How to use boppy pillow for nursing: How to Use a Boppy Pillow for Breastfeeding, Tummy Time & More

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How to Use a Boppy Pillow for Breastfeeding, Tummy Time & More

Boppy Nursing Pillows are great for supporting babies during feeding. But they can take up a lot of room for an item that most people believe serves only one purpose. Did you know that a Boppy can be used for way more than just nursing?

We’ve scoured the internet to discover all the creative ways you can use your Boppy to its fullest potential.

Here’s everything you need to know about how to use a Boppy pillow.

Key Takeaways

  • Boppy Nursing Pillows are versatile and can be used for multiple purposes besides nursing
  • A Boppy can be used to support breastfeeding and bottle feeding, providing a comfortable and safe position for both the baby and parent.
  • A Boppy can also be used for tummy time, allowing babies to see the world from a new angle and strengthen their neck, back, and arm muscles.
  • A Boppy can also be used as a sitting aid, helping young ones stay propped up in a sitting position before they have the core strength to sit fully on their own.
  • Always supervise the baby during the use of the boppy and reposition them if needed.

Table of Contents

  • How to Use a Boppy for Nursing Support
  • How to Use a Boppy for Bottle Feeding
  • How to Use a Boppy for Tummy Time
  • How to Use a Boppy Pillow as a Sitting Aid
  • Using a Boppy for Pregnancy/Postpartum Sleep
  • Boppy FAQs
  • The Bottom Line

How to Use a Boppy for Nursing Support

  1. Sit in a comfortable place where your back is well-supported.
  2. Place the Boppy on your lap, and wrap it around your waist.
  3. Place your baby on their side on the Boppy, facing your body.
  4. Their mouth should be even with the breast you plan to nurse from. If it’s not, cradle the baby’s head and upper torso in your arm to bring them to your breast, and let your arm rest on the Boppy.
  5. Nurse your baby.
  6. Do not lower your torso or breast down to your baby. If the baby is not positioned high enough, raise them by adding another pillow for support below the Boppy, or lift them with your arms.
  7. You may also use the Boppy in conjunction with the football hold. In this hold, the baby will be positioned along the side of your body (with their feet pointing toward your back).

How to Use a Boppy for Bottle Feeding

Using the Boppy to bottle-feed is nearly identical to using the Boppy for breastfeeding.

Safety First

The Boppy should never be used to prop up a baby to allow them to feed themselves. Babies who cannot sit or hold the bottle on their own are not developmentally ready to feed unassisted and can choke.

  1. Sit in a comfortable place where your back is well-supported.
  2. Place the Boppy on your lap, and wrap it around your waist.
  3. Place your baby on the Boppy, resting on their back.
  4. Cradle your baby’s head and upper torso in your arm. Allow your arm to rest on the Boppy.
  5. Feed your baby by holding the bottle with your free hand.

How to Use a Boppy for Tummy Time

The Boppy  Pillow provides a great alternative to traditional tummy time. While babies may not have the strength to lift their head enough to make tummy time “fun,” propping them up on the Boppy Pillow allows them to see the world from a new angle while still strengthening their neck, back, and arm muscles.

Here’s how to use your Boppy safely for tummy time.

  1. Place a blanket on the floor.
  2. Put the Boppy Pillow on top of it.
  3. Place your baby inside the curve of the “C” in the pillow, with their arms and shoulders propped on top of the pillow.
  4. Place toys in front of the pillow to hold the baby’s attention.
  5. Allow the baby to play in this “tummy time” position until they show signs of fatigue (unable to hold their head up, crying, or fussing). This can be anywhere from 5–20 minutes, depending on your baby’s age, strength, and development.
  6. Supervise your baby at all times. If at any time your baby’s arms and shoulders slip off the top of the pillow, reposition them.

How to Use a Boppy Pillow as a Sitting Aid

A Boppy Pillow makes a great tool to help young ones stay propped up in a sitting position before they have the core strength to sit fully on their own.

Even after their muscles have developed, the Boppy is still helpful to place around them as a cushion in the event they get tired and fall over.

