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Top 10 Islamic Cartoons 2022 – Hani & Huda

The following is a list of the top 10 freely available English Islamic cartoons in 2022. This list includes some shows that contain non-halaal music, which will be noted insha Allah. I made the list based on a few factors such as overall quality, popularity, number of episodes, and Islamic message. Unfortunately the list has remained essentially the same as the 2019 one. It’s understandably hard to make cartoon series, especially if they’ll be free on YouTube. I’ve tried myself, and have experienced some of the struggles.

Let me know in the comments if I’ve missed any excellent Islamic cartoons that deserve to be on this list.

#10 Abdul Bari

This is a cartoon that has become really popular recently. It easily gets millions of views in just a few months. The message is very simple and straight to the point. Usually it’s teaching a specific dua, and does so in 3-5 minutes. It doesn’t have any music which is a plus. The show is good but it does have its flaws. The animation is very poor. It tries to cover it by using many textures and elements, but it’s still obvious. Also the voice acting needs work. It’s a solid effort though, and insha Allah it will improve in the years to come.

#9 IQRA Cartoon

It’s great to have cartoons telling the lives of the prophets. My only issue is with the voice acting. The voice actress does not properly pronounce the Arabic words, so it’s hard to understand her at times. The quality isn’t very high, but they release very often, so it’s great if you just want content. From the videos I’ve seen, there doesn’t appear to be any music.

#8 Five Pillars Cartoon

This cartoon teaches about the 5 pillars of Islam. It has creative visuals and a simple style. It’s a mix of 3D and 2D, but it all fits really well. The information is great, and told in an interesting way. DiscoverIslamUK produced it, and they have newer videos of even higher quality to watch after you finish learning about the 5 pillars of Islam.

#7 The Muslims Cartoon

I’m kind of shy to put my own show on this list, but I do think it deserves to be here. Alhamdullah Allah gave me the time, and ability to do such a wonderful cartoon. It’s far from perfect, and I pray I can do more in the future, but I think it turned out pretty good for a first effort. Alhamdullah I tried really hard to have good animation in it, and for the most part it has that. The goal was to make an entertaining episode where kids can also learn an islamic lesson. I can’t take all of the credit though either. I had a great team that helped me from beginning to end, as can be seen in the credits. Not to mention all the people who donated to support making the cartoon. May Allah elevate them and forgive them their sins.

#6 Aqil’s Story

This is an older cartoon that I discovered recently. It has a nice slick style. The animation is good quality befitting a TV show. The episodes are well thought out, and always have a nice lesson. My only issue with the show, is that it contains music.

#5 Learn with Zakaria

Learn with Zakaria is different from the other cartoons listed here, as it’s not really a cartoon with a story. Each video teaches something such as Arabic letters, or Arabic words. It’s good quality and doesn’t contain music from the videos I’ve seen.

#4 Omar and Hana

A very recent and popular Islamic Cartoon series. The quality is very high, in full 3D. Unfortunately every episode contains music, and the premise of the show is learning dua through music.

#3 FreeQuranEducation

This channel is not really targeted towards children, but they do have some videos targeting all ages including children. Their series, “I’m the best Muslim” is funny and well animated.

#2 Nussa

A highly popular fully 3D cartoon. The quality is the highest I have seen in a Muslim cartoon show. It is very entertaining and the lessons are taught in a creative way. Unfortunately there is Music, but I mute it and turn on the subtitles which are available in English.

#1 One 4 Kids

If you’ve seen my previous list of top 10 Muslim Cartoons, then you know that Zaky by One4Kids made the top of the list then as well. One4Kids is like the Disney of Muslim cartoons in the west Allahumma Baarik. They have a ton of content, and all of it is safe for kids to watch. There’s no music, and strong moral messages in all of them. The anasheed songs are really catchy, and almost every Muslim school child has at least heard of one.

They’ve recently ventured into 3d cartoons, and have a new series called “Laith and Layla.” I like the effort, but to be honest my kids and I prefer Zaky.

So that was my list of top ten Muslim Cartoons available on Youtube. I pray you all benefited from the list. Please check out the ones you haven’t heard of or seen before, and make dua for them to be able to make much much more. Our children are in desperate need of strong Islamic Edutainment for them to learn from and help them be proud of their religion. May Allah grant us all success, forgive our sins, and may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon his Prophet Muhammad and on his pious companions.

