Year 4 perimeter: Perimeter of a Rectangle

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Perimeter | NCETM

Perimeter | NCETM

  • Year 4 curriculum map

  • Perimeter

  • Curriculum


Unit 3 – 2 weeks

The PowerPoint file contains slides you can use in the classroom to support each of the learning outcomes for this unit, listed below.

The slides are comprehensively linked to associated pedagogical guidance in the NCETM Primary Mastery Professional Development materials. There are also links to the ready-to-progress criteria detailed in the DfE Primary Mathematics Guidance 2020.

Classroom slides for this unit

All autumn term units

Learning outcomes

# Title
1 A regular polygon has sides that are all the same length and interior angles that are all equal in size
2 Perimeter is the distance around the edge of a two-dimensional shape
3 Different shapes can have the same perimeter
4 Perimeter is measured in units of length and can be found by counting units
5 Perimeter can be calculated by adding together the side lengths of a 2D shape
6 The perimeter of a rectangle can be calculated by addition and multiplication
7 Unknown side lengths can be calculated from perimeter and known side lengths
8 The perimeter of a regular polygon can be calculated by multiplication
9 The side length of a regular polygon can be calculated by division where the perimeter is known

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Perimeter of a Rectangle Year 4 Length and Perimeter Resource Pack – Classroom Secrets

Perimeter of a Rectangle Year 4 Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving resources for Autumn Block 3.

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What’s included in the pack?

This pack includes:

  • Perimeter of a Rectangle Year 4 Teaching PowerPoint.
  • Perimeter of a Rectangle Year 4 Varied Fluency with answers.
  • Perimeter of a Rectangle Year 4 Reasoning and Problem Solving with answers.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 4: (4M7a) Measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in centimetres and metres

Differentiation for Year 4 Perimeter of a Rectangle:

Varied Fluency
Developing Questions to support working out the perimeter of a rectangle where the measurements of all sides are given and are in cm.​
Expected Questions to support working out the perimeter of a rectangle where not all measurements are given.  Measurements are given in cm and mm (no conversion needed).​
Greater Depth Questions to support working out the perimeter of a rectangle where not all measurements are given. Measurements are given in cm and mm (conversion needed).

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Problem Solving)
Developing Calculate the possible dimensions of a rectangle using a given perimeter. All measurements are in cm.
Expected Calculate the possible dimensions of a rectangle using a given perimeter. Measurements are given in cm and mm (no conversion needed).
Greater Depth Calculate the possible dimensions of a rectangle using a given perimeter. Measurements are given in cm and mm (conversion needed).

Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Problem Solving)
Developing Calculate the perimeter of a larger rectangle by using the given dimensions of a smaller rectangle within it. All measurements are in cm.
Expected Calculate the perimeter of a larger rectangle by using the given dimensions of a smaller rectangle within it. Measurements are given in cm and mm (no conversion needed).
Greater Depth Calculate the perimeter of a larger rectangle by using the given dimensions of a smaller rectangle within it. Measurements are given in cm and mm (conversion needed).

Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Reasoning)
Developing Apply basic knowledge of rectangles to the principles of calculating the perimeter to say if a statement is correct.
Expected Apply the principles of calculating the perimeter of a rectangle to investigate if a statement is correct.
Greater Depth Apply more complex principles of calculating the perimeter of a rectangle to investigate if a statement is correct.

This resource is available to download with a Premium subscription.

How to find the perimeter of shapes, its designation, measurement

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Usually we deal with different life situations in the ways we are used to. In fact, there may be more suitable options, as well as formulas in mathematics for solving one problem. In this article, we will look at how to calculate the perimeter of a shape in different ways.

Perimeter detection

Perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all sides of the polygon.

What is the letter for the perimeter? Capital Latin P . Under the designation P , it is convenient to write the name of the figure in small letters so as not to get confused in the tasks along the way.

What is the perimeter measured in? In the same units as the length — for example, millimeter, centimeter, meter, foot, inch, cubit, etc.

If, in the conditions of the problem, the lengths of the sides are transferred in different units of length, we will not be able to find out the perimeter of the figure. For the correct solution, you need to convert all data into one unit of measure.

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Formulas for finding the perimeter

As we just learned, the perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all the sides of a polygon. So, in order to find it, we need to know the lengths of these sides. Let’s see how to find the perimeter using a few examples.

Equilateral polygon

An equilateral triangle has all sides equal. So, the perimeter of an equilateral triangle can be found as the product of the length of the side by their number, i.e. by 3.

P = 3 ⋅ a , where a is the length of the side.