Here’s how to use your Boppy as a sitting aid.

  1. Place the Boppy Pillow on the floor (never on a couch, chair, or elevated surface).
  2. Put baby in a sitting position in the center of the “C” shape of the Boppy Pillow. The baby’s back should be against the curve of the pillow, with their legs pointing toward the opening.
  3. Move the ends of the pillow toward each other until the pillow is cradling the baby on both sides, providing sitting support.
  4. As the baby gains strength, skill, and confidence, move the ends of the Boppy away from the baby, so they are not as tightly supported.
  5. Supervise your baby at all times while using the Boppy Pillow in this position. If at any time your baby falls over, reposition them or remove them from the Boppy. Remember, babies don’t have the strength to move themselves if they’re in a position where they can’t breathe well.

Using a Boppy for Pregnancy/Postpartum Sleep

A Boppy Pillow can be used to aid in the comfort of pregnant or postpartum moms while they’re sleeping.

Safety First

A Boppy should NEVER be used for baby sleep.

The flexible C-shape of the pillow is great to place under an expectant mom’s pregnant belly to provide extra sleep support while she is sleeping on her side.

Many women struggle with hip pain or discomfort in their symphysis pubis toward the end of pregnancy (1). The symphysis pubis is the ligament that connects the two halves of the pubic bone, which open during childbirth to allow the baby to exit the uterus. In late pregnancy, the body produces the hormone relaxin which can cause additional stretching in these areas of the body, resulting in significant discomfort.

The Boppy Pillow can be used to keep you comfortable during this time. By placing it between your knees or thighs when sleeping, pressure and stretching are reduced, and you can sleep better. This is also the case during the postpartum recovery period, where you may need additional hip, pelvic, or abdominal support while sleeping.

Boppy FAQs

What is a Boppy Pillow?

A Boppy Nursing Pillow (commonly referred to as a “Boppy” in mommy circles) is one of the most popular options among a slew of brands offering nursing pillows. The Boppy is curved in a “C” shape designed to fit around a mother’s belly to provide support while nursing.

Both conventional and organic covers are available for the Boppy, allowing you to change colors or designs. There are also waterproof covers available.

Do I Need a Boppy Pillow?

Though most women purchase a Boppy pillow with the intent to use it as a positioner while nursing, that is not its only function.

True, it’s helpful to use a positioner when breastfeeding. Many women don’t realize it until they’re in the thick of it, but nursing can be hard on the back, neck, and shoulders. Proper posture (especially when you’re exhausted) is hard to maintain, and when you spend hours a day cradling a little one to your breast, it’s easy to get lazy.

For that reason, having a Boppy Pillow on your lap to raise your baby higher toward your breast (as opposed to slouching over to bring your breast down to your baby) can have a great effect on both you and your baby’s nursing comfort.

However, its use doesn’t end there. Boppy Pillows are multifunctional and can also be used for:

  • Baby’s tummy time.
  • An aid for sitting.
  • Pregnancy and postpartum sleep support for mom (but never for baby).

Is it Safe to Use a Boppy?

Boppy Pillows are safe to use as long as you use them properly. No matter how you choose to use them, babies should never be left unsupervised when placed in or on the Boppy.

While babies may doze off and look comfortable curled up in a Boppy Pillow, they should never be allowed to sleep in or on one. If your baby falls asleep while playing on the Boppy, move them to a baby crib or bassinet immediately for safe sleeping.

Never leave a Boppy in a crib while a baby is sleeping, as your baby’s crib should be empty of all blankets, pillows, crib bumpers, and other suffocation risks.

At What Age Can a Baby Use a Boppy?

Babies can use a Boppy pillow right from birth because it provides the perfect support while nursing and bottle feeding. As your baby gets bigger and becomes more active, you can also use the Boppy pillow for tummy time and added support during playtime.

Can a Baby Sleep In a Boppy Overnight?

