Place values for kids: What is Place Value? Definition, Examples, Facts

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What is Place Value? Definition, Examples, Facts

In math, every digit in a number has a place value. Place value can be defined as the value represented by a digit in a number on the basis of its position in the number.

For example, the place value of 7 in 3,743 is 7 hundreds or 700. However, the place value of 7 in 7,432 is 7 thousands or 7,000. Here, we can see that even though the digits are same in both the numbers, it’s place value changes with the change in it’s position. 

Place Value Chart is a very useful table format that helps us in finding the place value of each digit based on it’s position in a number. 

The place value of a digit increases by ten times as we move left on the place value chart and decreases by ten times as we move right.  

Here’s an example of how drawing the place value chart can help in finding the place value of a number. 

Understanding the place value of digits in numbers helps comparing numbers. It also helps in writing numbers in their expanded form. For instance, the expanded form of the number above, 13,548 is 10,000 + 3,000 + 500 + 40 + 8. 

The place value of digits in numbers can also be represented using base-ten blocks and can help us write numbers in their expanded form.

Before, using the base ten blocks to find the place value of each digit in a number, let us first understand what these blocks represent.

Decimal numbers are fractions or mixed numbers with denominators of powers of ten. In a decimal number, the digits to the left of the decimal point represent a whole number. The digits to the right of the decimal represent the parts. As we move towards right after the decimal point, the place value of the digits becomes 10 times smaller.

The first digit on the right of the decimal point means tenths i.e. 110. The next place becomes ten times smaller and is called the hunderdths i.e. 1100 and so on. 

In 27.356, 27 is the whole number part, 2 is in tens place and its place value is 20,7 is in ones place, and its place value is 7.  

Place value and face value are not the same. The face value of a digit  is the value of the digit whereas the place value of a digit is it’s place in the number. In simple words, the face value tells the actual value of the digit whereas the place value tells the value of the digit, based on it’s position. 

Hence, the face value of the digit never changes irrespective of it’s position in the number. Whereas, the place value of the digit changes with the change in the position. 

For instance, the face value of 2 in both the numbers 283 and 823 is 2. Whereas, the place value of 2 is 200 in 283 and 20 in 823. 


Which digit is at the ten thousands place in the number 783,425?





Correct answer is: 8
8 is in the ten — thousands place.


Select the correct answer in standard form.

$40,000 + 4,000 + 200 + 10 + 1$





Correct answer is: 44,211
$40,000 + 4,000 + 200 + 10 + 1 = 44211$


What will be the place value of 8 in the number 13.






Correct answer is: 0.8
8 is at the tenths place and has a place value of $\frac{8}{10}$ or 0.8.

Why is understanding place value important?

Place value has its application in many mathematical concepts. It builds the foundation for regrouping, multiplication, etc.

What manipulatives are used to teach place value?

Manipulatives such as base-10 blocks, snap cubes, unifix cubes, beans, etc., are used to develop place value understanding.

Does the place value of a digit increase as it moves from left to right?

No. The place value of a digit decreases by 10 times as it moves from left to right.

What is the difference between the face value and the place value of a digit?

The face value of a digit is the magnitude that it possesses naturally. It is independent of the digit’s position in the number. The place value of a digit depends on its position in the number. For example, the 5 in the number 253 has a face value of 5 and a place value is 50.

Teaching With Math Place-Value Charts

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Imagine a world in which every whole number had its own symbol: a symbol for 1, 2, 3…, along with a symbol for 87, 135, and 62 million (to name a few). We would hardly be able to count, let alone perform arithmetic or any of the mathematics that we have today.

As far back as we know, humans have always recognized that numbers need some kind of pattern to make sense of them and do math with them. However, for many centuries, those patterns still used new symbols for 1, 10, 100, 1000, and increasing powers of 10, along with whatever symbols they used for the individual numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. Different number systems represented these numbers in different ways, but the real breakthrough was the invention of the number zero, which allows us to represent all whole numbers with just a few symbols. Today, we can represent every number with only 10 digits in total: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. For example, we can represent the large number 61,432 with the symbols 6, 1, 4, 3, and 2 because of the place-value system.

What Is Place Value in Math?

Place value is the basis of our entire number system. This is the system in which the position of a digit in a number determines its value. The number 42,316 is different from 61,432 because the digits are in different positions. In the standard system, called the base ten number system (or decimal system), each place represents ten times the value of the place to its right. You can think of this as making groups of ten of the smaller unit and combining them to make a new unit.

