What’s a prefix and suffix: What are the Differences between Prefix and Suffix? | by Education Help

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Difference Between Affix Prefix and Suffix

August 4, 2016

by Hasa

3 min read

Main Difference – Affix vs Prefix vs Suffix

An affix is a morpheme (a minimal unit of meaning in language) that is attached to the word stem (base word) to create a new word. Affixes can be basically categorized into two main types known as prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes are added to the front of a word whereas suffixes are added to the back of a word. This is the main difference between affix prefix and suffix. Some additional differences are caused by this difference in structure and position.

In this article, we’ll look at,

1. What is an Affix? – Definition, Function, Features and Examples

2. What is a Prefix? – Definition, Function, Features and Examples

3. What is a Suffix? – Definition, Function, Features and Examples

4. Difference Between Affix Prefix and Suffix – Comparison of Function and Features

What is an Affix

An affix is a set of letters that are attached to the root or the stem of a word. An affix can also be described as a bound morpheme since it cannot act as a word. That is, an affix cannot stand alone. Affixes can be added to the beginning, middle or to the end of a word. Prefix is an affix at the beginning of a word and suffix is an affix at the end of a word. An infix is an affix that is attached to the middle of a word. (The English language almost has no true infixes) The process of attaching an affix is known as affixation.

Affixes can be derivational or inflectional. A derivational affix results in the formation of a new word.

Care → Careful

Appear → Disappear

An inflectional affix serves as a grammatical marker; it reflects grammatical information about a word.

Boy → Boys

Talk → Talked

Reusable – An Example of Affix

What is a Prefix

A prefix is an affix which is placed before the stem of a word. Prefix is also a bound morpheme since it cannot stand alone. In the English language, all prefixes are derivational. Prefixes usually create words with new meaning.


Re (again): regain, rewind, retell, re-establish, recall

Pre (before): preorder, preassembled, prewriting

Un (opposite): unhappy, unopened, unseen, undo

Mis (bad): misspell, misuse, misdemeanor, misdeed

Unopened – An Example of Prefix

What is a Suffix

Suffixes are the affixes that are added to the end of a word. Suffixes often change the lexical category of a word. They can also be used as grammatical markers to indicate grammatical information of a word. Thus, suffixes can be either derivational or inflectional.


Derivational Suffixes:

Terminate → Termination

Like →  Likeable

Sing → Singer

Use → Useless

Inflectional Suffixes:

End → Ended

Flower → Flowers

Sing →  Singing

Singer – An Example of Suffix

A word can have both suffixes and prefixes. Given below are some words that contain both prefixes and suffixes.

Unacceptable (prefix: un, stem: accept, suffix: able)

Reusable (prefix: re, stem: use, suffix: able)

Disqualified (prefix: dis, stem: qualify, suffix: ied)

Difference Between Affix Prefix and Suffix


Affix is a morpheme that is added to a word to change its meaning or lexical category.

Prefix is an affix that is added to the beginning of a word.

Suffix is an affix that is added at the end of a word.


Affix can be used at the beginning or end of a word.

Prefix can be used at the beginning of a word.

Suffix can be used at the end of a word.

Derivational vs Inflectional

Affix can be derivational or inflectional.

Prefix is derivational.

Suffix can be derivational or inflectional.


Affixes can create new meanings, lexical categories, and act as grammatical markers.

Prefixes mostly change the meaning of a word.

Suffixes often change the lexical category and act as grammatical markers.

Image Courtesy: Pixbay 

About the Author: Hasa

Hasa has a BA degree in English, French and Translation studies. She is currently reading for a Masters degree in English. Her areas of interests include literature, language, linguistics and also food.

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Medical Roots, Prefixes & Suffixes: P

Medical Dictionary

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X
  • Y
  • Z

Word Parts

Word Parts

pachy- thick
palat/o palate
palpit/o throb, flutter
pan- all
pancreat/o pancreas
papill/o nipple, papilla
papul/o papule, pimple
para has given birth
para- beside, near
-paresis weakness, slight paralysis
patell/o patella (knee)
path/o disease
-pathy disease
pector/o chest
ped(i/o) child, foot
pelv(i/o) pelvis
-penia deficiency
-pepsia digestion
pept/o digest
per- through
peri- around
perine/o perineum
peritone/o peritoneum
peta- quadrillion
-pexy fixation (surgical)
phac/o lens (eye)
phag/o eat, ingest
-phagia eating, ingestion
phak/o lens (eye)
phalang/o finger or toe bone (phalanges)
phall/o penis
pharmac/o drug
pharyng/o pharynx, throat
phas/o speech
-phasia speech
phen/o show
-pheresis removal
-phil(ia) affinity for, attraction
phleb/o vein
phob/o fear, aversion to
-phobia fear, aversion to
phon/o sound, voice
-phoresis transmit, carry
phos light
phot/o light
-phragm separation, wall
phren/o diaphragm
-phylaxis protection, prevention
physi/o function, natural
physic/o natural
-physis growth
-phyte plant
pico- one trillionth
pil/o hair
pineal/o pineal gland
pituitar/o pituitary (gland)
-plakia plaque
-plasia formation, growth
-plasm formation, thing formed
plasm/o plasma, formative
-plast formation, cell
-plasty surgical repair
-plegia paralysis
pleur(a/o) pleura
-pnea breathing
pneum(a/o) air, lung
pneumon/o lung, breath
pod/o foot
-poiesis formation
poli/o gray (Gr. polios)
poly- many, much
poly- many
por- opening, passage through
post- after; behind
poster/o back, towards back
-praxia activity
pre- before, in front of (time or place)
presby- old age
primi- first
pro- before, in front of (time or place)
proct/o anus, rectum
prostat/o prostate (gland)
prot(o)- first
proxim/o near, proximal to
prurit/o itching
pseudo- false
psych/o mind
-ptosis prolapse, drooping
-ptysis spitting
pub/o pubis
pulm/o lung
pulmon/o lung
pupill/o pupil
purpur/o purple
py/o pus
pyel/o renal pelvis
pylor/o pylorus
pyr/o fever, heat

Return to: Medical Word Parts

Gr. Greek origin. L. Latin origin.

