Names that start with cal: Top 80 Boy Names That Start With Cal

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Top 80 Boy Names That Start With Cal

The name “Cal” itself means “devotion” in Hebrew. The name sounds cool and unique, and many parents seek for that perfect name beginning with “Cal” for their little boy. This article will come handy for those who want to have this prefix in their child’s name. Here, we have put together a list of 80 stunning names starting with “Cal” with their meanings.

If you are on the hunt for baby boy names starting with “Cal”, then your search ends here. Read on to find a list of names that begin with “Cal”. You will definitely find a suitable one that will define your boy’s identity for the rest of his life.

1. Cal

A short and sweet name, this one means “devotion”, “bald” or “hairless”. This single-syllable name is a shortened version of the name Calvin.

2. Calax

This name has an Old Greek origin, and it means “a handsome man”.

3. Calder

Calder is a rare and unique name of Celtic and Old English origin. The meaning of this name is “stream”.

4. Caldre

Caldre is a sassy boy’s name meaning “cold brook”.

5. Caldwiella

Caldwiella is a sophisticated British name meaning “from the cold spring”.

6. Caleb

Pronounced as Kah-leb, it is derived from Hebrew. It means “a dog-like devotion to God” and is a rare name.

7. Caledon

Caledon is a common Irish name of Latin origin. It means “rocky land”.

8. Calemund

Calemund is an elegant boy’s name of English origin. The name means “a dove-like man”.

9. Calahan

Used mainly in the English language, this name means “small” and “lover of churches”.

10. Callan

This name means “chatter”. It is a rare baby boy name, and it traces its origin to the Germanic language.

11. Calles

Derived from the Latin Callis, Calles means “a narrow path”. In Old Greek, it is associated with the name Selina which means “moon”.

12. Callie

Callie is a crisp and fresh name meaning “son of Alexander”.

13. Calix

Well, no parent would ever think that their boy is not handsome. If you want to reinforce that each time you call out to him, then choose the name, Calix. It means “the handsome one”.

14. Calbert

The name means “cowherd” or a “cowboy,” and if you live in the Wild West, this name could be a perfect pick.

15. Calbex

If you live in the countryside and you want to raise a rustic soul, you must give this name a thought as it means “shepherd”.

16. Calbraith

Of Celtic origin, the name means “British warrior”. It is a unique baby boy name that is mostly used by speakers of the English language.

17. Calburt

A derivative of Calvert, the name is pronounced as “KAHL-bert”. It means a “calf-herder”.

18. Caldar

The name is of Welsh origin, and it means “violent stream”. It can also be spelt as Calder or Caldyr.

19. Caldeolo

This name has a Latin origin, and is pronounced as “Kaal-Di-yow-Low.” The name means “hot”.

20. Calderon

Of Spanish origin, this is a topographic name, and it means “basin”, “crater”, or “hollow”.

21. Calepodio

A name of Old Greek origin, this name means “one who has beautiful feet”.

22. Caldwell

This is a cool name that brings in a whiff of spring. It means “source of cold water” or “from a cold spring”.

23. Caldyr

With its origin in the Welsh language, this name means “a violent stream”.

24. Cale

A short and sweet name for your baby boy, this one means “devotion to God” in Hebrew.

25. Caleban

Pronounced as “Kael-Bahn”, the name is of English origin. It is a variant of Caliban, and it means “dog-like devotion”.

26. Caledfryn

Tracing its origin to the Welsh language, the name means “hard hill”. It is pronounced as “Kaa-lehd-ferin”.

27. Calen

The name has Irish and Hebrew origins, and it means “devoted fervently to God” and “pure”.

28. Caley

A variant of Caelan, this name is of Irish origin. It means “slender” or “slim”.

29. Calfhierde

This name has an English origin, and it means “shepherd”.

30. Calhoun

This lovely name was used as a last name for the famous protagonist of the book and movie “The Notebook”, Noah Calhoun. The name means “fighter”,” warrior”, or “from the narrow forest”.

31. Calhoon

A variant of Calhoun, this name is derived from Irish, and it means “narrow woods”.

32. Calian

A name of Native American origin, it means “a warrior for life”. This meaningful name could be a wonderful choice for your little warrior.