The perimeter of any other equilateral polygon can be found in the same way: by multiplying the length of its side by their number. For example, a square and a rhombus have all sides equal, which means that their perimeter can be found using the formula P = 4 ⋅ a , where a is the length of the side.

And the formula for any equilateral n-gon will be: P = n ⋅ a , where a is the length of the side, n is the number of sides.

Rectangle and parallelogram

A rectangle and a parallelogram have opposite sides equal, which means that finding their perimeter is easy, knowing two adjacent sides.

P = 2 ⋅ (a + b) , where a is one side, b is the adjacent side.


A circle has no perimeter because it is not a polygon. But it has a length that can be found by knowing the radius. The circumference of a circle is the product of pi times two radii, or the product of pi times the diameter.

L = d ⋅ π = ​​2 ⋅ r ⋅ π , where d is the diameter, r is the radius, π is a constant that expresses the ratio of circumference to diameter, it is approximately equal to 900 13 3.14 .

You can learn all the formulas, or you can, remembering the definition of the sum of all sides, each time be smart and calculate yourself. Let’s practice how to determine the perimeter of shapes!

Solving problems

The area of ​​a rectangle is 80 cm 2 , length is 10 cm. What is the perimeter of the figure?

How to solve:

  • To use the formula P = 2 × (a + b), we need to find the width;
  • Since S = a × b, to find one side it is necessary to divide the area by the known side: 80 : 10 = 8 cm;
  • Next, we substitute the known data into the formula: (10 + 8) × 2 = 36 cm;

Answer: 36 cm.

An isosceles triangle has a perimeter of 40 cm and its base is 6 cm long. What is the length of the other two sides?

How we solve:

  • We know that the perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all sides, which means that if we subtract the side of the base from this perimeter, we get the sum of the two remaining sides: 40 − 6 = 34 cm;
  • It is known that an isosceles triangle has two equal sides;
  • Next, divide the resulting amount by two: 34: 2 = 17 cm;

Answer: the other two sides are equal to 17 cm.

The radius of the circle is equal to the perimeter of an equilateral pentagon with a side of 4 cm. Find the circumference of the circle.

How to solve:

  • The perimeter of an equilateral pentagon is 4 × 5 = 20 cm, so the radius of the circle is 20 cm;
  • The circumference is π × 2 × 20 = 40π cm;

Answer: 40π see

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How to find the perimeter of a rectangle

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Rectangle perimeter.

Consolidation of the studied material. (March 2019) | Methodical development in mathematics (grade 2):

Published on 03/01/2019 — 16:41 — Mikhailova Nadezhda Yurievna

Lesson objectives: to form the ability to solve problems related to finding the perimeter of figures, to develop the ability to draw geometric shapes, to consolidate the ability to calculate, applying the properties of addition, to develop the skill of oral counting, to develop logical thinking, to cultivate cognitive activity and the ability to work in a team.



Slide captions:

Slide 1

Mathematics lesson in Grade 2 B Lesson topic: Perimeter of a rectangle. Consolidation of the studied material. Prepared by Mikhailova Nadezhda Yuryevna, teacher, secondary school No. 282, St. Petersburg 03/01/2019

Slide 2

The purpose of the lesson: to introduce the methods of finding the perimeter of a rectangle. Lesson objectives: to form the ability to solve problems related to finding the perimeter of figures, to develop the ability to draw geometric shapes, to consolidate the ability to calculate using the properties of addition, to develop the skill of mental counting, to develop logical thinking, to cultivate cognitive activity and the ability to work in a team.

Slide 3

Breathing exercises: 36 decrease by 6 70 increase by 4 What is the sum of the numbers 12 and 13? Reduced 30, subtracted 6, find the difference The first term is 9, the second term is 8, find the sum How much is 15 more than 5?

Slide 4

March 1st. Classwork. Why is today’s date interesting? Name the spring months. How many days in March? What do you know about this number?

Slide 5

Correctly insert the missing numbers, and you will open the letters from which you need to make a word.

Slide 6

Mental count: 30 and 36 — =6 58 +40 =98e 75 + 20 =95m 48- 8 =40 p 16+(5 + 5)= 26e (60-20)-30= 10t 5+5+5= 4+4+4+4 = 5 . 3 4 . 4 p p

Slide 7


Slide 8

R sq. \u003d a * 4

Slide 9

Lesson topic: Rectangle perimeter

9000 2 Slide 10

Length 5 cm Width 3 cm

Slide 11


Slide 12

P = a + b + a + b P = (a + c) 2 P = a 2 + c 2

Slide 13


Slide 14

The lesson is over!

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