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Guillermo del Toro played to his dark fantasy strengths with the stop-motion Pinocchio, while Pixar put out some of their zippiest character animations ever in Turning Red. Marcel the Shell with Shoes On was a plea for curiosity and integrity in turbulent times, Puss in Boots and Beavis and Butt-Head made feature-length returns after years away, and anime made another strong showing with Belle, Jujutsu Kaisen 0, and the latest in the Dragon Ball Super saga.

The order reflects Tomatometer scores (as of December 31, 2022) after adjustment from our ranking formula, which compensates for variation in the number of reviews when comparing movies or TV shows.

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Adjusted Score: 109559%

Critics Consensus: Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio delivers fully on its title — which is to say it’s a visually stunning adaptation that embraces its source material’s darkness.

Synopsis: Academy Award®-winning director Guillermo del Toro and award-winning, stop-motion legend Mark Gustafson reimagine the classic Carlo Collodi tale of the… [More]

Starring: Gregory Mann, Ewan McGregor, David Bradley, Tilda Swinton

Directed By: Guillermo del Toro, Mark Gustafson


Adjusted Score: 107805%

Critics Consensus: Heartwarming, humorous, beautifully animated, and culturally expansive, Turning Red extends Pixar’s long list of family-friendly triumphs.

Synopsis: In «Turning Red», Mei Lee is a confident, dorky thirteen-year-old torn between staying her mother’s dutiful daughter and the chaos. .. [More]

Starring: Rosalie Chiang, Sandra Oh, Ava Morse, Hyein Park

Directed By: Domee Shi


Adjusted Score: 106138%

Critics Consensus: Poignant, profound, and utterly heartwarming, Marcel the Shell with Shoes On is animated entertainment with real heart.

Synopsis: Marcel is an adorable one-inch-tall shell who ekes out a colorful existence with his grandmother Connie and their pet lint,… [More]

Starring: Jenny Slate, Rosa Salazar, Thomas Mann, Isabella Rossellini

Directed By: Dean Fleischer-Camp


Adjusted Score: 102990%

Critics Consensus: Arriving more than a decade after the previous installment, the smart, sweet, and funny Puss in Boots: The Last Wish proves some franchises only get better with age.

Synopsis: This fall, everyone’s favorite leche-loving, swashbuckling, fear-defying feline returns. For the first time in more than a decade, DreamWorks Animation. .. [More]

Starring: Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Olivia Colman, Harvey Guillen

Directed By: Joel Crawford


Adjusted Score: 99604%

Critics Consensus: Jujutsu Kaisen 0: The Movie offers a thrilling, beautifully animated gift for fans of the anime — and a story that holds up as a standalone effort.

Synopsis: When they were children, Rika Orimoto was killed in a traffic accident right before the eyes of her close friend,… [More]

Starring: Kayleigh McKee, Anairis Quiñones, Allegra Clark, Xander Mobus

Directed By: Seong-Hu Park, Sunghoo Park


Belle (2021) 95%

Adjusted Score: 100239%

Critics Consensus: A remarkable story brought to life with dazzling animation, Belle finds writer-director Mamoru Hosoda setting a brilliant new benchmark.

Synopsis: Suzu is a shy, everyday high school student living in a rural village. For years, she has only been a… [More]

Starring: Kylie McNeill, Chace Crawford, Paul Castro Jr., Manny Jacinto

Directed By: Mamoru Hosoda


Adjusted Score: 99093%

Critics Consensus: Fart-knockers beware: Beavis and Butt-Head are back, and they’re just as stupidly hilarious (or hilariously stupid?) as ever.

Synopsis: A tale that technically spans two centuries, BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD DO THE UNIVERSE promises to sit atop all future lists… [More]

Starring: Mike Judge, Gary Cole, Chris Diamantopoulos, Nat Faxon

Directed By: Mike Judge


Adjusted Score: 98306%

Critics Consensus: An original animated tale that’s often as daring as its characters, The Sea Beast sends audiences on a voyage well worth taking.