33. Caliburn

Simple yet fierce, this name is one of the names of King Arthur’s legendary sword.

34. Calicrates

Slightly long, but undoubtedly regal, the name is derived from the Old Greek language. It means “beautiful power” and was the name of a famous architect of ancient times.

35. Calie

A Hebrew variant of Caleb, the name means “dog-like devotion to God”.

36. Calien

Pronounced as Kaa-Liyahan, the name means “warrior for life”.

37. Caligula

It means “little boots” or “he who wears sandals”. The name is of Latin origin and is quite unconventional and unique.

38. Calimaco

An ancient Greek origin name, it means “an excellent fighter”. This name could be suitable for your little hero.

39. Calimerio

An Old Greek name, this one means “he who ushers in a beautiful day”. Such a splendid name guarantees that your boy will love his name.

40. Calimerino

Another name of Greek origin, the name means “beautiful thigh”.

41. Calin

Largely used in the English language, this name means “powerful warrior”.

42. Calinico

An ancient Greek name, it means “he who secures a beautiful victory”.

43. Calistenes

A Greek name pronounced as “KAELAHS-IYN-Z”, it means “beautiful and strong”.

44. Calistrato

Not used frequently, the name is pronounced as “KAEL-iy-STRAAT-ow” and traces its origin to Old Greek. It means “he who commands a great army”. Calisto is another popular variant of the same name.

45. Calix

If you are Greek and think that your boy’s beauty is comparable to that of the Greek God, then this will suit him perfectly. It means “handsome man”.

46. Callaghan

The name is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and it means “strife or contention”.

47. Calloway

Also spelt Callaway, this name is of Norman-French origin, and it means ‘a place of stones or pebbles”.

48. Calldwr

Pronounced as “Kal-dwer”, it means “cold brook”.

49. Callen

A name is of Germanic origins, and it means “powerful in battle”.

50. Calli

The name means “the son of Alexander” in English, and it is a shortened version of the name Callister.

51. Callice

This name has many variants and different spellings. This one is pronounced as “KAEL-his”. It is of Latin origin, and it means “a goblet”.

52. Callis

The name is of Latin origin, and it means “chalice or goblet”. It is a variant of Callice.

53. Callister

Another name of English origin, this one means “defending men” or “son of Alexander”.

54. Callisthenes

An ancient Greek name, the name means “beautiful strength”.

55. Callisto

Mainly used in the Italian language, and derived from the late Roman personal names, the name means “beautiful”.

56. Callistus

The name sounds royal and powerful, and it means “most beautiful” in Latin and Greek.

57. Callum

This name has an English and Scottish origin, and it means “dove”.

58. Callumet

The name is of French origin, and is an unusual name for a boy. It means “resembling a reed”.

59. Calunoth

A unique meaning to it, Calunoth is a British-origin name meaning “a British male name”.

60. Callyn

A variant of the German name Callan, it means “chatter”.

61. Callys

Pronounced as “KAEL-ayz”, this name is of Latin origin. There are several variants to the name like Callis, Callyce, and more. It means “chalice”.

62. Calminio

Pronounced as “KAA-MIHN-yow”, the name means “calm”. It is of Latin origin, and it’s catching up in popularity.

63. Calogero

Derived from the Italian language, the name means “fair, old age”. If you have Italian roots, this name could go well with your last name too.

64. Calox

A variant of Calix, the name is pronounced as “KLLKS”. It means “handsome”.

65. Calros

Of Germanic origin, the name means “free man”. It is pronounced as “KAOLL-owZ”.

66. Calum

A lovely name for a boy, the name means “dove”. It is a popular English name and would be an excellent pick for your boy.

67. Calux

A different name, it is pronounced as “KAELKS”. A variant of Calix and of Greek origin, the name means “handsome”.

68. Calv

A short French name, this one means “the bald one”.

69. Calvagh

The name traces its origin to the Irish language, and it means “the bald one”. Callough is another variant and it also of Irish origin.

70. Calvert

A variant of the Old English name Calbert, Calvert means “cowboy”.