No, unfortunately, it’s not safe for babies to sleep in a Boppy pillow overnight. The Boppy pillow isn’t designed for sleeping and can increase the risk of suffocation or SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

Always set your baby to sleep on their back in a safe sleep environment, like a crib or bassinet, and avoid including loose items like blankets and stuffed animals.

Is It Safe to Put a Boppy In a Bassinet?

No, you should never put a Boppy pillow in a bassinet or crib. The Boppy pillow isn’t designed for long periods of sleep and can pose a suffocation or entrapment hazard.

Always follow safe sleep guidelines and place your baby on a firm, flat surface free from soft objects or loose bedding.

How Many Minutes a Day Should a Baby Do Tummy Time?

Tummy time is an important activity for developing your baby’s neck, shoulder, and arm muscles, and can help prevent flat spots on the back of the head.

Tummy time can be done for 20-30 minutes a day and should start a few weeks after birth. You can slowly increase this as your baby grows and becomes more comfortable on their tummy.

Should I Bring My Boppy Pillow to the Hospital?

If you’re planning to breastfeed or bottle feed your baby in the hospital, it can definitely be helpful to have your Boppy pillow on hand. It gives you extra support and comfort while feeding and can also help you and your baby get into a comfortable position for latching.

You can always check with your hospital to see if they provide nursing pillows, or if you need to bring your own.

What Can I Use Instead of a Boppy?

If you don’t have a Boppy pillow, there are other nursing and support pillows you can use, like the My Brest Friend or the Twin Z Pillow.

Plus, you can always use regular bed pillows or rolled-up towels for support during feedings and tummy time. Just make sure the pillow or support is firm and stable, and doesn’t pose a suffocation or entrapment hazard.

The Bottom Line

The Boppy Pillow is a wonderful multi-functional tool that can help you from late pregnancy throughout your baby’s first year.

Not only does it help reduce the physical stress of nursing, but it can also be used by bottle-feeding mothers, as a tummy time aid and sitting positioner, and as a form of sleep support for a pregnant or recovering mother.

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Medically Reviewed by

Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC

Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC is a writer, editor, and board-certified lactation consultant for two busy pediatric practices. She is a former La Leche League Leader, Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, and Certified Infant Massage Instructor.

15 Ways To Use A Boppy Pillow : For Feeding, Tummy Time & More

I’m sure that a Boppy Pillow is every nursing mom’s breast-friend. See, what I did there?

I consider myself a minimalist buyer, I don?t buy all the latest and greatest product advertised in the market.

I pick and choose what I really need.

That said, nursing pillow is something I really think should be on every breast feeding mamas to buy list.

Table of Contents


What is a Boppy Pillow?

Boppy pillow is a nursing pillow which is a curved ‘C’ shaped pillow with a opening in the middle. It is convex and can be wrapped around your tummy. It is mostly used to prop the baby up during breastfeeding or bottle feeding.

Boppy pillow also has many other uses and can last even after your nursing days are over.

1.How to use Boppy Pillow for Breastfeeding/nursing:

I personally think that I couldn’t have survived nursing my newborn without a nursing pillow. I had an epidural with my first delivery and I had sharp back ache when I don?t position my back upright.

Trying to feed a newborn baby while making sure my son was latching well,meant I was stooping down a lot. Which really aggravated my back pain. I used the nursing pillow to prop my newborn up, right against my tummy, which really helped with easing the strain on my back, neck and shoulder.

I can imagine how a nursing pillow can come very handy for moms who had a C ?section.

It is very easy to use Boppy for breastfeeding, put the pillow around your hip, get seated somewhere comfortable, in a chair, glider or on the bed. Then pick and lay your baby over the pillow. When placing the baby on the pillow, make sure that your baby’s tummy is against your tummy, their chin facing up, and nose pointed towards your nipple.

A Boppy pillow can be used with different breastfeeding positions. I preferred the cradle hold during the newborn phase and found the nursing pillow to be very useful to bring the baby up to my breasts to get a good latch.

To use the Boppy to nurse the baby in the football hold position, bring your pillow to the sides (like shown in the video) to help support the baby.