Ten ones make up one of the next larger unit, tens. Ten of those units make up one of the next larger unit, hundreds. This pattern continues for greater values (ten hundreds = one thousand, ten thousands = one ten thousand, etc.), and lesser, decimal values (ten tenths = one one, ten hundredths = one tenth, etc.). In Grades 2 and up, your students will be focusing on mastering place value for ones, tens, and hundreds. In this article, we provide two lessons for introducing and developing the concept of the base ten number system.

In standard form, the number modeled above is 233.

What Is a Place-Value Chart?

A place-value chart is a way to make sure digits are in the correct places. A great way to see the place-value relationships in a number is to create a place-value model using actual objects (for example, place-value blocks, bundles of craft sticks, or—if necessary—digital manipulatives), write the digits in the chart, and then write the number in the usual, or standard form.

An understanding of the place value of numbers is vitally important to learning operations. It is how we can compare numbers; line up numbers vertically; make sense of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with larger numbers; and is the foundation for regrouping («borrowing» and «carrying»).

Introducing the Concept: Place Value to 1,000

Before second grade, children have usually worked with place value through 99. Before beginning place value to 1,000, review place value through 99. If the children spend some time reviewing, the transfer of knowledge to 1,000 will be easier. Take time for practice grouping and interpreting 2-digit numbers, using the language of place value.

Materials: at least 84 snap cubes, tens and ones mat for each child or pair of children, paper to write on; if teaching remotely, use digital versions

Key Standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.NBT.B.2Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones. (CCSS 1.NBT.B.2)

Preparation: Prepare a tens and ones mat for each child. Prepare a chart of number words. One column should include the number words one to nine, a second column ten to ninety by tens, and a third column, eleven to nineteen. Display it so children can refer to it. If teaching remotely, use digital versions of the mat and chart.

Prerequisite Skills and Concepts: Children should know how to count to 100. They should be familiar with number words and what they look like when written.

Give each child (or pair of children) 26 cubes.

  • Ask: How many cubes do you have?Children may use varying strategies to count the cubes. Encourage students to compare the different ways they arrived at their totals. Show that if you count the cubes by ones, there are 26 total.
  • Say: Put away those cubes. I’m going to give you some more cubes.

    Unless teaching remotely, have children put their cubes off to the side on a different surface or in a container. Note publicly that there were 26 cubes. Give children 26 more cubes.

  • Ask: Make as many groups of ten as you can. How many groups of ten can you make?Children should say they have 2 groups of tens, or 2 tens.

  • Ask: How many tens and ones do you have? (2 tens and 6 ones) How many cubes are there? (26) How many cubes did you count before? (26) Are there the same number of cubes in both groups? (Yes)Children should understand that the two groups have the same number of cubes.
  • Ask: Does it change the number when you group the tens?Children should say that the number is the same whether you count them one by one or group them and count them by tens and ones.
  • Continue counting cubes and making groups of tens and ones. Lead children to see the relationship of the number words to the groups of tens and ones.
  • Give each child a tens and ones mat and a sheet of paper to write on. Then give each child 32 cubes. Have them group the cubes by tens and ones on their mat.
  • Ask: How many tens do you have? (3) How many ones? (2)
  • Say: Now let’s write that number.
  • Ask: What number did you write? (32) How did you know that was the number?Children should say that the 3 shows how many tens and the 2 shows how many ones.
  • Repeat with other 2-digit numbers until children seem confident in converting their groups of cubes to written 2-digit numbers.

Developing the Concept: Place Value to 1,000

Once children show a good understanding of place value with tens and ones, introduce place value with hundreds, tens, and ones.

Materials: place-value blocks, hundreds place-value mat

Key Standard: Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones. (CCSS 2.NBT.A.1)

Preparation: Create a hundreds place-value mat for each child. If teaching remotely, use digital versions of the mat.

Prerequisite Skills and Concepts: Children should know place value with tens and ones.