Synopsis: In an era when terrifying beasts roamed the seas, monster hunters were celebrated heroes — and none were more beloved. .. [More]

Starring: Karl Urban, Zaris-Angel Hator, Jared Harris, Dan Stevens

Directed By: Chris Williams


Adjusted Score: 96731%

Critics Consensus: The sweetly nostalgic Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Childhood finds Richard Linklater reusing visual and thematic ingredients in a deeply personal, freshly inspired way.

Synopsis: Apollo 10 ½: A Space Age Childhood tells the story of the first moon landing in the summer of 1969… [More]

Starring: Jack Black, Bill Wise, Lee Eddy, Milo Coy

Directed By: Richard Linklater


Adjusted Score: 94800%

Critics Consensus: Blending beautifully animated action with fresh character development, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is everything fans of the franchise will be looking for.

Synopsis: The Red Ribbon Army was once destroyed by Son Goku. Individuals, who carry on its spirit, have created the ultimate. .. [More]

Starring: Kyle Hebert, Sean Schemmel, Robert McCollum, Christopher Sabat

Directed By: Tetsuro Kodama

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10 best full-length cartoons of winter 2022-2023

Frosts are not so biting anymore — this means that spring will come soon. Then Tlum.Ru offers to say goodbye to winter. Over the past season, cinemas and not only released enough animated stories, some of which we were really, really looking forward to.

Today we recall 10 bright cartoons of winter 2022−2023 , we traditionally invite viewers to participate in voting for a favorite — it is waiting for you in the final of the selection.

No. 1: «Brave Princess»

Overview from Tlum.Ru: here

Online or in cinemas: in cinemas 9000 3

About: the young Tsar falls in love with an ordinary peasant woman and decides to get her hand and heart. You should start with feelings. To win over the girl, the hero intends to learn an unusual and impressive craft — weaving carpets.

What is remarkable: in that it is an Armenian fairy tale — an opportunity to learn more cultural features.

No. 2: «New Year’s Trouble»

Overview from Tlum.Ru: here

Online or in cinemas: in cinemas 900 03

About: Fred the ferret goes to the factory with two friends Santa Claus himself, planning to give the wizard a list of desired gifts from living creatures inhabiting the hero’s house. Within the walls of Fred’s factory, a local rodent is waiting…

What is remarkable: has awkward adventures and a desire to create happy memories for his friends.

No. 3: «Strange World»

Overview from Tlum.Ru: here

Online or in cinemas: online

About: a family of farmers, consisting of father, mother, son and their dogs, goes on a difficult mission to save their home planet, which is starting to lose the energy it needs to live. All this leads to an acquaintance with a long-lost grandfather.

What is remarkable: is a good example of how to build personal boundaries and not expect your child to live your life.

No. 4: Snow Queen: Defrosting

Overview from Tlum.Ru: here

Online or in cinemas: in cinemas

About: The Snow Queen sends her daughter Ayla to meet Gerda and Kay. The reason for such a meeting is the seal accidentally removed by the girl, superimposed on the lake, where evil spirits were imprisoned.

What is remarkable: is how Ayla takes responsibility and still learns ice magic, even if not from her mother.

No. 5: «Puss in Boots 2: The Last Wish»

Review from Tlum.Ru: here

Online or in cinemas: online 90 003

About what: The cat, realizing that he has exactly one life left, resigns himself to circumstances and settles in an analogue of a shelter. Peace does not last long, a star falls to the earth, capable of fulfilling any desire. The hunt begins for her, the Cat is in action, the boots too.

Feature: the emotional comfort of viewers experiencing a variety of events that happened in the past.

No. 6: «Masha and the Bear at the cinema: 12 months»

Online or in cinemas: in cinemas

About: 9000 It’s been eleven months and all the inhabitants of Mishka’s native forest are getting ready to celebrate the New Year. Only one month is not present in the clearing. Which one? This is January. Where is he? Of course, in the company of mischievous Masha. They will become best friends.

What makes it special: is a modern and fun take on the 12 Months cartoon.

No. 7: Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf 5 cinemas

About what: at Ivan this time the incredible size of the problem — everyone in the kingdom has forgotten not only his name, but also who he is. Even the wife. Having managed to force the Wolf to remember himself a little, Ivan begins to act.

What is remarkable: is the way the animators of the Melnitsa studio answer the question: is it possible to travel into the past without any problems?