71. Calvex

Another name that means “shepherd”, it is ideal for parents with a home in the country or the woods.

72. Calvie

A longer form of Calv, it means “the bald one”. This name has a sweet sound and would fit a cute little boy.

73. Calvin

Made popular by the cartoon figure from “Calvin and Hobbes”, the name also means “the little bald one”.

74. Calvino

Derived from the word Calvin, Calvino is a French name meaning “the little bald one”.

75. Calvurt

A traditional name that traces its origin to the English language and is an occupational name, it means “a calf-herder”.

76. Calyan

The name is of Native American origin and means “warrior for life”.

77. Calyb

The name is of Hebrew origin, and is pronounced as “KAH-lyb”. It is a derivative of Caleb and means “messenger”.

78. Calym

A variant of the name Calum that has a Latin origin, it means “dove”.

79. Calyn

The name means “thin” or “slender’ in the Irish and Gaelic language and is a variant of Cale.

80. Calyx

Of Greek origin, the name means “a good-looking, handsome man”. This name sounds different and would be a good option for your little one.

Most of the names beginning with “Cal” are of Greek, Spanish, Latin, or Native American origin. Most of the names have unique pronunciations and don’t sound like common English names. These are ideal picks for parents who want something different. Finding the right name for your baby can be quite challenging, and we hope the list given above has helped you shortlist some of your favourite names for your little boy.

Cal: Getting to Cal from Calvin, Callum & Calyx

The nickname Cal could be the next Max.

Or maybe Gus.

Like those two mini names, Cal feels brisk and boyish. Cal is at home in the modern world, but feels like it might’ve stepped off the set of a black-and-white Western, too.

It might be complete, just as it is. But another syllable or two might help the name feel more complete.



An Old Testament name that’s been in the US Top 100 for over two decades, Caleb requires no shortening. And maybe you’d call him Cale, with a long ‘a’ sound instead. But the nickname Cal works, too.


Rare in the US, but common in the UK, Callum traces its roots to the saintly Columba. It comes with a peaceful nature name meaning – dove.


Presidential and philosophical, Calvin peaked in the 1920s. Right on schedule, Calvin is rising in the rankings again, a century later. It’s the full name of baseball great Cal Ripken.



The surname of famous sculptor Alexander, Calder leans artistic. But it’s also a major name in ice hockey, making this an artist-athletic double threat … and a logical route to the nickname Cal.


From the name of a tenth century King of Munster, Callahan belongs with upbeat Irish surname names we all love. It’s a heavy favorite with Appellation Mountain readers.


These could be borrowed from Irish surnames, or they might just be creative Cal-Allen mash-ups. Either way, they fit in perfectly with so many two-syllable boy names we love.


Jazzy, thanks to legendary performer Cab Calloway.


A Maryland heritage pick, and possibly an alternative to Calvin for those seeking something different.


A Scottish surname meaning son of Alasdair, this name is cousin to classic Alexander. Short form Mac makes for one obvious choice, but the nickname Cal works, too.



This Spanish surname comes from the Late Latin calderia – cooking pot, or cauldron. Cauldron-like craters were called calderons; and that led to the surname. It’s rarer than rare, but fits with so many Cal- names parents love.


Caliban should fit right in with Caspian and so many three-syllable boy names that feel fresh and appealing. Only Caliban is a villain in Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Oh, and it rhymes with Taliban.


We’ve named our children Georgia … and Dakota. So why not California? It’s romantic, dramatic, and as wearable as Cairo or Boston.


Back in the 200s, Pope Callistus I led the church for a few years before being martyred. Callistus, Callixtus, and variations like Calixto pop up over the ages.


At first glance, Calyx looks like Alex … or maybe Felix. It’s a botanical name, but also borrowed from myth and legend.

What do you think of the nickname Cal? Which longer form would you use?  Are there others that should be on this list?

First published on October 12, 2012, this post was revised substantially and re-published on November 8, 2020.

A dozen design jambs / Sudo Null IT News

In recent months, I have had to study and supervise a large amount of design on duty. The criteria are quite ordinary — follow the text, carefully reading each phrase. And make sure the design does its job.