  • Say: We have been working on place value with 2-digit numbers. Today we are going to work with 3-digit numbers. You will be using a new place-value model to show your numbers.
  • Introduce the ones, tens, and hundreds place-value blocks. Allow time for children to line up and compare ten ones to one ten, and ten tens to a hundred block. Have children place the blocks in the correct positions on their place-value mats.
  • Say: I have ten ones. I want to trade them for another block that has the same value. Who will trade with me?Have a volunteer show how you can trade ten ones for one ten. Repeat using ten tens and a hundred block. Then demonstrate trading 20 ones for 2 tens or 20 tens for 2 hundreds.
  • Ask: If you have the number 162, how many hundreds, tens, and ones will you place on your mat?Allow time for children to place their blocks, repeating the number as necessary. Children should place 1 hundred block, 6 tens blocks, and 2 ones blocks in the appropriate sections of their mats.
  • Repeat the activity until the children place the blocks correctly and with ease. Only use numbers that do not have any zeros in their digits.
  • Say: Now we are going to try another number. It is 205.
  • Ask: How many hundreds are there? (2) How many tens? (0) How many ones? (5)
  • Ask: Are there blocks in every section of your mat?Children should say that there are no blocks in the tens section. If children have different configurations, encourage them to discuss the way they made the number with each other. Encourage them to explain what they did without calling it right or wrong.
  • Ask: How will we write the number?Lead children to express that they must write a zero when there are no blocks.
  • Continue by challenging children to show numbers on their mats when you give the digits out of order. For example, say, I have 2 tens, 3 hundreds, and 6 ones. What number is that? I have no hundreds, 7 ones, and 3 tens. What number is that? This will make children pay careful attention to the place-value words. For children who are ready, consider extending to more puzzling descriptions such as «I have 2 tens, 3 tens, 6 hundreds, and another ten» or «I have 2 tens and the same amount of hundreds and ones.»

Wrap-Up and Assessment HintsPlace value needs lots of practice. Reinforce the vocabulary. Remind children that it is very important to listen and write a number carefully; that the numbers should be in order and that the numbers should be in the correct position. As you assess each child, check the placement of the written numbers.


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Citizenship of the child — Official website of the Commissioner for Children’s Rights in Sevastopol

There are two principles known to the legislation on the acquisition of citizenship. One of them is the principle of the right of blood (the child receives the citizenship of the parents, regardless of the country in which he was born), the other is the principle of the law of the territory (the child acquires the citizenship of the country in which he was born). Thus, there are several aspects that affect the acquisition of citizenship by a newborn: the permanent residence of the parents at the time of his birth, their citizenship and, finally, the place of birth of the child.

In connection with the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new subjects within the Russian Federation — the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol in 2014, there was a certain inconsistency in the application of the above principles. Children were born in one country, and passports are currently being received in another.

Have you ever thought about what it means to be a citizen of any country? Before, when we all lived in one superpower — the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics — even the idea that you or your children could be citizens of another country would have seemed simply absurd. However, the situation is changing, and with it the way of thinking. Now the number of mixed marriages has increased dramatically. If your husband or wife is a foreigner, this, as a rule, entails additional problems with citizenship, and this is not only about residents of far abroad countries. Now close friends and relatives from Ukraine turned out to be citizens of another country.

As for mothers-to-be, if the child’s father is a foreigner, it is advisable to think about the child’s citizenship even during pregnancy. This question is very important for a child. Answering it, it is necessary to decide in advance what language he will certainly need to speak, where to participate in elections, build a career, serve in the army, pay taxes, which state he will enjoy the protection of, etc.

According to the current law on citizenship, if at least one of the parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation, then the child has the right to obtain Russian citizenship. And it does not matter where exactly the child was born, the citizenship of which country the second parent has, and whether he has citizenship at all. It also does not matter whether the father and his whereabouts are known.

If the child’s parents are citizens of different states, then the newborn becomes a citizen of the Russian Federation only if he was born on the territory of Russia, otherwise he will become a stateless person. (For example, if, according to the law of the country of the second parent, a child born in such circumstances cannot become a citizen of this country.)

Our state will take the newborn under its wing, even if his father and mother are foreigners, but live in Russia, and the states of which they are citizens, do not grant their citizenship to the child.

Even if your child has acquired the citizenship of another state, then in the future, when he becomes an adult, the law gives him a 5-year period in order to acquire the citizenship of our country.

It should also be noted that if the citizenship of the parents changes in the future, this may also affect the citizenship of the child. For example, if both parents or a single parent lose Russian citizenship, then the child also loses it (unless otherwise he becomes stateless).

If one of the parents who has a different citizenship acquires Russian citizenship, then the child living in our country can also become a Russian citizen.

In any case, when the child’s parents are citizens of different states, it is necessary to know the laws of both countries. Only by comparing the specific provisions of these laws, you can make the right decision.

In the case of different citizenship of parents, one of whom is a citizen of Ukraine, the child has the right to become a citizen of this country if he was born on its territory. But even if the baby was born outside of Ukraine, and his parents (or at least one of them) permanently resided on its territory, he also has the right to become a citizen of Ukraine.