This content should not be used in place of medically-reviewed decision support reference material or professional medical advice. The definitions on this page should not be considered complete.


Phones and Smartphones

The Taiwanese company HTC was founded in 1997 and originally produced handheld computers for companies such as Palm, Dell, Fujitsu Siemens, Hewlett Packard.

Later, production was expanded and HTC started producing smartphones based on Windows Mobile . Leading cellular operators became interested in the company’s products and NTS began to cooperate with T-mobile, Orange, O2 and Vodafone. As a result, in the early 2000s, the leading leader in the production of devices based on the Windows platform was precisely NTS.

HTC phones.

In 2002, the brand Qtek was specially created by HTC to promote its products. For the same purpose, in 2004, the campaign created another brand — Dopod , but for the sale of devices in the Asian market. And already in 2006, NTS entered the market under its own name.

In the same 2006, a GPS module appeared in NTS smartphones. By 2007, the corporation had developed a gesture system that greatly simplified the use of a smartphone’s resistive touch screen. The first proprietary version of the company’s interface called 9 was also announced.0003 TouchFLO . All these innovations are embodied in HTC Touch — the first device from the manufacturer, released under its own brand.

No less important for the company was 2008, when NTS introduced the world’s first smartphone based on Android — T-Mobile G1, also known to us as HTC Dream . This smartphone was the impetus for the beginning of a new era in the world of mobile devices. Since then, the popularity of Google’s OS has grown rapidly, and the Taiwanese manufacturer has penetrated all major global markets.

2009 was marked by the release of HTC Hero . This smartphone had a relatively new operating system. But it was not she who won the hearts of buyers, but the new proprietary shell HTC Sense . To this day, Sense is the main reason for choosing HTC products for many customers.

In 2010, the company created the HTCSense.com portal, which linked the HTC smartphone to a desktop PC. This year was also marked by the fact that the NTS company began to release its first smartphone that supports 4G.

HTC Sensation XL phone.

In 2011, the era of Android tablets began and HTC Flyer , the first tablet PC from HTC, which incorporated all the best that the company had. It is very different from its competitors with the HTC Scribe technology, which allows you to enter information into your tablet with a digital pen.

HTC has been recognized all over the world. Proof of this are the constant awards that the company receives. The most important award in recent times was the title of «Best Global Brand 2011» from Interbrand.

HTC strives to become a leading manufacturer and supplier of innovative mobile devices through innovative design solutions. Incorporating new technologies into our products is a path that has already led to the success of NTS and continues to lead the company to new heights.

Lesson, abstract 6 cells. «Formation of words with the most common prefixes and suffixes.»

Lesson #15 Russian language 6 class 900 0 8 Date

Topic : Formation of words with the most common prefixes and suffixes.

Purpose: to give students an idea of ​​the prefix and suffix, their meaning and role in the word; develop oral speech skills, the ability to work with a textbook under the guidance of a teacher, find words with a prefix and suffix, the ability to highlight the composition of a word in order to develop literate writing skills.

Equipment: textbook, study tables, task cards.

Lesson type : learning new

Lesson progress

I. Topic announcements and c lesson fir:

II. Updating basic knowledge knowledge students __

-Checking homework

— Working with cards

— Frontal survey


III. Motivation educational activities

I V . Learning new material

1. Explanation .

The prefix (prefix) is a morpheme that is in the word before the root and serves to form other words: come, run, cut off.

There can be two prefixes in one word. (retraining)

Tell me what is called a morpheme? (A morpheme is the smallest part of a word that has a meaning. Morphemes are divided into main ones — (root) and auxiliary ones — (prefix, suffix, ending)

When dividing a word into morphemes, it is not the alphabetic, but the sound composition of the word that is taken into account. For example: sing [poy’ut]

Spelling Prefixes Z- and S-

They are written with the letter S-, prefixes, before the deaf (n, k, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, u)

З- before voiced (b, c, d, e, f, h) Ex.: Break up, sign

Rus. I. Ukr. I.

Smash Rozbity


Exit Exit Exit

Close Close Close

3. Detection of perception

4. Explanation

Suffix — is a morpheme located after the root, before the ending and serving mainly for the formation of new words.

For example: Forest — forest OK.

Suffixes are used for:

  • the formation of new forms (play — play-yushch-th, light — light-her.
  • the formation of new words (evening — evening-n-th, play — game-ive-th

There can be several suffixes in a word: the word canvas is formed from the word canvas using the suffix -n-, and canvas — from the word canvas with the suffix -in-. Therefore, in the word canvas two suffixes -in- and -n-

5. Interview with students

5. Revealing perception (distributive dictation)

V .

By alexxlab

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