After a while, I identified a few non-obvious things that I tried to pay attention to, and in most cases I found errors. Got a little checklist. Very useful for both self-testing and checking someone else’s design. I hasten to share them with you:

The longest month name is September. The longest name of the day of the week (as well as the day itself) is Monday. That is, with the expanded date format, the largest sausage that can turn out:

September 27 (Monday) at 20:35

Leave more space for the maximum possible amount or number of items in the basket. Demand the longest content possible. Let there be a small white spot in the layout, but on a gloomy September Monday, your layout will not spoil anyone’s mood.

Don’t forget long names too. The longest real name I’ve come across: Panteleimon Christ-Christmas. Two letters longer than Constantine of Constantinople, who was so beaten up by designers that there was no living space left on the poor fellow. And it reads easier.

Tell me your phone number baby
Do you mean mobile phone, phone number or mobile number?

Try to use the same terms and abbreviations. It often occurs when on different pages of the same site it says:


car loan
car loan
car loan

It is sad that in most cases these are sites of mobile operators and banks. However, it is amusing when even the name of your own company does not obey any rules from copywriters. It is written in Latin, Cyrillic or caps. In quotes or without. Decline or add a tongue-tied postscript «in the company of such and such.»

It is not uncommon when there are completely different links next to each other, not similar to each other, like De Vito and Schwarzenegger. And they lead to the same type of pages:

Buy chair

Transfer funds

In both cases, when clicking, we will go to the same type of pages. If the content is similar, then the form should be similar:


Transfer funds

Or so:

Buy chair
Buy table

Withdraw funds
Transfer funds

If you bring the headings and links on the site to a common form, it will become easier for users to draw analogies between actions. And therefore easier to navigate.

• Select a product and add it to your cart
• Enter your card details
• In the «comment» field, indicate the desired delivery time
• Questions about service can be asked to the online consultant

Items starting with the same letter make it difficult to read. It’s even worse when they start with a preposition. Have you met this — for home, for giving, for office? Much easier to understand (Sugrob, thanks for the correct text):

• Add item to cart
• Enter your card details
• Specify the desired delivery time in the «comment» field
• The online consultant will be happy to answer the remaining questions

A capital letter is like a lighthouse, the eye clings to it to start reading. If all the sentences on the list start with the same letter, it’s hard to even figure out which line you’re on.

Some items can be swapped when their order is not important. For example, the first two begin with the letter B, and the third with the letter D. Let’s rearrange it a bit and make it easier to perceive the information.

After you’ve drawn a design, try reading it like a book. Left to right, top to bottom. Everything that is written in it, starting with the title. It usually comes out something like this:

Buy a chair. Office, guest, for cafes. Office chairs. Herman Miller Aeron. 1500 bucks. Buy.

The same mess in the minds of customers. Much better:

Armchairs. Office, guest, for cafes. Herman Miller Aeron. 1500 bucks. Buy.

No matter how cool the texts are, in most cases no one will read them. Users work quickly and inattentively. Adapt texts for fluent reading. The trick is to put the most important information in the sentence at the beginning. For example:

For security purposes, the transfer of funds to another account, to your mobile +7 … 1245
SMS sent with verification code.

Important information should always be ahead:

An SMS with a verification code has been sent to your mobile +7…1245. This is made for purposes
the security of transferring funds to another account.

Now it’s time for links and buttons showing additional information. It is often forgotten that these elements have the opposite effect. It turns out that after clicking on such a disclosure

Show More Benefits ↓

Thirty-three items fall out and collapse onto the same «Show More» link, although fewer are now shown. Collapse — expand. Show — hide. Don’t forget antonyms.

This is a separate topic for an article and a holivar. However, any interactive element must show that it can be interacted with. In the conditions of modern dribbling design, when links no longer have to be blue and underlined, and icons sometimes look like checkboxes, this is a very useful practice.

Someone considers users smart and relies on scrolling, someone makes their design with grandmothers in mind and tries to squeeze as much information as possible on the first screen. There are too many very authoritative and conflicting opinions on this subject on the Internet. The 700px rule. That’s what we call it in our inner kitchen. The point is that on the first screen it is clear what to do next and it is clear that there is something below.