This video will show to how to use a Boppy pillow for breastfeeding in different positions:

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Related Reading: 11 Breastfeeding Essentials Every Nursing Mom Needs

2.How to use Boppy Pillow for Bottle-feeding:

There are different ways you can use a Boppy pillow while bottle ? feeding.

a.For support: Holding a newborn who is wobbly and fragile can be intimidating. It can easily turn into a challenging task when you have to maneuver to bottle ?feeding. You can use the Boppy pillow to place your baby safely on the pillow will you the extra support you need to bottle ?feed. Just like breastfeeding, a? Boopy can help take the stress off your muscles while bottle?feeding

b.Paced feeding: Paced feeding is important to practice if you will be switching between bottle and breasts. Paced feeding allows the baby to experience the same milk flow as they would while nursing. This avoids nipple confusion and prevents babies refusing the breasts after being introduced to bottle-feeding.

Paced feeding is also ensures that your baby is not overfed and reduces colic and spit up’s.

One of the important steps to practice paced feeding is to ensure that your baby?s head is lifted up at a 45 degree angle. Trying to hold your baby up using your hands can be strenuous on your arms. You can easily use a boppy to lift your baby’s head up to for the optimal bottle feeding position.

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Related Reading: 5 Reasons Why Breastfed Baby Won’t Take a Bottle ( & 10 Ways To Fox It)

3.Tummy Time:

If you are thinking that a Boppy is a useless piece of baby gear once you are done nursing , then you are wrong. There are many other uses of a bobby pillow like using for tummy time or to encourage sitting.

Before you start to think about using Boppy pillow for tummy time, I want to stress that 100% close supervision is needed while you are using? Boppy for tummy time.

Tummy time is recommended to be done once your baby’s umbilical cord falls and dries. It strengthens your baby?s core muscles and helps them develop head control. Always start tummy time for a few minutes and extend the time as and when your baby shows interest.

Typically, tummy time is done by turning your baby upside down, and making them lie on their belly. When you practice tummy time for the first time, babies usually hate it and resist it by crying. To ease them into tummy time you can lay them over a Boppy pillow which will get them accustomed to this new position.

Throw a blanket on the floor, and position the Boppy pillow in the middle. Lie your baby between the C shaped opening with their belly resting against the front curvy part of the pillow. Encourage them spend some time in this position, place some toys or a book to grab his attention.

Gradually as your baby grows older and develops the muscle strength he will spend more time on the tummy.

Be very cautious and maintain a close supervision while practicing tummy time on a Boppy pillow. Younger babies have very little head control and it is possible for them to bury their face in the pillow which can cause suffocation.

4.Supported Sitting (Front & Back):

Babies will start to gain hip strength and develop coordination to sit up at the age of 4 – 8 months. They require lot of practice until they perfect their siting skills. Until then your Boppy pillow can be used to give them the needed support while sitting or catch them from landing on the floor.

To use Boppy pillow for sitting, place your baby in the C shaped opening with their back resting against the curvy surface and their legs facing outward towards the opening. You can also reverse the pillow and wrap it around the back, place a toy or book on the front.

As with practicing tummy time, I highly recommend careful supervision. Babies and infants are notorious for landing in positions that the are not supposed to.

An adult should be present to make sure to pick them up as soon as they fall down or end up in a position which might restrict their breath-ability.

5.Acid Re-flex:

Many infants experience Acid re-flex which causes them to spit up often and makes them miserable.? When the lower esophageal sphincter, a muscular valve between an infant’s stomach and esophagus, is not mature, it allows food to pass through the throat causing them to spit up.

Their digestive system matures as they grow old, until them acid reflex can cause gas pain and make babies very fussy.

My daughter has terrible reflex and would spit up a lot during the early days. Proping her up on a bouncer or a Boppy pillow helped to keep things down.


My baby girl catched a cold when she was just 3 months old. Clearing her nostrils with nose frida and making her lie in an upright position on the pillow gave her the relief.

7.Pregnancy Pillow

While investing in a pregnancy pillow has its own benefits, some of us would rather buy products that serve multiple purposes.