If the child was born on the territory of another state or his parents permanently reside on the territory of another state, being citizens of Ukraine, then the child’s citizenship is determined by a written agreement of the parents. (For example, if one parent is a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the other is a citizen of Ukraine, then the newborn has the right to become a citizen of any of these two states by agreement).

A newborn, one of whose parents at the time of his birth had the citizenship of Ukraine, and the other was unknown or had no citizenship at all, has the right to become a citizen of Ukraine, regardless of the place of his birth.

It is not uncommon for a child to have multiple citizenship. Sometimes a situation may arise in which your baby, at birth, will become a citizen of two or more states at once. For example, a child born to Russian citizens in the United States acquires the citizenship of both states. This is due to the fact that Russian citizenship is acquired according to the principle of the right of blood, and US citizenship — according to the principle of the right of territory. But most states (with the exception of a few, for example, Israel and Germany) have a negative attitude towards the existence of dual citizenship among their citizens. For example, a citizen of the Russian Federation, who simultaneously has another citizenship, is considered by our state only as a citizen of the Russian Federation, with some exceptions (that is, our state does not recognize a second citizenship of its citizen, and the rights and obligations that a citizen of the Russian Federation has, having more one citizenship, have no legal force for our state).

Thus, dual citizenship means not only additional opportunities, but also additional responsibilities. For example, a girl with Israeli citizenship will have to serve in the army.

As regards boys, for whom military service is a more pressing problem, international law proceeds from the basic rule that military service is obligatory only in the state of permanent residence.

Where and how to apply for citizenship? In order to make the right choice, you first need to collect information about the rules established by the state under whose wing you want to give the baby. To do this, you need to contact the consulate or embassy of this state in Russia.

In the Russian Federation, issues of citizenship are dealt with by internal affairs bodies (police) and foreign affairs bodies. An application for acquiring citizenship is submitted to the relevant department of the internal affairs bodies. They check those facts that are important for determining citizenship and draw up all the necessary documents. Registration of citizenship and acceptance of documents from parents living outside of Russia is carried out by embassy and consular institutions in the territory of the country where the parents live at the time of the application. Moreover, such an application is submitted personally by the parents or other legal representatives of the child.

It is necessary to decide on the choice of the child’s citizenship until he turns 1 year old (such a period is established in the Russian Federation). Within a year, you must submit a copy of the child’s birth certificate and a written agreement (or court order) to the police or the appropriate consular office.

The application is submitted at the place of residence of the parents, and for this it is not at all necessary to have a permanent registration — a temporary one is quite enough. While your child is still small and does not have a passport, his citizenship will be certified by a special insert attached to the birth certificate.

In most cases, the written consent of the parents is required to obtain the child’s citizenship. If the parents cannot agree among themselves, their dispute will be considered in court. At the same time, in our country, the court will proceed solely from the interests of the child. In the event of a dispute, it is necessary to carefully weigh everything and consult with a lawyer.

I would like to emphasize that according to Art. 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation stipulates that care for children , their upbringing is an equal right and the duty of parents . According to Art. 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children.

Office of the Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the city of Sevastopol

The role of a man in raising a child

Glazunova M.A.0058

«Mother is the house we leave, and father is the one who teaches how to find the way to the world.»
Eric Fromm

Many people now talk about the role and importance of men in the educational process. It is difficult to grow a complete personality, whether a boy or a girl, without male influence.

Unfortunately, some men are sure that caring for and educating babies is not a man’s job. This opinion is deeply mistaken. You can be an attentive, gentle father and a strong, courageous man at the same time. It is considered best when the father is involved in the process of caring for and raising a baby from the moment of his birth, but if this does not happen, and he provides all the worries to his wife, then there is a risk that she will forever remain the main one in all matters of upbringing, which means that children will feel deprived of their father’s attention.

One of the main stages in a man’s growing up is not marriage at all, but the birth of his first child, as this event changes his whole life: a new responsibility appears; new worries, it is not always possible to manage free time; It’s not always possible to have a good rest and sleep. The young father gradually begins to realize what place he occupies in the life of his child. Many men realize their importance only when the child begins to recognize him, meet him from work, rejoice, highlight and pay attention.

For fifty years, British scientists at the Center for Behavior and Evolution have observed the lives of seventeen thousand infants and analyzed the impact on them of active parenting. When the participants reached adulthood, an interview was conducted in which they determined their social adaptation, success, the presence of their own family, as well as what kind of parents they are compared to their own. More than five thousand people aged 46 years were interviewed and the results of the survey confirmed the data obtained throughout the study: children whose fathers actively participated in the upbringing grew up more successfully than those whose upbringing was entrusted to the mother, and these findings applied to children of both floors.