Perhaps in static layouts it looks normal when the text becomes bold when a single tab or menu item is selected. In fact, these items jump left and right like buffoons as users move from one to the next. Very diligent designers even make the item highlighting bold on hover.

This is the most painful place. I regularly see such messages on websites and in letters:

Dear Vasily Petrovich! Stool ru company congratulates
you with the purchase of Herman Miller Aeron in our online store!

Or like this:

Unfortunately, we were unable to transfer your funds. We apologize.

I feel deceived when I read such texts. It’s just a blatant lie through an email or web interface. Of course, you need to write for people. Yes, the interface should be with a soul, the texts should not be boring and dry. However, if you don’t waste the user’s time by apologizing, and just write them the most important information, they will sincerely and wholeheartedly thank you. Better like this:

You bought a Herman Miller Aeron on the Chair ru

Transfer failed

There is a select with several provisions. Often, when laying out, they forget (or score) on the areas in which the pointer should be displayed. The cursor turns from a finger to an arrow and back several times for a couple of centimeters of the screen. Such a kaleidoscope is annoying

That’s all for now. A little bit of captaincy never hurt anyone, after all, repetition is the mother of stuttering. I hope the comments will help to replenish the list of jambs.


Thanks to all the commentators, honestly, I did not expect such attention to the article and the accompanying holivar. For a long time I formed this article in my head as answers to questions, but as a result, there were even more questions 🙂

Further practical advice from the guys. I took the liberty of tweaking the comments a little and adding gag to better fit into the style of the article:

Thanks Dima_Sharihin

With the modern development of input methods, you need to check each site on at least three devices: smartphone, tablet and desktop / laptop. What is comfortable for one may be uncomfortable for others. Here you need to highlight the highest priority site, and find a happy medium for font sizes and interactive elements.

Thank you for the holivar qbz and vvzvlad

Fixed site elements — for example, the «checkout» button or the cart icon, always hanging in one place on the screen. Do not forget that such things are quite crooked when viewing the site on mobile devices, and can be very annoying for users.

Thanks kahi4, reminded me about third-party fonts, another sore point:

If there are third-party fonts in the layout, ask yourself (or the author of the design):

  • How is this font doing with the license, is it available in all the necessary formats to connect to the site?
  • How many font styles are in the layout, and how much do they weigh?
  • What will the site look like if a third-party font fails to load?

Don’t forget that text must be text. Inserting an image instead of each heading is not worth it. Many people use various kinds of readers or plugins to make reading easier. Don’t make life difficult for them.

Thanks to monolithed for adding to the first point:

Don’t forget about localization. If your site includes versions for different languages, study the translations and leave the necessary space. What looks short in one language may be a terrifying construct in another. Take at least:

Sign up Register

Happy New Year everyone, and be careful!

Sun and heat stroke: signs, symptoms, first aid

Someone loves the heat, dreams of the scorching summer sun all year round, leaving amazing bronze marks on the body, enjoys every ray of sunshine. Someone categorically cannot stand the heat, hides all summer in the shade, surprising others with the milky-white color of their own skin. Whether it’s about you or not, it doesn’t matter. It is important that both the first and second in the hot season equally put themselves at risk of getting sunstroke or heat.

What is sunstroke? Sunstroke is an acute painful condition that occurs due to overheating of the head by direct rays of the sun. As a result, the blood vessels of the brain expand, a strong flow of blood goes to the head, which can “stagnate” there. In some cases, even ruptures of small blood vessels occur in the brain, which threatens to damage the peripheral and central nervous systems of the human body.

Sunstroke is a special form of heatstroke. Sunstroke indicates that the body has acquired more heat than the body could manage to properly cool the organs and body. As a result, sweating, blood circulation are disturbed, free radicals accumulate in tissues. The consequences of such a blow can be very serious, and even threatening with cardiac arrest and death of the victim.

Causes of sunstroke

The main causes of sunstroke are the sun’s rays, mercilessly scorching an uncovered head, as well as a naked body. Contribute to sunstroke: stuffiness, calm weather, drinking alcohol, overeating. It is strictly forbidden to fall asleep when you are sunbathing, if you are afraid to fall asleep in the sun — ask people nearby to wake you up.