You can use a Boppy like how you would use a pregnancy pillow. Put them under the belly and between your legs to get better sleep. If you are experience back pain or sciatic pain during pregnancy, definitely use this to minimizes your discomfort in bed.

8.Post-partum Pillow

Every part of my body was sore after my delivery of my son. I had a 3rd degree tear and developed a hemorrhoid from all the pushing. I dreaded sitting on the couch and bed for the first week or so. Sitting on the Boppy was so much better and took the pressure off my butt.

9.Back Support:

I already mentioned how you can use the Boppy to support your baby’s back while they are sitting. I have also used the Boppy multiple times as a neck pillow or just throw it behind for my back support while I am sitting on the couch.

10.Propped Playing:

My babies loved their play mat. With all the vibrant colors and toys hanging around, it was a hit with my babies. Only thing is when they were too small, they were not able to reach for the toys and enjoy the sensory experience. Making them lie on the nursing pillow lifted them up closer to the toys.

Other uses of Boppy Pillow:

11.Siblings Bonding:

I remember my son who was 1.5 year old wanting to hold his baby sister. I made him sit down on the floor, wrapped the Boppy around him and he held his sister. That was such a perfect moment to treasure.

Of course, make sure to closely supervise. I was holding the baby with my hands to be extra sure that my baby girl doesn’t get dropped on the floor.

12.Travel Chair:

When I was breastfeeding , my nursing pillow came with me everywhere. Partly because I needed the support while nursing. Partly because I could make my baby sit or lie down next to me instead of bring multiple baby items on short trips.


We had many visitors who was so scared to hold newborns. Bopppy to the rescue!

14.Gadget Holder

My family was in India and the only way my parents could see their grand kids was through Skype. I would prop the phone or tablet against the Boppy and hold me baby straight so that my parents can look at them.


I won?t necessarily share the same pillow with my pet and my baby, but once your babies are grown up and you dont need the pillow anymore, feel free to pass it on to your pets. Throw a blanket the Boppy and let them enjoy the snuggle

Boppy Pillow for Sleeping?

While the Boppy pillow can be used for many other things other than nursing your baby, it is not intended as a safe place for babies to sleep. In fact, the manufacturer clearly stats in on their website NOT to use Boppy for sleeping.

Allowing babies to sleep in the Boppy is a seriously risky business. Babies and infants can easily curl up and be suffocated when left unsupervised or allowed to sleep on the pillow. Boppy pillow is to be used when your baby is alert and active and always under vigilant adult supervision.

Let’s Wrap Up:

In my opinion, a nursing pillow is a must have breast-feeding essential. Knowing that they can be used for many more years even after the nursing season can make it a worth-while purchase.

Have you used a Boppy pillow for nursing? Have you used your nursing pillow for any other purpose? Please share it in the comments below. Pin this for later read or share it with a friend!

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Nursing pillows — how to choose?

Nursing pillow is often not considered by expectant mothers as an essential item after the birth of a child — and very much in vain! In the first months after birth, the baby (with on-demand feeding recommended by experts) can literally spend 90,003 hours on the chest. Many babies refuse to sleep in the crib at all and sleep only at the breast. In this situation, a sling can help, as well as a correctly fitted nursing pillow .

Do I need a breastfeeding pillow?

Definitely yes! Here’s why:

1. Learn to latch on properly

In the first few months it’s very important to learn how to latch your baby to your breast correctly. You can use sofa cushions, a rolled up blanket or just your knees to raise your child to the right height, but it is the use of a special pillow that is most comfortable and has many other advantages.

2. Relax your back and arms

On average, it takes about 15-30 minutes to breastfeed a baby, and during the day you can breastfeed about 4 hours a day , and often much more. Without the use of ergonomic devices, pain in the spine, arms, and neck muscles very quickly occurs. A good nursing pillow will save you from all these problems.

3. Free hands during feeding and sleeping at the breast

In an ideal world, newborns will sleep soundly and for a long time in their crib immediately after feeding. But in the real world, as a rule, this never happens! Babies sleep well in their mother’s arms, at the breast, but as soon as they are moved, they wake up immediately. A sling can be used to do chores around the house, and a pillow with a flat surface is perfect for tasks that can be done while sitting. The child will sleep perfectly on it, without rolling anywhere.

