own past in it, themselves, only with variations. Michelle Richmond

    A real friend is looked for for a very long time, with great difficulty they find and keep. And I was lucky, I always had it — this is my sister!

    Sweet is the voice of a sister in times of sorrow. Benjamin Disraeli

    An older sister is such a special punishment from God. She always turns out to be right. Max Frei

    A sister does not always bring joy to a sister, sometimes grief. Alexandra Deville

    A sister is a person who makes your problems her own so you don’t have to go through it alone.

    Sister as your mirror and your opposite.

    Only with your sister you can understand what you really are!

    A sister is an indispensable support and support for life, which will help you move only forward.

    Only a sister is able to penetrate into the very heart and heal even the most terrible wounds.

    If it is difficult for you to accept your own sister with all her shortcomings, in the future you will be dissatisfied with everyone. Chuck Palahniuk.

    It’s good that a person lives at the address I know, whom I can call at any time and answer the question «Do you love me?» hear «Of course, sister!».

    I love you! You are the queen of bores, you are more stubborn than a donkey, but you are my sister, and I would not exchange you for any other sister in the world. Mark Levy.

    A sister is the person who can read the pain in your eyes without any extra words.

    The ability to find a common language with a sister is a school of how to become a friend to other people.

    How wonderful it is sometimes to understand that you are not alone in this world. Friends come and go, husbands get divorced and only a sister will always be there, even if she is so far away!

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    A sister is a timeless connection. We remember each other as we have always been, we have common jokes that only we can understand, we know all the secrets, sorrows and joys of each other … A sister is a friend forever!

    Sister — six letters, kilometers of understanding and just a lifelong friendship…

    It is impossible to quarrel with my sister for a long time: either she will need something from me or I will need something from her. A truce is inevitable.

    A sister is both your reflection and your opposite.

    Almost all children have fictitious friends, and some not just friends, but brothers or sisters, who lack something.

    The eldest daughter in a large family does not have a happy childhood. Adriana Trigiani

    Do not treat your sister by faith as you would not like to be treated by your sister by blood. Muhammad Okar

    Sister is our first friend and second mother.

    There is no rivalry in the family more acute than between sisters, and there is no friendship stronger than friendship between adult sisters.

    When you are alone in this world, will anyone care for you better and with the same love as your sister?

    There are talks about friendship, about the noblest feelings between people. But there is nothing nobler than love for a sister, because it is based on an instinctive feeling of kinship.

    Amy was very afraid of losing her sister. And she also thought with fear that if this happened, nothing would ever make her happy again. Even if Aunt March gave her not one, but a million turquoise rings. Louise Alcott, The March Sisters.

    Your sister is your mirror image: she looks like you on the outside, but, in fact, is completely different.

    When you have a sister, you don’t need any more girlfriends.

    Sisters don’t need guardian angels: they are their own support and support.

    A sister is the best friend that you can’t get rid of.

    Many people know me, but only my sister knows what I really am.

    What is good news worth if you can’t share it with your sister? Jenny De Vries.

    Everything I really need to know was taught to me by my sister when she was in sixth grade. Linda Sunshine.

    I want my sister to be a true friend to me all my life, so I will be a true friend to her now.

    My sister always feels what’s in my soul…!

    With my beloved sister I can be sincere, with her I can think aloud.

    Happiness is when on a cold evening with your sister you remember the best summer moments.

    And no matter how much one has to be disappointed in people, life will still have meaning as long as there is a sister in it.

    I have a beautiful sister. To save this world — we just need to come together!

    If there is someone to whom one can tell one’s secret with the same confidence as one’s mother, it is only to one’s sister.

    Friendship between sisters is like fine wine — it grows stronger with age. And like spring — the longer the cold, the more pleasant its arrival.

    When you’re sad, you don’t know what’s going on with you, when you can’t trust anyone — there is your sister who will always understand and comfort you.

    Trust in relations with a sister is expressed even without words.

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    A brother can forgive a bad mood, whims and anger only to one girl. And only for her will always be ready to stand up. For my sister.

    My first friend and example was my elder sister!

    — Hey! What did I tell you about comparing your sister to the devil? — What is this offensive to the devil?

    — Do you know what friendship is? — Yes.

    By alexxlab

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