The risk of getting sunstroke increases if the following conditions are present:

  1. — direct exposure to the sun on an uncovered head;
  2. — high weather humidity;
  3. — the presence of certain health problems, in particular: hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia, endocrine disorders, heart disease, obesity;
  4. — age-related risks: children under 1 year old, especially newborns, and the elderly. Sunstroke in children and the elderly is the most likely and threatening, because babies do not yet have a sufficiently perfect natural thermoregulation of the body, and in older people it already functions poorly;
  5. — overweight, obesity;
  6. — alcohol intoxication;
  7. — smoking;
  8. — stress, nervous tension.

Signs of sunstroke

Common signs of sunstroke are dizziness, terrible headache, flushed face. Then it gets dark in the eyes, nausea appears, sometimes even vomiting. Signs of sunstroke, such as visual disturbances and nosebleeds, may occur. If first aid is not provided for sunstroke, the victim loses consciousness, the pulse quickens, shortness of breath appears, and the activity of the heart is disturbed. In severe cases, sunstroke turns into a coma.

Sunstroke is often accompanied by skin burns: redness, burn blisters and other signs. Symptoms of sunstroke, as well as heatstroke, are aggravated if the humidity of the environment is increased.

Signs of mild sunstroke are:

  1. — headache;
  2. — nausea;
  3. — general weakness;
  4. — quickening of breathing and pulse;
  5. — dilated pupils.

Necessary measures: remove/leave the overheating area, provide assistance.

Symptoms of moderate sunstroke are:

  1. severe headaches with nausea and vomiting;
  2. — severe adynamia;
  3. — the state of stunned;
  4. — unsteady gait;
  5. — uncertainty of movements;
  6. — at times a state of fainting;
  7. — increased breathing and heart rate;
  8. — bleeding from the nose;
  9. — body temperature 38-40 ° C.

Sunstroke, severe symptoms:

The severe form develops suddenly. The skin of the face is hyperemic, later pale cyanotic. Possible: changes in consciousness from confusion to coma, tonic and clonic convulsions, delirium, hallucinations, involuntary excretion of feces and urine, fever up to 41-42 ° C, sudden death is possible.

With severe sunstroke and the absence of urgent medical care, mortality occurs in 20-30% of cases.

Heat stroke

Heat stroke is an acute painful condition that occurs when the body overheats. As a result, the processes of heat generation increase while reducing or hindering heat transfer in the body, which disrupts its vital functions. Contributes to overheating of the body everything that, one way or another, can disrupt the release of sweat and make it difficult to evaporate: humidity and high air temperature, overwork, active physical work in synthetic, leather or rubberized clothing, dehydration, long hikes, walks in hot weather, plentiful food. Heat stroke is much easier to get than sunstroke: the sun is not a prerequisite for it, it is enough just to work hard in excessively warm clothes that do not let air through, or spend several hours in a stuffy room with poor ventilation.

Signs of heat stroke.

General signs of heat stroke — drowsiness, headache, general weakness, dizziness. If further overheating is not prevented, the face turns red, the body temperature rises, up to 40ºС, often dyspeptic disorders — vomiting, diarrhea. If the causes of overheating are not eliminated further, the victim begins delirium, hallucinations, then the patient loses consciousness, the face turns white, the skin is cold and sometimes cyanotic, sweating increases, cardiac activity is disturbed, the pulse is weak, but frequent. Being in this state, the patient may simply die, he urgently needs medical help.

First aid for sunstroke or heat stroke

First aid for sunstroke and heatstroke is the same in both cases. When the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to respond quickly by providing first aid to the victim. Do not forget at the same time that this is first aid, and it is better to call an ambulance immediately, since it is usually difficult for a person to navigate and correctly assess the severity of the victim’s condition, especially if sunstroke is in children or the elderly.

General first aid rules:

Eliminate the influence of overheating factors — immediately take the victim to fresh air, always in the shade, or place him in a cool, well-ventilated room, lay him down with his head raised, unbutton the collar, and preferably to the waist undress. Put a cold compress on your head, spray your body with cold water. Give plenty of cool water to drink.

By alexxlab

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