Nursing pillow is not a luxury! This is one of the most necessary and important devices for a nursing mother.

Types of nursing pillows

All nursing pillows can be divided into 2 types: universal (for pregnancy and nursing) and specialized (for nursing only).

1. Universal pillows (pregnancy + breastfeeding)

Most pillows on the market are universal. Their main advantage is budget savings, because You don’t have to buy two different pillows. But that’s where the benefits end. It is impossible to create a device that will equally ideally serve both purposes — supporting the growing belly of the expectant mother for her comfortable sleep and rest (at the pregnancy pillow) and breastfeeding, convenient for both mother and baby (at the feeding pillow).

However, let’s take a look at the different maternity pillows that can also be used for breastfeeding.

Reversible pillows: U shape, G

Reversible maternity pillows support both the belly and back of the expectant mother.

When breastfeeding, these pillows are placed around the mother and baby. As can be seen from the photo, such a pillow performs the function of lifting the baby to the chest, however, cannot provide good support for the child, has to be supported, it easily slides down the pillow, the goal of «relieving stress from the mother’s back and arms» is not fulfilled. In addition, such pillows take up a huge amount of space and are not suitable for small apartments.

One-sided pillows: C, D, I

Such pillows take up much less space, their advantage is that such products can also be used for other purposes — as a limiter and a nest for the baby, a knee roll.

However, we see the same shortcomings as other universal pillows — surface is too soft, so that the child rolls off it towards the mother; lack of back support for mother, lack of fixation of the pillow on the mother’s body.

The most famous brands of these pillows are: Theraline, Trelax, Red Castle and many Chinese and Turkish copies No Name

They are usually

smaller than any maternity pillows . does not require the support of the entire body of an adult.

There are now a huge number of brands and designs of specialized pillows. Let’s look at the different options and evaluate their comfort, as well as list the factors that you need to pay attention to when choosing a pillow.

Types and brands of special nursing pillows

1. Non-ergonomic round pillows

The cheapest and most common option is round horseshoe pillow.

Variations possible — add to the pillow:

  • tie or Velcro at the back to fasten it around the mother’s waist;
  • additional pillow for baby’s head (puts on the pillow, so you can change sides)

Pillows with these variations are better than pillows without them, but in any case, this design has only one advantage — the price. They are easy to manufacture and therefore cheap for buyers. However, the cons of are the same as those of pregnancy pillows:

  • soft round surface, from which the baby rolls;
  • lack of support for the mother’s back and arms;
  • lack of a strong fastening around the waist, the pillow slips;
  • very often the cover of the cheapest pillows is not removable and you have to wash it together with the pillow.

This pillow is better than nothing, but there are other, more comfortable and ergonomic options. The most famous brands of : Chicco, Boppy and many Chinese and Turkish copies No Name

2. Ergonomic pillows

This category includes those pillows that take into account the specific position of the body of a nursing mother and child and are designed with maximum comfort for both. As a rule, they have a flat dense surface.

Ergobaby pillow

The pillow from a well-known manufacturer of ergo-backpacks has a semi-circular shape, a flat dense surface slightly at an angle to the mother. It provides comfort for the mother’s hands and helps to position the baby high against the chest. The disadvantages of this pillow is that the baby needs to be supported (surface at an angle), there is no back support.

Bebe Au Lait Pillow

Has a dense, even surface on which it is convenient to place the child; belt fastening around the waist. It is quite high, has a small pocket for small things. The disadvantage of of this pillow is the lack of support for the mother’s back.

My Brest Friend Pillow and similar

My Brest Friend Pillow was developed almost 20 years ago in the USA. It is rightfully considered the best pillow for nursing mothers, thanks to:

  • an even elastic surface, so that the baby does not roll down to the mother;
  • special back support mom;
  • tight fit around the waist on a carbine;
  • bumps on the cushion surface;
  • handy pocket for small items;
  • removable cover, easy to wash.