No. 8: «The Amazing Maurice»

Overview from Tlum.Ru: here

Online or in cinemas: in cinemas 9000 3

About: the cat Maurice arrives in the town of Drian-Blinzburg, his assistant Keith and a whole company of trained rats. In the town where they planned to earn extra money, real strange things happen. Pushes all the eccentric Malisius to an unplanned investigation.

What is remarkable: is an unexpected and pleasant film adaptation of one of the books that are part of the Discworld invented by Sir Terry Pratchett.

No. 9: «Ernest and Celestine: New Adventures»

Overview from Tlum. Ru: here

Online or in cinemas: in cinema theaters

What: Ernest’s bear’s only one breaks a violin, for the repair of which you have to go to your hometown, once filled with music. Arriving there, Ernest and his mouse friend Celestina find out that the city is now quieter than water, lower than grass. Only one note is allowed to be used there.

What is remarkable: is musical sincerity and another lesson that children should choose their profession and preferences on their own, not under the yoke of the parent “I want the best”.

No. 10: Pinocchio Guillermo del Toro

Overview from Tlum.Ru: here

Online or in cinemas: online 9 0003

About: Pinocchio becomes a participant in several historical events, gets into the Afterlife and learns to grow up, but not to lose enthusiasm and positivity. The most unusual look at a long-known story.

What makes it special: in performance, visuals, response from the audience — this is a typical «del Thor» story, in a pleasant way.

There are different cartoons in our selection, which makes the upcoming voting only more interesting. Spectators, choose your favorite, we will soon sum up the results and find out who became the best. In order not to miss the results, subscribe to our Telegram!

Interesting on the topic:
Viewers chose the best cartoon of 2022

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Best cartoons of 2022 — Kinoman on

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frame from the cartoon «Superpets»


The past year presented to the audience a lot of ambitious mind-blowing ideas that challenge the current animation. But some of the cartoons, nevertheless, turned out to be slightly cooler than the rest. We analyze the top animation projects of 2022.

Super Pets

DC is no stranger to animation. In collaboration with Warner Bros. the company has created an impressive collection of cartoons that take the same approach to character crossover as the MCU. The Super Pets are a team of companion animals, each representing a different comic book character.

The 3D computer animation is fun and bright. And the “loudness” of the cartoon was added by an impressive cast in the person of Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Kate McKinnon and Keanu Reeves.

Sea Monster

frame from the cartoon «Sea Monster»

When Disney+ debuted at the end of 2019, Netflix could easily give it the palm. But the streaming service wasn’t ready to give up so easily. And he released several cartoons in just a couple of years. More competitive than ever, in 2022 Netflix brought its most watched animated film to the world – by far one of the best new releases of 2022.

A completely original story about a monster hunter searching the seas for the «Red Vortex». A meeting with an orphan girl changes everything drastically, turning the brutal confrontation between a man and a sea monster into a spectacular fantasy epic for the whole family.

Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers

frame from the cartoon «Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers»

This cartoon of the past year has become a real mix of nuts. The original Disney+ animation project turned out to be quite ambitious — it includes several styles at once: live action, traditional 2D animation and photorealistic computer images. The result of such efforts is an incredibly dynamic visual adventure.

In addition to its engaging cartoon style, Chip ‘n’ Dale offers a great story for the whole family, peppered with references to the long history of animation. A sea of ​​nostalgia and viewing pleasure — the cartoon received an Emmy for an outstanding project.

Minions: Gruvitation

frame from the cartoon «Minions: Gruvitation»

It may not have been critically acclaimed, but its cultural impact on animation cannot be overestimated. Whatever your opinion of funny and weird banana light creatures in overalls, minions became a favorite fictional species for viewers when they were first introduced in Despicable Me in 2010.

The yellow men got their first spin-off in 2015. The second film of the new franchise was delayed by covid for two years. And it’s safe to say that fans were ready for his debut in 2022. Minions: Gruvitation became a box office hit.

Bad boys

frame from the cartoon «Bad Boys»

Movies in the genre of robbery are sorely lacking in recent years. Any project with the participation of experienced thieves and charismatic criminals in the lead role is long-awaited for the audience. And if it’s also a cartoon.

By alexxlab

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