Many men are convinced that their main purpose in the family is to earn money. Of course, providing and protecting the family is the most important function of a man, but we must not forget that fatherhood is no less important and significant for the formation of a full-fledged and successful personality.

In the process of counseling, one has to deal with mothers who, having taken on all the cares of the house and children, do not consider it necessary to involve the father in the educational process. The reason for this behavior is often the fear that the spouse will not cope. Such women can be recommended to remember that the husband is not a small child, loves his son or daughter no less, and therefore it is simply necessary to give him the freedom to communicate with children, and give yourself the opportunity to rest. A tired woman, exhausted by household chores, is unlikely to be able to successfully communicate and raise a child, and even more so to enjoy it. In such cases, it is useful to remember, «only happy parents raise happy children. »

When taking care of a child, neither father nor mother should force themselves beyond measure. It is better to play with the baby for 15 minutes with pleasure, not being distracted by other things, than a whole day, cursing everything in the world. Sometimes in a short period of time you can give so much warmth that it will last for a long time, but such communication, albeit short-term, should be frequent and, most importantly, regular.

Neglect of father’s upbringing can lead to irreversible consequences. Many modern men have grown up for several generations without understanding the importance of the role of the father. The Great Patriotic War claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of fathers, making the role of the mother dominant. At present, the demographic situation has changed, but the emphasis shifted in the war and post-war years has not returned to its original positions.

The main role of the father is that he is a friend, a teacher, an example, but by no means an eternal holiday.

Only in the process of daily everyday communication can a father show his child the world of a man.

So he will help a girl to learn to understand people of the opposite sex. The daughter tries to be like her mother, but the main criterion for success will be the assessment of her father. This is the first significant man in her life. He will help his daughter to become self-confident, giving compliments, admiring her dress, hairstyle, crafts made by her own hands, and when she grows up, her father just needs to show that he appreciates her opinion, treats friends well, especially boys. In the future, her married life will be largely determined by the relationship that she had with her father in childhood.

The boy imitates his father’s behavior. Dad is a living example of a courageous, strong person who will not only come to the rescue in difficult times, but also suggest the right decision, support, and praise. The boy, trying to be like his father, realizes the importance of how good it is to be generous and courageous, to take responsibility and realize the importance of his actions. Toddlers love to brag about their father’s strength and profession in front of their peers. They want everyone to see that they have reliable protection, this raises their status in front of their peers.

The fact that the child did not have a father will leave an imprint on his whole life. It will be difficult for such a person to raise his children, because he did not have a model of behavior for a man in a family and he will have to comprehend everything himself.

Sometimes it happens that men try to realize their dreams in their son, and sometimes in their daughter, for example, to raise a professional athlete or mathematician, not at all considering that the child may not have the ability or even just desire. As a result, something does not work out for the baby, while dad begins to correct him, criticize him, and in the end gets annoyed and angry. The child gets the feeling that he is guilty, good for nothing, and that his dad thinks so too. The result of such communication is low self-esteem in the child. It is important to remember that approval and praise are much more important and effective in the educational process than corrections and instructions. When communicating with children, it is necessary to support their initiative in choosing activities or games, and adults should only follow them, observing, of course, safety rules. If the father is always impatient and irritable when in contact with the child, then the baby will feel awkward not only in his company, but also among other boys and men. An important point in education is the rejection of criticism and evaluation, there is no need to shame the baby if he cries or plays the wrong games, listens to the wrong music. Such parental upbringing will lead to distrust, loss of mutual understanding, interest in communication, and will also create an uncomfortable environment during interaction.

Men need to learn to control their feelings, in no case to express their irritation in the form of ridicule, as in this case the child will feel humiliated and unsure of himself.

Studies have shown that children who grew up in single-parent families are more prone to nervous disorders, imbalance, infantilism. But what to do if divorce is inevitable? It is very important that a man under any circumstances remains a father; in such a crisis situation, both parents need to constantly demonstrate to the child that they still love him very much and that with any changes in their relationship, they will forever remain his loving mom and dad. As I have repeatedly repeated, the presence of a man in the life of a child is necessary, and in a situation of divorce, it is especially important for the father to meet and communicate with the baby more often. If he withdraws from communication with his son or daughter, it is necessary to ensure communication with grandfathers, uncles, older brothers, etc. It is they who, in a crisis situation, will have to become an example for the child in understanding their gender.

Women who give up their personal life, from trying to create a new family “for the sake of the child”, take the position of “victim” and love the child with “sacrificial love”.

By alexxlab

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