This pillow not only lifts the baby to the breast, but also relieves tension from the mother’s back, neck and arms, and also frees her hands for other things if the baby falls asleep at the breast. Unlike all other pillow options, the filler of this one is not holofiber or polystyrene foam balls, but foam.

The My Brest Friend pillow has only one big disadvantage — the price. That is why several of its analogues are produced in Russia and the CIS, we will briefly talk about them.

Pillow Milk Rivers

The Russian brand of clothing and accessories for nursing has been producing pillows for several years. They have the same construction as My Brest Friend, but have a smooth surface without bulges and use one type of foam, rather than two, like the original and other analogues. The used fabric of a cover — jersey. This is a good, inexpensive analogue of a well-known brand. It looks very simple, has no packaging, the pillow itself may not be completely flat, but this is the cheapest option.

Ergofeed pillow

Pillow brand is a complete copy of My Brest Friend, pillows are made in Russia. The company appeared at the end of 2019, but after a couple of months the Internet was littered with a huge number of the same type of reviews (obviously fake), forum discussions and comments praising this pillow. This is a good product, but the business ethics of this company raises big questions. Therefore, we cannot recommend this brand for purchase.

Pillow LOONA

The pillow brand has the same pillow form as My Brest Friend, but has several improvements: the upper part of the Memory Foam foam, microfiber plush, a much more efficient Chekhol, a naughty transpose transparen Clasp.

Benefits of an ergonomic cushion

In our store we offer several different options for nursing pillows, in different price categories, universal and specialized. But is precisely the pillows of ergonomic design, with back support and a smooth elastic surface, which we consider the best and recommend for purchase.

1. Back support: hard back means close to mum; it provides comfortable support and relieves back and neck pain. The breastfeeding woman does not get numb hands, neck and back. The child lies on a pillow at the level of the mother’s chest — and rightly so. It does not matter what position you take (if you need to suck the breast from different sides) — in any position the baby will be held correctly.

2. Smooth surface with «mounds»: thanks to the even flat surface, the baby does not roll off the pillow, while the rounded edges of other pillows can cause the baby to roll, he must be constantly held and controlled. At the same time, soft bulges on the surface of support his head and your hand.

3. «Memory Foam» filling: soft, but elastic surface of two-layer hypoallergenic PU foam ensures the correct position of the baby and his comfort, and also retains its shape, unlike all other fillings (styrofoam balls or holofiber).

4. Removable cover made of the softest plush microfiber, easy to remove and machine wash. Minky plush is a soft, velvety material most commonly used for newborn blankets and bedding.

5. Adjustable Silent Closure: easy to fasten with fastex, length adjustable, fits any waist (45-115cm).

6. Roomy pocket, which is so convenient to put small things — a bottle, a toy, a phone.

Pillows for twins

In this article, we have not touched on a separate segment of nursing pillows — pillows for twins. They have their own characteristics.

You can choose and buy a nursing pillow in our online store >>

Chicco Boppy nursing pillow, blue

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89.10 ₼99 ₼

4.95 ₼ x 18 months

Chicco Boppy Wild Flowers Nursing Pillow Seller: Chicco

-10 %

89.10 ₼99 ₼

4. 95 ₼ x 18 months

Chicco Boppy Pillow Clouds Seller: Chicco

See all discounts

See also

102.30 ₼Miniland Nursing Pillow 89397 Naturfeeding Seller: Umico Market

59.90 ₼

3.33 ₼ x 18 months

Babyjem Baby Nursing Pillow, pink

$3.84 x 18 months

Chakra Ecru Newborn Pillow Seller: Chakra



59.90 ₼

3.33 ₼ x 18 m

Babyjem Nursing Pillow, white, 49×56 cm Seller: Chicco59 ₼

3.28 ₼ x 18 months

Pillow for newborn Chakra Baloon, ecru Seller: Chakra49 ₼

2.73 ₼ x 18 months

Pillow for newborn Chakra Koala gray


By alexxlab

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